Is mongorestore.exe file present in mongo 4.4? - mongodb

Is mongorestore.exe file present in mongo 4.4 community edition? If not, how is the restoration done in mongo 4.4?

As mentioned here, its moved under tools.
Starting in MongoDB 4.4, the documentation for mongorestore has migrated to:
You can install separately.


MongoDB upgrade version of dbpath

I have the database files, /data/db/ (these are from the version 3.6.3 MongoDB)
But I looked the documentation of MongoDB up and I saw and it isn't possible anymore to install the MongoDB 3.6.3.
So how am I able to update the old database files to use them with the version MongoDB 4.4
Thank you very much for your help!
You must do it one by one:
Upgrade a Standalone to 4.0
The following steps outline the procedure to upgrade a standalone mongod from version 3.6 to 4.0.
Upgrade a Standalone to 4.2
he following steps outline the procedure to upgrade a standalone mongod from version 4.0 to 4.2
Upgrade a Standalone to 4.4
The following steps outline the procedure to upgrade a standalone mongod from version 4.2 to 4.4.

Make MongoDB dump to specific db version

My MongoDB 3.2. import does not work when I try to import a dump exported from by MongoDB 3.6.
Is there a way of using "mongodump" to export to be compatible to MongoDB 3.2.
Usually MongoDB suggest to not dump/restore between clusters having more than one major version apart.
What you could do is restore your dump from MongoDB 3.6, restore it to a MongoDB 3.4 and then dump it again fom 3.4 to finally restore to to MongoDB 3.2.
Usually there are incompatibilities with more than 1 major versions, please try to upgrade your MongoDB 3.2 if possible, otherwise you might need to automate the 3.4 transition part.

migrating parse-server / mlab deployment to MongoDB Atlas

I originally posted this question on ServerFault, but it didn't get any traction, so I thought that stack might be a better forum for this question. My apologies if this out of line.
We are currently running parse-server (v2.7.2) on Heroku (node.js 7.10.1), connected to an mLab mongodb database. I recently received a notification
from mLab that they have been acquired by MongoDB and will be eventually migrating all customers to MongoDB Atlas.
The migration instructions from mLab to Atlas seem fairly self explanatory. My question concerns parse-server itself:
Does our version of parse-server (2.7.2) and node.js (7.10.1) have drivers that will support Atlas MongoDB?
MongoDB feature compatibility will depend on the underlying driver version which you can find by running npm list mongodb in the directory where you installed parse-server.
You can also check the mongodb driver version requested in parse-server's package.json, but a newer driver version may be installed depending on the semver notation used.
It looks like parse-server 2.7.2 uses the mongodb 3.0.1 driver, which is fully compatible with MongoDB 3.4 and 3.6 features according to the MongoDB Driver Compatibility documentation.
The MongoDB Node 3.0.x driver won't support newer features of MongoDB 4.0 (for example, transactions), but you should otherwise be fine with an Atlas deployment using MongoDB 3.4 or newer.

mongodb version 3.0.0 client robomongo mongovue

We are using mongo client tools such as Robomongo and MongoVUE from our windows/mac machines. On the mongodb server side, we decided to try out the new MongoDB 3.0.0rc8 with wiredtiger storage. However, we find that we are not able to list any collections from our client tools and mongo shell. If we login to the server box running mongodb, and then start a mongo shell, then we are able to view the collections.
Is this a known problem - that the existing tools like Robomongo and MongoVUE which have been supporting up to 2.6.X are not yet supporting mongodb 3.0.0?
Is there any mongo client that supports version 3.0.0?
Thanks and Regards,
Archanaa Panda
We encountered the same issue today and started evaluating MongoChef which looks promising, both seen to UI, features and support for WiredTiger.
Here is the answer to this question i got on google forums from Will Berkeley-
Yes, those tools need to be updated to support 3.0 on WiredTiger. Many
tools enumerate namespaces by querying system collections that do not
exist when MongoDB is running WiredTiger. The mongo shell function
db.getCollectionNames() and the show command pre-3.0 does this, too -
the reason you can list collections on the 3.0 mongod box is that you
have the 3.0 mongo shell installed there.
I use NoSQL Manager for MongoDB with Mongo 3.0/WiredTiger
This is fixed as of February 1, 2016 with Robomongo.
Using the right version that is robomongo-0.9.0-rc8 fixed my problem.

MongoDB: Upgrade 2.4.10 to 2.6

I have a mongodb standalone instance in my ubuntu. According to official docs I replace mongod binary then I restarted mongodb using sudo service mongodb restart command, and restarted mongod binary also. Then when I check version using mongo --version. It's still 2.4.10. But when I check mongod version it's 2.6.1. Is it okay? I installed mongodb in my local machine using this guide. If it correct then I will upgrade my production server.
It sounds like you have upgraded your mongod server to 2.6.1 but still have an older version of the mongo shell in your path.
Technically that isn't a major issue for most usage as the older 2.4 shell can still connect and run common commands.
However, there are 2.6-specific shell helpers & features you'll be missing out on such as Bulk() operations and user management commands with user-defined roles.
If you have an open mongo shell, you can check the versions of both the mongo client and the mongod server you are connected to.
Ideally the major versions should match, eg:
> version() // Version of the `mongo` shell
> db.version() // Version of the `mongod` server this shell has connected to
The upgrade guide you have followed is assuming you are not using the packaged versions of MongoDB -- the guidance here could definitely be improved.
A better (and typical) approach for Ubuntu is to install MongoDB using the standard packages: Install MongoDB on Ubuntu. This would allow you to get software updates via the normal apt-get update process.
Yes. It's okay. The 2.6.1 version is a small update with bugfixes after version 2.6. But it's still the same major version.