GTK: How to get the nicks and values from a GSchema enum programmatically - gtk

I have the following GSchema:
<schemalist gettext-domain="example">
<enum id="com.example.unit.temperature">
<value nick="Celsius" value="0"/>
<value nick="Fahrenheit" value="1"/>
<schema id="com.example.corefreqgtk" path="/com/example/">
<key name="unit-of-temperature" enum="com.example.corefreqgtk.unit.temperature">
<summary>Unit of temperature</summary>
<description>The unit of temperature used across the app</description>
And I'm looking for a way to get the nicks and values of the enum com.example.unit.temperature programmatically.
What I would like to do is to bind the unit-of-temperature key to a ComboBoxText to allow the user to select the unit of temperature, but I would like to avoid to define twice the enum inside the GScheme and in code.
My goal would be to initialize the ComboBoxText reading the possible values directly form the GSettings.

You can use GSettingsSchema to gather the data inside a GSettings schema. For keys associated with enumeration values, g_settings_schema_key_get_range() will return all possible values as an array.


Disable form fields in Sulu's admin frontend after the entity has been persisted

I'd like to connect the key of a category in the Sulu CMS with specific business logic. But therefore the key must not be changeable in the admin area. Is there a way to disable a form field once the entity is persisted?
It's possible to override any form configuration by creating a file with the same name and the same <key> in the config/forms/ directory of your project. In case of the category details form, create a config/forms/category_details.xml file with <key>category_details</key> containing only the properties you want to override, in your case the <property name="key">. You can omit the other properties, because all the form configurations with the same key will be merged together. Then you can use a disabledCondition to configure when this property should be disabled and when it should be possible to edit, in your case something like disaledCondition="!!id", because then the property is only editable, as long as it doesn't have an id, which is only the case when you create a new category. You probably also want to add the mandatory="true" attribute, if your application depends on the key of a category. So the whole file should look like this:
<?xml version="1.0" ?>
<form xmlns=""
<property name="key" type="text_line" mandatory="true" disabledCondition="!!id">

SAPUI5 Smart Table - Smart Field make field mandatory with annotation

Is it possible to make a Property in SAPUI5 Smart Table mandatory so that a user can't leave a field empty while editing it?
I have found this document saying that it should be possible to set mandatory field control on Property in metadata.xml file with annotation like this:
<Property Name="NameLast" Type="Edm.String" Nullable="false" MaxLength="40" sap:label="Last name" sap:field-control="7" />
But with this setting I am getting following error in console:
2017-04-14 11:37:36.691429 MockServer: Resource not found for the segment '7'
2017-04-14 11:37:36.707985 The following problem occurred: HTTP request failed404,Not Found,{"error":{"code":404,"message":{"lang":"en","value":"Resource not found for the segment '7'"}}} -
Later I found out that sap:field-control should not contain number, but a path expression to another property which contains the number. However this also doesn't work:
<Property Name="NameLast" Type="Edm.String" Nullable="false" MaxLength="40" sap:label="Last name" sap:field-control="Name_fc" />
<Property Name="Name_fc" Type="Edm.Byte" />
Value of Name_fc property is '7'. I don't see any console error now, however I can still leave the input (NameLast) field empty without any validation and send it to OData service, which is not what I expect.
Here is a link to an example from sap where they use required fields. I have no idea though how they made it.
For OData v2 the sap:field-control annotation on the Property can be
used to specify whether the field is mandatory.
<Property Name="Customer" ... sap:field-control="mandatory"/>
<Property Name="CompanyCode" ... sap:field-control="mandatory"/>
The mandatory property of the entity has to be nullable="false". That's it.
Have a look at the smart field example from your link:
<Property Name="Name" Type="Edm.String" Nullable="false"
MaxLength="30" sap:label="Name" sap:creatable="false"
sap:quickinfo="Property annotation DataFieldWithUrl"
sap:updatable="true" sap:sortable="false" />
Btw. thanks for sharing your smart table example!
From my understanding there are 2 options:
1) Define a specific property as Mandatory --> Nullable="false"
2) Link a property to another property in the entity, the "field-control".
This field control can contain numbers and "7" means mandatory.
The linking from option 2 can be done in the MPC_EXT class (redefine the define method).
The actual value in the "field-control" property is set in the get_entity / get_en
However I am also having an issue with the smarttable. The mandatory fields do not light up red when empty.
Do it in brute force way in the Object Page extension controller.
var oField = this.getView().byId(<FieldId>)
oField.getDataProperty().property.nullable = "false" or "true".
"false" and "true" must be a string.
To convert a boolean to string use <boolean>.toString();

