How do I make a macro evaluate some of its arguments? - macros

I am trying to make a toy system for writing documents using a macro (doc):
Example #1:
(doc id: 1
title: "First document"
"First sentence."
"Second sentence.")
Intended expansion:
(make-doc (list (list 'id: 1) (list 'title: "First document"))
(list "First sentence" "Second sentence"))
Example #2:
(let ((my-name "XYZ"))
(doc title: "Second document"
id: (+ 1 1)
"First sentence."
(string-append "My name is " my-name ".")
"Last sentence."))
Intended expansion:
(let ((my-name "XYZ"))
(make-doc (list (list 'title: "Second document") (list 'id: (+ 1 1)))
(list "First sentence."
(string-append "My name is " my-name ".")
"Last sentence.")))
More sample calls to this macro are:
(doc id: 1 "First sentence." "Second sentence.")
(doc id: 1 title: "First document" subtitle: "First subdocument"
"First sentence." "Second sentence." "Third sentence.")
First come the metadata specs, then sentences. Metadata must come before the sentences. The macro must accept any number of metadata specs.
Evaluating (doc ...) should return a string, or write the resulting text into a file. But I have not yet implemented this functionality, because I am stuck on the definition of the doc macro (which is the point of this question).
Below is my implementation of the doc macro. Vocabulary: title: "ABC" and id: 123 are called "metadata"; title: and id: are called "metadata IDs".
;;; (metadata-id? 'x:) -> #t
;;; (metadata-id? 'x) -> #f
;;; (metadata-id? "Hi!") -> #f
(define (metadata-id? x)
(cond [(symbol? x)
(let* ([str (symbol->string x)]
[last-char (string-ref str (- (string-length str) 1))])
(char=? last-char #\:))]
[else #f]))
;;; (pair-elements '(1 2 3 4 5)) -> '((1 2) (3 4) (5)).
(define (pair-elements l [acc '()] [temp null])
(cond [(and (null? l) (null? temp)) acc]
[(null? l)
(append acc (list (list temp)))]
[(null? temp)
(pair-elements (cdr l) acc (car l))]
(pair-elements (cdr l)
(append acc (list (list temp (car l)))))]))
(define-syntax doc
(syntax-rules ()
((doc arg . args)
(let* ([orig-args (cons 'arg 'args)]
[metadata-bindings (takef (pair-elements orig-args)
(lambda (e)
(metadata-id? (car e))))]
[sentences (drop orig-args (* 2 (length metadata-bindings)))])
(make-doc metadata-bindings sentences)))))
(define (make-doc metadata-bindings sentences)
;; Do something ...
;; Placeholder stubs:
(writeln metadata-bindings)
(writeln sentences))
Using this implementation, evaluating example #1 prints as expected:
((id: 1) (title: "First document"))
("First sentence." "Second sentence.")
However, evaluating example #2 prints:
((id: (+ 1 1)) (title: "Second document"))
("First sentence." (string-append "My name is " my-name ".") "Last sentence.")
Apparently, the arguments were not evaluated. The expected result of example #2 is supposed to be this instead:
((id: 2) (title: "Second document"))
("First sentence." "My name is XYZ." "Last sentence.")
What is wrong with the implementation of the doc macro? How can I make the macro evaluate some of its arguments?

The reason is that you're quoting 'args, which results in it being an s-expression after macro expansion, not evaluated with function application. To fix this, you probably want make use of quasiquote. This'll also require you to rework how you specify the macro pattern. I suggest using the ... notation. Here's a sketch of what I'm describing:
(define-syntax doc
(syntax-rules ()
[(doc arg rest-args ...)
(let* ([orig-args `(arg ,rest-args ...)]
; the rest is the same

I'm not sure if this is the proper way, but I've managed to write a helper macro parse-args using syntax-case in Racket. It works like this:
(parse-args title: "Interesting document"
id: (+ 1 2)
"First sentence."
(string-append "Second sentence" "!")
"Last sentence.")
The above gets transformed into a list:
'((metadata title: "Interesting document")
(metadata id: 3)
(sentences "First sentence."
"Second sentence!"
"Last sentence."))
;;; (metadata-id? 'x:) -> #t; (metadata-id? 'x) -> #f.
(define (metadata-id? x)
(cond [(symbol? x)
(let* ([str (symbol->string x)]
[last-char (string-ref str (- (string-length str) 1))])
(char=? last-char #\:))]
[else #f])))
(define-syntax (parse-args stx)
(syntax-case stx ()
[(_ arg1 arg2) ; If no sentences.
(metadata-id? (syntax->datum (syntax arg1)))
(syntax `((metadata arg1 ,arg2)))]
[(_ arg1 arg2 rest-args ...)
(metadata-id? (syntax->datum (syntax arg1)))
(syntax `((metadata arg1 ,arg2) ,#(parse-args rest-args ...)))]
[(_ sentence rest-sentences ...)
