How do you enforce conditions? - postgresql

I'm working on a new feature, and in DEV and QA environments, the performance is consistent. The execution time on the modified query is the same (or better) than the original query.
When I moved the code to production, suddenly the modified query took a serious performance hit.
I ran explain on both the original and modified query, and the difference appears to be in how a conditions for a scan is evaluated:
In my Dev, QA, and unmodified production, I get:
Index Scan using taggings_taggable_context_idx on public.taggings as pltags (cost=0.08..3.47 rows=1 width=8) (actual=0.005..0.006 rows=2 loops=6959)
Index Cond: ((pltags.taggable_id = AND ((pltags.taggable_type)::text = 'PulseTemplate'::text) AND ((pltags.context)::text = 'product_lines'::text))
But in the Modified Production explain, I get:
Index Scan using type_context_id on public.taggings as pltags (cost=0.08..4.09 rows=1 width=8) (actual=0.011..0.17 rows=468 loops=5172)
Index Cond: (((pltags.taggable_type)::text = 'PulseTemplate'::text) AND ((pltags.context)::text = 'product_lines'::text))
Suddenly it's dropped the (pltags.taggable_id = part of the condition, which now returns 468 rows instead of 2.
The Join i'm using is not part of the modified code
LEFT JOIN taggings pltags on pltags.taggable_type = 'PulseTemplate' AND pltags.context = 'product_lines' AND pltags.taggable_id =
The change is the And Condition here:
INNER JOIN pulse_group_products pp on = i.front_product_id
pp.primary_target = CASE WHEN (pt.target_override <> '') IS NOT TRUE then pp.primary_target ELSE pt.target_override end
OR pp.secondary_target = CASE WHEN (pt.target_override <> '') IS NOT TRUE then pp.primary_target ELSE pt.target_override end
The database is a rails application, so the schema has been managed only by the same rails migration files, so the schemas are as identical as I can make them.
The index that is being used is identical in all environments
CREATE INDEX type_context_id
ON public.taggings USING btree
(taggable_type COLLATE pg_catalog."default" ASC NULLS LAST, context COLLATE pg_catalog."default" ASC NULLS LAST, taggable_id ASC NULLS LAST)
TABLESPACE pg_default;
Why would the production database suddenly change the conditions for this join, and how can I force it to include the conditions I specified?


Avoid using Nested Loop Join while using a non Equi join condition

Postgres is using a Nested Loop Join algorithm when I use a non equi join condition in my update query. I understand that the Nested Loop Join can be very costly as the right relation is scanned once for every row found in the left relation as per
The update query and the execution plan is below.
explain analyze
UPDATE target_tbl tgt
set descr = stage.descr,
prod_name = stage.prod_name,
item_name = stage.item_name,
url = stage.url,
col1_name = stage.col1_name,
col2_name = stage.col2_name,
col3_name = stage.col3_name,
col4_name = stage.col4_name,
col5_name = stage.col5_name,
col6_name = stage.col6_name,
col7_name = stage.col7_name,
col8_name = stage.col8_name,
flag = stage.flag
from tbl1 stage
where tgt.col1 = stage.col1
and tgt.col2 = stage.col2
and coalesce(tgt.col3, 'col3'::text) = coalesce(stage.col3, 'col3'::text)
and coalesce(tgt.col4, 'col4'::text) = coalesce(stage.col4, 'col4'::text)
and stage.row_number::int >= 1::int
and stage.row_number::int < 50001::int;
Execution Plan
Update on target_tbl tgt (cost=0.56..3557.91 rows=1 width=813) (actual time=346153.460..346153.460 rows=0 loops=1)
-> Nested Loop (cost=0.56..3557.91 rows=1 width=813) (actual time=4.326..163876.029 rows=50000 loops=1)
-> Seq Scan on tbl1 stage (cost=0.00..2680.96 rows=102 width=759) (actual time=3.060..2588.745 rows=50000 loops=1)
Filter: (((row_number)::integer >= 1) AND ((row_number)::integer < 50001))
-> Index Scan using tbl_idx on target_tbl tgt (cost=0.56..8.59 rows=1 width=134) (actual time=3.152..3.212 rows=1 loops=50000)
Index Cond: ((col1 = stage.col1) AND (col2 = stage.col2) AND (COALESCE(col3, 'col3'::text) = COALESCE(stage.col3, 'col3'::text)) AND (COALESCE(col4, 'col4'::text) = COALESCE(stage.col4, 'col4'::text)))
Planning time: 17.700 ms
Execution time: 346157.168 ms
Is there any way to avoid the nested loop join during the execution of the above query?
Or is there a way that can help me to reduce the cost of the the nested loop scan, currently it takes 6-7 minutes to update just 50000 records?
PostgreSQL can choose a different join strategy in that case. The reason why it doesn't is the gross mis-estimate in the sequential scan: 102 instead of 50000.
Fix that problem, and things will get better:
If that is not enough, collect more detailed statistics:
All this assumes that row_number is an integer and the type cast is redundant. If you made the mistake to use a different data type, an index is your only hope:
CREATE INDEX ON tbl1 ((row_number::integer));
I understand that the Nested Loop Join can be very costly as the right relation is scanned once for every row found in the left relation
But the "right relation" here is an index scan, not a scan of the full table.
You can get it to stop using the index by changing the leading column of the join condition to something like where tgt.col1+0 = stage.col1 .... Upon doing that, it will probably change to a hash join or a merge join, but you will have to try it and see if it does. Also, the new plan may not actually be faster. (And fixing the estimation problem would be preferable, if that works)
Or is there a way that can help me to reduce the cost of the the
nested loop scan, currently it takes 6-7 minutes to update just 50000
Your plan shows that over half the time is spent on the update itself, so probably reducing the cost of just the nested loop scan can have only a muted impact on the overall time. Do you have a lot of indexes on the table? The maintenance of those indexes might be a major bottleneck.

