What does accuracy means in PCIe local clock? - pci

In the receiver side of the physical layer's logic block, the local clock is accurate to +/- 300 ppm. Can anyone explain about this in details please?!

The PCIe local clock is specified at 100MHz. In real life you never get an oscillator that is always perfectly at this frequency. The accuracy figure of 300ppm means that the "real" clock signal may vary between 99.97MHz an 100.03MHz but not beyond.


STM32 generate 22Mhz clock on gpio out from SystemCoreClock 110Mhz

I want to generate clock for PCA9959 LED driver with my STM32L552. The LED driver needs an external clock at 20 MHz (+/- 15%). I'm trying to generate a 22 MHz clock on port PA8 on STM32L552. I managed to generate a PWM on port PA8, but I can't reach the frequency of ~22Mhz. I arrive at a maximum of 8Mhz.
Here are the PWM parameters:
I'm not sure I filled in the pwm parameters correctly. Normally with his settings I guess I should have a 22 MHz PWM with a 20% duty cycle.
PWM (MHz) = SystemCoreClock (MHz) / Prescaler => 22MhZ = 110MHz / 5
My clock configuration:
Thanks for your help.
The easiest way to output a high speed clock like this is with the MCO peripheral, rather than a timer. Fortunately for you the MCO pin is PA8. Perhaps the person who designed your board knew this and intended you to use MCO. Read the reference manual to see how.
If you do want to use a timer to do 22MHz, then as you have correctly identified you cannot get a 50% duty-cycle on your PWM. I would recommend starting with a 40% or 60%, with an output-compare value of 2-out-of-5 or 3-out-of-5, not 1 as you have above.
There is no detail in the PCA9959 datasheet about what the required mark-space ratio of the clock is, but I guess anything other than 50% could be a problem. You would be better to divide the clock by an even number. Either just divide 110MHz by 6 and output 18.33MHz, or else slow your core down a bit and divide by 4 (reduce the N parameter of your PLL).
Whether you use MCO or PWM don't forget to set the GPIO pin mode to the fastest slew rate available. Maybe the 8MHz you are measuring is the result of aliasing a faster clock that has been through the wrong GPIO mode. You could test this using a scope with at least 100MHz bandwidth.

I2C slave implementation - clock frequency?

I want to implement a I2C SLAVE in an FPGA, just for learning purposes. I read in the I2C specification that for the FAST mode there is a timing parameter tPS = 50ns (max) which means "pulse width of spikes that must be suppressed by the input filter". Should this be a digital filter inside the slave? If yes, does that mean my slave must have a maximum clock period of 25ns (or something)?
Another question would be: is there a (robust) way of implementing this slave using the SCL line as the only clock? Or a faster second clock is needed (and in this case I would treat the SCL line as "data")? If so, how do I calculate the minimum frequency of this other clock?
Thanks in advance!

STM32 SPI bandwith evaluation procedure

I'm testing the SPI capabilities of STM32H7. For this I'm using the SPI examples provided in STM32CubeH7 on 2 Nucleo-H743ZI boards. I will perhaps not keep this code in my own development, rigth now the goal is to understand how SPI is working and what bandwith I can get in the different modes (with DMA, with cache enabled or not, etc...).
I'd like to share the figures I've computed, as it doesn't seem very high. In the example, if I understood correctly, the CPU is # 400Mhz and the SPI bus frequency # 100MHz.
For polling mode I've measured the number of cycles of the call to function HAL_SPI_TransmitReceive.
For DMA I've measured between call to HAL_SPI_TransmitReceive_DMA and call to the transfer complete callback.
Measurements of cycles where made with SysTick clocked on internal clock. Since there is no low power usage, it should be accurate.
I've just modified ST's examples to send a buffer of 1KB.
I get around 200.000 CPU cycles in polling mode, which means around 2MB/s
And around 3MB/s in DMA mode.
Since the SPI clock runs at 100Mhz I would have expected much more, especially in DMA mode, what do you think ? Is there something wrong in my test procedure ?

Can a sub-microsecond clock resolution be achieved with current hardware?

I have a thread that needs to process a list of items every X nanoseconds, where X < 1 microsecond. I understand that with standard x86 hardware the clock resolution is at best 15 - 16 milliseconds. Is there hardware available that would enable a clock resolution < 1 microsecond? At present, the thread runs continuously as the resolution of nanosleep() is insufficient. The thread obtains the current time from a GPS reference.
You can get the current time with extremely high precision on x86 using the rdtsc instruction. It counts clock cycles (on a fixed reference clock, not the actually dynamic frequency CPU clock), so you can use it as a time source once you find the coefficients that map it to real GPS-time.
This is the clock-source Linux uses internally, on new enough hardware. (Older CPUs had the rdtsc clock pause when the CPU was halted on idle, and/or change frequency with CPU frequency scaling). It was originally intended for measuring CPU-time, but it turns out that a very precise clock with very low-cost reads (~30 clock cycles) was valuable, hence decoupling it from CPU core clock changes.
It sounds like an accurate clock isn't your only problem, though: If you need to process a list every ~1 us, without ever missing a wakeup, you need a realtime OS, or at least realtime functionality on top of a regular OS (like Linux).
Knowing what time it is when you do eventually wake up doesn't help if you slept 10 ms too long because you read a page of memory that the OS decided to evict, and had to get from disk.

I2C slave - clock stretching

Do you guys know how to enable the clock stretching for I2C slave?
Is it enough to just put this function I2C_StretchClockCmd(I2C2, ENABLE) in the initialization of I2C?
How does clock stretching work exactly?
Seems for me yes, that's enough. Here is a background:
Clock Generation
The SCL clock is always generated by the I2C master. The specification requires minimum periods for the low and high phases of the clock signal. Hence, the actual clock rate may be lower than the nominal clock rate e.g. in I2C buses with large rise times due to high capacitances.
Clock Stretching
I2C devices can slow down communication by stretching SCL: During an SCL low phase, any I2C device on the bus may additionally hold down SCL to prevent it to rise high again, enabling them to slow down the SCL clock rate or to stop I2C communication for a while. This is also referred to as clock synchronization.
Note: The I2C specification does not specify any timeout conditions for clock stretching, i.e. any device can hold down SCL as long as it likes.
In an I2C communication the master device determines the clock speed. Unlike RS232 the I2C bus provides an explicit clock signal which relieves master and slave from synchronizing exactly to a predefined baud rate.
However, there are situations where an I2C slave is not able to co-operate with the clock speed given by the master and needs to slow down a little. This is done by a mechanism referred to as clock stretching.
An I2C slave is allowed to hold down the clock if it needs to reduce the bus speed. The master on the other hand is required to read back the clock signal after releasing it to high state and wait until the line has actually gone high.
How does the I2C clock speed affect the duration of clock stretching introduced by the I2C slave?
Clock stretching is a phenomenon where the I2C slave pulls the SCL line low on the 9th clock of every I2C data transfer (before the ACK stage). The clock is pulled low when the CPU is processing the I2C interrupt to evaluate either the address or process a data received from Master or to prepare the next data when Master is reading from the slave.
The time the clock is pull low depends on the time the CPU takes to process the interrupt and hence is dependent on the CPU speed and not the I2C clock speed.
Why we need the clock stretching? The same thing can be achieved at the time of acknowledgement of the slave on 9th bit the of clock.
The things can be achieved by holding the Data line to till the slave internal process get over.