DML statement to add multiple accounts in single step - triggers

I want to add multiple accounts to the salesforce object from the anonymous window. I know how to do that using the below code
Account acc = new Account(Name='account1');
List<Account> accToAdd = new List<Account>();
insert accToAdd;
but when I am trying to insert multiple accounts(see code below), it is giving me error as "Line: 1, Column: 5
Unexpected token '<'."
List<Account> accToAdd = new List<Account>(
{ new Account(Name='triggertest4'),
new Account(Name='triggertest5'),
new Account(Name='triggertest3')
insert accToAdd;
can anyone help???

You should use only brackets in the latter case:
List<Account> accToAdd = new List<Account> {
new Account(Name='triggertest4'),
new Account(Name='triggertest5'),
new Account(Name='triggertest3')
insert accToAdd;
You could also create an empty list, then add the elements, which could be useful in a for-loop:
List<Account> accToAdd = new List<Account>();
for (Integer i=3; i<6; i++) {
accToAdd.add( new Account(Name='triggertest' + i) );
System.debug(accToAdd); // |DEBUG|(Account:{Name=triggertest3}, Account:{Name=triggertest4}, Account:{Name=triggertest5})
insert accToAdd;


Test Class in apex

So i am new to salesforce and i finished my training and now im working on a project. But on my project i have stumbled on a test class that i am not finding a way to write it, so i would appreciate if anyone can help me figure out a way to write it. Here is the code:
public class AP01_Opportunity
//Method to create a new service contract when opportunity = Gagné
public static void CreateContract(List<Opportunity> listOpp, Map<Id, Opportunity> oldMap)
//Variable Declaration
ServiceContract sc;
List<ServiceContract> listSCToAdd = new List<ServiceContract>();
List<ContractLineItem> listContractItems = new List<ContractLineItem>();
List<Opportunity> listOppGagne = new list<Opportunity>();
//Loop in list of opportunities
for(Opportunity opp : listOpp)
if(opp.StageName == Label.ClotureGagne && !oldMap.get(opp.Id).isWon)
//check if list has opportunity becoming won
if(listOppGagne.size() > 0){
Map<Id, Opportunity> mapOppGagne = new Map<Id, Opportunity> ([SELECT Id,
FROM OpportunityLineItems)
FROM Opportunity
WHERE Id in :listOppGagne]);
for( Opportunity opp : listOppGagne )
//Create new service contract
sc = new ServiceContract();
sc.Name = opp.Name;
sc.ApprovalStatus = Label.Activated;
sc.OpportunityId__c = Id.valueOf(opp.Id);
sc.Pricebook2Id = opp.Pricebook2Id;
sc.StartDate =;
if(listSCToAdd.size() > 0){
insert listSCToAdd;
Opportunity currentOpp;
ContractLineItem cli;
Id oppId;
for(ServiceContract servcont : listSCToAdd)
oppId = servcont.OpportunityId__c;
currentOpp = mapOppGagne.get(oppId);
//copy the oppLineItems per opportunity to the respective Service Contract
for(OpportunityLineItem items : currentOpp.OpportunityLineItems)
cli = new ContractLineItem();
cli.PricebookEntryId = items.PricebookEntryId;
cli.Quantity = items.Quantity;
cli.UnitPrice = items.UnitPrice;
cli.ServiceContractId = servcont.Id;
if(listContractItems.size() > 0)
insert listContractItems;
this code is a trigger that creates a new service contract record with contract line items copied from the opportunity line items, when the opportunity stage changes to "Cloturé Gagné" which means closed won in french.
Thank you in advance.
In order to write a simple test class I would recommend you to use the following guide:
The idea is simple: Lets say you create an Opportunity in your Test class and make an insert or update in your case - your trigger class will automatically fire and run the code from your AP01_Opportunity class. You can put some
System.debug('some message');
to check if your logic works as expected and also which code blocks are executed


