"can't assign to keyword" error with python "except" command - python-3.7

Do anyone know why do the follow python (3.7) codes:
1 # Python backward-compatibility...
2 try:
3 True
4 except:
5 True = 1
6 try:
7 False
8 except:
9 False = 0
10 #
11 # Cheap hack for testing purposes
12 #
give the "can't assign to keyword (line 5)" error?
I will appreciate any help.

You can't assign values to the inbuilt python keywords, 'True' and 'False'. Change the name of the variable in line 5, eg:
my_var = 1
You will also need to change line 9 for the same reasons.


CLLE SNDRCVF command not allowed

I am trying to compile this piece of CL code using Rational Series but keep getting error.
This is my CL code:
SNDRCVF RCDFMT(RECORD1) /* send, recieve file */
DOWHILE (&IN03 = '0')
*IN03 = '1'
And this is my DSPF code
A 1 38'LAB 4'
A 3 3'Please select one of the following-
A options:'
A 6 11'3. Maximum Invalid Signon Attempt-
A s allowed'
A 8 11'5. Run Instructor''s Insurance Pr-
A ogram'
A 5 11'2. Signed on User''s Message Queu-
A e'
A 1 3'Yathavan Parameshwaran'
A 7 11'4. Initial number of active jobs -
A for storage allocation'
A 4 11'1. Previous sign on by signed on -
A user'
A 14 11'F3 = Exit'
A 14 31'F21 = Command Line'
A 2 70TIME
A 1 72DATE
A 9 11'Option: '
A MSGTXT1 70 O 11 11
A MSGTXT2 70 O 12 11
Is there a problem with my CL code or DSPF code?
You forgot to say what error you were getting. It's always important to put all the information about error messages into your questions.
There are two errors.
&IN03 is not defined
Your assignment to *IN03 should be to &IN03, but that's not how you do an assignment in CLP
If you want to be able to press F3, you have to code something like CA03(03) in the "Functions" for the record format.
To assign a variable in CL, code
CHGVAR name value
Looking at the documentation here, I suspect you need to add RCDFMT to your DCLF spec like so:
SNDRCVF RCDFMT(RECORD1) /* send, recieve file */
If you really do only have 1 record format in your display file, then you can also omit the RCDFMT from both commands like so:
SNDRCVF /* send, recieve file */

Why does an argument $args after = sign not get expanded? ($args as parameter to jvm typical -D switch)

I have the following definition in my *profile.ps1 file:
if(Test-Path $env:M2_HOME){
function mvn{
$cmd = "$env:M2_HOME\bin\mvn.bat"
& $cmd $args
When I define a function using this function in powershell like:
function d { mvn help:describe $args }
using like:
d -Dplugin=jar
everything is fine as opposed to defining the latter as:
function d { mvn help:describe -Dplugin=$args }
using like:
d jar
Is there some builtin to handle this corner case?
It looks like you just need to make sure you're passing the arguments as strings and ensure they're evaluated first:
function mvn{
$cmd = "$env:M2_HOME\bin\mvn.bat"
& $cmd $args
function d { mvn "help:describe" "-Dplugin=$($args)" }
for get argument through call function you should use like this
function test {
write-host $args[0]
write-host $args[1]
test stackoverflow powershell
stackoverflow is first argument passed to function and powershell is second argument passed to function
for every argument passed to function
function test {
foreach ($a in $args){
write-host "output:$args"
test 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
test 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
output:1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
output:1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
output:1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
output:1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
output:1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
output:1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
output:1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
output:1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
for your function
if(Test-Path $env:M2_HOME){
function mvn{
$cmd = "$env:M2_HOME\bin\mvn.bat"
foreach ($arg in $args) {
& $cmd $args}
Someone seems to have made a similar observation:
The reason seems -D being a special character in powershell more or less marking where exactly each particluar special option string determined by -D ends, at least this modification to my calling function then works for me:
function x {mvn help:describe `-Dplugin=$args}
Sure it would be nice to handle such occasions in the hosting function somehow (mvn definition in my *profile.ps1), but that solutions rather seems out of scope of my question.

I dont understand this little perl code (if ...)

