Computing loss along batch dimension in PyTorch - neural-network

I have tensors of BxCxHxW where B is the batch. I am interested in how is the loss implemented in PyTorch when batch size is more than 1. The below is what we usually do in PyTorch,
l1_loss = torch.nn.L1Loss()
loss = l1_loss(pred,gt)
Is it that the loss is the average loss over the batch?
If this is indeed the case, then is the following codes equivalent to what is we usually do in PyTorch (the code above)?
l1_loss = torch.nn.L1Loss()
for idx in range(B):
if idx==0:
loss = l1_loss(pred[idx,:,:,:],gt[idx,:,:,:])
loss = l1_loss(pred[idx,:,:,:],gt[idx,:,:,:]) + loss
loss = loss/B

The documentation describes the behavior of L1loss : it is indeed (by default) the mean over the whole batch. You can change it easily to the sum instead :
l1_loss = torch.nn.L1Loss(reduction='sum')
Yes your code is equivalent to what Pytorch does. A version without the call to L1loss would be :
# Assuming your output is a vector of shape (B, F)
loss = torch.abs(pred - gt).sum(dim=1).mean(dim=0)

If your question is do they do "something" like what you've mentioned, then the answer is yes. However not exactly like that, they maintain their architectural design (Object Oriented), but their default way of calculation of the loss is as you've guessed along with the batch dimension. So you could make your syntax more compact with something like this-
def l1_loss(output, target):
loss = torch.abs(output - target).sum(dim=1).mean(dim=0)
return loss


Arima antipersistence

I’m running RStudio Version 1.1.419 with R-3.4.3 on Windows 10. I am trying to fit an (f)arima model and setting the fractional differencing parameter during the optimization process to be between (-0.5,0.5), i.e. allowing for antipersistence (d < 0), short memory (d = 0) and long memory (d > 0). I have tried multiple functions to accomplish that. I am aware that the default of fracdiff$drange is (0,0.5). Therefore this ...
> result <- fracdiff(MeanPrice, nar = 2, nma = 1, drange = c(-0.5,0.5))
sadly returns this..
Warning: C fracdf() optimization failure
Warning message: unable to compute correlation matrix; maybe change 'h'
Is there a way to fit fracdiff or other models (maybe arfima::arfima()?) with that drange? Your help is very much appreciated.
If you look at the package documentation, it states that the h argument for fracdiff "is used to compute a finite difference approximation to the Hessian, and
hence only influences the cov, cor, and std.error computations." However, as they are referring to the Hessian, I would assume that this affects the results of the MLE. There are other functions in that package that may be helpful: fdGHP for estimating the order of fractional differencing based on the Geweke and Porter-Hudak method, and similarly fdSperio.
Take a look at the forecast package. If you estimate the order of fractional differencing using the above mentioned functions, you might be able to use the same method described in the details of the arfima function.

Dimensionality reduction using PCA - MATLAB

I am trying to reduce dimensionality of a training set using PCA.
I have come across two approaches.
for lamda=1:length(eigen)
train_x=train_x*V(:, 1:lamda);
Here, I simply use the eigenvalue matrix to reconstruct the training set with lower amount of features determined by principal components describing 90% of original set.
The alternate method that I found is almost exactly the same, save the last line, which changes to:
In other words, we take the training set as the principal component representation of the original training set up to some feature lamda.
Both of these methods seem to yield similar results (out of sample test error), but there is difference, however minuscule it may be.
My question is, which one is the right method?
The answer depends on your data, and what you want to do.
Using your variable names. Generally speaking is easy to expect that the outputs of pca maintain
U = train_x * V
But this is only true if your data is normalized, specifically if you already removed the mean from each component. If not, then what one can expect is
U = train_x * V - mean(train_x * V)
And in that regard, weather you want to remove or maintain the mean of your data before processing it, depends on your application.
It's also worth noting that even if you remove the mean before processing, there might be some small difference, but it will be around floating point precision error
((train_x * V) - U) ./ U ~~ 1.0e-15
And this error can be safely ignored

How to use `crossval` in matlab for a Leave one Out Validation method

I have been reading the documentation: here and here but it's really unclear for me and I don't see how to use pratically crossval to do a leave one out cross-validation.
vals = crossval(fun,X)
vals = crossval(fun,X,Y,...)
mse = crossval('mse',X,y,'Predfun',predfun)
mcr = crossval('mcr',X,y,'Predfun',predfun)
val = crossval(criterion,X1,X2,...,y,'Predfun',predfun)
vals = crossval(...,'name',value)
I really don't understand the funpart.
I have estimatimate chlorophyll rate with different index. Then I have done a linear regression between those index and the field taken chlorophyll rate. Now I want to validate them, one of my estimation is a column with 22 entries, so I want to use 21 of them as trainee and 1 as a test, and do 22 loops so that all the data have been used as test.
But I don't where should I put the regression model? If my regression is Y=aX+b,
do I re-use the a and b calculated before for the train part, or do I do a new linear regression with the train part then see what's the test will be with that?
I am not sure I totally understood how to make a leave one out model.
Then I want to know the result of the test by calculating the RMSE (and maybe the R²).
How do I code that using crossval?
I saw the answer to the question here but I don't have access to the crossvalind fonction with my license.
Well I finaly figure it out: so this is my script:
First I charged my data and the linear regression fonction
testval=#(XTRAIN,ytrain,XTEST)Linear_regression_indices( XTRAIN,ytrain,XTEST);
where in my case fun(in the Mathwork help) is testvaland Linear_regression_indices is a very simple fonction:
function [ Linear_regression_indices ] = Linear_regression_indices(XTRAIN,ytrain,XTEST )
There is 2 ways to do it and they both give the same result:
one by using simply the crossval fonction
cvMse = crossval('mse',X,y,'predfun',testval,'leaveout',1);
this will do as many fold as the data size, using each time one of the data as Xtest
the second one is using cvpartition
c = cvpartition(n,'LeaveOut') creates a random partition for leave-one-out cross validation on n observations. Leave-one-out is a special case of 'KFold', in which the number of folds equals the number of observations. link
c = cvpartition(y,'LeaveOut');
then the RMSE can be easily calculated
then I simply get my answer, in my case RMSE=0,3548

Tensorflow max-margin loss training?