codefluent custom stored procedure

I have a custom stored procedure with in parameters that return fields of different tables how I can map this custom stored to an entity? I only want to use like a read only values for a report I don't want to save or something like that I try to add the extra fields to the most similar entity but when I execute the method in code the extra fields are null
Solution 1: Using a view
A view allows to aggregate data from different entities.
<Id />
<Name />
<Lines typeName="LineCollection" />
<cf:method name="LoadArticlesByCommand" body="load(string commandName) from ArticleByCommand where CommandName = #commandName" />
<cf:view name="ArticleByCommand" autoLightweight="true">
<ArticleName expression="Name"/>
<ArticleQty expression="Lines.Quantity" />
<CommandName expression="Lines.Command.Name" />
<Id />
<Name />
<Lines typeName="LineCollection" />
<Line setType="List">
<Article typeName="Article" key="true" />
<Command typeName="Command" key="true" />
<Quantity typeName="int" />
Solution 2: Using a lightweight entity
Instead of creating a view, you can can create a lightweight entity that contains only the properties used by the stored procedure.
<cf:entity name="Person" lightweight="true">
<cf:property name="FirstName" typeName="string" />
<cf:property name="lastName" typeName="string" />
<cf:method name="ComputeBalance"
body="load () raw"
rawBody="SELECT 'John' AS FirstName, 'Doe' AS LastName" />
Solution 3: Custom mapping
For more specific values or types, a custom method can be provided to map the database values to .NET types. This custom method will be called with a DataReader as parameter, meaning that a developer could do whatever he wants.
<cf:entity name="Sample">
<cf:method name="LoadPair" body="raw" rawBody="SELECT 1234,5678"
cfom:methodName="On{0}" />
private static CodeFluent.Runtime.Utilities.Pair<int,int> OnLoadPair(System.Data.IDataReader reader)
return new Pair<int, int>(reader.GetInt32(0), reader.GetInt32(1));
You can also use OnAfterReadRecord or OnBeforeReadRecord rules
If it is not essential that you map the results of the custom stored procedure to an entity than another option is to use the built in support for DataSets.
<cf:method name="LoadAllCities" body="raw" returnTypeName="System.Data.DataSet">
SELECT $Address::City$ FROM $Address$
DataSet ds = Address.LoadAllCities();
foreach (DataTable table in ds.Tables)
foreach (DataRow row in table.Rows)
Console.WriteLine("City: " + row[0]);
Upon re-reading you're question I am providing another answer.
In response to the part where you said "I try to add the extra fields to the most similar entity but when I execute the method in code the extra fields are null". The following steps should be able to solve that problem.
Execute one of the automatically created stored procedure in SQL Management Studio.
Execute the stored procedure you manually created.
Verify that the fieldnames returned by both stored procedures match.
I think the above will solve your immediate problem but I still don't like the solution. The reason is that you said you picked the most similar entity. I think that is going to cause problems in the future especially if the stored procedure is not being mapped to all of the entities properties.
I would recommend either lightweight entity, view or DataSet.

