Wildcard for key in mongodb query - mongodb

I have a collection equivalent to:
"_id": ObjectId("5a934e000102030405000000"),
"sides": {
"0": {
"dist": 100
"1": {
"dist": 10
"_id": ObjectId("5a934e000102030405000001"),
"sides": {
"0": {
"dist": 100
I would like to perform a query that return any documents that has for any key nested in sides has the key dist with a specific value. Something like:
db.collection.find({"sides.*.dist": 10})
Here * acts as a wildcard, any key would be valid in its place.
That would retrieve:
"_id": ObjectId("5a934e000102030405000000"),
"sides": {
"0": {
"dist": 100
"1": {
"dist": 10
On the other hand
db.collection.find({"sides.*.dist": 100})
Would retrive both documents.

the following song and dance won't be neccessary if sides field was an array...
$expr: {
$gt: [{
$size: {
$filter: {
input: { $objectToArray: "$sides" },
as: "x",
cond: { $eq: ["$$x.v.dist", 10] }
}, 0]

You could get the matching elements using this
"$project": {
"sides_array": {//Reshape the sides
"$objectToArray": "$sides"
{//Denormalize to get more than one matches
"$unwind": "$sides_array"
"$match": {//Condition goes here
"sides_array.v.dist": 10
"$group": {//Group the data back, after unwinding
"_id": "$_id",
"sides": {
"$push": "$sides_array"
"$project": {//Reshape the data
"_id": 1,
"sides": {
"$arrayToObject": "$sides"


Get value of a specific field using aggregation in MongoDB

My document:
"_id": "5f969419d40c1580f2d4aa36",
"users": {
"foo#bar.com": "baz",
"foo2#bar.com": "baz2"
"_id": "5f9694d4d40c1580f2d4aa38",
"users": {
"baz#test.com": "foo"
If i use this aggregate, i get two users. Ok. But how can i get only the value of "foo#bar.com"?
Test in https://mongoplayground.net/p/3kW2Rw6fSjh
"$project": {
"users": {
"$objectToArray": "$users"
"$match": {
"users.k": "foo#bar.com"
"$project": {
"users": {
"$arrayToObject": "$users"
You can add a $filter stage after the $match stage:
$set: {
users: {
$filter: {
input: "$users",
cond: {
$eq: [
See how it works on the playground example

Variables from values in MongoDB Arrays with variable length

This is my first question ever here so super excited to learn and apologies if the syntax is not up to mark, I will improve with time.
"item" is an Array ( this doc has only one element)
"adjudication" is a nested Array with a variable number of elements(same structure)
I want to create keys out of "adjudication.category.coding.code" without hardcoding as the values will be different with each document but will have the same string length
I tried using "$map" to apply the same logic to each array element but failed
"item": [
"adjudication": [
"amount": {"code": "USD", "system": "4217", "value": 22.51},
"category": {
"coding": [
"code": "bb.org/paid_amt",
"system": "bb.org/adjudication"
"reason": {
"coding": [
"code": "C",
"system": "bb.org/cvrg_status"
"amount": {"code": "USD", "system": "4217", "value": 0},
"category": {
"coding": [
"code": "bb.org/discount_amt",
"system": "bb.org/adjudication"
Output desired
adjudication: {paid_amt: 22.51, discount_amt: 0}
Welcome to SO. I hope the following code will solve your exception. Sometime you may modify based on you wish.
$unwind to deconstruct the array
$map to loop / modify through the array, and $arrayElementAt to. get the first object from the array
$let to find the last potion by $spliting for "paid_amt" and "discount_amt". So this will be an array of object. But you need objects. So the next part I make it as k:v pair.
$arrayToObject to make array to object by using above k:v pair. ("k" and "v" names are must. Can't replace by any other names)
$group to reconstruct the array that we did in 1st step
Here is the code,
{ "$unwind": "$item" },
$project: {
"item.adjudication": {
"$map": {
"input": "$item.adjudication",
"in": {
amount: "$$this.amount.value",
code: {
"$arrayElemAt": [ "$$this.category.coding", 0 ]
$project: {
"item.adjudication": {
"$map": {
"input": "$item.adjudication",
"in": {
v: "$$this.amount",
k: {
"$let": {
"vars": {
"code": {
"$split": [ "$$this.code.code", "/" ]
"in": { "$arrayElemAt": [ "$$code", -1 ] }
$project: {
"item.adjudication": {
"$arrayToObject": "$item.adjudication"
"$group": {
"_id": "$_id",
"item": { "$push": "$item" }
Working Mongo playground
try this playground
$unwind: {
path: '$item'
}, {
$unwind: {
path: '$item.adjudication'
}, {
$unwind: {
path: '$item.adjudication.category'
}, {
$unwind: {
path: '$item.adjudication.category.coding'
}, {
$group: {
_id: null,
data: {
$push: {
k: '$item.adjudication.category.coding.code',
v: '$item.adjudication.amount.value'
}, {
$project: {
adjudication: {$arrayToObject: '$data'}