(syntax (list `(sentences ,sentence ,rest-sentences ...)))]))
Notice how I used a "fender" ((metadata-id? (syntax->datum (syntax arg1)))). This is the crucial feature missing in syntax-rules macros, which is why I implemented the macro using syntax-case instead.
Now that I am able to parse the arguments, all that remains is to use parse-args in the definition of doc.
(define-syntax (doc stx)
(syntax-case stx ()
((doc arg rest-args ...)
(syntax (apply make-doc
(group-args (parse-args arg rest-args ...)))))))
group-args rearranges the list returned by parse-args like so:
(group-args '((metadata a: 1)
(metadata b: 2)
(sentences "ABC" "DEF")))
;; Returns:
;; '(((a: 1)
;; (b: 2))
;; ("ABC" "DEF"))
;; The car is an assoc list of metadata.
;; The cadr is the list of sentences.
;;; 'lst' is valid even if there is no 'metadata'.
;;; 'lst' is valid even if there is no 'sentences'.
;;; However, if there is a 'sentences', it must be the last item in the list.
(define (group-args lst [metadata-acc '()])
(define tag-name car)
(define remove-tag cdr)
(cond [(null? lst) (list metadata-acc '())]
[(eq? 'metadata (tag-name (car lst)))
(group-args (cdr lst)
(cons (remove-tag (car lst))
[(eq? 'sentences (tag-name (car lst)))
(cons metadata-acc
(list (remove-tag (car lst))))]
(error "Invalid values" lst)]))
make-doc can now be defined like this:
;;; 'metadata' is an assoc list of metadata.
;;; 'sentences' is a list of strings.
(define (make-doc metadata sentences)
;; ... create the document ...
;; Placeholder stubs:
(display "ID: ")
(displayln (cadr (assq 'id: metadata)))
(display "Title: ")
(displayln (cadr (assq 'title: metadata)))
(displayln sentences))
(let ((my-name "XYZ"))
(doc title: "Second document"
id: (+ 1 1)
"First sentence."
(string-append "My name is " my-name ".")
"Last sentence."))
ID: 2
Title: Second document
(First sentence. My name is XYZ. Last sentence.)

I would recommend you to use the syntax/parse library, since it's so much easier to write this kind of macro with it.
#lang racket
(require syntax/parse/define)
(define (make-doc x y) `(make-doc ,x ,y))
;; metadata-id? :: symbol? -> boolean?
(define (metadata-id? x)
(define str (symbol->string x))
(define len (string-length str))
;; Need to check that len > 0.
;; Otherwise, the empty identifier (||)
;; would cause an "internal" error
(and (> len 0)
(char=? (string-ref str (sub1 len)) #\:)))
(define-splicing-syntax-class key-val-class
(pattern (~seq key:id val:expr)
#:when (metadata-id? (syntax-e #'key)))))
(define-simple-macro (doc key-val:key-val-class ... xs ...)
(make-doc (list (list (quote key-val.key) key-val.val) ...)
(list xs ...)))
(doc id: 1
title: "First document"
"First sentence."
"Second sentence.")
;; '(make-doc ((id: 1) (title: "First document")) ("First sentence." "Second sentence."))
(let ([my-name "XYZ"])
(doc title: "Second document"
id: (+ 1 1)
"First sentence."
(string-append "My name is " my-name ".")
"Last sentence."))
;; '(make-doc
;; ((title: "Second document") (id: 2))
;; ("First sentence." "My name is XYZ." "Last sentence."))
(let ([|| 1])
(doc || 2))
;; '(make-doc () (1 2))


read words from a file into nested list in common lisp programming language

I have a file named test.txt, it contains
"hello this is a test file"
I want to read it from the file so that every word represents lists of character and every paragraph represents lists of words means that I want to store them into a nested list like:
(list(list (h e l l o)) (list(t h i s))(list(i s)) (list(a)) (list(t e s t)) (list(f i l e))))
I am totally new in lisp and have a lot of confusion about this problem.
