Is there a way to to make the iPhone 8 version look the same as the iPod touch one? - iphone

I originally made an app that works on iPhones but I want it to work on a thinner iPod touch (I am using autolayout). I have an issue of the screen not completely being shown in the iPod touch version. It looks like this.
I have looked into size classes but the size classes for both models is the same. I'm wondering if there is a framework that can solve my issue or if there is an autolayout trick.


How to get a finished iPhone 5 app to display AS IF in "compatibility mode" on iPad with retina display?

This is my first iPhone app (iPhone 5), and it's basically ready to submit to Apple except...
I'm stumped on how to get my app to display on the iPad like it would in compatibility mode if it had a 3.5 inch screen. But it has a 4-inch screen, of course. It's an iPhone 5 app. And Apple has not yet provided a compatibility mode (that I am aware of) that will display the 4-inch screen properly in compatibility mode on the iPad. Instead, compatibility mode distorts and cuts off the 4-inch layout and smushes it into a 3.5-inch compatibility mode box.
I have read all of the stackoverflow Q&A's that I could find, plus many other web pages, tried numerous approaches, but all solutions end up with my iPhone storyboard layout distorted on the iPad and/or nailed to the top left portion of the iPad screen, or both.
I've been banging my head on this for days.
I sure hope someone can help.
You know how 3.5-inch iphone apps look on the ipad in compatibility mode? That is EXACTLY how I want my iPhone 5, 4-inch screen to look on the iPad, but with the 4-inch dimensions. I do not want the app to occupy nearly all of the iPad screen. Just a box that looks like the iphone 5 app, hanging right there centered in the iPad screen. I don't have a problem with figuring out how to connect things to my view controllers, fwiw.
I don't know how to put this any more specifically. If my question is unclear, perhaps someone could help me to restate it? This is NOT a duplicate of other stackoverflow topics I have been able to find. But I'm willing to be corrected.
Hellllp! :-) Thanks in advance for any light you may be able to shed. I'm hoping to avoid starting from scratch to create a usable iPad presentation for my iPhone 5 app.
iPad doesn't work like that. I believe the reason is that the 2x button would not scale properly for the 4 inch screen.
Either way, you need to make sure your app works well for the 3.5 inch screen anyway, this may be a good time to rethink some of the design of your app to make sure it works well in a 3.5 inch screen.

Making my iPhone 5 app compatible with iPhone 4, iPod Touch, legacy iPhone?

I am new to xcode and mobile app design in general, but was able to pull together some resources and make a nice looking app optimizing for iPhone 5. However, I noticed a few problems with compatibility and am hoping someone can suggest to me a quick fix.
First, I take advantage of the entire iPhone 5 screen size, and when loaded on iPhone 4 or earlier the placement of icons is all awry. Would this be fixed by just making the entire view scrollable somehow? And if so, can someone point me in the right direction to accomplish this?
Second, I've noticed that if I am using my app while in a call (and therefore have the green notification bar at the top) it also causes misalignments for my objects. Is there a way to prevent this?
Thanks for the advice.
If you are targeting iOS 6 you should take advantage of Auto Layout. Here is a good tutorial to get started
Add a Default-568h#2x.png launch image.
and check the all screen.

iOS 5 and iOS 6 - UIWebView difference in behaviour

I am testing some HTML code on UIWebView. And am also wishing to support both iOS 5.x and iOS 6.x. But there seems to be a problem about font size associated with iOS 6.x only.
That is, under rotation, iOS 5.x would make fonts slightly smaller when changing to portrait from landscape mode (which is desirable, since portrait's width is shorter). However, UIWebView in iOS 6.x would do just the opposite.
The problem does not come up when the same HTML code is rendered in iOS Safari (both 5.x and 6.x), as font size always scales as expected during rotation.
It could be something I've missed about UIWebView, hope somebody knowledgable could help to explain this.
Also, the above problem comes up on my iPhone 5 iOS 6.1 test device. Please comment if you do or don't find any similar problem. Wish to know if it is only associated with this particular phone (or its settings) only.
Latest Update :
The above problem should be related to how the project (which started long before iOS 6 was available) is laid out. As have set up a new test project with a UIWebView and a UIView in some different basic setups, and the text autosizing during rotation seems to be ok in both ios 5 & 6. The above problem may be due to custom layout adjustment code used which is good only in iOS 5. Really wish there were more compatibility between the 2 ios versions.
Please use the viewpoint setting to see the difference in ios 5 and ios 6

Why are UILabel line breaks at different places on the device compared to interface builder and the simulator?

I recently ran into a few problems with several multiline UILabels that I had created in interface builder. In interface builder, each label was large enough for the text it contained. Similarly, when I ran it in the simulator each label was large enough. But when I ran it on my device, some black magic caused the line breaks to occur at different places and not all of the text was visible.
I resorted to deliberately making the offending labels too big in IB, which did the trick, but I was left curious as to what was causing the differences. Does anyone have any idea what it might be?
I was using the interface builder in Xcode 4.2 through MonoTouch. The phone is a 3GS and runs iOS 4.3.5, but my simulator seems stuck on iOS 5 (which I guess might be something to do with it).
Looks like the most likely explanation is that the different versions of iOS use a slightly different System font. Interface Builder and the iPhone simulator were probably using one font, but when I put it on my iOS 4.3.5 phone it was using another. I think it is most likely to be something to do with the OS and not the device because I have since been able to try it on an iPhone 4 which was running iOS 4.2 - the behaviour was the same as on my 3GS.
Thanks to Krumelur and Mark Adams for the comments!

ipod touch 2nd generation issues ui overlapping

I was facing issues in ipod touch devices when build with ios 5. It actually messes up the entire screen and all the textbox, labels, buttons displayed in the bottom of the screen and after scrolling up and down, everything gets aligned properly.
I have same issue in iphone, i just did the following setting and it did worked with same ios sdk (armv6armv7, with no optimization level none).
Have you guys faced similar issues ? iPod touch 2nd generation is the only problem now. Do you have any suggestions for fixing this up ?
or is this a ios problem ?
I had the same problem and I did the same changes as you to solve it. Just make sure you also change it for Distribution and Release too (I made that mistake).
As for the iPod touch 2G - that doesn't support iOS 5. Are you looking specifically about supporting iOS 5 on an iPod touch 2G? If so, according to Apple, you don't have to.