How to search roman numerals in string with dart language? - flutter

I'm new to flutter. i have a string which have some roman numbers that indicate steps.. so i want to arrange that steps with new line and don't know how to do it. i tried string.replaceAll() but cannot get it since there are many roman number and some of then are the same such as i and ii. for example i have this string..
String text = 'some text here i) some step 1 ii) some step 2 iii) some step 3. some text after step blabla '
I want the output to have '\n' infront of the roman number which will arrange the output
some text here
i) some step 1
ii) some step 2
iii) some step 3
some text after step blabla
is there something i can use to detect the numeral numbers and add '\n' infront of it in the string or is there some other way.

There is probably a simpler way to do this with some sort of regex that I don't know about, but something like this should work.
String text = 'Your String'
List<String> words = text.split(' ');
String result = '';
for(var word in words){
result += word + '\n';
result += word
//result now contains the desired string

Tricky to know when "some text after step blabla" should have line breaks in front because I don't know what to look for... That you would have to specify more closely.
Using the Numerus package to check for valid Roman Numeral.
Have this a go:
String text = 'some text here i) some step 1 ii) some step 2 iii) some step 3. ao) invalid roman numberal. some textafter';
RegExp regexp = new RegExp(r"((\w+)\))");
final stringWithLinebreaks = text.replaceAllMapped(regexp, (match) {
? '\n${}'
: '${}';
That will print out:
some text here
i) some step 1
ii) some step 2
iii) some step 3. ao) invalid roman numberal. some textafter
You could of course make it better in several ways. Such as converting the roman numeral to int value using toRomanNumeralValue(), then sorting the steps accordingly if they are in the incorrect order in the text string. You could also make the RegExp more precise in several ways. For instance replacing \w with [iIvVxXlLcCdDmM] and so on..

i've found the answer from javascript and modify some of it... this is my answer... but i managed to search roman number from 1 to 10 only.. but its ok since the step never exceed more than 10
String formatText(String text) {
RegExp regExp = new RegExp(r'(?:viii?|i(?:ii?|[vx])?|vi?|x)\)');
String value = text.replaceAllMapped(regExp, (match) => "\n${}");
return value;


Converting numbers into timestamps (inserting colons at specific places)

I'm using AutoHotkey for this as the code is the most understandable to me. So I have a document with numbers and text, for example like this
120344 text text text
234000 text text
and the desired output is
12:03:44 text text text
23:40:00 text text
I'm sure StrReplace can be used to insert the colons in, but I'm not sure how to specify the position of the colons or ask AHK to 'find' specific strings of 6 digit numbers. Before, I would have highlighted the text I want to apply StrReplace to and then press a hotkey, but I was wondering if there is a more efficient way to do this that doesn't need my interaction. Even just pointing to the relevant functions I would need to look into to do this would be helpful! Thanks so much, I'm still very new to programming.
hfontanez's answer was very helpful in figuring out that for this problem, I had to use a loop and substring function. I'm sure there are much less messy ways to write this code, but this is the final version of what worked for my purposes:
Loop, read, C:\[location of input file]
{ If A_LoopReadLine = ;
Continue ; this part is to ignore the blank lines in the file
one := A_LoopReadLine
x := SubStr(one, 1, 2)
y := SubStr(one, 3, 2)
z := SubStr(one, 5)
two := x . ":" . y . ":" . z
FileAppend, %two%`r`n, C:\[location of output file]
Assuming that the "timestamp" component is always 6 characters long and always at the beginning of the string, this solution should work just fine.
String test = "012345 test test test";
test = test.substring(0, 2) + ":" + test.substring(2, 4) + ":" + test.substring(4, test.length());
This outputs 01:23:45 test test test
Why? Because you are temporarily creating a String object that it's two characters long and then you insert the colon before taking the next pair. Lastly, you append the rest of the String and assign it to whichever String variable you want. Remember, the substring method doesn't modify the String object you are calling the method on. This method returns a "new" String object. Therefore, the variable test is unmodified until the assignment operation kicks in at the end.
Alternatively, you can use a StringBuilder and append each component like this:
StringBuilder sbuff = new StringBuilder();
test = sbuff.toString();
You could also use a "fancy" loop to do this, but I think for something this simple, looping is just overkill. Oh, I almost forgot, this should work with both of your test strings because after the last colon insert, the code takes the substring from index position 4 all the way to the end of the string indiscriminately.

How do I extract only numbers from a string in Dart?

