Swiftui Custom RoundedRectangle and Overlay Problem - swift

I notice when i use an overlay on a rounded rectangle that there are some parts that are not overlayed, or maybe i'm doing it wrong
and then i tried to switch the view to a regular Iphone SE display, and i notice something that i really dislike, the top is not convered by red
Is there a way to fix it?? or any keyword for me to search? cuz there's probably someone with the same question as i am
.frame(height: 350, alignment:.center)
ZStack {
HStack {
VStack {
.aspectRatio(contentMode: .fit)
.frame(width: 360, height: 260, alignment:.center)


SWIFTUI: .overlay breaks alignment

I have this bit of code below where I'm trying to have a rectangle centered in the screen, where I overlay a text outupt from some function and a share button. The concept works, except that when I add the .overlay, the "text box" (the rectangle with the text and share button overlayed to it) lose the centered alignment and they move to the left.If I remove the .overlay, the rectangle is centered but the content remains behind it. What am I doing wrong? Thanks.
GeometryReader { geometry in // Debug alignment
VStack(alignment: .center) { //TextBox
.frame(width: geometry.size.width * 0.75, height: 200, alignment: .center)
ScrollView {
HStack(alignment: .top){
VStack(alignment: .center) {
.frame(minWidth: 0, maxWidth: .infinity, alignment: .center)
ShareLink(item: responseText){
Image(systemName: "square.and.arrow.up")
.frame(width: 25, height: 25)
} //Vstack Top
} //Geo Reader
I tried to center the recantgle while using the .overlay to put the conetent on top of it but the centered aligment gets lost. I also tried to use a ZStack instead of a .overlay but the content remains hidden behind.
GeometryReader positions its children at its top left. The VStack child of GeometryReader hugs its children—in this case, its single child, which is a Rectangle with a fixed frame.
Put the Rectangle in a container that expands to the size of the enclosing GeometryReader and centers the Rectangle within the expanded size.
For example, add a frame(maxWidth: .infinity, maxHeight: .infinity) modifier on the VStack:
GeometryReader { geometry in // Debug alignment
VStack {
etc. etc.
.frame(maxWidth: .infinity, maxHeight: .infinity)
But if you don't have anything else to put in the VStack, you can remove it and put the frame modifier directly on the Rectangle, after the overlay:
GeometryReader { geometry in // Debug alignment
.frame(width: geometry.size.width * 0.75, height: 200)
ScrollView {
HStack(alignment: .top){
ShareLink(item: responseText) {
Image(systemName: "square.and.arrow.up")
.frame(width: 25, height: 25)
.frame(maxWidth: .infinity, maxHeight: .infinity)

SwiftUI how to make UI Responsiv

UI on iPhone Pro Max here the UI is not in the right place
UI on iPhone Pro thats perfectly
Hello I am new to SwiftUI and have a question. I had to implement the UI with the Star and the Number Count. I did everything, but when I switch the phones my UI is miss placed depends on the iPhone I choose. How can I fix that ? I search in the Internet for Responsiveness in SwiftUI but it didn't really helped me. I thought also that SwiftUI does most of the Responsiveness because I know in UIKIT you have to declare the constraints by yourself. Thanks for helping me, the Code is below. I also have after the CustomerCardPoints an List which works perfectly but since I added the CustomerCardPoints there is a small space between the Views, if anybody has experience how can I fix that also? (Not Necessary)
var body: some View {
VStack(spacing: 0) {
.aspectRatio(contentMode: .fit)
.frame(maxWidth: 200, maxHeight: 100)
.padding([.top, .leading, .trailing])
struct CustomerCardPoints: View {
var body: some View {
ZStack() {
.aspectRatio(contentMode: .fit)
.frame(maxWidth: 180, maxHeight: 60)
.offset(x: 160, y: -127)
HStack(alignment: .firstTextBaseline) {
.font(.system(size: 19))
.offset(x: 237, y: -126)
.aspectRatio(contentMode: .fit)
.frame(width: 110, height: 25)
.offset(x: 132, y: -120)

