I have a function called RemoveSoftware:
function RemoveSoftware {
foreach ($utility in $toRemove) {
Try {
winget uninstall -e $utility
Start-Sleep -s 6
Wait-Process winget -Timeout 90 -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
Catch {
Write-Host "Paket $utility konnte nicht deinstalliert werden. " -ForegroundColor red
This function is in a ps1 file. In the same file I want to start another powershell window which should start this function.
I tried this here:
Start-Process powershell.exe -Verb RunAs -ArgumentList "-command Start-Transcript C:\temp\winget-start.log -Append; & {$RemoveSoftware} | Out-Host" -WindowStyle Normal
But this don't work.
Also I tried several other things like Invoke-Expression and so on. Neither of it worked:(
Has someone a tipp for solving this problem?
I am passing an argument to my test application via powershell. I wish to get the return value of the application once it finishes.
How can I get the return value of the application instead of the console output.
I'm running the application by running
Test.ps1 2
param ([string]$param1)
$path = "C:\Workspaces\myapplication\"
$executable = "Test.exe"
$filepath = "$($path)$($executable) $($param1)"
$Result = iex $filepath
#this writes out the console output of Test.exe instead of the return value.
Write-Host $Result
Write-Host "Exit Code"
you should use Start-Process:
$p = Start-Process $($path)$($executable) -ArgumentList $input
I'm writing a PowerShell script that uses parameters / arguments and needs to be run as administrator but I'm trying to make it as user-friendly as possible so I'm trying to write it so that if it wasn't run as administrator then it can auto-elevate itself and preserve the original parameters (only switches and strings).
I was not able to find a solution online, hence this post.
I managed to accomplish this by "stringifying" $PsBoundParameters then using that with Start-Process PowerShell -Verb Runas -ArgumentList.
Note: $PsBoundParameters uses the parameters of the current scope ("root" vs inside a function, for example) so if you need to reference the command-line parameters (as I do) then you'll need to either use this variable outside of a function or first pass the variable to the function (as I've done here).
I've created a demonstration of this:
Function Restart ($AllParameters, $Admin) {
$AllParameters_String = "";
ForEach ($Parameter in $AllParameters.GetEnumerator()){
$Parameter_Key = $Parameter.Key;
$Parameter_Value = $Parameter.Value;
$Parameter_Value_Type = $Parameter_Value.GetType().Name;
If ($Parameter_Value_Type -Eq "SwitchParameter"){
$AllParameters_String += " -$Parameter_Key";
} Else {
$AllParameters_String += " -$Parameter_Key $Parameter_Value";
$Arguments = "-File `"" + $PSCommandPath + "`" -NoExit" + $AllParameters_String;
If ($Admin -Eq $True){
Start-Process PowerShell -Verb Runas -ArgumentList $Arguments;
} Else {
Start-Process PowerShell -ArgumentList $Arguments;
$RanAsAdministrator = ([Security.Principal.WindowsPrincipal] [Security.Principal.WindowsIdentity]::GetCurrent()).IsInRole([Security.Principal.WindowsBuiltInRole]::Administrator);
Write-Host "ExampleSwitch value:" $ExampleSwitch;
Write-Host "ExampleString value:" $ExampleString;
Write-Host "";
If ($RanAsAdministrator -Eq $True){
Write-Host "Running as administrator: Yes.";
} Else {
Write-Host "Running as administrator: No.";
$Elevate = Read-Host "Restart as current user or admin? (u/a)";
Write-Host "";
If ($Elevate -Like "u"){
Restart $PsBoundParameters;
} ElseIf ($Elevate -Like "a") {
Restart $PsBoundParameters -Admin $True;
Start-Sleep -Seconds 9999;
If (!([Security.Principal.WindowsPrincipal][Security.Principal.WindowsIdentity]::GetCurrent()).IsInRole([Security.Principal.WindowsBuiltInRole] "Administrator")) {
$PSHost = If ($PSVersionTable.PSVersion.Major -le 5) {'PowerShell'} Else {'PwSh'}
Start-Process -Verb RunAs $PSHost (#(' -NoExit')[!$NoExit] + " -File `"$PSCommandPath`" " + ($MyInvocation.Line -split '\.ps1[\s\''\"]\s*', 2)[-1])
Write-Host "MySwitch:" $MySwitch;
Write-Host "MyString:" $MyString;
($MyInvocation.Line -split '\.ps1[\s\''\"]\s*', 2)[-1]) will resolve the current parameters
$MyHost determines the current PowerShell Host (PowerShell for Windows or PowerShell Core) and use the same host for the elevated window.