MongoDB aggregate: count of elements in an object key

I have a MongoDB document like this:
"_id": {
"$oid": "5ff09030cd55d6d9f378d460"
"username": "a value",
"userid": "123456",
"last_access_ts": 1612426253,
"last_access": "2021-2-4 9:10:53",
"anotherid": 12345678910,
"verified_date": "2021-1-2 16:24:32",
"verified_ts": 1609601072,
"group_users": {
"-1001159747589": [
"anotherid": 12345678910,
"userid": "123456"
"-1001143137644": [
"anotherid": 12345678910,
"userid": "123456"
"-1001368608972": [
"anotherid": 12345678910,
"userid": "123456"
"registered_access": "2021-1-2 16:24:42",
I've two questions.
First one: I need to count the elements inside each group_users[key] object, and I'm stuck with this aggregate:
$match: {
username: "a value"
$project: {
_id: 1,
userid: 1,
"groups": {
"$objectToArray": "$group_users"
$unwind: "$groups",
This aggregate gives me this result:
"_id": ObjectId("5ff09030cd55d6d9f378d460"),
"groups": {
"k": "-1001449720492",
"v": [
"anotherid": 12345678910,
"userid": "123456"
"userid": "123456"
"_id": ObjectId("5ff09030cd55d6d9f378d460"),
"groups": {
"k": "-1001159747589",
"v": [
"anotherid": 12345678910,
"userid": "123456"
"userid": "123456"
"_id": ObjectId("5ff09030cd55d6d9f378d460"),
"groups": {
"k": "-1001143137644",
"v": [
"anotherid": 12345678910,
"userid": "123456"
"userid": "123456"
How can I count each single groups[v] and then re-group the data? I would like to have a result like:
... some user data
"groups": {
"group_key": "count",
"second_group_key": "count",
"third_group_key": "count"
Is it possible with aggregate or I need to loop in the code?
My second question is always about the group_users. Is possible to have, recursively, the user data inside a group_users object?
I mean, every object inside group_users is an array of users; from this array can I have the user data (maybe with $graphLookup?) using the userid field or the anotherid field?
As a result from this second aggregate I would like to have something like this:
... some user data
"groups": {
"group_key": [{"userid": userid, "username": username}],
"second_group_key": [{"userid": userid, "username": username}],
"third_group_key": [{"userid": userid, "username": username}]
Obviously I can limit this "recursion" to 10 elements per time.
Thanks for any advice.
$objectToArray convert group_users object to array
$let to Bind variable group_arr for use in the specified expression, and returns the result of the expression.
$map to iterate loop of bind variable group_arr, get size of total element of v and return k and v,
$arrayToObject convert returned array from $map to object
{ $match: { username: "a value" } },
$project: {
_id: 1,
userid: 1,
groups: {
$let: {
vars: { group_arr: { $objectToArray: "$group_users" } },
in: {
$arrayToObject: {
$map: {
input: "$$group_arr",
in: {
k: "$$this.k",
v: { $size: "$$this.v" }
Second question,
$unwind deconstruct groups array
$lookup with pipeline, match anotherid $in condition and return required fields
$group by _id and reconstruct groups array
$arrayToObject convert groups array to object
{ $match: { username: "a value" } },
$project: {
_id: 1,
userid: 1,
groups: { $objectToArray: "$group_users" }
{ $unwind: "$groups" },
$lookup: {
from: "collection",
let: { anotherid: "$groups.v.anotherid" },
pipeline: [
{ $match: { $expr: { $in: ["$anotherid", "$$anotherid"] } } },
$project: {
_id: 0,
userid: 1,
username: 1
as: "groups.v"
$group: {
_id: "$_id",
groups: { $push: "$groups" },
userid: { $first: "$userid" }
{ $addFields: { groups: { $arrayToObject: "$groups" } } }