Solution without any dependencies
(defun split (l &key (separators '(#\Space #\Tab #\Newline)) (acc '()) (tmp '()))
(cond ((null l) (nreverse (if tmp (cons (nreverse tmp) acc) acc)))
((member (car l) separators)
(split (cdr l) :separators separators
:acc (if tmp (cons (nreverse tmp) acc) acc)
:tmp '()))
(split (cdr l) :separators separators
:acc acc
:tmp (cons (car l) tmp)))))
(defun read-file-lines (file-path)
(with-open-file (f file-path :direction :input)
(loop for line = (read-line f nil)
while line
collect line)))
(defun read-file-to-word-characters (file-path)
(mapcan (lambda (s) (split (coerce s 'list)))
(read-file-lines file-path)))
(read-file-to-word-characters "~/test.lisp.txt")
;; ((#\h #\e #\l #\l #\o) (#\t #\h #\i #\s) (#\i #\s) (#\a) (#\t #\e #\s #\t)
;; (#\f #\i #\l #\e))
Convert the characters to one-letter strings:
;; apply to elements of nested list (= a tree) the conversion function `string`
(defun map-tree (fn tree)
(cond ((null tree) '())
((atom tree) (funcall fn tree))
(t (mapcar (lambda (branch) (map-tree fn branch)) tree))))
(map-tree #'string (read-file-to-word-characters "~/test.lisp.txt"))
;; (("h" "e" "l" "l" "o") ("t" "h" "i" "s") ("i" "s") ("a") ("t" "e" "s" "t")
;; ("f" "i" "l" "e"))
Content of "~/test.lisp.txt":
hello this
is a test file
Solution using cl-ppcre (Edi Weitz's congenial regex package)
;; look here in an answer how to use cl-ppcre:split
(ql:quickload :cl-ppcre)
(defun read-file-lines (file-path)
(with-open-file (f file-path :direction :input)
(loop for line = (read-line f nil)
while line
collect line)))
(defun string-to-words (s) (cl-ppcre:split "\\s+" s))
(defun to-single-characters (s) (coerce s 'list))
(defun read-file-to-character-lists (file-path)
(mapcan (lambda (s)
(mapcar #'to-single-characters
(string-to-words s)))
(read-file-lines file-path)))
(read-file-to-character-lists "~/test.lisp.txt")
;; ((#\h #\e #\l #\l #\o) (#\t #\h #\i #\s) (#\i #\s) (#\a) (#\t #\e #\s #\t)
;; (#\f #\i #\l #\e))
;; or use above's function:
(map-tree #'string (read-file-to-character-lists "~/test.lisp.txt"))
;; (("h" "e" "l" "l" "o") ("t" "h" "i" "s") ("i" "s") ("a") ("t" "e" "s" "t")
;; ("f" "i" "l" "e"))
;; or:
(defun to-single-letter-strings (s) (cl-ppcre:split "\\s*" s))
(defun read-file-to-letter-lists (file-path)
(mapcan (lambda (s)
(mapcar #'to-single-letter-strings
(string-to-words s)))
(read-file-lines file-path)))
(read-file-to-letter-lists "~/test.lisp.txt")
;; (("h" "e" "l" "l" "o") ("t" "h" "i" "s") ("i" "s") ("a") ("t" "e" "s" "t")
;; ("f" "i" "l" "e"))

How to do auto input in multiple read-lines?

How to do auto input in multiple read-line?
(let ((out (with-output-to-string (*standard-output*)
(let ((*standard-input* (make-string-input-stream "y y")))
(when (find (read-line) '("yes" "y" "t") :test #'string-equal)
(print "aaaaa"))
(when (find (read-line) '("yes" "y" "t") :test #'string-equal)
(print "bbbbbb"))
I try like this, and I get:
; Evaluation aborted on #<END-OF-FILE {10048FD503}>.
This code work with read, but I need with read-line.
Another possibility is to use the parameter of read-line that requires to return nil on end of file:
(let ((out (with-output-to-string (*standard-output*)
(let ((*standard-input* (make-string-input-stream "y y")))
(when (find (read-line *standard-input* nil) '("yes" "y" "t") :test #'string-equal)
(print "aaaaa"))
(when (find (read-line *standard-input* nil) '("yes" "y" "t") :test #'string-equal)
(print "bbbbbb"))))))
I made it work like this:
(with-output-to-string (*standard-output*)
(with-input-from-string (*standard-input* (format nil "y~%y"))
(when (find (read-line) '("yes" "y" "t") :test #'string-equal)
(print "aaaaa"))
(when (find (read-line) '("yes" "y" "t") :test #'string-equal)
(print "bbbbbb"))))
The without-to-string is unnecessary for an example...
CL-USER 177 > (flet ((yes-p (input-string &aux (yes-words '("yes" "y" "t")))
"returns T when the input-string is one of yes, y or t."
(find input-string yes-words :test #'string-equal)))
(with-input-from-string (*standard-input* (format nil "y~%y"))
(when (yes-p (read-line))
(print "aaaaa"))
(when (yes-p (read-line))
(print "bbbbbb"))

How to define function in LISP that recursively return back quoted list

I have problem with macros in my lisp interpreter writtein in JavaScript. the problem is in this code:
(define log (. console "log"))
(define (alist->object alist)
"(alist->object alist)
Function convert alist pairs to JavaScript object."
(if (pair? alist)
((. alist "toObject"))))
(define (klist->alist klist)
"(klist->alist klist)
Function convert klist in form (:foo 10 :bar 20) into alist
in form ((foo . 10) (bar . 20))."