I was trying to sort the string using -
for (var t in creditcards) {
print(t['firstyear'].toString().replaceAll('/[^0-9]/', ''));
Its output -
Rs.499 + applicable taxes
Rs.495 + taxes
I want to remove ' + applicable taxes' from this and parse it as integer.
Without an example of how your String is it's hard to say what or how can we avoid certain patterns. This works as long as your Strings is always in the format Letters.numbers (any amount of letters, then a dot, then any amount of numbers)
String x = 'Rs.499 + applicable taxes';
String y = ' asdhui Euro.3243 + applicable taxes';
final RegExp firstRegExp = RegExp('[a-zA-Z]+(\.[0-9]+)');
final RegExp example = RegExp(r'\w+(\.\d+)'); //this is basically the same that the one above, but also check for numbers before the dot
//consider static final RegExp to avoid creating a new instance every time a value is checked
for (var t in creditcards) {
RegExp check for the pattern [a-zA-Z] which means any letter, + match the previous one or more times (the prvious means it will match a one or more letters, but not space, tabs or any special character), (.[0-9]+) the . checks for a dot (\ is used because . is a special character in regExp and you want to search explicitly for the dot), [0-9]+ checks for one or more numbers after the dot
RegExp is used to check for patterns, check more about it in
regExp Dart and some examples about special characters in RegExp

Flutter: trim string after certain NUMBER of characters in dart

Say I have a string with n number of characters, but I want to trim it down to only 10 characters. (Given that at all times the string has greater that 10 characters)
I don't know the contents of the string.
How to trim it in such a way?
I know how to trim it after a CERTAIN character
String s = "one.two";
//Removes everything after first '.'
String result = s.substring(0, s.indexOf('.'));
But how to remove it after a CERTAIN NUMBER of characters?
All answers (using substring) get the first 10 UTF-16 code units, which is different than the first 10 characters because some characters consist of two code units. It is better to use the characters package:
import 'package:characters/characters.dart';
void main() {
final str = "Hello 😀 World";
print(str.substring(0, 9)); // BAD
print(str.characters.take(9)); // GOOD
➜ dart main.dart
Hello 😀
Hello 😀 W
With substring you might even get half a character (which isn't valid):
print(str.substring(0, 7)); // BAD
print(str.characters.take(7)); // GOOD
Hello �
Hello 😀
The above examples will fail if string's length is less than the trimmed length. The below code will work with both short and long strings:
import 'dart:math';
void main() {
String s1 = 'abcdefghijklmnop';
String s2 = 'abcdef';
var trimmed = s1.substring(0, min(s1.length,10));
trimmed = s2.substring(0, min(s2.length,10));
Dart string routines operate on UTF-16 code units. For most of Latin and Cyrylic languages that is not a problem since all characters will fit into a single code unit. Yet emojis, some Asian, African and Middle-east languages might need 2 code units to encode a single character. E.g. '😊'.length will return 2 although it is a single character string. See characters package.
I think this should work.
String result = s.substring(0, 10);
To trim a String to a certain number of characters. The. code below works perfectly well:
// initialise your string here
String s = 'one.two.three.four.five';
// trim the string by getting the first 10 characters
String trimmedString = s.substring(0, 10);
// print the first ten characters of the string
i hope this helps
You can do this in multiple ways.
'string'.substr(start, ?length) USE :- 'one.two.three.four.five'.substr(0, 10)
'string'.substring(start, ?end) USE :- 'one.two.three.four.five'.substring(0, 10)
'string'.slice(start, ?end) USE :- 'one.two.three.four.five'.slice(0, 10)
To trim all trailing/right characters by specified characters, use the method:
static String trimLastCharacter(String srcStr, String pattern) {
if (srcStr.length > 0) {
if (srcStr.endsWith(pattern)) {
final v = srcStr.substring(0, srcStr.length - 1 - pattern.length);
return trimLastCharacter(v, pattern);
return srcStr;
return srcStr;
For example, you want to remove all 0 behind the decimals
then, call it by
trimLastCharacter("$123.98760000", "0")

How do I find letters in words that are part of a string and remove them? (List comprehensions with if statements)

I'm trying to remove vowels from a string. Specifically, remove vowels from words that have more than 4 letters.
Here's my thought process:
(1) First, split the string into an array.
(2) Then, loop through the array and identify words that are more than 4 letters.
(3) Third, replace vowels with "".
(4) Lastly, join the array back into a string.
Problem: I don't think the code is looping through the array.
Can anyone find a solution?
def abbreviate_sentence(sent):
split_string = sent.split()
for word in split_string:
if len(word) > 4:
abbrev = word.replace("a", "").replace("e", "").replace("i", "").replace("o", "").replace("u", "")
sentence = " ".join(abbrev)
return sentence
print(abbreviate_sentence("follow the yellow brick road")) # => "fllw the yllw brck road"
I just figured out that the "abbrev = words.replace..." line was incomplete.
I changed it to:
abbrev = [words.replace("a", "").replace("e", "").replace("i", "").replace("o", "").replace("u", "") if len(words) > 4 else words for words in split_string]
I found the part of the solution here: Find and replace string values in list.
It is called a List Comprehension.
I also found List Comprehension with If Statement
The new lines of code look like:
def abbreviate_sentence(sent):
split_string = sent.split()
for words in split_string:
abbrev = [words.replace("a", "").replace("e", "").replace("i", "").replace("o", "").replace("u", "")
if len(words) > 4 else words for words in split_string]
sentence = " ".join(abbrev)
return sentence
print(abbreviate_sentence("follow the yellow brick road")) # => "fllw the yllw brck road"