Min nested array in mongo

How can I use the $min function to get the min value within nested arrays (and add it to the document)?
"_id": "a357e77f-a76a-4bc2-8765-923280663e97",
"customers": [
"_id": "97170117-4660-4c6f-b8da-2b34d4d0c9ce",
"orders": [
"amount": 0.5
"amount": 6.400001525878906
"_id": "7b9ccf5b-3acb-4ed1-8df4-e3b5afc49cba",
"orders": [
"amount": 27.29999542236328
"amount": 0.29999542236328125
"_id": "58433224-8162-4f0a-8168-bc11b4306b0a",
"customers": [
"_id": "8a6055d0-9b94-40be-8f96-8fd9088d24aa",
"orders": [
"amount": 19.700000762939453
"_id": "a50a57b8-61e7-4727-a15a-4a4137b2f81a",
"orders": [
"amount": 43.80000305175781
How can I get the min amount value within the $customers.orders.amount path?
I've tried but it returns 0.
$addFields: {
"amount": {
$sum: "$customers.orders.amount"
You can do as below for each customer
"$unwind": "$customers"
"$unwind": "$customers.orders"
{//Group by customer id,
$group: {
"_id": "$customers._id",
min: {
$push: {
"$min": "$customers.orders.amount"
You can use group by null if you want to find min across all the customers.
Found a solution using reduce to create a flat array of the nested arrays and then use $min on that. MongoPlayground
"$addFields": {
"min": {
$min: {
"$reduce": {
"input": "$customers",
"initialValue": [],
"in": {
"$concatArrays": [

Writing an aggregation query in MongodB

Here is my sample document structure e.g.
"my_object": {
"1": {
"seq": "1",
"time": "xyz",
"2": {
"seq": "2",
"time": "abc",
"sub_aray": {
"0": {
"value": 10
"1": {
"value": 10
"2": {
"value": -10
So what I want to achieve is, Sum of all the sub_array's value if exists, if sub_array isn't found, default it to 0
{"seq" : "1", "sub_array" : 0},
{"seq" : "2", "sub_array" : 10}
My Mongo version is 3.4.6 and I am using PyMongo as my driver.
You can do as below
$project: {
"array": { //To remove dynamic keys - 1,2,etc
"$objectToArray": "$my_object"
{//reshaping array
"$unwind": "$array"
$project: {//reshaping sub array to access via a static name
"k": {
"$objectToArray": "$array.v.sub_aray"
"seq": "$array.v.seq"
"$project": {//actual logic, output structure
"sub_array": {
$sum: "$k.v.value"
"_id": 0,
"seq": 1
The trick part is to use the $objectToArray operator to iterate my_object items.
"$project": {
"my_object": {
"$map": {
input: {
"$objectToArray": "$my_object"
as: "obj",
in: {
seq: "$$obj.v.seq",
sub_array: {
$sum: {
$map: {
input: {
"$objectToArray": "$$obj.v.sub_aray"
as: "sub",
in: "$$sub.v.value"
"$unwind": "$my_object"
"$replaceRoot": {
"newRoot": "$my_object"