(let iter ((klist klist) (result '()))
(if (null? klist)
(if (and (pair? klist) (pair? (cdr klist)) (key? (car klist)))
(log ":::" (cadr klist))
(log "data" (. (cadr klist) "data"))
(iter (cddr klist) (cons (cons (key->string (car klist)) (cadr klist)) result)))))))
(define (make-empty-object)
(alist->object '()))
(define empty-object (make-empty-object))
(define klist->object (pipe klist->alist alist->object))
;; main function that give problems
(define (make-tags expr)
(log "make-tags" expr)
`(h ,(key->string (car expr))
,(klist->object (cadr expr))
,(if (not (null? (cddr expr)))
(if (and (pair? (caddr expr)) (let ((s (caaddr expr))) (and (symbol? s) (eq? s 'list))))
`(list->array (list ,#(map make-tags (cdaddr expr))))
(caddr expr)))))
(define-macro (with-tags expr)
(make-tags expr))
I call this macro using this code:
(define (view state actions)
(with-tags (:div ()
(list (:h1 () (value (cdr (assoc 'count (. state "counter")))))
(:button (:onclick (lambda () (--> actions (down 1)))) "-")
(:button (:onclick (lambda () (--> actions (up 1)))) "+")))))
which should expand to almost the same code:
(define (view state actions)
(h "div" (make-empty-object)
(list->array (list
(h "h1" (make-empty-object) (value (cdr (assoc 'count (. state "counter")))))
(h "button" (klist->object `(:onclick ,(lambda () (--> actions (down 1))))) "-")
(h "button" (klist->object `(:onclick ,(lambda () (--> actions (up 1))))) "+")))))
This function works. I have problem with expanded code using my macro that call the main function, don't know how LIPS should behave when it find:
(:onclick (lambda () (--> actions (down 1))))
inside code and you try to process it like this:
,(klist->object (cadr expr))
Right now my lisp works that lambda is marked as data (have data flag set to true this is a hack to prevent of recursive evaluation of some code from macros) and klist->object function get lambda code as list, instead of function.
How this should work in Scheme or Common Lisp? Should klist->object get function object (lambda get evaluated) or list structure with lambda as first symbol? If second then how I sould write my function and macro to evaluate lambda should I use eval (kind of hack to me).
Sorry don't know how to test this, with more bug free LISP.
I've tried to apply the hint from #jkiiski in guile (because in my lisp it was not working)
;; -*- sheme -*-
(define nil '())
(define (key? symbol)
"(key? symbol)
Function check if symbol is key symbol, have colon as first character."
(and (symbol? symbol) (eq? ":" (substring (symbol->string symbol) 0 1))))
(define (key->string symbol)
"(key->string symbol)
If symbol is key it convert that to string - remove colon."
(if (key? symbol)
(substring (symbol->string symbol) 1)))
(define (pair-map fn seq-list)
"(seq-map fn list)
Function call fn argument for pairs in a list and return combined list with
values returned from function fn. It work like the map but take two items from list"
(let iter ((seq-list seq-list) (result '()))
(if (null? seq-list)
(if (and (pair? seq-list) (pair? (cdr seq-list)))
(let* ((first (car seq-list))
(second (cadr seq-list))
(value (fn first second)))
(if (null? value)
(iter (cddr seq-list) result)
(iter (cddr seq-list) (cons value result))))))))
(define (klist->alist klist)
"(klist->alist klist)
Function convert klist in form (:foo 10 :bar 20) into alist
in form ((foo . 10) (bar . 20))."
(pair-map (lambda (first second)
(if (key? first)
(cons (key->string first) second))) klist))
(define (h props . rest)
(display props)
(display rest)
(cons (cons 'props props) (cons (cons 'rest rest) nil)))
(define (make-tags expr)
`(h ,(key->string (car expr))
(klist->alist (list ,#(cadr expr)))
,(if (not (null? (cddr expr)))
(if (and (pair? (caddr expr)) (let ((s (caaddr expr))) (and (symbol? s) (eq? s 'list))))
`(list->array (list ,#(map make-tags (cdaddr expr))))
(caddr expr)))))
(define-macro (with-tags expr)
(make-tags expr))
(define state '((count . 10)))
(define xxx (with-tags (:div ()
(list (:h1 () (cdr (assoc 'count state)))
(:button (:onclick (lambda () (display "down"))) "-")
(:button (:onclick (lambda () (display "up"))) "+")))))
but got error:
ERROR: Unbound variable: :onclick
I've found solution for my lisp, Here is code:
(define (pair-map fn seq-list)
"(seq-map fn list)
Function call fn argument for pairs in a list and return combined list with
values returned from function fn. It work like the map but take two items from list"
(let iter ((seq-list seq-list) (result '()))
(if (null? seq-list)
(if (and (pair? seq-list) (pair? (cdr seq-list)))
(let* ((first (car seq-list))
(second (cadr seq-list))
(value (fn first second)))
(if (null? value)
(iter (cddr seq-list) result)
(iter (cddr seq-list) (cons value result))))))))
(define (make-tags expr)
(log "make-tags" expr)
`(h ,(key->string (car expr))
(alist->object (quasiquote
;; create alist with unquote for values and keys as strings
,#(pair-map (lambda (car cdr)
(cons (cons (key->string car) (list 'unquote cdr))))
(cadr expr))))
,(if (not (null? (cddr expr)))
(if (and (pair? (caddr expr)) (let ((s (caaddr expr))) (and (symbol? s) (eq? s 'list))))
`(list->array (list ,#(map make-tags (cdaddr expr))))
(caddr expr)))))
So in my code I'm writing some kind of meta macro I'm writing quasiquote as list that will get evaluated the same as if I use in my original code:
(klist->object `(:onclick ,(lambda () (--> actions (down 1)))))
I'm using alist->object and new function pair-map, so I can unquote the value and convert key symbol to string.