Entity Framework designer custom property does not appear in DDL generation

I have added a custom property to the Properties dialog of the Entity Framework 5 designer through
This works well, the property appears in the Properties dialog and it is saved in the EDMX file.
Now I'd like to use that property in the DDL generation process. I have edited the T4 template file (found at C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 11.0\Common7\IDE\Extensions\Microsoft\Entity Framework Tools\DBGen).
However, the custom property doesn't seem to appear anywhere in the metadata tree. The website (in German)
tells me that the extended property should appear in the EntityType.MetadataProperties collection, but this collection contains only the following members:
KeyMembers Members Name NamespaceName Abstract BaseType DataSpace MetadataProperties
None of those is my custom property.
Am I missing something? How can I access the IEntityDesignerExtendedProperty's value in the T4 code generation template?
EDIT: Here is the EDMX part with the custom property:
<Schema ...>
<EntityType Name="Entity1">
<PropertyRef Name="Id" />
<Property Type="Guid" Name="Id" Nullable="false" annotation:StoreGeneratedPattern="None" />
<Property Type="String" Name="Name" Nullable="false" />
<a:MyNewProperty xmlns:a="">True</a:MyNewProperty>
I guess I have to map that custom property from CSDL to SSDL somehow.
You added the property to the CSDL (conceptual layer) while the DDL is created using the SSDL (store layer). You should be able to access the conceptual model in the but I don't think it is really what you are after. In general your property is not something the EF runtime can really use - I believe it will be just treated as an extension and ignored. If you want to add a property that is supposed to be used by the EF runtime the property must be declared in the CSDL (conceptual layer) and SSDL (store layer) and mapped correctly in the MSL (mapping layer) - with the latter being probably the most difficult.
Unless I am missing what you are trying to achieve you are probably using a wrong extension point. The IEntityDesignerExtendedProperty allows defining custom properties that shows in the property and the model browser windows in the designer but are ignored at runtime. For me it looks like you would like to add a property automatically to your model. For that I would try using the IModelTransformationExtension where you should be given the entire edmx which you will be able to modify at will (i.e. CSDL, SSDL, MSL and add elements (properties) in correct EF xml namespaces). I would try using OnBeforeModelSaved since I believe the model will be saved automatically before trying to generate the database.
I was able to achieve what I want using the edmx:CopyToSSDL=true attribute:
<Schema ...>
<EntityType Name="Entity1">
<PropertyRef Name="Id" />
<Property Type="Guid" Name="Id" Nullable="false" annotation:StoreGeneratedPattern="None" />
<Property Type="String" Name="Name" Nullable="false" />
<a:MyNewProperty edmx:CopyToSSDL="true"
This way, the transformator that generates the SSDL from the CSDL copies the annotation over to the SSDL, so I'm able to access it in the T4 template that generates the DDL SQL file.
If someone is going to use this in Entity Framework 5, please not that there is a bug (, and you can workaround by using the old EDMX XML namespace:
<a:MyNewProperty edmxv2:CopyToSSDL="true"

Routing data to multiple files in item writer based on item's property as criteria