Postgres select on large (15m rows) table extremely slow, even with index

I'm trying to run EXPLAIN ANALYZE but it simply won't finish because it's so slow. If it does, I'll post the results, but for now, here is the EXPLAIN.
"Posts" AS "Post"
"Post"."featurePostOnDate" > '2020-06-25 19:28:07.816 +00:00'
OR (
"Post"."featurePostOnDate" IS NULL
AND "Post"."userId" IN (6863684)
AND "Post"."private" IS NULL
"Post"."featurePostOnDate" DESC NULLS LAST,
"Post"."createdAt" DESC NULLS LAST
Limit (cost=0.56..110.92 rows=10 width=1136)
-> Index Scan using posts_updated_following_feed_idx on "Posts" "Post" (cost=0.56..284949.60 rows=25819 width=1136)
Filter: (("featurePostOnDate" > '2020-06-25 19:28:07.816+00'::timestamp with time zone) OR (("featurePostOnDate" IS NULL) AND ("userId" = 6863684)))
CREATE INDEX "posts_updated_following_feed_idx" ON "public"."Posts" USING btree (
"featurePostOnDate" DESC NULLS LAST,
private IS NULL;
You would need to write it as two separate queries, one for each branch of the OR. Apply the limit to each query, then combine them and apply the limit again jointly. But if the first branch finds ten rows, the second one doesn't need to run at all as all non-NULL dates already come first.
So, as you are having 15m rows, and you have used ANALYZE. Using ANALYZE actually runs the query, you can refer it from here
And in WHERE clause you have used the fields which are not indexed
"Post"."featurePostOnDate" > '2020-06-25 19:28:07.816 +00:00'
OR (
"Post"."featurePostOnDate" IS NULL
AND "Post"."userId" IN (6863684)
AND "Post"."private" IS NULL
So it is actually doing a sequential scan to filter out the rows
Filter: (("featurePostOnDate" > '2020-06-25 19:28:07.816+00'::timestamp with time zone) OR (("featurePostOnDate" IS NULL) AND ("userId" = 6863684)))
That might be the reason your query is slow.
You might need compound indexes on (featurePostOnDate, userId, private) and (featurePostOnDate, private).
I hope this helps.