I want to train a neural network in tensorflow with a max-margin loss function using one negative sample per positive sample:
max(0,1 -pos_score +neg_score)
What I'm currently doing is this:
The network takes three inputs: input1, and then one positive example input2_pos and one negative example input2_neg. (These are indices to a word embeddings layer.) The network is supposed to calculate a score that expresses how related two examples are.
Here's a simplified version of my code:
input1 = tf.placeholder(dtype=tf.int32, shape=[batch_size])
input2_pos = tf.placeholder(dtype=tf.int32, shape=[batch_size])
input2_neg = tf.placeholder(dtype=tf.int32, shape=[batch_size])
# f is a neural network outputting a score
pos_score = f(input1,input2_pos)
neg_score = f(input1,input2_neg)
cost = tf.maximum(0., 1. -pos_score +neg_score)
optimizer= tf.train.GradientDescentOptimizer(learning_rate).minimize(cost)
What I see when I run this, is that like this the network just learns which input holds the positive example - it always predicts a similar score along the lines of:
pos_score = 0.9965983
neg_score = 0.00341663
How can I structure the variables/training so that the network learns the task instead?
I want just one network that takes two inputs and calculates a score expressing the correlation between them, and train it with max-margin loss.
Calculating scores for positive and negative separately does not seem like an option to me, since then it won't backpropagate properly. Another option seems to be randomizing inputs - but then for the loss function I need to know which example is the positive one - inputting that as another parameter would give away the solution again?
Any ideas?
Given your results (1 for every positive, 0 for every negative) it seems you have two different networks learning:
to predict 1 for the first one
to predict 0 for the second one
When using max-margin loss, you need to use the same network for computing both pos_score and neg_score. The way to do that is to share the variables. I will give you a small example using tf.get_variable():
with tf.variable_scope("network"):
w = tf.get_variable("weights", shape=..., initializer=...)
def f(x, y):
with tf.variable_scope("network", reuse=True):
w = tf.get_variable("weights")
res = w * (x - y) # some computation
return res
With this function f as model, the training will optimize the shared variable with name "network/weights".

Theano -- Mean of squared gradients

In theano, given a batch cost cost with shape (batch_size,), it is easy to compute the gradient of the mean cost, as in T.grad(T.mean(cost,axis=0),p) with p being a parameter used in the computation of cost. This is done efficiently by backpropagating the gradient through the computational graph. What I would now like to do is to compute the mean of the squared gradients over the batch. This can be done using the following piece of code:
import theano.tensor as T
g_square = T.mean(theano.scan(lambda i:T.grad(cost[i],p)**2,sequences=T.arange(cost.shape[0]))[0],axis=0)
Where for convenience p is assumed to be a single theano tensor and not a list of tensors.
The computation could be performed efficiently by simply backpropagating the gradient until the last step, and squaring the components of the last operation (which should be a sum over the batch index). I might be wrong on this one, but the computation should be as easy, and nearly as fast as a simple backpropagation. However, theano seems unable to optimize the computation, and it keeps using a loop, making computations extremely slow.
Would anyone know of a solution to make the computation efficient, either by forcing optimizations, expressing the computation in a different way, or even going through the backpropagation process ?
Thanks in advance.
Your function g_square happens to have complexity O(batch_size**2) instead of O(batch_size) as expected. This lets it appear incredibly slow for larger batch sizes.
The reason is because in every iteration the forward and backward pass is computed over the whole batch, even though just cost[i] for one data point is needed.
I assume the input to the cost computation graph, x, is a tensor with the first dimension of size batch_size. Theano has no means to automatically slice this tensor along this dimension. Therefore computation is always done over the whole batch.
Unfortunately I see no better solution than slicing your input and doing the loop outside Theano:
# x: input data batch
batch_size = x.shape[0]
g_square_fun = theano.function( [p], T.grad(cost[0],p)**2)
g_square_value = 0
for i in batch_size:
g_square_value += g_square_fun( x[i:i+1])
Perhaps when future versions of Theano come with better build in capabilities to compute Jacobians there will be more elegant solutions.
After digging deeper in the Theano docs I found a solution that would work in the compute graph. Key idea is that you clone the graph of your network inside the scan function, thereby explicitly slicing the input tensor. I tried the following code and empirically it shows O(batch_size) as expected:
# x: input data batch
# assuming cost = network(x,p)
from theano.gof.graph import clone_get_equiv
def g_square(cost,p):
g = T.zeros_like(p)
def scan_fn( i, g, cost, p):
# clone the graph computing cost, but slice it's input
cloned = clone_get_equiv([],[cost],
memo={x: x[i:i+1]})
cost_slice = cloned[cost].reshape([])
return g+T.grad(cost_slice,p)**2
result,updates = theano.reduce( scan_fn,
return result