I am getting a list of items in my reader.
There is a property called Code in each item object having several possible values not known to me before hand.
1) Based on the value of Codein each item, I want to write that particular item in a output file pertaining to that Code. For e.g. if my current item's Code is "abc", the item should be written in to abc.txt in the writer.
2) If there is a Code "xyz" in current item, for which the file is not present, a new file should get created and the item should go to that file.
3) For all such multiple files created based on Code, I also want to add a header and footer call back to enter some details e.g. count of items in each file.
Is it possible to have a writer, which satisfies above 3 requirements ?
I know that using multiresourceitemwriter, one can divide the data among multiple output files. But as far as I know, this division is based on the number of items. For e.g. first 10 items in file1, next 10 in file2 and so on.
But how to route data to output files based on an item property as mentioned in my question ?
I am well acquainted with Spring Batch and just need a little guidance since this is the first time I am facing this kind of issue.
Thanks for reading!
If I understand your problem correctly, you need a few items.
First, a classifier that implements the Classifier interface
public class ItemCodeClassifier {
public String classify(Item item) {
return item.getCode().getKey();// returns "abc", "xyz"
Second a router implementation that consumes the above method
<bean id="classifier" class="org.springframework.batch.classify.BackToBackPatternClassifier">
<property name="routerDelegate">
<bean class="ItemCodeClassifier" />
<property name="matcherMap">
<entry key="abc" value-ref="abcItemWriter" />
<entry key="xyz" value-ref="xyzItemWriter" />
And last of all, a ClassifierCompositeItemWriter
<bean id="ItemWriter" class="">
<property name="classifier" ref="classifier" />
Did not compile the above but hope that it helps.
Below solution worked for me. Compiled the Code and it's working fine.
First, you will need a Classifier. Either implement the Classifier interface or annotate classify() method with #Classifier.
Here I have used annotation.
public class MyClassifier {
public String classify(Policy pol) {
return pol.getPolCode;// returns "01", "02"
Add a Classifier bean
<bean id="myClassifier" class="org.springframework.batch.classify.BackToBackPatternClassifier">
<property name="routerDelegate">
<bean class="MyClassifier" />
<property name="matcherMap">
<entry key="01" value-ref="pol01ItemWriter" />
<entry key="02" value-ref="pol02ItemWriter" />
Add your writer bean as like below
<bean id="ItemWriter" class="">
<property name="myClassifier" ref="myClassifier" />
The Above Code may throw WriterNotOpenException. For this you need to add batch:stream to the step.
<batch:step id="step1">
<batch:chunk reader="reader" processor="processor" writer="ItemWriter" commit-interval="3">
<batch:stream ref="pol01ItemWriter"/>
<batch:stream ref="pol02ItemWriter"/>
i would try it with at least 2 strategies
the batch writes all data into a temporary database table and simple tool/batch/script creates the individual files - i'm not sure about header/footer but as always one could say "let's keep it cheap"
the itemWriter creates and manages the needed writers on the fly, maybe with an abstract pre-configured writer/bean as template, as long as you ignore restart scenarios it sounds "easy"
Another option would be to build 3 lists containing the elements separated by their Code.
Then, use a different step to write these lists to the filesystem.
One advantage is your elements are ready to be written, thus you can use a large buffer to increase your throughput writing (according to your hardware of course).
If the number of file you have to generate is dynamic, I suggest you to write them sequentially to avoid any multithreading issue.
You can't route elements dynamically.
So the idea is to create a list of elements routed by yourself, and then work on these lists.
Java Config for JDBC writer
This is how i have done it for jdbc writer. We Can have similar configuration for flatfile Writer
public ItemWriter<Person> itemWriter(DataSource dataSource) {
BackToBackPatternClassifier classifier = new BackToBackPatternClassifier();
classifier.setRouterDelegate(new AggGroupClassifier());
classifier.setMatcherMap(new HashMap<String, ItemWriter<? extends Person>>() {
put("A", writerA(dataSource));
put("B", writerB(dataSource));
put("C", writerC(dataSource));
ClassifierCompositeItemWriter<Person> writer = new ClassifierCompositeItemWriter<Person>();
return writer;
public class AggGroupClassifier {
public String classify(Person person) {
return person.getAgeGroup();
I encountered this same problem this morning. And finally I found that currently ClassifierCompositeItemWriter don't support FlatFileItemWriter as its delegate ItemWriter in Spring batch's latest release 2.1.9 version.
WriterNotOpenException is threw like below:
org.springframework.batch.item.WriterNotOpenException: Writer must be open before it can be written to
at org.springframework.batch.item.file.FlatFileItemWriter.write(
at org.springframework.batch.core.step.item.SimpleChunkProcessor.writeItems(
at org.springframework.batch.core.step.item.SimpleChunkProcessor.doWrite(
at org.springframework.batch.core.step.item.SimpleChunkProcessor.write(
at org.springframework.batch.core.step.item.SimpleChunkProcessor.process(
at org.springframework.batch.core.step.item.ChunkOrientedTasklet.execute(
at org.springframework.batch.core.step.tasklet.TaskletStep$ChunkTransactionCallback.doInTransaction(
at org.springframework.batch.core.step.tasklet.TaskletStep$2.doInChunkContext(
at org.springframework.batch.core.scope.context.StepContextRepeatCallback.doInIteration(
at org.springframework.batch.core.step.tasklet.TaskletStep.doExecute(
at org.springframework.batch.core.step.AbstractStep.execute(
at org.springframework.batch.core.job.SimpleStepHandler.handleStep(
at org.springframework.batch.core.job.flow.JobFlowExecutor.executeStep(
at org.springframework.batch.core.job.flow.FlowJob.doExecute(
at org.springframework.batch.core.job.AbstractJob.execute(
at org.springframework.core.task.SyncTaskExecutor.execute(