Google Charts: Hide points exceeding viewWindow - charts

I have a Google Chart where I explicitly set the vertical-axis minimum and maximum
vAxis: {
viewWindow: { min: 0, max: 0.20 },
Sometimes, the series to draw have values exceeding those values and the chart is rendered as follows:
Is there an option I can define to hide what exceeds the ViewWindow? To get basically the chart below:


My chart has a decreasing Y axis, needs to start at +3 and go up to -3

I tried reverse=true in the yAxes settings but that does not seem to make a difference.
It always assumes that the min < max in the ticks settings.
Is this possible?
reverse=True does not work in 2.x
I was able to say:
yAxes: [
id: 'y1',
type: 'category',
display: true,
labels: ['-3', '-1', '+1', '+3'],
position: 'right',
to explicitly set the labels in decreasing order. The values continue ro be specified in the original scale so the plot appears correctly.
I also had to override the tooltip callback so that it would show the correct value on hover.

How can I split colors of the area under line chart after a certain threshold (beyond x-axis)

I'm using Baidu's echarts library
How can I split colors of the area under a line chart after a certain threshold (beyond x-axis) using the areastyle?
Thank you!
You can't.
The areastyle is applied to the series itself, and cannot be tied to individual datapoints. Because the area color actually marks the area between two datapoints.
But.., you can, however, create a workaround and create two linecharts, like so:
legend: {
data: ['myLine']
series : [
name: 'myLine',
type: 'line',
areaStyle: {
normal: {
color: 'red'
data: [400, 300, 101, 134, null, null, null]
name: 'myLine',
type: 'line',
areaStyle: {
normal: {
color: 'green'
data: [null, null, null, 134, 90, 230, 210]
By adding it manually to the legend, and by giving both series the same name. ECharts combines the two series to some degree, so both the legend and the animation are acting like it's a single series.
Also, make sure to connect the two lines, by adding a datapoint twice (see 134). And you can customize the lines a little more with lineStyle, etc, to make them look better.
You can create a little demo by checking the ECharts demo gallery and replace the series and legend data with the snippet above (you may have to click the blue run button).

Highcharts: how to align column and line chart x-axises

I have 2 Highchart charts: column chart and point chart.
They share same xAxis config:
type: 'datetime',
min: Date.UTC(2010, 01, 02),
max: Date.UTC(2010, 01, 14),
startOnTick: true,
I want to align their x axises so values on corresponding dates are located on same vertical line.
How can I modify charts so that their x axises are properly aligned?
The difference is caused by automatically applied padding to the axis for a column series, to account for the width of the column itself.
There are probably multiple things that can be done, but I find it easiest to manage this way:
Add a dummy column series to your line chart. This will force the same kind of padding that is applied to the column chart.
name: 'dummy',
showInLegend: false,
type: 'column'

Highcharts - column chart with drilldown to waterfall

I have a strange behavior with my drill down to a waterfall chart. My middle column which is a negative value is not positioned on the top, instead it is going from zero down.
I have taken the exact same configuration and applied it to a first level waterfall chart and there it works fine.
Expected result: Column 'Discount' should go from 50 to 40
Actual result: Column 'Discount' goes from 0 to -10
JSfiddle for drilldown chart where waterfall is not as I want it:
JSfiddle for chart where waterfall is correct:
I can not figure out what is missing.
Based on the Highcharts example of Drilldown from column to pie, you need to set the chart type to be the drilled down type, i.e. to 'waterfall', and set the type of the top level series explicitly, i.e. to 'column'.
Updated chart options with type:
chart: {
type: 'waterfall',
height: 350,
zoomType: 'xy'
Updated top level series options with type:
series: [{
type: 'column',
data: [
name: 'Sweden',
y: 55,
drilldown: 'Sweden'
Updated Fiddle

Kendo Chart - displaying the last X records in a pannable/zoomable chart

Kendo team released their pannable/zoomable chart recently.
I would like to use it but I have the following problem: I need to display only the last X records of the available ones, and display the rest on zoom/ mouse move.
The example they presented on their site: displays the data starting from c0 to c10.
I would like to see the last 10 records from c89 to c99 instead of the first 10.
How to achieve that - can you please advice.
In their example, set the min and max of the category axis:
categoryAxis: {
min: 90,
max: 99,
labels: {
rotation: "auto"
Updated DEMO