is this how it should be implemented in scheme? not sure If I need to fix my lisp or macros are working correctly there.

Functions inside a loop behaves differently

So I have a loop to just repeat the little text game I have made about dota, but when the function 'play' is called within a loop it doesn't return the result of my cond function, it just takes an input and then moves on to the next loop.
;;;;learn the invoker combo's
(defparameter *invoker-combo* '((cold-snap (3 0 0) 'QQQ);all of the possible invoker combo's
(ghost-walk (2 1 0) 'QQW)
(Ice-Wall (2 0 1) 'QQE)
(EMP (0 3 0) 'WWW)
(Tornado (1 2 0) 'QWW)
(Alacrity (0 2 1) 'WWE)
(Sun-Strike (0 0 3) 'EEE)
(Forge-Spirit (1 0 2) 'QEE)
(Chaos-Meteor (0 1 2) 'WEE)
(Deafening-Blast (1 1 1) 'QWE)))
(defun rand-combo (invoker-combo);returns a random combo
(nth (random (length invoker-combo))invoker-combo))
(defun count-letters (input);converts the keyboard strokes into numbers to be compared as it doesn't matter what order they are in, just that there is the correct quantity of them e.g QQE could also be written QEQ.
(list (count #\Q input)
(count #\W input)
(count #\E input))))
(defun try-for-combo (rand-combo);takes i-p and compares it with the value for the random combo
(print(car rand-combo))
(let* ((i-p (string-upcase(read-line)))
(try (count-letters i-p)))
(cond ((equal try (cadr rand-combo))'Good-job)
((equal i-p "END")(list 'Thanks 'for 'playing))
(t (list i-p 'was 'wrong 'correct 'is (caddr(assoc (car rand-combo)*invoker-combo*)))))))
(defun play ()
(try-for-combo (rand-combo *invoker-combo*)))
(defun loop-play (x)
(loop for i from 0 to x
:do (play)))
If I call the function 'play' I get the following o/p:
But if I call the function 'loop-play' I get the following o/p:
Break 3 [7]> (loop-play 2)
Can someone explain to me why this is happening?
EDIT: feel free to change the title, I didn't really know what to put.
The indentation and formatting of the code is poor. Please make it easier for you and for us to read the code.
(defun try-for-combo (rand-combo);takes i-p and compares it with the value for the random combo
(print(car rand-combo))
(let* ((i-p (string-upcase(read-line)))
(try (count-letters i-p)))
(cond ((equal try (cadr rand-combo))'Good-job) ; wrong indent level
((equal i-p "END")(list 'Thanks 'for 'playing))
(t (list i-p 'was 'wrong 'correct 'is (caddr(assoc (car rand-combo)*invoker-combo*)))))))
lacks spaces between s-expressions
wrong indentation levels
structure of the code unclear
does not use built-in documentation features
some lines are too long
(defun try-for-combo (rand-combo)
"takes i-p and compares it with the value for the random combo" ; built in doc
(print (car rand-combo))
(let* ((i-p (string-upcase (read-line)))
(try (count-letters i-p)))
(cond ((equal try (cadr rand-combo)) ; indentation
((equal i-p "END")
(list 'Thanks 'for 'playing))
(list i-p 'was 'wrong 'correct 'is ; several lines
(caddr (assoc (car rand-combo)
I would propose to use an editor which actually understands some Lisp formatting. like GNU Emacs / SLIME, Clozure CL's Hemlock, LispWorks' editor...
If you are unsure about formatting, you can also ask Lisp to do it. Clisp is not that good at formatting, but something like SBCL or CCL would do:
* (let ((*print-case* :downcase))
(pprint '(defun try-for-combo (rand-combo)
(print (car rand-combo))
(let* ((i-p (string-upcase (read-line)))
(try (count-letters i-p)))
(cond ((equal try (cadr rand-combo))
'Good-job) ((equal i-p "END")
(list 'Thanks 'for 'playing))
(t (list i-p 'was 'wrong 'correct 'is
(caddr (assoc (car rand-combo)
And you get nicely formatted code:
(defun try-for-combo (rand-combo)
(print (car rand-combo))
(let* ((i-p (string-upcase (read-line))) (try (count-letters i-p)))
(cond ((equal try (cadr rand-combo)) 'good-job)
((equal i-p "END") (list 'thanks 'for 'playing))
(list i-p 'was 'wrong 'correct 'is
(caddr (assoc (car rand-combo) *invoker-combo*)))))))
Automatic indenting of Lisp code by the editor saves you a lot of work.
