Perl: "Install" a custom module from a local .pm file into the Perl execution environment? - perl

Perl newbie here with very little time and support to learn Perl but all the expectations from management to use it like a Perl Pro :)
I am using Perl (v5.30.2 by Larry Wall) under Cygwin (windows 10)
My developer issued a new script, that now uses a Perl module I didn't have.
They then sent me the .pm file (which they authored themselves and it is not on any online Perl repo).
I was unable to use CPAN to install that file into my Perl execution environment.
Where should the .pm file be saved at? (please specify the exact folder)
How to tell CPAN to install this file for usage? Ideally, a one-time affair, as I don't want to forget installing this file, if I have to do that every time I need to run the Perl script...
Just in case there may be any security concern from the dear answer-ers: There isn't any security concern here, this is all under an environment that has no connection to the internet.

A Perl module is just a file (or collection of files). You don't have to put them anywhere special, but you need to tell Perl where to find them.
When you call use or require with a bareword, Perl translates that module name, like Some::Module, into Some/ (or whatever is appropriate for your system. Anyone still using VMS?).
Once it has the filename form of the module, it looks for that subpath in the directories in #INC. It tries the first directory. If it doesn't find it it moves on to the next, and so on down the line. These directories are decided when someone configures and installs Perl. And, before v5.26, it included the current working directory (see v5.26 removes dot from #INC and Doesn't Perl include current directory in #INC by default?
But, you can tell Perl where else to look. perlfaq8 has How do I add a directory to my include path (#INC) at runtime?. ikegami also showed FindBin in the comments (How do I add the directory my program lives in to the module/library search path?).
Beyond that, you can tell require to load a path, although you then need to ensure that the program can find that path even if someone runs it from another directory
require './this_file/over/here';
require '/usr/local/lib/this_file/over/here';


How to dynamically add a program's library path to #INC in Perl program?

I'm working on an application that is written in Perl. The application is so large now that I want to move each class out into a separate file. This complicated building and installing the program; when it was only file it could easily be copied in place anywhere. Now I have to use a build system like Build::Module or ExtUtils::MakeMaker.
I have structured my source tree so that I have two directories: bin where the program launcher is, and lib where a number of modules are. Bin contains an executable Perl script which the user invokes, and it loads the necessary module from the lib directory.
The problem that I have is that I want the user to be able to specify a prefix where they want the program installed, similar to the --prefix option offered by packages based on GNU Autotools. Since this might not be a standard path where Perl looks for modules (for example /opt/program) the user will see a message saying something like Can't locate in #INC.
Is there a way to make the program detect where the modules should be loaded frm and dynamically add that path to #INC? I don't want the user to have to manually work with environment variables like PERL5LIB in order to get the program running.
Couldn't you use findbin and lib ?:
use FindBin qw($Bin);
use lib "$Bin/lib";
If I understand you, you're breaking up a big large program into smaller components. Good for you! That's great programming technique. Making each class a true Perl module is a great idea. It makes your program so much easier to maintain.
I do this all of the time. First, I use the module name Local:: as my prefix. CPAN will never use Local as a module prefix, so I know I will never clash with some CPAN Module. Then, I put my Local module directory in the same directory as my script. In most standard Perl installations, when Perl searches #INC for modules, the last directory it searches for is the current directory (.). Since my module names will never clash with any CPAN modules, I know Perl will find my modules and only my modules under that ./Local directory.
You can now distribute the entire directory structure to other users. All a user has to do is install your entire directory (which includes the scripts and modules) and run the script. No need to go through an entire install process.
The following code works for me. You supply a command line option like (--prefix abc) and that value is appended to the lib path very early in your script. So all following modules will be searched with the dynamically set path.
use strict;
use warnings;
use Getopt::Long;
my $prefix = '';
GetOptions ('prefix=s' => \$prefix );
$prefix = $prefix || '.';
use lib "$prefix";
use mymod; # uses the dynamical search path

Perl to generate one executable file for a script which uses any number of modules and libraries