Optimizing a query that compares a table to itself with millions of rows

I could use some help optimizing a query that compares rows in a single table with millions of entries. Here's the table's definition:
row_hash int8 NOT NULL DEFAULT NULL,
table_name text NOT NULL DEFAULT NULL,
CONSTRAINT row_check_pkey
PRIMARY KEY (id, version)
I'm reworking our push code and have a test bed with millions of records across about 20 tables. I run my tests, get the row counts, and can spot when some of my insert code has changed. The next step is to checksum each row, and then compare the rows for differences between versions of my code. Something like this:
-- Run my test of "version 0" of the push code, the base code I'm refactoring.
-- Insert the ID and checksum for each pushed row.
INSERT INTO row_check (id,version,row_hash,table_name)
SELECT id, 0, hashtext(record_changes_log::text),'record_changes_log'
FROM record_changes_log
row_hash = EXCLUDED.row_hash,
table_name = EXCLUDED.table_name;
truncate table record_changes_log;
-- Run my test of "version 1" of the push code, the new code I'm validating.
-- Insert the ID and checksum for each pushed row.
INSERT INTO row_check (id,version,row_hash,table_name)
SELECT id, 1, hashtext(record_changes_log::text),'record_changes_log'
FROM record_changes_log
row_hash = EXCLUDED.row_hash,
table_name = EXCLUDED.table_name;
That gets two rows in row_check for every row in record_changes_log, or any other table I'm checking. For the two runs of record_changes_log, I end up with more than 8.6M rows in row_check. They look like this:
id version row_hash table_name
e6218751-ab78-4942-9734-f017839703f6 0 -142492569 record_changes_log
6c0a4111-2f52-4b8b-bfb6-e608087ea9c1 0 -1917959999 record_changes_log
7fac6424-9469-4d98-b887-cd04fee5377d 0 -323725113 record_changes_log
1935590c-8d22-4baf-85ba-00b563022983 0 -1428730186 record_changes_log
2e5488b6-5b97-4755-8a46-6a46317c1ae2 0 -1631086027 record_changes_log
7a645ffd-31c5-4000-ab66-a565e6dad7e0 0 1857654119 record_changes_log
I asked yesterday for some help on the comparison query, and it lead to this:
select v0.table_name,,
v0.row_hash as v0,
v1.row_hash as v1
from row_check v0
join row_check v1 on = and
v0.version = 0 and
v1.version = 1 and
v0.row_hash <> v1.row_hash
That works, but now I'm hoping to optimize it a bit. As an experiment, I clustered the data on version and then built a BRIN index, like this:
drop index if exists row_check_version_btree;
create index row_check_version_btree
on row_check
using btree(version);
cluster row_check using row_check_version_btree;
drop index row_check_version_btree; -- Eh? I want to see how the BRIN performs.
drop index if exists row_check_version_brin;
create index row_check_version_brin
on row_check
using brin(row_hash);
vacuum analyze row_check;
I ran the query through explain analyze and get this:
Merge Join (cost=1.12..559750.04 rows=4437567 width=51) (actual time=1511.987..14884.045 rows=10 loops=1)
Output: v0.table_name,, v0.row_hash, v1.row_hash
Inner Unique: true
Merge Cond: ( =
Join Filter: (v0.row_hash <> v1.row_hash)
Rows Removed by Join Filter: 4318290
Buffers: shared hit=8679005 read=42511
-> Index Scan using row_check_pkey on ascendco.row_check v0 (cost=0.56..239156.79 rows=4252416 width=43) (actual time=0.032..5548.180 rows=4318300 loops=1)
Output:, v0.version, v0.row_hash, v0.table_name
Index Cond: (v0.version = 0)
Buffers: shared hit=4360752
-> Index Scan using row_check_pkey on ascendco.row_check v1 (cost=0.56..240475.33 rows=4384270 width=24) (actual time=0.031..6070.790 rows=4318300 loops=1)
Output:, v1.version, v1.row_hash, v1.table_name
Index Cond: (v1.version = 1)
Buffers: shared hit=4318253 read=42511
Planning Time: 1.073 ms
Execution Time: 14884.121 ms
...which I did not really get the right idea I ran it again to JSON and fed the results into this wonderful plan visualizer:
The tips there are right, the top node estimate is bad. The result is 10 rows, the estimate is for about 443,757 rows.
I'm hoping to learn more about optimizing this kind of thing, and this query seems like a good opportunity. I have a lot of notions about what might help:
-- Rework the query to move the where comparison?
-- Use a better index? I did try a GIN index and a straight B-tree on version, but neither was superior.
-- Rework the row_check format to move the two hashes into the same row instead of splitting them over two rows, compare on insert/update, flag non-matches, and add a partial index for the non-matching values.
Granted, it's funny to even try to index something where there are only two values (0 and 1 in the case above), so there's that. In fact, is there any sort of clever trick for Booleans? I'll always be comparing two versions, so "old" and "new", which I can express however makes life best. I understand that Postgres only has bitmap indexes internally at search/merge (?) time and that it does not have a bitmap type index. Would there be some kind of INTERSECT that might help? I don't know how Postgres implements set math operators internally.
Thanks for any suggestions on how to rethink this data or the query to make it faster for comparisons involving millions, or tens of millions, of rows.
I'm going to add an answer to my own question, but am still interested in what anyone else has to say. In the process of writing out my original question, I realized that maybe a redesign is in order. This hinges on my plan to only ever compare two versions at a time. That's a good solution here, but there are other cases where it wouldn't work. Anyway, here's a slightly different table design that folds the two results into a single row:
DROP TABLE IF EXISTS data.row_compare;
CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS data.row_compare (
hash_1 int8, -- Want NULL to defer calculating hash comparison until after both hashes are entered.
hash_2 int8, -- Ditto
hashes_match boolean, -- Likewise
table_name text NOT NULL DEFAULT NULL,
CONSTRAINT row_compare_pkey
The following expression index should, hopefully, be very small as I shouldn't have any non-matching entries:
CREATE INDEX row_compare_fail ON row_compare (hashes_match)
WHERE hashes_match = false;
The trigger below does the column calculation, once hash_1 and hash_2 are both provided:
-- Run this as a BEFORE INSERT or UPDATE ROW trigger.
CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION data.on_upsert_row_compare()
RETURNS trigger AS
IF NEW.hash_1 = NULL OR
NEW.hash_2 = NULL THEN
RETURN NEW; -- Don't do the comparison, hash_1 hasn't been populated yet.
ELSE-- Do the comparison. The point of this is to avoid constantly thrashing the expression index.
NEW.hashes_match := NEW.hash_1 = NEW.hash_2;
RETURN NEW; -- important!
LANGUAGE plpgsql;
This now adds 4.3M rows instead of 8.6M rows:
-- Add the first set of results and build out the row_compare records.
INSERT INTO row_compare (id,hash_1,table_name)
SELECT id, hashtext(record_changes_log::text),'record_changes_log'
FROM record_changes_log
hash_1 = EXCLUDED.hash_1,
table_name = EXCLUDED.table_name;
-- I'll truncate the record_changes_log and push my sample data again here.
-- Add the second set of results and update the row compare records.
-- This time, the hash is going into the hash_2 field for comparison
INSERT INTO row_compare (id,hash_2,table_name)
SELECT id, hashtext(record_changes_log::text),'record_changes_log'
FROM record_changes_log
hash_2 = EXCLUDED.hash_2,
table_name = EXCLUDED.table_name;
And now the results are simple to find:
select * from row_compare where hashes_match = false;
This changes the query time from around 17 seconds to around 24 milliseconds.