There are hints for manual indentation.
Your try-for-combo function doesn't actually output anything. Rather, it returns values.
In the REPL, if you evaluate a form, like (+ 1 2), it will always print the evaluation of that form at the end (in this case, 3). However, consider instead (+ 1 (print 2)). The print function actually outputs the argument to standard output, then returns the value itself. So this will show (on the repl)
The 2 is outputted first, because (print 2) itself prints 2. Then, the form (+ 1 (print 2)) is evaluates to the same things as (+ 1 2), or 3.
In your case, your try-for-combo function should look like:
(defun try-for-combo (rand-combo)
(print (car rand-combo))
(let* ((i-p (string-upcase(read-line)))
(try (count-letters i-p)))
((equal try (cadr rand-combo)) 'Good-job)
((equal i-p "END") (list 'Thanks 'for 'playing))
(t (list i-p 'was 'wrong 'correct 'is (caddr(assoc (car rand-combo) *invoker-combo*))))))
This will print the result of that cond form, and return 'nil'.
That's just the difference between the output your program does and the output the Lisp system does for each evaluation:
print prints something (a newline and then its argument) and returns a value. The value is printed by the REPL. Thus we see output twice:
[3]> (print "3")
Next we do several call to print in a progn. The value of the progn form is printed by the REPL. The first three strings are printed by the code and the last string is printed because of the Lisp REPL printing the value:
[4]> (progn (print "1") (print "2") (print "3"))

Trying to rewrite an ugly macro

I'm new to lisp, and have been trying to learn Common Lisp by diving in and writing some code. I've read plenty of documentation on the subject, but it's taking a while to really sink in.
I have written a couple of macros (? and ??) for performing unit tests, but I'm having some difficulty. The code is at the end of the post, to avoid cluttering the actual question.
Here is an example of usage:
(? "Arithmetic tests"
(? "Addition"
(= (+ 1 2) 3)
(= (+ 1 2 3) 6)
(= (+ -1 -3) -4))))
And an example of output:
[Arithmetic tests]
(PASS) '(= (+ 1 2) 3)'
(PASS) '(= (+ 1 2 3) 6)'
(PASS) '(= (+ -1 -3) -4)'
Results: 3 tests passed, 0 tests failed
Now, the existing code works. Unfortunately, the (? ...) macro is ugly, verbose, resistant to change - and I'm pretty sure also badly structured. For example, do I really have to use a list to store pieces of output code and then emit the contents at the end?
I'd like to modify the macro to permit description strings (or symbols) to optionally follow each test, whereupon it would replace the test literal in the output, thus:
(? "Arithmetic tests"
(? "Addition"
(= (+ 1 2) 3) "Adding 1 and 2 results in 3"
(= (+ 1 2 3) 6)
(= (+ -1 -3) -4))))
[Arithmetic tests]
(PASS) Adding 1 and 2 results in 3
(PASS) '(= (+ 1 2 3) 6)'
(PASS) '(= (+ -1 -3) -4)'
But unfortunately I can't find a sensible place in the macro to insert this change. Depending on where I put it, I get errors like you're not inside a backquote expression, label is not defined or body-forms is not defined. I know what these errors mean, but I can't find a way to avoid them.
Also, I'll be wanting to handle exceptions in the test, and treat that as a failure. Currently, there is no exception handling code - the test result is merely tested against nil. Again, it is not clear how I should add this functionality.
I'm thinking that maybe this macro is over-complex, due to my inexperience in writing macros; and perhaps if I simplify it, modification will be easier. I don't really want to separate it out into several smaller macros without good reason; but maybe there's a terser way to write it?
Can anyone help me out here, please?
A complete code listing follows:
(defmacro with-gensyms ((&rest names) &body body)
`(let ,(loop for n in names collect `(,n (gensym)))
(defmacro while (condition &body body)
`(loop while ,condition do (progn ,#body)))
(defun flatten (L)
"Converts a list to single level."
