AWS CLI : How to get the API Gateway ID - aws-api-gateway

Is there a way/possible on how we can get the API GAteway ID by name or can we iterate the list and return by its name from AWS CLI, i tried the following way and it doesn't return any thing
aws apigateway get-rest-apis --query 'items[?name==`TestAPI`].value' --output text --region us-east-1
thanks in advance
Updated the list output
"items": [
"id": "5aa9gcij77",
"name": "JavaLamdba",
"description": "JavaLamdba",
"createdDate": 1608225655,
"apiKeySource": "HEADER",
"endpointConfiguration": {
"types": [

aws apigateway get-rest-apis --query 'items[?name==`JavaLamdba`].id' --output text --region us-east-1

This should give you the expected result
> select name, description, created_date from aws.aws_api_gateway_rest_api where name = 'lambda-test';
| name | description | created_date |
| lambda-test | lambda-test | 2019-07-25 09:05:16 |


Openstack API not providing precise data

I am using Openstack - Stein in CentOS 7.9
I was using python to collect data about the openstack nova performance, like server names and id in the openstack project, i have 3 instance(server) created, i can see all three instance in openstack cli, but when i connect to api mentioned in openstack, it provides no data or less data.
I refereed openstack documentation here
[root#centos-vm1 kavin(keystone_admin)]# openstack server list
| ID | Name | Status | Networks | Image | Flavor |
| 08cf6226-0303-4b4c-ba53-10af79b81dae | test_instance_3 | ACTIVE | test_networ_3= | | m1.tiny |
| 9986f205-82b3-4cbb-bcdc-fb32eab97c83 | test_instance_1 | ACTIVE | test_networ_2=, x.x.x.x | | m1.small |
| d1c0f520-8540-432c-8fe1-554390fd79bf | test_instance_2 | ACTIVE | test_networ_1= | | m1.small |
My python code:
import requests,json
from six.moves.urllib.parse import urljoin
identity = {
"methods": ["password"],
"password": {
"user": {
"name": "admin",
"domain": { "id": "default" },
"password": "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx"
OS_AUTH_URL = 'http://x.x.x.x:5000/v3'
data = {'auth': {'identity': identity}}
HEADERS = {'Content-Type': 'application/json', 'scope': 'unscoped'}
r =
headers = HEADERS,
json = data,
verify = False
auth_token = r.headers['X-Subject-Token'] # i got auth token
# server list
HEADERS = {"X-Auth-Token" : str(auth_token)}
r = requests.get(
headers = HEADERS,
Output :
{'servers': []}
help me, collect accurate data using api calls, thanks
According to api-ref List Servers doc, maybe you should add the project scope in the request.
By default the servers are filtered using the project ID associated with the authenticated request.
In my opinion, you could use openstacksdk to execute the operation, simply with the Connection object and list_servers method.
import openstack
conn = openstack.connect(
servers = conn.list_servers()

parsing kubectl json output with jq or jsonpath

I would like to select, and list the crds which are containing the "v1beta1" in the
The versions part of the crd object looks similar like this
"versions": [
"name": "v1alpha2",
"served": true,
"storage": true,
"subresources": {
"status": {}
"name": "v1beta1"
"served": true,
"storage": true,
"subresources": {
"status": {}
I tried some different queries like the following, but no success.
$ kubectl get crd -ojson | jq -r '.items[] | map(select(.spec.versions[] | contains("v1beta1")))'
jq: error (at <stdin>:250345): Cannot index string with string "spec"
Jsonpath solution would be also great. I tried something like this without success.
$ kubectl get crd -ojsonpath="{range .items.*.spec.versions.*}{.name[?(#=='v1beta1')]}{'\n'}{end}"
Could someone help me please?
This will show the name using jsonpath: kubectl get crd -o jsonpath='{range .items[?(#.spec.versions[].name=="v1beta1")].metadata}{.name}{"\n"}'
You could base a jq solution on:
.spec.versions[] | select(.name | contains("v1beta1"))
or similar, e.g.
.spec.versions[] | select(.name | startswith("v1beta1"))

