Ef core 5 many to many filter - postgresql

This is my query
public async Task<IEnumerable<Menu>> GetMenuByRolesAsync(string[] roles)
var result= await _context.Menus//.Include(o => o.Parent)
.Include(m => m.Childrens)
.ThenInclude(m => m.Childrens)
.Include(m => m.Roles.Where(r => roles.Contains(r.Name))) --it is not filtering basd on roles
.Where(m => m.ParentId == null)
It is generating below query
-- #__roles_0='System.String[]' (DbType = Object)
SELECT m.id, m.icon, m.name, m.parent_id, m.url, t.role_id, t.menu_id, t.id, t.concurrency_stamp, t.name, t.normalized_name
FROM security.menu AS m
SELECT r.role_id, r.menu_id, r0.id, r0.concurrency_stamp, r0.name, r0.normalized_name
FROM security.role_menu AS r
INNER JOIN security.role AS r0 ON r.role_id = r0.id
WHERE r0.name = ANY (#__roles_0) OR ((r0.name IS NULL) AND (array_position(#__roles_0, NULL) IS NOT NULL))
) AS t ON m.id = t.menu_id
WHERE (m.parent_id IS NULL)
ORDER BY m.id, t.role_id, t.menu_id, t.id
This is Many to many configuration
// many to many
builder.HasMany(r => r.Menus)
.WithMany(r => r.Roles)
j => j
.HasOne(rm => rm.Menu)
.WithMany(m => m.RoleMenus)
.HasForeignKey(rm => rm.MenuId),
j => j
.HasOne(rm => rm.Role)
.WithMany(r => r.RoleMenus)
.HasForeignKey(rm => rm.RoleId),
j =>
j.ToTable("role_menu", schema: "security");
j.HasKey(rm => new { rm.RoleId, rm.MenuId });
i need to filter menus based on roles..But it is not filtering based on roles..Am getting all the roles..I checked generated query..Please let me know what is the issue..

You are mixing filtered include with entity filtering.
Filtered include
.Include(m => m.Roles.Where(r => roles.Contains(r.Name)))
just filters the items in the related collection (menu roles in this case).
In order to filter the entity set (menus in this case), you need to replace it with the usual Where oparator, which for the desired filtering will be
.Where(m => m.Roles.Any(r => roles.Contains(r.Name)))


EF Core - Order by on filtered left join properties

I would like to generate this SQL query in entity framework
SELECT FunctionalAssets.Name, FunctionalAssetStructurePath.Path
FROM FunctionalAssets
LEFT JOIN FunctionalAssetStructurePath ON FunctionalAssets.Id =
FunctionalAssetStructurePath.FunctionalAssetId AND
FunctionalAssetStructurePath.StructureConfigurationId = 'A8A41B14-0A35-45D3-2A2B-08D904A3CD0B'
ORDER BY FunctionalAssetStructurePath.Path, FunctionalAssets.Name
I try with this code (but I know that it won't work)
var result = context.FunctionalAssets
.Include(x => x.FunctionalAssetsStructurePaths.Any(y => y.StructureConfigurationId == configurationId))
.OrderBy(x => x.FunctionalAssetsStructurePaths.Select(y => y.Path))
.ThenBy(x => x.Name)
.Select(x => x.Name)
Have you an idea how to do this ?
Thank you
I found a solution.
var result = context.FunctionalAssets
.GroupJoin(context.FunctionalAssetStructurePathModel.Where(y => y.StructureConfigurationId == 'A8A41B14-0A35-45D3-2A2B-08D904A3CD0B'),
fa => fa.Id,
fasp => fasp.FunctionalAssetId,
(fa, fasp) => new { fa, fasp })
.SelectMany(x => x.fasp.DefaultIfEmpty(), (x, p) => new { x.fa, p.Path })
.OrderBy(x => x.Path)
And the generated SQL query is :
SELECT [f].[Id], [f].[Name], [t].[Path]
FROM [FunctionalAssets] AS [f]
SELECT [f0].[FunctionalAssetId], [f0].[Path]
FROM [FunctionalAssetStructurePath] AS [f0]
WHERE [f0].[StructureConfigurationId] = 'A8A41B14-0A35-45D3-2A2B-08D904A3CD0B'
) AS [t] ON [f].[Id] = [t].[FunctionalAssetId]
ORDER BY [t].[Path]

GroupBy + OrderByDescending, returning separate id [duplicate]