Show only top portion of image in SwiftUI

I need to align a UIImageView in a way that only top portion of the image is shown.
Original Image:-
I achieved Image from below Code:-
.frame(height: 120, alignment: .center)
.cornerRadius(20, corners: [.topLeft, .topRight])
Can someone please explain to me how to show image with top portion only, I've tried to implement by above but no results yet.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Thanks in advance.
Use alignment: .top it will fix your issue.
struct ContentView: View {
var body: some View {
Image("Your Image Here!")
.frame(height: 120, alignment: .top) // <<: Here

SwiftUI and WidgetKit image alignment to the right

The code:
VStack(alignment: .trailing) {
.frame(width: 105, height: 105)
.padding(.trailing, -60.0)
The problem is that image is not at the side and has a small gap near the image and widget as shown in the photo.
How to make this little gap disappear
If I correctly understood your concern, here is possible solution
var body: some View {
.frame(width: 105, height: 105)
, alignment: .bottomTrailing)

HStack with SF Symbols Image not aligned centered

I have this simple SwiftUI code. I want all symbols to be aligned centered, just like the cloud symbol.
struct ContentView : View {
var body: some View {
HStack(alignment: .center, spacing: 10.0) {
Image(systemName: "cloud.sun")
Image(systemName: "cloud")
Image(systemName: "cloud.bolt")
But as you can see below, the first and the last symbol are not centered. Am I missing something, or is this a bug?
This is what it's going on.
The Image views are not resizing.
It looks like they're not aware of their intrinsic content size, or maybe it reports the wrong value.
To fix it:
struct ContentView : View {
var body: some View {
HStack(alignment: .center, spacing: 10.0) {
Image(systemName: "cloud.sun")
.aspectRatio(contentMode: .fit)
Image(systemName: "cloud")
.aspectRatio(contentMode: .fit)
Image(systemName: "cloud.bolt")
.aspectRatio(contentMode: .fit)
.frame(width: 250, height: 50)
...make the Images resizable, and also make sure the aspect ratio is set to .fit, or they will stretch.
Set also frame on the HStack or it will expand to fill the whole screen.
#MartinR suggested an even better solution - creating the images via UIImage - see his comment below.
struct ContentView : View {
var body: some View {
HStack {
Image(uiImage: UIImage(systemName: "cloud.sun")!)
Image(uiImage: UIImage(systemName: "cloud")!)
Image(uiImage: UIImage(systemName: "cloud.bolt")!)
I came across the same problem as you: SF Symbols are not reporting the correct content size on iOS 13. (Though, it is fixed on iOS 14 and above.)
The problem with using UIImage as proposed in Matteo Pacinis solution is the poor compatibility with the SwiftUI dynamics: foreground color and font size (and dynamic type!) are not simply taken from the current SwiftUI context but have to be duplicated into the UIImage configuration (using UIImage(systemName:, withConfiguration:)) wich is often not practical. (see hackingwithswift.com for how to use this).
Looking at the problem above I propose the following solution:
HStack(alignment: .center, spacing: 10.0) {
Image(systemName: "cloud.sun")
Image(systemName: "cloud.sun")
.aspectRatio(contentMode: .fill)
Image(systemName: "cloud")
Image(systemName: "cloud")
.aspectRatio(contentMode: .fill)
Image(systemName: "cloud.bolt")
Image(systemName: "cloud.bolt")
.aspectRatio(contentMode: .fill)
It looks like a lot of code duplication but it has the advantage, that the symbols scale according to your font, respect the foregroundColor modifier and align according to your desired alignment
But there is still some issue with this approach: the image still has not the correct intrinsic size, the symbols are simply drawn "nicely centered". This means that the height of the HStack still depends of the height of the Text element.
If you simply want to draw the symbols in .largeTitle font and the text in .body font, the result would look like below possibly causing overlapping with neighbouring views:
I will still investigate further to find a solution ensuring the correct view size, as this really annoys me.