The -NoExit switch will prevent the elevated window to automatically close
.\RunAsAdministrator.ps1 -MyString "Test 123" -MySwitch -NoExit
I have written this code
powershell.exe -WindowStyle Hidden {
if ($timeSpan.Days -ge $BoxAlert) {
drawPopupBox $result
if ($timeSpan.Days -ge $MailAlert) {
sendMail $result;
How to pass that $BoxAlert and $MailAlert inside the powershell.exe scriptblock?
Just need to add the -args switch after your scriptblock and a param() definition insides your script block. A simple version is
$x = bar
powershell.exe -command {param($x) write-host "foo, $x"} -args $x
Gives the following output
foo, bar
Applying this logic to your code
PowerShell.exe -WindowStyle Hidden -command {
param($BoxAlert, $MailAlert)
if($timeSpan.Days -ge $BoxAlert)
drawPopupBox $result
if($timeSpan.Days -ge $MailAlert)
sendMail $result;
} -args $BoxAlert, $MailAlert
There's a PowerShell script named itunesForward.ps1 that makes iTunes fast forward 30 seconds:
$iTunes = New-Object -ComObject iTunes.Application
if ($iTunes.playerstate -eq 1)
$iTunes.PlayerPosition = $iTunes.PlayerPosition + 30
It is executed with a prompt line command:
powershell.exe itunesForward.ps1
Is it possible to pass an argument from the command line and have it applied in the script instead of the hardcoded 30 seconds value?
Tested as working:
#Must be the first statement in your script (not counting comments)
$iTunes = New-Object -ComObject iTunes.Application
if ($iTunes.playerstate -eq 1)
$iTunes.PlayerPosition = $iTunes.PlayerPosition + $step
Call it with
powershell.exe -file itunesForward.ps1 -step 15
Multiple parameters syntax (comments are optional, but allowed):
Script description.
Some notes.
param (
# height of largest column without top bar
[int]$h = 4000,
# name of the output image
[string]$image = 'out.png'
And some example for advanced parameters, e.g. Mandatory:
Script description.
Some notes.
param (
# height of largest column without top bar
# name of the output image
[string]$image = 'out.png'
Write-Host "$image $h"
A default value will not work with a mandatory parameter. You can omit the =$true for advanced parameters of type boolean [Parameter(Mandatory)].