I need to get top 10 rows for each group in a table with entity framework.
Based on other solution on SO, I tried 2 things:
var sendDocuments = await context.Set<DbDocument>
.Where(t => partnerIds.Contains(t.SenderId))
.GroupBy(t => t.SenderId)
.Select(t => new
Documents = t.OrderByDescending(t2 => t2.InsertedDateTime).Take(10)
System.InvalidOperationException: 'The LINQ expression
'(GroupByShaperExpression: KeySelector: (d.SenderId),
EntityType: DbDocument
(ProjectionBindingExpression: EmptyProjectionMember)
IsNullable: False ) )
.OrderByDescending(t2 => t2.InsertedDateTime)' could not be translated. Either rewrite the query in a form that can be translated,
> or switch to client evaluation explicitly by inserting a call to
> either AsEnumerable(), AsAsyncEnumerable(), ToList(), or
> ToListAsync().
var sendDocuments2 = await context.Set<DbDocument>
.Where(t => partnerIds.Contains(t.SenderId))
.GroupBy(t => t.SenderId)
.SelectMany(t => t.OrderByDescending(t2 => t2.InsertedDateTime).Take(10))
System.InvalidOperationException: 'Processing of the LINQ expression
't => t
.OrderByDescending(t2 => t2.InsertedDateTime)
.Take(10)' by 'NavigationExpandingExpressionVisitor' failed. This may indicate either a bug or a limitation in EF Core.
Any other idea?
Update (EF Core 6.0):
EF Core 6.0 added support for translating GroupBy result set projection, so the original code for taking (key, items) now works as it should, i.e.
var query = context.Set<DbDocument>()
.Where(e => partnerIds.Contains(e.SenderId))
.GroupBy(e => e.SenderId)
.Select(g => new
Documents = g.OrderByDescending(e => e.InsertedDateTime).Take(10)
However flattening (via SelectMany) is still unsupported, so you have to use the below workaround if you need such query shape.
Original (EF Core 3.0/3.1/5.0):
This is a common problem, unfortunately not supported by EF Core 3.0/3.1/5.0 query translator specifically for GroupBy.
The workaround is to do the groping manually by correlating 2 subqueries - one for keys and one for corresponding data.
Applying it to your examples would be something like this.
If you need (key, items) pairs:
var query = context.Set<DbDocument>()
.Where(t => partnerIds.Contains(t.SenderId))
.Select(t => t.SenderId).Distinct() // <--
.Select(key => new
Key = key,
Documents =
context.Set<DbDocument>().Where(t => t.SenderId == key) // <--
.OrderByDescending(t => t.InsertedDateTime).Take(10)
.ToList() // <--
If you need just flat result set containing top N items per key:
var query = context.Set<DbDocument>()
.Where(t => partnerIds.Contains(t.SenderId))
.Select(t => t.SenderId).Distinct() // <--
.SelectMany(key => context.Set<DbDocument>().Where(t => t.SenderId == key) // <--
.OrderByDescending(t => t.InsertedDateTime).Take(10)

How to select top N rows for each group in a Entity Framework GroupBy with EF 3.1

I need to get top 10 rows for each group in a table with entity framework.
Based on other solution on SO, I tried 2 things:
var sendDocuments = await context.Set<DbDocument>
.Where(t => partnerIds.Contains(t.SenderId))
.GroupBy(t => t.SenderId)
.Select(t => new
Documents = t.OrderByDescending(t2 => t2.InsertedDateTime).Take(10)
System.InvalidOperationException: 'The LINQ expression
'(GroupByShaperExpression: KeySelector: (d.SenderId),
EntityType: DbDocument
(ProjectionBindingExpression: EmptyProjectionMember)
IsNullable: False ) )
.OrderByDescending(t2 => t2.InsertedDateTime)' could not be translated. Either rewrite the query in a form that can be translated,
> or switch to client evaluation explicitly by inserting a call to
> either AsEnumerable(), AsAsyncEnumerable(), ToList(), or
> ToListAsync().
var sendDocuments2 = await context.Set<DbDocument>
.Where(t => partnerIds.Contains(t.SenderId))
.GroupBy(t => t.SenderId)
.SelectMany(t => t.OrderByDescending(t2 => t2.InsertedDateTime).Take(10))
System.InvalidOperationException: 'Processing of the LINQ expression
't => t
.OrderByDescending(t2 => t2.InsertedDateTime)
.Take(10)' by 'NavigationExpandingExpressionVisitor' failed. This may indicate either a bug or a limitation in EF Core.
Any other idea?
Update (EF Core 6.0):
EF Core 6.0 added support for translating GroupBy result set projection, so the original code for taking (key, items) now works as it should, i.e.
var query = context.Set<DbDocument>()
.Where(e => partnerIds.Contains(e.SenderId))
.GroupBy(e => e.SenderId)
.Select(g => new
Documents = g.OrderByDescending(e => e.InsertedDateTime).Take(10)
However flattening (via SelectMany) is still unsupported, so you have to use the below workaround if you need such query shape.
Original (EF Core 3.0/3.1/5.0):
This is a common problem, unfortunately not supported by EF Core 3.0/3.1/5.0 query translator specifically for GroupBy.
The workaround is to do the groping manually by correlating 2 subqueries - one for keys and one for corresponding data.
Applying it to your examples would be something like this.
If you need (key, items) pairs:
var query = context.Set<DbDocument>()
.Where(t => partnerIds.Contains(t.SenderId))
.Select(t => t.SenderId).Distinct() // <--
.Select(key => new
Key = key,
Documents =
context.Set<DbDocument>().Where(t => t.SenderId == key) // <--
.OrderByDescending(t => t.InsertedDateTime).Take(10)
.ToList() // <--
If you need just flat result set containing top N items per key:
var query = context.Set<DbDocument>()
.Where(t => partnerIds.Contains(t.SenderId))
.Select(t => t.SenderId).Distinct() // <--
.SelectMany(key => context.Set<DbDocument>().Where(t => t.SenderId == key) // <--
.OrderByDescending(t => t.InsertedDateTime).Take(10)