Adding specific letters to a string MATLAB

I'm a neuroscience/biomedical engineering major struggling with this whole MATLAB programming ordeal and so far, this website is the best teacher available to me right now. I am currently having trouble with one of my HW problems. What I need to do is take a phrase, find a specific word in it, then take a specific letter in it and increase that letter by the number indicated. In other words:
phrase = 'this homework is so hard'
word = 'so'
letter = 'o'
factor = 5
which should give me 'This homework is sooooo hard'
I got rid of my main error, though I really don;t know how. I exited MATLAB, then got back into it. Lo and behold, it magically worked.
function[out1] = textStretch(phrase, word, letter, stretch)
searchword= strfind(phrase, word);
searchletter strfind(hotdog, letter); %Looks for the letter in the word
add = (letter+stretch) %I was hoping this would take the letter and add to it, but that's not what it does
replace= strrep(phrase, word, add) %This would theoretically take the phrase, find the word and put in the new letter
out1 = replace
According to the teacher, the ones() function might be useful, and I have to concatenate strings, but if I can just find it in the string and replace it, why do I need to concatenate?
Since this is homework I won't write the whole thing out for you but you were on the right track with strfind.
a = strfind(phrase, word);
b = strfind(word, letter);
What does phrase(1:a) return? What does phrase(a+b:end) return?
Making some assumptions about why your teacher wants you to use ones:
What does num = double('o') return?
What does char(num) return? How about char([num num])?
You can concatenate strings like this:
out = [phrase(1:a),'ooooo',phrase(a+b:end)];
So all you really need to focus on is how to get a string which is letter repeated factor times.
If you wanted to use strrep instead you would need to give it the full word you are searching for and a copy of that word with the repeated letters in:
new_phrase = strrep(phrase, 'so', 'sooooo');
Again, the issue is how to get the 'sooooo' string.
See if this works for you -
phrase_split = regexp(phrase,'\s','Split'); %// Split into words as cells
wordr = cellstr(strrep(word,letter,letter(:,ones(1,factor))));%// Stretched word
phrase_split(strcmp(phrase_split,word)) = wordr;%//Put stretched word into place
out = strjoin(phrase_split) %// %// Output as the string cells joined together
Note: strjoin needs a recent MATLAB version, which if unavailable could be obtained from here.
Or you can just use a hack obtained from the m-file itself -
out = [repmat(sprintf(['%s', ' '], phrase_split{1:end-1}), ...
1, ~isscalar(phrase_split)), sprintf('%s', phrase_split{end})]
Sample run -
phrase =
this homework is so hard and so boring
word =
letter =
factor =
out =
this homework is sooooo hard and sooooo boring
So, just wrap the code into a function wrapper like this -
function out = textStretch(phrase, word, letter, factor)
Homework molded edit:
phrase = 'this homework is seriously hard'
word = 'seriously'
letter = 'r'
stretch = 6
out = phrase
stretched_word = letter(:,ones(1,stretch))
hotdog = strfind(phrase, word)
hotdog_st = strfind(word,letter)
start_ind = hotdog+hotdog_st-1
out(start_ind+stretch:end+stretch-1) = out(start_ind+1:end)
out(hotdog+hotdog_st-1:hotdog+hotdog_st-1+stretch-1) = stretched_word
Output -
out =
this homework is serrrrrriously hard
As again, use this syntax to convert to function -
function out = textStretch(phrase, word, letter, stretch)
Well Jessica first of all this is WRONG, but I am not here to give you the solution. Could you please just use it this way? This surely run.
function main_script()
phrase = 'this homework is so hard';
word = 'so';
letter = 'o';
factor = 5;
[flirty] = textStretchNEW(phrase, word, letter, factor)
function [flirty] = textStretchNEW(phrase, word, letter, stretch)
hotdog = strfind(phrase, word);
colddog = strfind(hotdog, letter);
add = letter + stretch;
hug = strrep(phrase, word, add);
flirty = hug