I am working on creating an agent in perl which does several actions. It uses several modules which are in .pm format and also few libraries. Now i want to convert it as one executable file so that i can install in n number of servers by copying that single file. Is it something i can achieve in perl? I am just a beginner in perl, perhaps my question might sound dumb but it will teach me something.
pp script provided with PAR::Packer is able to create single-file executables. An example from its page:
pp -o foo # Pack '' and '' into 'foo'
Some modules are included with Perl, so even though they're separate modules, they will work on other Perl installs without installing those modules. These include File::Copy, File::Find, Time::Piece.
You can see the listing of all standard modules on the Perldoc home page. Be sure to set the drop down version field (located on the left side) to the version that you're using. It goes all the way back to Perl 5.8.8 which is on Solaris.
It is entirely possible that the modules you need are already included in the standard Perl distribution, so there's no need to worry. Sometimes, you can substitute a non-standard module that's being used for one that's a standard module with little rewriting.
Some modules include compiled C code and can't be redistributed. They must be compiled on the machine they'r running on and installed. However, most modules are pure Perl modules, and can be redistributed with a program.
If a module isn't a standard module, and it's a pure Perl module, there are two ways it can be redistributed:
Perl has an #INC list that says what directories to search for when you search for modules. There's a Perl use lib pragma that allows you to add directories. You could include modules as sub directories for your program, and then zip up the entire structure. Users would unzip the entire directory tree which would include your program and the modules you need. By the way, the default #INC usually includes the current directory.
The other way is to append the modules to your program and then remove the use statement for that module (since it's now part of the file). This is a bit tricky, but it means a single program file.
Just remember that a module might require another module, so check thoroughly.
Another thing you can do is check for the module, and if it isn't there, download it via CPAN. Testing is easy:
eval {
require My::Module; Module->import( LIST );
if ($#) {
die qq(Module doesn't exist);
Of course, doing a die is sort of silly because use would do that. However, it might be possible instead of dying to load the module via the CPAN module programmer's interface. I've never done that, and I don't know people who have. But, it is possible.
So, your best bet is to check to see if your program uses standard Perl modules, and if not, see if you can modify the program to use them. For example, if your program uses Archive::Zip, you might be able to modify it to use IO::Uncompress::Unzip and IO::Compress::Zip instead.
Otherwise, your choice is to try include those modules for installation (and watch for recursiveness and non-Pure Perl modules) or to try to detect that a module isn't installed, and programmatically install it.
The answer is a bit complicated.
The nature of Perl makes it practically impossible to compile a perl script in most use cases, so that a single executable could be distributed (with executable in the Windows sense). There are ways to do something similar, but sadly I don't know them.
But you can actually embed the Perl interpreter inside any C application, including the Perl source (your scripts + modules). When you statically link all C libraries, this should work as well. You can then use the Perl API to call your scripts.
If all of the servers you target are guaranteed to run the exact same OS, using the exact same libraries, and are preferably a *nix of some sort, it would be possible to pack all required files into an archive and write an install script. It is possible to write self-extracting shell scripts that contain the archive they are about to unpack. Same goes with perl, using the special __DATA__ command and the DATA filehandle:
print for <DATA>;
Works great for piping data to tar as well.
You should include all dependent modules and all compiled libraries into the file and figure out a metadata system to install all files to the correct place.
As a general rule, software should rather be compiled on the target system itself, than just copying the binary files. It is too easy to overlook architecture differencies, configuration files or special registration entries hidden from view.
If you have to target different systems, it might be better to write a script that delegates the bulk of the installation to cpan or whatever perl package manager you prefer. This will be more flexible than hard-coding filepaths.
cpan install Foo::Bar
cpan install Acme
cpan install ...
# etc.
I would stick with that.
The most elegant solution would be to create your own package or distribution like the ones you download from CPAN. As you would include a metadata file referencing all your dependencies, cpan would figure out everything by itself and do possibly neccessary compilation. I don't think this exactly is a beginners topic, but it would give you max flexibility and maintainability (easy upgrades!). This should make it fairly easy to include some installation tests.
This is just for starters, I am sure the internet or somebody else with more knowledge will elaborate.

Does Perl look in the current directory (.) for modules?

Does Perl look in . (the current directory) for modules?
I can't directly install a module and I think I could copy it into the local directory. Is this true?
perl -V will print out various properties about your Perl installation, including the default #INC. You should notice a . in there: yes, the current working directory is searched for modules by default.
(If not, you can use environment variables PERL5LIB or PERLLIB, or -I on the command line, or add a to perl -V:sitelib.)
In response to Cameron and tchrist's discussion in the comments to ephemient's answer.
You may use this snippet to use modules in the same directory as the script, even if the script is executed while in another directory.
use Cwd 'abs_path';
use File::Basename;
use lib dirname( abs_path $0 );
It should work in all cases and on all OSes. (Source:
Lately there has been some reason to not rely on . being in #INC more than usual, namely that this default behavior is scheduled to be removed in Perl 5.26. See the development release notes here:
It is generally known that this is being done to address vulnerabilities that were noticed in some applications as a result of this behavior. The CVE(s) have not been released publicly (yet).
Perl searches directories in the #INC array when searching for modules.
Please refer to the following Stack Overflow question on how that array is constructed (this would tell you how your current or home directory can be added):
How is Perl's #INC constructed? (aka What are all the ways of affecting where Perl modules are searched for?)
Please refer to the following Stack Overflow question on how Perl finds the actual file for the module:
How does a Perl program know where to find the file containing Perl module it uses?
I think it most likely will by default, as indicated in this post. If your implementation does not do so, the syntax referenced in the initial question on that post will allow you to reference the module you need.
When you unpack the module’s tarball directory, build its Makefile with an optional library argument with the name of whatever personal directory you want the module contents placed in:
$ perl Makefile.PL LIB=~/perllibs
Then make sure you have your ~/perllibs directory included in your $PERL5LIB envariable.

