How to create multiple unloading dock using the selectOutput block? - simulation

I am working on a warehouse simulation model and I cannot figure out how to increase the number of unloading docks while limiting the docks to one supplier truck. I got it working with 2 unloading docks using the select out with the condition is true when Unload_dock_1.isBlocked(). Anyone has tips on how to increase the number of unloading dock while keeping the restriction of 1 truck per unloading dock until released later.
Current model with two unloading docks
Kind regards,

You can duplicate several blocks into 1 agent and re-use it as many times as you want. Select the blocks, right-click and select "turn into agent" (or similar). Then, you can parameterize that and re-use 2 times, 5 times or 99 times.
Check the Youtube tutorial on the concept:


msg can't reach the stat chart for multiple deliveries

I'm trying to change the existing model in Anylogic (product delivery) and trying to move trucks to various locations. in manufacturing processes I add batch and hold to put 5 orders in the truck, but after I can't communicate with truck state chart and can't make it read the trigger (msg). I tried various methods but couldn't make it work. I'm new in anylogic and your help will be appreciated.
the first thing you should do is go to the truck agent, to the connections object, and verify if your message is being sent
Also to understand better how messages work, i suggest you watch the following video which is part of the course available at

Increasing model simulation speed with big number of agents/transporters Anylogic

I've a question. In my model I want to model patients/employees in a hospital environment as agents. Due to the big amount of patients/employees in the hospital (>4000), my model runs very slow (which is logical, I know). Because I want the patients employees to block eachother and AGVs, I let them move by a transporterfleet (which has >5000 capacity), by doing this method I can make it possible to let them block eachother.
Now what I want is that when the patient or employees arrive to the location departments they disappear for hours/minutes as long as there appointment or workschedule is saying to them. The most perfect is to just delete them for example 4 hours of runtime, so that I will only have the moving agents in my model, is there a way to do this? So that when a patient/employee arrives at an appointment, the agent and transport disappears for 4 hours and returns after this delay, keeping in mind that it should speed up the run-speed of my simulation (otherwise I just can use a delay block, but than my model keeps very slow). The transporters are making the model really slow.
Or perhaps another method will be better to model the patients and employees with the feature that they are blocking AGVs? An option which I should think of is that an moving agent is constantly checking if there is an agent close to him every second, but I do not know if this will be speed up the runtime or just will slow it down even more with >4000agents.
Or another option is that I only let the AGVs check if there are agents around them every second just by coding(this will only be around 40 agents).
Also you see that it is only using 5% of my memory data..

How do i recreate a loading truck case with a limited number of trucks?

I have a warehouse with many palletrack which contains raw materials that have to be loaded on trucks and moved to a second warehouse. The loading zones (where trucks are loaded) are the green rectangular nodes (see image). The problem is that I don't know how to recreate the loading. If I use a seize then every single agent will seize a truck, but if I used the pickup block (like the pickup model tutorial), the source would create more trucks than I want(they are limited).
Any tips? (i want to say thanks to all the people who are helping me this week by the way)
Although there are many ways to model this I think the best option would be to batch your agents into truckloads and then to seize the trucks. Trucks must live inside a resource pool, so that you can have a fixed number of trucks.
Since you are using a network model I would then suggest you attach the truck to the batch you created and move it around and then detach the truck and release it afterward. You can however simply seize the truck and have the batch object use the animation of a truck.

How to create orders for picking process at warehouse operations using Anylogic

During the creation of a generalized warehouse model, I ran into a problem when trying to create an order event that can be used by order pickers to retrieve the products from the storages racks. Currently, I am using a source block which creates "orders" of a single type of pallet (1 to 5). The pickers each travel to pick up a pallet from the rack and transports them to the next location.
Question: How can I create an order consisting out of several pallets consisting of different types.
Question: How can I use a single picker (resource) to pick multiple pallets in a single run through the warehouse before transporting all the pallets to the next location (process).
Kind regards,
Question 1
normally i would create a class for the higher level order (say Pickwave class).
And when instantiating it you need to save a list of actual picking orders(pallets) into it (say collection of type ArrayList<Order>).
And to process your pickwave you can use a loop which will steer your resource/transporter/picker to the next Order location until all orders are picked. If everything is picked you exit your loop and move to your next location
Question 2
you don't really pick the orders as you would normally pick them using RackPick block in 1-to-1 scenario. But as you have a refence to all your orders inside you pickwave object you can still control their location/animation programmatically.

How can I use rackPick block to seize more than one item at once? - Anylogic

I'm developing a project with Anylogic and I have an AGV with a Kuka cobot on top of it (a sort of mechanical arm used to pick item from a shelf, in this case) which should pick some items from a rack store. I would like the cobot to pick more than one single item at once.
The blocks I already put are shown in the picture and I thought that specifying "seize whole set at once" in the rackPick block would have helped but it did not.
Could you help me, please?
Thank you in advance.
The RackPick logic is agent-centric, i.e. the items in the rack are the active entities. They, essentially "pick themselves", optionally using your robot as a help.
So if you want your robot to pick several, it is best to batch your agents together before putting them into a rack (using Batch) and then let your robot pick that batch agent. You can unbatch into the original agents afterwards.
PS: That "seize whole set at once" option is again from the agent perspective: if it would need several resources to be picked, then this option would have an effect. In your case, with only needing 1 robot, it is meaningless
