React-Native TypeORM: Cyclic dependency “t” Android Release build - react-native-sqlite-storage

how do you resolve this problem?
React-Native TypeORM: Cyclic dependency “t” Android Release build

Getting typeorm to work with react native is tricky. For me the only solution was to disable minification. On android:
Go to : android/app/build.gradle
Edit the following:
project.ext.react = [
enableHermes: true, // clean and rebuild if changing
extraPackagerArgs: [ '--minify=false' ],


Trying to use the super-parameters in old project after upgrading to flutter 3.0.0

I am trying to use the new feature of dart (super-parameters) in my project, but every time the build is failed.
this is my code after the migration:
class ChildClass extends ParentClass {
int? paramOne;
String? paramTwo;
// ...
this is the error message:
[ ] dart_project/lib/src/model/app_model.dart:407:5: Error: The 'super-parameters' language feature is disabled for this library.
[ +1 ms] Try removing the package language version or setting the language version to 2.17 or higher.
[ ] super.paramThree,
[ ] ^^^^^
sdk: '>=2.17.0 <3.0.0'
You can run flutter clean to clear the cache and then run flutter pub get which will get all the dependencies without cache.

Exception: Unsupported Android Plugin version: 4.1.2

I know this might have been asked before, I have recently installed Solus Linux on my computer and I am trying to get Andoird Studio working on it for some time, so far I am not having any luck.
First Issue - I am not able to add Flutter to the PATH
Second Issue - I am getting this error when running the project
Could somebody here help me with both issues?
Maybe it can help future devs. I had similar problem with the exception
Unsupported Android Plugin version 4.1.3
In my case I had to specify build flavor for the app:
flutter run --flavor <flavor-name>
then it worked
I think at the moment, there is a problem of incompatible version.
Reference: from this thread
To fix it, I revert back Android Plugin from 4.1.2 to 4.1.0.
Modify the root build.gradle:
buildscript {
ext.kotlin_version = '1.4.20'
repositories {
dependencies {
classpath ''
classpath "org.jetbrains.kotlin:kotlin-gradle-plugin:$kotlin_version"
Note: I, currently, use Gradle 6.7
Doing this solved my problem
Added dev as Build flavor
Added --debug as Additional build args
In my case, I had to edit my configuration settings:
go to "Edit configurations"
choose the config you're trying to run
fill in the "Build flavor" accordingly
Worked for me
if your are performing integration test in flutter with flavors then you should run this command to test
flutter drive --flavor dev \ --driver=test_driver/integration_driver.dart \ --target=integration_test/login_page/login_integration_test.dart
For me, it was about the flavor configuration. I have main, develop, and production flavors I haven't set up configuration for main so when main is selected this error is happened
In my case, I solved it by changing the "splits" property to enable = false, in the build.gradle. When we release to production that property is set to true, so i just forgot to set it on false again.
Should be something like this:
splits {
// Configures multiple APKs based on ABI.
abi {
// Enables building multiple APKs per ABI.
enable false
// Resets the list of ABIs that Gradle should create APKs for to none.
// Specifies a list of ABIs that Gradle should create APKs for.
include 'arm64-v8a', 'armeabi-v7a'
// Specifies that we do not want to also generate a universal APK that includes all ABIs.
universalApk false

ionic 3.9 localnotification and androidx

in order to use a new plugin, I had to update my cordova version to 9.0.0, and I also updated my android version to 28.
My problem is now I can't compile my project because of the cordova plugin "localnotification" (
I have a bunch of errors (maybe 150/200) related to android support library v4, like :
error: package does not exist
cannot find symbol public class AssetProvider extends FileProvider {
Because I updgraded android, I had to migrate to androidX too. I did it by adding this in :
But now I'm unable to compile my app without all these errors above. I found something saying that we should add these lines in the .gradle of the plugin :
implementation ''
implementation ''
I did it without success.
Any other ideas ?
Thanks in advance !

Modify cordova plugin - app not see changes

I need to modify cordova-plugin-media, but when I run app with ionic cordova run android my changes are not applied.
How should I modify and run plugin correctly?
I found the answer.
cordova files should be edited in /plugins folder, not in /node_modules
after editing, I should do: ionic cordova platform rm android and ionic cordova build android
After that modifications work.
You should paste some code, showing the code of app module and config.xml.
But basically you should only do:
ionic cordova plugin add cordova-plugin-media
npm install --save #ionic-native/media
And then add your plugin to the project into file
import { Media } from '#ionic-native/media';
providers: [
And that's it, then you should be able to use the functionalities inside your components.

Can I use Phonegap Transition Plugin in Cordova-1.6.0 for Android

When i was used this plugin [ ] in my android app, i had found a error like 04-18 00:56:02.495: D/CordovaLog(359): [DEPRECATION NOTICE] window.addPlugin and window.plugins will be removed in version 2.0. How can i will use this plugin. I don't know can i use phonegap-plugins [ ] also? Please help.
The Plugin model is being re-architected. The future Cordova 2.0 plugin scheme has not yet been fully defined. Until then, use the deprecated model and ignore the notices.