(if (null L)
(if (atom (first L))
(cons (first L) (flatten (rest L)))
(append (flatten (first L)) (flatten (rest L))))))
(defun starts-with-p (str1 str2)
"Determine whether `str1` starts with `str2`"
(let ((p (search str2 str1)))
(and p (= 0 p))))
(defmacro pop-first-char (string)
`(with-gensyms (c)
(if (> (length ,string) 0)
(setf c (schar ,string 0))
(if (> (length ,string) 1)
(setf ,string (subseq ,string 1))
(setf ,string ""))))
(defmacro pop-chars (string count)
`(with-gensyms (result)
(setf result ())
(dotimes (index ,count)
(push (pop-first-char ,string) result))
(defun format-ansi-codes (text)
(let ((result ()))
(while (> (length text) 0)
((starts-with-p text "\\e")
(push (code-char #o33) result)
(pop-chars text 2)
((starts-with-p text "\\r")
(push (code-char 13) result)
(pop-chars text 2)
(t (push (pop-first-char text) result))
(setf result (nreverse result))
(coerce result 'string)))
(defun kv-lookup (values key)
"Like getf, but works with 'keys as well as :keys, in both the list and the supplied key"
(setf key (if (typep key 'cons) (nth 1 key) key))
(while values
(let ((k (pop values)) (v (pop values)))
(setf k (if (typep k 'cons) (nth 1 k) k))
(if (eql (symbol-name key) (symbol-name k))
(return v)))))
(defun make-ansi-escape (ansi-name)
(let ((ansi-codes '( :normal "\\e[00m" :white "\\e[1;37m" :light-grey "\\e[0;37m" :dark-grey "\\e[1;30m"
:red "\\e[0;31m" :light-red "\\e[1;31m" :green "\\e[0;32m" :blue "\\e[1;34m" :dark-blue "\\e[1;34m"
:cyan "\\e[1;36m" :magenta "\\e[1;35m" :yellow "\\e[0;33m"
:bg-dark-grey "\\e[100m"
:bold "\\e[1m" :underline "\\e[4m"
:start-of-line "\\r" :clear-line "\\e[2K" :move-up "\\e[1A")))
(format-ansi-codes (kv-lookup ansi-codes ansi-name))
(defun format-ansi-escaped-arg (out-stream arg)
((typep arg 'symbol) (format out-stream "~a" (make-ansi-escape arg)))
((typep arg 'string) (format out-stream arg))
(t (format out-stream "~a" arg))
(defun format-ansi-escaped (out-stream &rest args)
(while args
(let ((arg (pop args)))
(if (typep arg 'list)
(let ((first-arg (eval (first arg))))
(format out-stream first-arg (second arg))
(format-ansi-escaped-arg out-stream arg)
(defmacro while-pop ((var sequence &optional result-form) &rest forms)
(with-gensyms (seq)
`(let (,var)
(do () ((not ,sequence))
(setf ,var (pop ,sequence))
(progn ,#forms))
(defun report-start (form)
(format t "( ) '~a'~%" form))
(defun report-result (result form)
(format-ansi-escaped t "(" (if result :green :red) `("~:[FAIL~;PASS~]" ,result) :normal `(") '~a'~%" ,form))
(defmacro ? (name &body body-forms)
"Run any number of test forms, optionally nested within further (?) calls, and print the results of each test"
(with-gensyms (result indent indent-string)
(if (not body-forms)
(setf result () indent 0 indent-string " ")
((typep (first body-forms) 'integer)
(setf indent (pop body-forms))))
(format t "~v#{~A~:*~}" ,indent ,indent-string)
(format-ansi-escaped t "[" :white ,name :normal "]~%")
(with-gensyms (test-results)
(setf test-results ())
,(while-pop (body-form body-forms `(progn ,#(nreverse result)))
( (EQL (first body-form) '?)
(push `(progn
(setf test-results (append test-results (? ',(nth 1 body-form) ,(1+ indent) ,#(nthcdr 2 body-form))))
(format t "~%")
) result)
(push `(progn
(format t "~v#{~A~:*~}" ,(1+ indent) ,indent-string)
(report-start ',body-form)
(with-gensyms (result label)
(setf result ,body-form)
(format-ansi-escaped t :move-up :start-of-line :clear-line)
(format t "~v#{~A~:*~}" ,(1+ indent) ,indent-string)
(push (report-result result ',body-form) test-results)
)) result))))))))))
(defun ?? (&rest results)
"Run any number of tests, and print a summary afterward"
(setf results (flatten results))
(format-ansi-escaped t "~&" :white "Results: " :green `("~a test~:p passed" ,(count t results)) :normal ", "
(if (find NIL results) :red :normal) `("~a test~:p failed" ,(count NIL results))
:yellow `("~[~:;, ~:*~a test~:p not run~]" ,(count :skip results))
:brown `("~[~:;, ~:*~a empty test group~:p skipped~]" ,(count :empty results))
:normal "~%"))
For my part, the ? macro is rather technical and it's hard to follow the logic behind the formatting functions. So instead of tracking errors I'd like to suggest my own attempt, perhaps it'll be of use.
I think that actually your ?? doesn't want to evaluate anything, but rather to treat its body as individual tests or sections. If the body includes a list starting with ?, this list represents a section; other elements are test forms optionally followed by descriptions. So in my implementation ?? will be a macro, and ? will be just a symbol.