Redshift SELECT * performance versus COUNT(*) for non existent row

I am confused about what Redshift is doing when I run 2 seemingly similar queries. Neither should return a result (querying a profile that doesn't exist). Specifically:
SELECT * FROM profile WHERE id = 'id_that_doesnt_exist' and project_id = 1;
Execution time: 36.75s
SELECT COUNT(*) FROM profile WHERE id = 'id_that_doesnt_exist' and project_id = 1;
Execution time: 0.2s
Given that the table is sorted by project_id then id I would have thought this is just a key lookup. The SELECT COUNT(*) ... returns 0 results in 0.2sec which is about what I would expect. The SELECT * ... returns 0 results in 37.75sec. That's a huge difference for the same result and I don't understand why?
If it helps schema as follows:
CREATE TABLE profile (
project_id integer not null,
id varchar(256) not null,
created timestamp not null,
/* ... approx 50 other columns here */
SORTKEY(project_id, id);
Explain from SELECT COUNT(*) ...
XN Aggregate (cost=435.70..435.70 rows=1 width=0)
-> XN Seq Scan on profile (cost=0.00..435.70 rows=1 width=0)
Filter: (((id)::text = 'id_that_doesnt_exist'::text) AND (project_id = 1))
Explain from SELECT * ...
XN Seq Scan on profile (cost=0.00..435.70 rows=1 width=7356)
Filter: (((id)::text = 'id_that_doesnt_exist'::text) AND (project_id = 1))
Why is the non count much slower? Surely Redshift knows the row doesn't exist?
The reason is: in many RDBMS's the answer on count(*) question usually come without actual data scan: just from index or table statistics. Redshift stores minimal and maximal value for a block that used to give exist or not exists answers for example like in describer case. In case requested value inside of min/max block boundaries the scan will be performed only on filtering fields data. In case requested value is lower or upper block boundaries the answer will be given much faster on basis of the stored statistics. In case of "select * " question RedShift actually scans all columns data as asked in query: "*" but filter only by columns in "where " clause.