Can someone explain me this short pearl code?
$batstr2 = "empty" if( $status2 & 4 );
What say the if statement ?
Already answered many times, for the case if you don't know what is the Bitwise And, here is a small example:
perl -e 'print "dec\t bin\t&4\n";printf "%d\t%8b\t%-8b\n", $_, $_, ($_ & 4) for (0..8);'
dec bin &4
0 0 0
1 1 0
2 10 0
3 11 0
4 100 100
5 101 100
6 110 100
7 111 100
8 1000 0
as you can see, when the 3rb bit from right is 1 - the $num & 4 is true.
That's using the if as a statement modifier. It's roughly the same as
if ($status & 4) {
$batstr2 = "empty";
and exactly the same as
($status & 4) and ($batstr2 = "empty");
a variety of constructs can be used as statement modifiers, including: if, unless, while, until, for, when. These modifiers can't be stacked (foo() if $bar for #baz won't work), you are limited for one modifer per simple statement.
That's a bitwise and - http://perldoc.perl.org/perlop.html#Bitwise-And . $status2 is being used as a bit mask and it sets $batstr2 to 'empty' if the bit is set.
It sets $batstr2 to "empty" if the 3rd least significant bit of $status2 is set - it is a logical AND mask.

How to sum values in a column grouped by values in the other

I have a large file consisting data in 2 columns
100 5
100 10
100 10
101 2
101 4
102 10
102 2
I want to sum the values in 2nd column with matching values in column 1. For this example, the output I'm expecting is
100 25
101 6
102 12
I'm trying to work on this using bash script preferably. Can someone explain me how can I do this
Using awk:
awk '{a[$1]+=$2}END{for(i in a){print i, a[i]}}' inputfile
For your input, it'd produce:
100 25
101 6
102 12
In a perl oneliner
perl -lane "$s{$F[0]} += $F[1]; END { print qq{$_ $s{$_}} for keys %s}" file.txt
You can use an associative array. The first column is the index and the second becomes what you add to it.
declare -A columns=()
while read -r -a line ; do
columns[${line[0]}]=$((${columns[${line[0]}]} + ${line[1]}))
done < "${1}"
for idx in ${!columns[#]} ; do
echo "${idx} ${columns[${idx}]}"
Using awk and maintain the order:
awk '!($1 in a){a[$1]=$2; b[++i]=$1;next} {a[$1]+=$2} END{for (k=1; k<=i; k++) print b[k], a[b[k]]}' file
100 25
101 6
102 12
Python is my choice:
d = {}
for line in f.readlines():
key,value = line.split()
if d[key] == None:
d[key] = 0
d[key] += value
print d
Why would you want a bash script?

Modifiers in Makefile rule's dependency list

The problem is fairly simple. I am trying to write a rule, that given the name of the required file will be able to tailor its dependencies.
Let's say I have two programs: calc_foo and calc_bar and they generate a file with output dependent on the parameter. My target would have a name 'target_*_*'; for example, 'target_foo_1' would be generated by running './calc_foo 1'.
The question is, how to write a makefile that would generate outputs of the two programs for a range of parameters?
If there are just a few programs, you can have a rule for each one:
./calc_foo $*
If you want to run a program with a list of parameters:
foo_parameter_list = 1 2 green Thursday 23 bismuth
foo_targets = $(addprefix target_foo_,$(foo_parameter_list))
all: $(foo_targets)
If you want a different set of parameters for each program, but with some in common, you can separate the common ones:
common_parameter_list = 1 2 green Thursday
foo_parameter_list = $(common_parameters) 23 bismuth
bar_parameter_list = $(common_parameters) 46 111
If it turns out you have more programs than you thought, but still want to use this method, you just want to automate it:
# add programs here
PROGRAMS = foo bar baz
# You still have to tailor the parameter lists by hand
foo_parameter_list = 1 2 green Thursday 23 bismuth
# everything from here on can be left alone
define PROGRAM_template
$(1)_targets = $(addprefix target_$(1)_,$($(1)_parameter_list))
./calc_$(1) $$*
all: $(1)_targets
$(foreach prog,$(PROGRAMS),$(eval $(call PROGRAM_template,$(prog))))
This seems to do more or less what you are requesting - assuming you are using GNU Make.
BAR_out = target_bar_
BAR_list = 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
BAR_targets = $(addprefix ${BAR_out},${BAR_list})
FOO_out = target_foo_
FOO_list = 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19
FOO_targets = $(addprefix ${FOO_out},${FOO_list})
all: ${BAR_targets} ${FOO_targets}
calc_bar $(subst ${BAR_out},,$#)
calc_foo $(subst ${FOO_out},,$#)
It can probably be cleaned up, but I tested it with the commands:
echo "BAR $#" | tee target_bar_$#
sleep $#
echo "FOO $#" | tee target_foo_$#
sleep $#
Clearly, if you want a different list, you can specify that on the command line:
make -j4 FOO_LIST="1 2 3 4 5 6 33"