Entity Framework Query : Include with where

I want to get all layergroups and include (eager loading) layers that have a specific url.
Here are my tables:
- LayerGroup (id, List<Layer>layers and more...)
- Layer(id, url, List<Attribute>attributes and more...)
- Attribute (id and more...)
This is what i got so far.
var groups = _context.LayerGroups
.Where(group => group.IsActive)
.Where(g => g.Layers.All(l => l.IsActive == true))
.Where(g => g.Layers.All(l => l.Url == "example1"))
.Include(g => g.Layers)
.ThenInclude(layer => layer.Attributes)
.Include(group => group.Layers).ThenInclude(layer => layer.SearchEngines)
But it seems to only get groups if exactly all layers is active and have the url example1. I want to get the layers with the right Url, even if the groups have layers with other url:s.
According to this you cannot filter Include and ThenInclude collection but you can filter parent with the condition based on Include. If you need so then you can write your query as follows:
var groups = _context.LayerGroups.Where(group => group.IsActive)
.Include(g => g.Layers)
.ThenInclude(layer => layer.Attributes)
.Include(group => group.Layers)
.ThenInclude(layer => layer.SearchEngines)
.Where(g => g.Layers.Any(l => l.IsActive == true && l => l.Url == "example1"))

Entity Framework Core: combining multiple result objects into one collection

I am facing this linq query for entity framework core (2.0).
var result = await dbContext.Table1DbSet
.Where(t1e => t1e.Id == id && t1e.Id2 == id2)
t1e =>
t2e => new
singleObject = t2e.Table3NavPropObject.TargetObject,
enumerable1 = t2e.Table3NavPropObject.Table4NavPropObject.Table5NavPropICollection.Select(t5e => t5e.TargetObject),
enumerable2 = t2e.Table3NavPropObject.Table6NavPropObject.Table7NavPropICollection.Select(t7e => t7e.TargetObject),
enumerable3 = t2e.Table3NavPropObject.Table8NavPropICollection.SelectMany(t8e => t8e.Table9NavPropICollection.Select(t9e => t9e.TargetObject))
The goal is to query all the referenced instances of TargetObject which is referenced accros ~ 10 different tables.
Currently it returns an IEnumerable where the anonymous object contains the properties singleObject, enumerable1, enumerable2, enumerable3. All those properties are of type TargetObject or IEnumerable.
Can I, and how, rewrite the query to not return anonymous objects but just an IEnumerable containing all the values?
For some reason the compiler won't let me iterate over the anonymous collection and flatten it manually.
This should do the trick if you want one array per t1e row.
var result = await dbContext.Table1DbSet
.Where(t1e => t1e.Id == id && t1e.Id2 == id2)
t1e =>
t2e => new[] {t2e.Table3NavPropObject.TargetObject}.Concat(
t2e.Table3NavPropObject.Table4NavPropObject.Table5NavPropICollection.Select(t5e => t5e.TargetObject)).Concat(
t2e.Table3NavPropObject.Table6NavPropObject.Table7NavPropICollection.Select(t7e => t7e.TargetObject)).Concat(
t2e.Table3NavPropObject.Table8NavPropICollection.SelectMany(t8e => t8e.Table9NavPropICollection.Select(t9e => t9e.TargetObject)))
If you want it completely flat, you'll want to switch that Select to a SelectMany().
var result = await dbContext.Table1DbSet
.Where(t1e => t1e.Id == id && t1e.Id2 == id2)
t1e =>
t2e => new[] {t2e.Table3NavPropObject.TargetObject}.Concat(
t2e.Table3NavPropObject.Table4NavPropObject.Table5NavPropICollection.Select(t5e => t5e.TargetObject)).Concat(
t2e.Table3NavPropObject.Table6NavPropObject.Table7NavPropICollection.Select(t7e => t7e.TargetObject)).Concat(
t2e.Table3NavPropObject.Table8NavPropICollection.SelectMany(t8e => t8e.Table9NavPropICollection.Select(t9e => t9e.TargetObject)))
Is Add and/or Concat a possible solution?
var a = new [] { 1,2,3 };
var result = new {
firstA = a.First(),
otherAs = a,
backwards = a.Reverse()
var final = new List<int>();