I want to clone the Profile__c record. The lead has a profile__c associated with it. When conversion happens, the Profile_c on the lead is copied to the account created. What I need to do is a deep clone of the Profile__c on the new account created after the conversion. I am able to copy the profile_c over but cloning throws this error:
Error: System.DmlException: Update failed. First exception on row 0 with id 00QJ0000007dDmHMAU; first error: CANNOT_INSERT_UPDATE_ACTIVATE_ENTITY, profile: execution of AfterUpdate caused by: System.DmlException: Insert failed. First exception on row 0; first error: CANNOT_UPDATE_CONVERTED_LEAD, cannot reference converted lead: [] Trigger.profile:, column 1: [] (System Code)
trigger profile on Lead (after update) {
Map<Id, Lead> cl = new Map<Id,Lead>();
Lead parent;
List<Contact> clist = new List<Contact>();
Set<Id> convertedids = new Set<Id>();
//list of converted leads
for (Lead{
Lead ol = Trigger.oldMap.get(t.ID);
if(t.IsConverted == true && ol.isConverted == false)
cl.put(t.Id, t);
Set<Id> leadIds = cl.keySet();
List<Profile__c> mp = [select Id, lock__c, RecordTypeId, reason__c, End_Date__c,startus__c , Opportunity__c, Account__c, Lead__c from Profile__c where Lead__c in :leadIds];
List<ID>AccountIDs = new List<ID>();
List<Profile__c>clonedList = new list<Profile__c>();
for (Profile__c mpi:mp){
parent = cl.get(mpi.Lead__c );
mpi.opportunity__c = parent.ConvertedOpportunityId;
mpi.account__c = parent.ConvertedAccountId;
Profile__c profile = mpi.clone(false,true,false,false);
mpi.lock__c= true;
mpi.reason__c= 'Converted';
update mp;
insert clonelist
You are doing insert operation(insert clonelist) in which you are accessing Converted lead Id value in a field. You can't use converted LeadId field in DML operations.
Below is the Sample code that will work-
trigger ConvertedLead_Trigger on Lead (after update) {
Map<Id, Lead> cl = new Map<Id,Lead>();
Lead parent;
List<Contact> clist = new List<Contact>();
Set<Id> convertedids = new Set<Id>();
//list of converted leads
for (Lead{
Lead ol = Trigger.oldMap.get(t.ID);
if(t.IsConverted == true && ol.isConverted == false)
cl.put(t.Id, t);
Set<Id> leadIds = cl.keySet();
List<ConvertLeadTest__c> mp =[Select Id,Name,Lead__c, Account__c,Opportunity__c from ConvertLeadTest__c where Lead__c in :leadIds];
List<ConvertLeadTest__c> mp1=new List<ConvertLeadTest__c>();
List<ConvertLeadTest__c> mp2=new List<ConvertLeadTest__c>();
for(ConvertLeadTest__c cc:mp)
mp2.add(new ConvertLeadTest__c(Account__c=cl.get(cc.Lead__c).ConvertedAccountId,Opportunity__c=cl.get(cc.Lead__c).ConvertedOpportunityId));
update mp;
insert mp2;
But if you write
then it will throw error.
Hope this will help you.
Thanks :)
We are not able to perform any operation on the Lead once the lead is converted.
Anything you do to try o update the converted lead will give you error.
What eventually did it for me was after the conversion, I grabbed the convertedAccountIds. Since I was already copying Profile__c to the account after conversion, I just cloned the profile there and had to set the lead on that profile to null since it can't be updated

