How can I use facebook test users to login using Facebook Login in Android App? - facebook

I need to login via facebook to my application. I am trying to use facebook test accounts, as making fake accounts is both impractical and not allowed. I've seen that people usually have email attached to their test users, while mine dont have it. Any reason why?


Can I lose track of banned users who signed in from FB login?

I have a web app in which users can sign up via many auth providers among which Facebook Login (using facebook SDK).
Everything works fine but I was wondering if there's a way banned users (ToS violators) can get to access the web app?
For example, can they do that using the remove app functionality from their FB account settings or some other way where they could seamingly change their identity making them look like new users from the FB API (new IDs because of some change they made to their account,...) thus being able to sign up again on my app with the same technically banned facebook account?

Are email addresses suspicious for facebook login

I have a mobile app that allows logging in with facebook, when a user logs in I pull their email from the graph api but I just got a couple of logins with email addresses with domains which I guess is for test users while developing on facebook. I didnt generate these so is this someone doing something shady to login to my app or just expected behavior for some users given their settings?
Mobile app coded in react-native, using expo
Those seem to be the internal facebook QA team going through your APPs and manually checking if you're following all facebook's guidelines.
Facebook auditing your app basically.... or at least they did to mine because right after those email registrations came in, I checked my facebook app settings and sure enough, I got an alert and an email shortly after. But never received those emails before today on any other facebook logins.
I have checked my account and it looks like a generic test user Open Graph Test User gets created automatically, according to which product you enable in your app. It gets created for example, if you enable facebook login or messenger platform.
not something shady IMHO

Link facebook messenger with facebook login on app

I have a facebook messenger bot that sends a webhook to my web app. People can login to my app via facebook login.
The first user contact is normally with my facebook bot on which they can create a profile. When they make contact I take their facebook id, name, profile pic, etc.
Users can then login with facebook to my web app to enhance their profile.
My problem is facebook uses different scoped ids for messenger and their login.
How can I recognise if a user has already been on my facebook bot if they use my web app, and vice verca.
I think it has something to do with the business mapping api: but I'm struggling to understand how it works.
I am sending a get request using:
GET /me?fields=token_for_business
But the docs do not specify the full url to use. I'm also unsure if you can use this in developer mode.
facebook provides an id-matching api
for the app and pages owned by the same business manager. More informations:

Can I connect to a Facebook app with my page profile?

I tried, but it always tries to redirect me to my personal account
The app belongs to me. I created it with my personal account. I would like to let companies connect to the app with their page accounts, not as people - it would be more convenient for brands that way.
To test it, I created my own page, and tried to register myself as an app user with, but it did not work.
You cannot connect to a Facebook app as a Page or through business account as for some reason Facebook doesn't allows you to connect applications with the business account or Page. You can't even like a page using the like box if you are using business account.

Facebook Login without a Facebook Account nor through a third-party app

Does anyone know of a way to use social logins without having to create an account with a social media website? For Example, I want to use Facebook's Login on my website, but I do not want to create a Facebook account nor an app just to use their login.
Far as I know it pretty much requires (facebook) an App to be created (on developer site for facebook) in order to utilized services with a website.
Unfortunately, in order to maintain a safe development environment, and to prevent the creation of spam apps, it is required that Facebook manage its developer users. This is to allow them to block apps that act maliciously, and to allow permissions to be managed on their server for the app access token. For a more detailed answer, I'll refer you to one on StackOverflow by Lix.