Getting just a string from a list

How do I just get 1 output from "labels"?
tried doing -o=jsonpath='{.metadata.labels[0]}' in hopes of getting the first string but that threw an error.
"metadata": {
"labels": {
"": "amd64",
"": "linux",
"": "amd64",
"": "",
"": "linux",
"": "true",
"": "true",
"": "true"
metadata.labels is not an array, so don't think '{.metadata.labels[0]}' will work.
One of the option is perhaps you can try is to use shell to fetch the first value as following:
kubectl get ingress -o json | jq '.items[0].metadata.labels' | head -2 |tr -d , |cat - <(echo "}") | jq
Kubectl uses JSONPath expressions to filter on specific fields in the JSON object and format the output:
kubectl get ingress -o=jsonpath='{.items[0].metadata.labels}'
For reference use the following link:

How to show all deployments/daemonsets which mount specific configmap/secret?

Sometimes, I want to explore all deployments/daemonsets which mount specific configmap/secret.
Is there any way can achieve this by kubectl?
You need to have jq to do such a complex queries.
Here you go:
kubectl get -o json deploy,daemonset | jq '[.items[] | . as $parent | .spec.template.spec.volumes[]? | select(.configMap != null) | {kind:$parent.kind, name:$,}]'
The jq command de-constructed:
[ // output as array
.items[] // iterate over root key 'items'
. as $parent // store the current entry as $parent to refer to it later
.spec.template.spec.volumes[]? // iterate over its volumes (the ? to prevent error if there is no volume
select(.configMap != null) // select only those volumes with configMap key
{kind:$parent.kind, name:$,} // now construct the output using $parent's kind and name and the configMap's name
Example output:
"kind": "Deployment",
"name": "telemetry-agent",
"configMap": "telemetry-config-map"
"kind": "DaemonSet",
"name": "fluent-bit",
"configMap": "fluent-bit"
"kind": "DaemonSet",
"name": "telegraf",
"configMap": "telegraf"
N.B. If you want to find specific configMap, just replace the select() clause .configMap != null to == "specific-configmap". Also, feel free to add --all-namespaces to the kubectl get command if you want to query from all namespaces