You can use also the $args variable (that's like position parameters):
$step = $args[0]
$iTunes = New-Object -ComObject iTunes.Application
if ($iTunes.playerstate -eq 1)
$iTunes.PlayerPosition = $iTunes.PlayerPosition + $step
Then it can be called like:
powershell.exe -file itunersforward.ps1 15
Call the script from a batch file (*.bat) or CMD
PowerShell Core
pwsh.exe -NoLogo -ExecutionPolicy Bypass -Command "./Script.ps1 -Param1 Hello -Param2 World"
pwsh.exe -NoLogo -ExecutionPolicy Bypass -Command "path-to-script/Script.ps1 -Param1 Hello -Param2 World"
pwsh.exe -NoLogo -ExecutionPolicy Bypass -Command "./Script.ps1 Hello -Param2 World"
pwsh.exe -NoLogo -ExecutionPolicy Bypass -Command "./Script.ps1 Hello World"
pwsh.exe -NoLogo -ExecutionPolicy Bypass -Command "./Script.ps1 -Param2 World Hello"
powershell.exe -NoLogo -ExecutionPolicy Bypass -Command "./Script.ps1 -Param1 Hello -Param2 World"
powershell.exe -NoLogo -ExecutionPolicy Bypass -Command "path-to-script/Script.ps1 -Param1 Hello -Param2 World"
powershell.exe -NoLogo -ExecutionPolicy Bypass -Command "./Script.ps1 Hello -Param2 World"
powershell.exe -NoLogo -ExecutionPolicy Bypass -Command "./Script.ps1 Hello World"
powershell.exe -NoLogo -ExecutionPolicy Bypass -Command "./Script.ps1 -Param2 World Hello"
Call from PowerShell
PowerShell Core or Windows PowerShell
& path-to-script/Script.ps1 -Param1 Hello -Param2 World
& ./Script.ps1 -Param1 Hello -Param2 World
Script.ps1 - Script Code
[Parameter(Mandatory=$True, Position=0, ValueFromPipeline=$false)]
[Parameter(Mandatory=$True, Position=1, ValueFromPipeline=$false)]
Write-Host $Param1
Write-Host $Param2
Let PowerShell analyze and decide the data type. It internally uses a 'Variant' for this.
And generally it does a good job...
$iTunes = New-Object -ComObject iTunes.Application
if ($iTunes.playerstate -eq 1)
$iTunes.PlayerPosition = $iTunes.PlayerPosition + $x
Or if you need to pass multiple parameters:
param($x1, $x2)
$iTunes = New-Object -ComObject iTunes.Application
if ($iTunes.playerstate -eq 1)
$iTunes.PlayerPosition = $iTunes.PlayerPosition + $x1
$iTunes.<AnyProperty> = $x2
[String] $site,
[String] $application,
[String] $dir,
[String] $applicationPool
# Create Web IIS Application
function ValidateWebSite ([String] $webSiteName)
$iisWebSite = Get-Website -Name $webSiteName
if($Null -eq $iisWebSite)
Write-Error -Message "Error: Web Site Name: $($webSiteName) not exists." -Category ObjectNotFound
return 1
# Get full path from IIS WebSite
function GetWebSiteDir ([String] $webSiteName)
$iisWebSite = Get-Website -Name $webSiteName
if($Null -eq $iisWebSite)
Write-Error -Message "Error: Web Site Name: $($webSiteName) not exists." -Category ObjectNotFound
return $iisWebSite.PhysicalPath
# Create Directory
function CreateDirectory([string]$fullPath)
$existEvaluation = Test-Path $fullPath -PathType Any
if($existEvaluation -eq $false)
new-item $fullPath -itemtype directory
return 1
function CreateApplicationWeb
[String] $WebSite,
[String] $WebSitePath,
[String] $application,
[String] $applicationPath,
[String] $applicationPool
$fullDir = "$($WebSitePath)\$($applicationPath)"
New-WebApplication -Site $WebSite -Name $application -PhysicalPath $fullDir -ApplicationPool $applicationPool -Force
$fullWebSiteDir = GetWebSiteDir($Site)f($null -ne $fullWebSiteDir)
CreateApplicationWeb -WebSite $Site -WebSitePath $fullWebSiteDir -application $application -applicationPath $dir -applicationPool $applicationPool
Create a PowerShell script with the following code in the file.
Get-ChildItem $path | Where-Object {$_.LinkType -eq 'SymbolicLink'} | select name, target
This creates a script with a path parameter. It will list all symbolic links within the path provided as well as the specified target of the symbolic link.
You can also define a variable directly in the PowerShell command line and then execute the script. The variable will be defined there, too. This helped me in a case where I couldn't modify a signed script.
PS C:\temp> $stepsize = 30
PS C:\temp> .\itunesForward.ps1
with iTunesForward.ps1 being
$iTunes = New-Object -ComObject iTunes.Application
if ($iTunes.playerstate -eq 1)
$iTunes.PlayerPosition = $iTunes.PlayerPosition + $stepsize