Postgresql - full-text ordering of sorted out set

I have a Postgresql table with something like 200k tuples, so not that much.
What I try to do is filter out some rows and then order them using full-text matching:
SELECT * FROM descriptions as d
WHERE d.category_id = ?
AND d.description != ''
AND regexp_replace(d.description, '(...)', '') !~* '...'
AND regexp_replace(d.description, '...', '') !~* '...'
AND != ?
ORDER BY ts_rank_cd(to_tsvector('english', name), plainto_tsquery('english', 'my search words')) DESC LIMIT 5 OFFSET 0';
There is a GIN index on description field.
Now this query works well only when there is less then 4000 or so records in the category. When its more like 5k or 6k then the query gets extremely slow.
I was trying different variations of this query. What I noticed is when I remove either WHERE clause or ORDER BY clause then I get big speed up. (Of course then I get irrelevant results)
What can I do to speedup this combination? Any way of optimizing or should I look for a solution outside Postgresql?
Additional question:
I'm experimenting further and for example this is the simplest query that I think runs too slow. Can I tell from explain analyze when it uses gist index and when doesn't?
SELECT d.*, d.description <-> 'banana' as dist FROM descriptions as d ORDER BY dist DESC LIMIT 5
"Limit (cost=16046.88..16046.89 rows=5 width=2425) (actual time=998.811..998.813 rows=5 loops=1)"
" -> Sort (cost=16046.88..16561.90 rows=206010 width=2425) (actual time=998.810..998.810 rows=5 loops=1)"
" Sort Key: (((description)::text <-> 'banana'::text))"
" Sort Method: top-N heapsort Memory: 27kB"
" -> Seq Scan on products d (cost=0.00..12625.12 rows=206010 width=2425) (actual time=0.033..901.260 rows=206010 loops=1)"
"Total runtime: 998.866 ms"`
Answered (kgrittn): DESC keyword is not correct for KNN-GiST and it's actually not wanted here. Removing it fixes the problem and gives right results.
An output of explain analyze of your query would be helpful. But I guess that this regexp_replace lines are your problem. Postgres planner just cannot know how many rows will match this two lines, so it is guessing and planning a query based on this flawed quess.
I'd recommend to create a function like this:
create function good_description(text) returns boolean as $$
regexp_replace($1, '(...)', '') !~* '...'
regexp_replace($1, '...', '') !~* '...'
$$ language sql immutable strict;
And creating a partial index on expression using this function:
create index descriptions_good_description_idx
on good_description(description)
where description != '';
And then querying in a way that allows Postgres to use this index:
SELECT * FROM descriptions as d
WHERE d.category_id = ?
AND d.description != ''
AND good_description(d.description)
AND != ?
ORDER BY ts_rank_cd(
to_tsvector('english', name),
plainto_tsquery('english', 'my search words')
For this type of application, we have been moving from the tsearch feature to the trigram feature; when you want to pick a small number of best matches, it is much faster. People here often prefer the semantics of the trigram similarity matching over the text-search ranking, anyway.
"Borrowing" the later query from the edited question, formatting it, and including the index creation statement, to make the answer self-contained without a raft of comments:
CREATE INDEX descriptions_description_trgm
ON descriptions
USING gist (description gist_trgm_ops);
SELECT d.*, d.description <-> 'banana' as dist
FROM descriptions as d
This should return rows from the GiST index in "distance" sequence until it hits the LIMIT.