Problem when querying Raw Data with STH-Comet - Returns empty

I have Orion, Cygnus and STH-Comet(installed and configured in formal mode). Each component is in a container docker. I implemented the infrastructure with docker-compose.yml.
The Cygnus container is configured as follows:
image: fiware/cygnus-ngsi:latest
hostname: cygnus
container_name: cygnus
- /home/ubuntu/cygnus/multisink_agent.conf:/opt/fiware-cygnus/docker/cygnus-ngsi/multisink_agent.conf
- mongo
- default
- "5050"
- "5080"
- "5050:5050"
- "5080:5080"
- CYGNUS_AGENT_NAME=cygnus-ngsi
- CYGNUS_MONGO_HOSTS=mongo:27017
- CYGNUS_STH_DATA_MODEL=dm-by-entity
Obs: In the multisink_agent.conf file I changed the service and the servicepath:
cygnus-ngsi.sources.http-source-mongo.handler.default_service = tese
cygnus-ngsi.sources.http-source-mongo.handler.default_service_path = /iot
And the STH-Comet container looks like this:
image: fiware/sth-comet:latest
hostname: sth
container_name: sth
- cygnus
- mongo
- default
- "8666"
- "8666:8666"
- STH_PORT=8666
- DB_URI=mongo:27017
In the STH-Comet config.js file I enabled CORS and I changed the defaultService and the defaultServicePath. The file looks like this:
var config = {};
// STH server configuration
config.server = {
host: 'localhost',
port: '8666',
// Default value: "testservice".
defaultService: 'tese',
// Default value: "/testservicepath".
defaultServicePath: '/iot',
filterOutEmpty: 'true',
aggregationBy: ['day', 'hour', 'minute'],
temporalDir: 'temp',
maxPageSize: '100'
// Cors Configuration
config.cors = {
// The enabled is use to set CORS policy
enabled: 'true',
options: {
origin: ['*'],
headers: [
'Origin, Referer, User-Agent'
additionalHeaders: ['fiware-servicepath', 'fiware-service'],
credentials: 'true'
// Database configuration
config.database = {
dataModel: 'collection-per-entity',
user: '',
password: '',
authSource: '',
URI: 'localhost:27017',
replicaSet: '',
prefix: 'sth_',
collectionPrefix: 'sth_',
poolSize: '5',
writeConcern: '1',
shouldStore: 'both',
truncation: {
expireAfterSeconds: '0',
size: '0',
max: '0'
ignoreBlankSpaces: 'true',
nameMapping: {
enabled: 'false',
configFile: './name-mapping.json'
nameEncoding: 'false'
// Logging configuration
config.logging = {
level: 'debug',
format: 'pipe',
proofOfLifeInterval: '60',
processedRequestLogStatisticsInterval: '60'
module.exports = config;
I use Cygnus to persist historical data. STH-Comet is used only to query raw and aggregated data.
Cygnus' signature on Orion did this:
"description": "A subscription All Entities",
"subject": {
"entities": [
"idPattern": ".*"
"condition": {
"attrs": []
"notification": {
"http": {
"url": "http://cygnus:5050/notify"
"attrs": [],
"expires": "2040-01-01T14:00:00.00Z",
"throttling": 5
The headers used for fiware-service and fiware-servicepath are:
Fiware-service: tese
Fiware-servicepath: /iot
The entities data are stored in orion-tese. I have the collection: entities
"_id" : {
"id" : "Tank1",
"type" : "Tank",
"servicePath" : "/iot"
"attrNames" : [
"attrs" : {
"temperature" : {
"value" : 0.333,
"type" : "Float",
"mdNames" : [ ],
"creDate" : 1594334464,
"modDate" : 1594337770
"creDate" : 1594334464,
"modDate" : 1594337771,
"lastCorrelator" : "f86d0d74-c23c-11ea-9c82-0242ac1c0005"
The raw and aggregated data are stored in sth_tese.
I have the collections:
The sth_/iot_Tank1_Tank raw data is in mongoDB:
"_id" : ObjectId("5f079d0369591c06b0fc981a"),
"temperature" : 279,
"recvTime" : ISODate("2020-07-09T22:41:05.670Z")
"_id" : ObjectId("5f07a9eb69591c06b0fc981b"),
"temperature" : 0.333,
"recvTime" : ISODate("2020-07-09T23:36:11.160Z")
When I run: http://localhost:8666/STH/v1/contextEntities/type/Tank/id/Tank1/attributes/temperature?aggrMethod=sum&aggrPeriod=minute
I have the result: "sum": 279 and "sum": 0.333. I can recover ALL the aggregated data, max, min, sum, sum2.
The difficulty is with the STH-Comet when I try to retrieve the raw data, the return code is 200 and the value returns empty.
I've tried with APIs v1 and v2, to no avail.
request with v2:
"type": "StructuredValue",
"value": []
request with v1:
"contextResponses": [{
"contextElement": {
"attributes": [{
"name": "temperature",
"values": []
"id": "Tank1",
"isPattern": false,
"type": "Tank"
"statusCode": {