Test Coverage fails on before insert / before update Apex trigger

I have this very simple before insert / update trigger on Opportunity that auto-selects the Price Book based on a dropdown value containing Sales Office (State) location info.
Here's my Trigger:
trigger SelectPriceBook on Opportunity ( before insert, before update ) {
for( Opportunity opp : ) {
// Change Price Book
// New York
if( opp.Campus__c == 'NYC' )
opp.Pricebook2Id = PB_NYC; // contains a Pricebook's ID
// Atlanta
if( opp.Campus__c == 'ATL' )
opp.Pricebook2Id = PB_ATL; // contains another Pricebook's ID
Here's my Test Class:
#isTest (SeeAllData = true)
public class SelectPriceBookTestClass {
static testMethod void validateSelectPriceBook() {
// Pricebook IDs
ID PB_NYC = 'xxxx';
ID PB_ATL = 'xxxx';
// New Opp
Opportunity opp = new Opportunity();
opp.Name = 'Test Opp';
opp.Office__c = 'NYC';
opp.StageName = 'Quote';
// Insert
insert opp;
// Retrive inserted opportunity
opp = [SELECT Pricebook2id FROM Opportunity WHERE Id =:opp.Id];
System.debug( 'Retrieved Pricebook Id: ' + opp.Pricebook2Id );
// Change Campus
opp.Office__c = 'ATL';
// Update Opportunity
update opp;
// Retrive updated opportunity
opp = [SELECT Pricebook2id FROM Opportunity WHERE Id =:opp.Id];
System.debug( 'Retrieved Updated Pricebook Id: ' + opp.Pricebook2Id );
// Test
System.assertEquals( PB_ATL, opp.Pricebook2Id );
The test runs report 0% test coverage.
Also, on similar lines I have another before insert trigger that sets the Owner of an Event same as the Owner of the parent Lead. Here's the code:
trigger AutoCampusTourOwner on Event( before insert ) {
for( Event evt : ) {
// Abort if other kind of Event
if( evt.Subject != 'Visit' )
// Set Owner Id
Lead parentLead = [SELECT OwnerId FROM Lead WHERE Id = :evt.WhoId];
evt.OwnerId = parentLead.OwnerId;
This, too, is causing 0% coverage - my guess is that it's got something to do with the for loops in both. I know I'm seriously flouting DML rules by invoking SOQL query inside a for loop, but for my purposes it should be fine as these Events are created manually and only one at a time - so there are no scopes of governor limits kicking in due to bulk inserts.
The code in both cases work 100%. Please suggest a fix for the test cases.
Have you tried trigger.old ?? My thinking is, when you update the office in your test class from NYC to ATL, the value 'NYC' will be in trigger.old, and that's what you want to check in your trigger.
I could be wrong since i'm new to apex too, but try it and let me know what happens.
For the first trigger don't do anything rather just create opportunity and execute like this.
Test class for SelectPriceBook
private class TriggerTestClass {
static testmethod void selectPriceTest(){
Opportunity opps = new Opportunity(
Name= 'Test Opps',
CloseDate =,
StageName = 'Prospecting',
ForecastCategoryName = 'Pipeline',
Office__c = 'NYC');
insert opps;
Opportunity opps2 = new Opportunity(
Name= 'Test Opps 2',
CloseDate =,
StageName = 'Prospecting',
ForecastCategoryName = 'Pipeline',
Office__c = 'ATL');
insert opps2;
It will give you good test coverage and I don't know what are you trying to do in AutoCampusTourOwner!
i have test class for these
trigger ClientEmailTrigger on inflooens__Client_Email__c (after insert, after update, before insert, before update) {
ApexTriggerSettings__c setting = ApexTriggerSettings__c.getValues('Inflooens Trigger Settings');
if(setting != NULL && setting.ClientEmailTrigger__c == TRUE){
AuditTrailController objAdt = new AuditTrailController();
System.debug('In Update Client Email Record');
objAdt.insertAuditRecord(Trigger.newMap, 'inflooens__Client_Email__c',, Trigger.oldMap);
objAdt.insertAuditRecord(Trigger.newMap, 'inflooens__Client_Email__c', null , null);

Apex Trigger to Update Contact from Custom Object

Long story short, I need to update a custom field in my standard Contact, that fires after a different, unrelated Custom Object is updated. I've tried to write a trigger that passes the field value from my Custom Object to the Contact, but I keep getting a variety of errors - the most recent of which has stumped me. The end goal is to update Passing__c from Passing_Field__c.
I'm getting an unexpected Token: "(" error on the for(Contact C: line. It is literally so simple I cannot figure it out.
Here is my code below. I've simplified the naming convention to try and make it more relatable. Any help is appreciated. I'm pretty new to Apex and Triggers, and I've been at this for a couple of hours now, hopefully some advice can send me to 'home plate'.
trigger ContactUpdater on Custom_Object_Name__c (after update) {
List<Contact> updatedContacts = new List<Contact>();
Set<Id> ObjectIds = new Set<Id>();
Set<String> ObjectCont = new Set<String>();
Set<Boolean> ObjectActive = new Set<Boolean>();
Set<String> ObjectPass = new Set<String>();
for(Custom_Object_Name__c p :
If(p.Active__c == true){
try{ for(Contact c : [SELECT Id, Passing__c FROM Contact WHERE (AccountId IN (Select Account__c from Custom_Object_Name__c )) AND ObjectActive = true])
set(c.Passing__c = p.Passing_Field__c);
c.FieldToUpdate = c.Passing__c;
update updatedContacts;
catch(exception e){
throw e;
Notes: Active__c is a checkbox. Passing__c and Passing_Field__c are both text boxes.
I believe the issue is in the WHERE clause of your SOQL query:
WHERE (AccountId = (Select Account__c from Custom_Object_Name__c ))
Salesforce is expecting you to compare AccountId to an Id of some sort, rather than the results of some subquery. You probably want to try something like:
WHERE (AccountId in (Select Account__c from Custom_Object_Name__c))

How can I insert and get PK Id using Entity Framework?

currently I'm Inserting like:
MyNamedEntities db = new MyNamedEntities();
MyTableEntity field = new MyTableEntity();
field.Name = "me";
But now I want to insert child elements and I need that field.Id part
MyOtherTableEntity field = new MyOtherTableEntity();
field.TableId = new MyTableEntity.First(x => x.Id.Equals( ... ));
How can I get the field.Id ?
If your table has defined the Id as an INT IDENTITY column, then you don't really have to do anything at all! :-)
In that case, just insert your entity and after the call to .SaveChanges(), your object should contain the new Id value:
MyTableEntity field = new MyTableEntity();
field.Name = "me";
int newID = field.Id;
You can also just add them to the parent by the association before or after the save changes
Something like this.
address a = new address(); = "Detroit";