I start with wishful thinking. I suppose I can create individual tests using a function make-test-item and test sections using a function make-test-section (their implementation is unimportant for now), that I can display them using an auxiliary function display-test and compute results using the function results, which returns two values: the total number of tests and the number of passed ones. Then I'd like the code
(? "Arithmetic tests"
(? "Addition"
(= (+ 1 2) 3) "Adding 1 and 2 results in 3"
(= (+ 1 2 3) 6)
(= (+ -1 -3) 4))
(? "Subtraction"
(= (- 1 2) 1)))
(= (sin 0) 0) "Sine of 0 equals 0")
to expand into something like
(let ((tests (list (make-test-section :header "Arithmetic tests"
:items (list (make-test-section :header "Addition"
:items (list (make-test-item :form '(= (+ 1 2) 3)
:description "Adding 1 and 2 results in 3"
:passp (= (+ 1 2) 3))
(make-test-item :form '(= (+ 1 2 3) 6)
:passp (= (+ 1 2 3) 6))
(make-test-item :form '(= (+ -1 -3) 4)
:passp (= (+ -1 -3) 4))))
(make-test-section :header "Subtraction"
:items (list (make-test-item :form '(= (- 1 2) 1)
:passp (= (- 1 2) 1))))))
(make-test-item :form '(= (sin 0) 0)
:passp (= (sin 0) 0)
:description "Sine of 0 equals 0"))))
(loop for test in tests
with total = 0
with passed = 0
do (display-test test 0 t)
do (multiple-value-bind (ttl p) (results test)
(incf total ttl)
(incf passed p))
finally (display-result total passed t)))
Here a list of tests is created; then we traverse it printing each test (0 denotes the zero level of indentation and t is as in format) and keeping track of the results, finally displaying the total results. I don't think explicit eval is needed here.
It may not be the most exquisite piece of code ever, but it seems manageable. I supply missing definitions below, they are rather trivial (and can be improved) and have nothing to do with macros.
Now we pass on to the macros. Consider both pieces of code as data, then we want a list processing function which would turn the first one into the second. A few auxiliary functions would come in handy.
The major task is to parse the body of ?? and generate the list of test to go inside the let.
(defun test-item-form (form description)
`(make-test-item :form ',form :description ,description :passp ,form))
(defun test-section-form (header items)
`(make-test-section :header ,header :items (list ,#items)))
(defun parse-test (forms)
(let (new-forms)
(when (null forms)
(return (nreverse new-forms)))
(let ((f (pop forms)))
(cond ((and (listp f) (eq (first f) '?))
(push (test-section-form (second f) (parse-test (nthcdr 2 f))) new-forms))
((stringp (first forms))
(push (test-item-form f (pop forms)) new-forms))
(t (push (test-item-form f nil) new-forms)))))))
Here parse-test essentially absorbs the syntax of ??. Each iteration consumes one or two forms and collects corresponding make-... forms. The functions can be easily tested in REPL (and, of course, I did test them while writing).
Now the macro becomes quite simple:
(defmacro ?? (&body body)
`(let ((tests (list ,#(parse-test body))))
(loop for test in tests
with total = 0
with passed = 0
do (display-test test 0 t)
do (multiple-value-bind (ttl p) (results test)
(incf total ttl)
(incf passed p))
finally (display-result total passed t))))
It captures a few symbols, both in the variable name space and in the function one (the expansion may contain make-test-item and make-test-section). A clean solution with gensyms would be cumbersome, so I'd suggest just moving all the definitions in a separate package and exporting only ?? and ?.
For completeness, here is an implementation of the test API. Actually, it's what I started coding with and proceeded until I made sure the big let-form works; then I passed on to the macro part. This implementation is fairly sloppy; in particular, it doesn't support terminal colours and display-test can't even output a section into a string.
(defstruct test-item form description passp)
(defstruct test-section header items)
(defun results (test)
(etypecase test
(test-item (if (test-item-passp test)
(values 1 1)
(values 1 0)))
(test-section (let ((items-count 0)
(passed-count 0))
(dolist (i (test-section-items test) (values items-count passed-count))
(multiple-value-bind (i p) (results i)
(incf items-count i)
(incf passed-count p)))))))
(defparameter *test-indent* 2)
(defun display-test-item (i level stream)
(format stream "~V,0T~:[(FAIL)~;(PASS)~] ~:['~S'~;~:*~A~]~%"
(* level *test-indent*)
(test-item-passp i)
(test-item-description i)
(test-item-form i)))
(defun display-test-section-header (s level stream)
(format stream "~V,0T[~A]~%"
(* level *test-indent*)
(test-section-header s)))
(defun display-test (test level stream)
(etypecase test
(test-item (display-test-item test level stream))
(display-test-section-header test level stream)
(dolist (i (test-section-items test))
(display-test i (1+ level) stream)))))
(defun display-result (total passed stream)
(format stream "Results: ~D test~:P passed, ~D test~:P failed.~%" passed (- total passed)))
All the code is licenced under WTFPL.