"code": "200",
"reasonPhrase": "OK"
The STH-Comet log shows that it is online and connects to the correct database:
time=2020-07-09T22:39:06.698Z | lvl=INFO | corr=n/a | trans=n/a | op=OPER_STH_DB_CONN_OPEN | from=n/a | srv=n/a | subsrv=n/a | comp=STH | msg=Establishing connection to the database at mongodb://#mongo:27017/sth_tese
time=2020-07-09T22:39:06.879Z | lvl=INFO | corr=n/a | trans=n/a | op=OPER_STH_DB_CONN_OPEN | from=n/a | srv=n/a | subsrv=n/a | comp=STH | msg=Connection successfully established to the database at mongodb://#mongo:27017/sth_tese
time=2020-07-09T22:39:07.218Z | lvl=INFO | corr=n/a | trans=n/a | op=OPER_STH_SERVER_START | from=n/a | srv=n/a | subsrv=n/a | comp=STH | msg=Server started at
The STH-Comet log with the api v2 request:
time=2020-07-09T23:46:47.400Z | lvl=DEBUG | corr=998811d9-fac2-4701-b37c-bb9ae1b45b81 | trans=998811d9-fac2-4701-b37c-bb9ae1b45b81 | op=OPER_STH_GET | from=n/a | srv=tese | subsrv=/iot | comp=STH | msg=GET /STH/v2/entities/Tank1/attrs/temperature?type=Tank&lastN=10
time=2020-07-09T23:46:47.404Z | lvl=DEBUG | corr=998811d9-fac2-4701-b37c-bb9ae1b45b81 | trans=998811d9-fac2-4701-b37c-bb9ae1b45b81 | op=OPER_STH_GET | from=n/a | srv=tese | subsrv=/iot | comp=STH | msg=Getting access to the raw data collection for retrieval...
time=2020-07-09T23:46:47.408Z | lvl=DEBUG | corr=998811d9-fac2-4701-b37c-bb9ae1b45b81 | trans=998811d9-fac2-4701-b37c-bb9ae1b45b81 | op=OPER_STH_GET | from=n/a | srv=tese | subsrv=/iot | comp=STH | msg=The raw data collection for retrieval exists
time=2020-07-09T23:46:47.412Z | lvl=DEBUG | corr=998811d9-fac2-4701-b37c-bb9ae1b45b81 | trans=998811d9-fac2-4701-b37c-bb9ae1b45b81 | op=OPER_STH_GET | from=n/a | srv=tese | subsrv=/iot | comp=STH | msg=No raw data available for the request: /STH/v2/entities/Tank1/attrs/temperature?type=Tank&lastN=10
time=2020-07-09T23:46:47.412Z | lvl=DEBUG | corr=998811d9-fac2-4701-b37c-bb9ae1b45b81 | trans=998811d9-fac2-4701-b37c-bb9ae1b45b81 | op=OPER_STH_GET | from=n/a | srv=tese | subsrv=/iot | comp=STH | msg=Responding with no points
According to the log, it establishes the connection to recover the raw data: msg=Getting access to the raw data collection for retrieval.... Confirms that the raw data exists: msg=The raw data collection for retrieval exists. But, it cannot recover this data and generates the message that the raw data is not available and does not return any points:msg=No raw data available for the request and msg=Responding with no points.
I already read the configuration part in the documentation. I've reinstalled everything, several times. I combed all settings and I can't find anything to justify this problem.
What could it be?
Could someone with expertise in STH-Comet give any guidance?
Sometimes the way in which STH tries to recover information doesn't match to the way in wich Cygnus store it. However, that doesn't to be the case here. The datamodel used by STH is configured with config.database.dataModel and it seems to be correct: collection-per-entity (as you have collections like sth_/iot_Tank1_Tank, which correspondds to a single entity, i.e. the one with id Tank1 and type Tank).
Assuming that the setting in config.js is not being overridden by DATA_MODEL env var (although it would be wise to check that, looking to the env vars actuallly inyected to the docker container running STH, I guess that with docker inspect) the only way I think we can continue debugging is to inspect which actual query does STH on MongoDB to end in No raw data available for the request.
MongoDB has a profiler that allows to record every query done in the DB. Thus the procedure would be as follows:
Avoid (or minimize) any other usage of MongoDB instance, to avoid "noise" in the information recorded by the profiler
Start the profiler in "all queries" mode (i.e. profiling level 2)
Do the query at STH API
Stop the profiler
Check the queries recorded by the profiler as a consequence of the request done in step 3
Explaining the usage of the MongoDB profiler is out of the scope of this answer, but the reference I provided above is a good starting point if you don't know it already.
Once you have information about the queries, please provide feedback as comments to this answers. Thanks!