Can I move a Perl installation from one computer to another computer?

I am trying to set up an application dependant on few Perl modules, but the server I am installing to, does not have Internet connection. I read about offline module installs via ppd files, however I would have to resolve all the dependencies one by one.. All the more tedious considering I don't have direct internet connection.
I am hoping to find a solution, where I install ActivePerl on my PC and install all the libraries that I want and then copy paste the directories to my server. If it is just a matter of fixing some environment variables, that would be fine. Just want to know the definitive list of variables to modify. Not sure whether it is mandatory to install the perl libraries on the computer in which it is intended to run? (One is 32 bit platform and other one is 64 bit, but the server is already running various 32 bit applications so I hope it is not a major problem) For best compatibility, I plan to install ActivePerl on both the systems and merge the library directories to be identical.
The answer was on Perl FAQ, my bad didn't go through it properly.
I copied the perl binary from one machine to another, but scripts don't work.
That's probably because you forgot libraries, or library paths differ.
You really should build the whole distribution on the machine it will
eventually live on, and then type "make install". Most other approaches
are doomed to failure.
One simple way to check that things are in the right place is to print
out the hard-coded #INC that perl looks through for libraries:
% perl -le 'print for #INC'
If this command lists any paths that don't exist on your system, then
you may need to move the appropriate libraries to these locations, or
create symbolic links, aliases, or shortcuts appropriately. #INC is also
printed as part of the output of
% perl -V
You might also want to check out "How do I keep my own module/library
directory?" in perlfaq8.
From this link
Occasionally, you will not be able to
use any of the methods to install
modules. This may be the case if you
are a particularly under-privileged
user - perhaps you are renting web
space on a server, where you are not
given rights to do anything.
It is possible, for some modules, to
install the module without compiling
anything, and so you can just drop the
file in place and have it work.
Without going into a lot of the
detail, some Perl modules contain a
portion written in some other language
(such as C or C++) and some are
written in just in Perl. It is the
latter type that this method will work
for. How will you know? Well, if there
are no files called something.c and
something.h in the package, chances
are that it is a module that contains
only Perl code.
In these cases, you can just unpack
the file, and then copy just the *.pm
files to a directory from which you
will run the modules. Two examples of
this should suffice to illustrate how
this is done. is a wonderful little
module that allows you to read
configuration information out of a
.ini-style config file. is
written only in Perl, and has no C
portion. When you unpack the .tar.gz
file that you got from CPAN, you will
find several files in there, and one
of them is called This is
the only file that you are actually
interested in. Copy that file to the
directory where you have the Perl
programs that will be using this
module. You can then use the module as
you would if it was installed
``correctly,'' with just the line:
use IniConf;
Time::CTime is another very handy
module that lets you print times in
any format that strikes your fancy. It
is written just in Perl, without a C
component. You will install it just
the same way as you did with IniConf,
except that the file, called,
must be placed in a subdirectory
called Time. The colons, as well as
indicating an organization of modules,
also indicates a directory structure
on your file system.

How can I force Perl to run the module from the test directory only?

I have perl module file and test script pl which I use to run some function, and after browsing through the use lib and this previous question here...
I still don't know how to do this.
Basically I have a production directory which contains the module file, and I have a test directory file which contains the same module and the test script file. each time I try to run the script file, it will automatically calls the module in the directory. by printing out the #INC, it seems that the production directory is hosted in there. thus I try to remove it by using
no lib qw(prod_dir);
and while printing out the #INC shows that the directory is no longer there, somehow the script is still calling that other module...
I know this probably sounds really dumb, but hope someone can help me see the light here :)
After you have required or used the module, check %INC to see where it came from.
For example:
use Data::Dumper;
print $INC{'Data/'}."\n";
Note that "::" becomes "/" and you append ".pm". That might give you a clue.
Remember that the current directory (".") is usually an entry in #INC. But the first step is finding out what directory the module was loaded from.
Another thing to remember is that the directories in #INC are searched in order. use lib prepends to that list (making it the first-searched directory), so you may just need to add the appropriate directory.
Can you say more about what you are trying to do and how you are trying to do it? Is this stuff in a standard Perl distribution structure? If you aren't using the standard distribution structure, can you show us a directory listing so we know where things are? Can you also include the code you use to try to load the module? Just update your original question when you pull together the details.
Typically, I run tests through the build runner, which automatically sets up the right #INC.
If I want to run one test in my distribution, I use the blib module to find the build library which has the development versions of my modules:
% perl -Mblib t/test.t
Some people do the same thing with prove.
If you aren't using the basic distribution set-up, consider using it. The tools and best techniques rely on it.
If you just have your module and test file in the same directory, have you tried adding the current directory to #INC with PERL5LIB?