Autofac IContainer and DiagnosticTracer for ASP .Net 5 - autofac

How I can get IContainer instance for my ASP.Net 5 app?
I need to enable diagnostics, and based on official documentation SubscribeToDiagnostics method is accessible only from IContainer, and ASP Net Core 3+ Integration this.AutofacContainer = app.ApplicationServices.GetAutofacRoot(); exposes only ILifetimeScope.
I have also noticed that Autofac supports DiagnosticListener - is this a way how I should trace for informations?
Does Autofac provide build in formatters for example for RequestDiagnosticData?
What are your recommendations?

I've updated the ASP.NET Core 3 example for Autofac to show how this works. The secret is using a build callback.
In your ConfigureContainer method, you register a callback to subscribe to diagnostics.
public void ConfigureContainer(ContainerBuilder builder)
// Add any Autofac modules or registrations, then...
// If you want to enable diagnostics, you can do that via a build
// callback. Diagnostics aren't free, so you shouldn't just do this
// by default. Note: since you're diagnosing the container you can't
// ALSO resolve the logger to which the diagnostics get written, so
// writing directly to the log destination is the way to go.
var tracer = new DefaultDiagnosticTracer();
tracer.OperationCompleted += (sender, args) =>
builder.RegisterBuildCallback(c =>
var container = c as IContainer;


.NET 6 console app how to access configuration and get connection string for DbContext

I am writing a .NET 6 console app and have this unfinished code below. I don't know how to get the connection string from configuration such that I can pass it to the options.UseSqlServer method.
I prefer using the top level statements template.
Also, should I call hostBuilder.Build().Run(); at the end of this code? Or just hostBuilder.Build()? Just wondering what the difference is.
var hostBuilder = Host.CreateDefaultBuilder(args)
.ConfigureAppConfiguration((context, builder) =>
.ConfigureServices((context, services) =>
services.AddDbContext<CompanyContext>(options => options.UseSqlServer("<connection string from config"));
An ASP.NET Core web app is actually a console app that starts an HTTP server. The DI, logging, configuration infrastructure is the same in both cases. The same methods you see in ASP.NET Core tutorials can be used in console applications through the Generic Host Builder.
The Configuration is available through the HostBuilderContext parameter of the ConfigureServices delegate :
.ConfigureServices((context, services) =>
var cns=context.Configuration.GetConnectionString("MyConnection");
The WebApplicationBuilder class introduced in .NET (Core) 6.0 still uses the Microsoft.Extensions.Hosting middleware under the hood, but exposes Services, Configuration, Logging etc as properties instead of methods like ConfigureServices to enable top-level and minimal API programs.
I am working on a .NET 6.0 console app with EFCore and I have exactly the same issue. Thanks to your answers I could manage to make the db-scaffolding to work again...
IHost host = Host.CreateDefaultBuilder(args)
.ConfigureAppConfiguration((config) =>
.ConfigureServices((context, services) =>
var cns = context.Configuration.GetConnectionString("DiBerieBotDB");
services.AddDbContext<DiBerieBotEntities>(options => options.UseSqlServer(cns))
List<User> theUsers = new List<User>();
using (var context = new DiBerieBotEntities())
theUsers = (from usr in context.Users.Include("Channels")
select usr).ToList();
but on the first Linq query that occurs, the program crashs :
Crash on running Linq query
Also my console app "DiBerieBot.Console" and the DAL "DiBerieBot.DAL" (where the EFCore DbContext class is) are on separate projects :
Any idea ?

How do I setup SharpRepository to work with AutoFac & Entiry Framework?

I have installed
and I have added this code to setup Autofac as instructed by the Autofac documentation:
void SetupAutofac()
var builder = new ContainerBuilder();
// Get your HttpConfiguration.
HttpConfiguration config = GlobalConfiguration.Configuration;
// Register your Web API controllers.
// OPTIONAL: Register the Autofac filter provider.
// Set the dependency resolver to be Autofac.
IContainer container = builder.Build();
config.DependencyResolver = new AutofacWebApiDependencyResolver(container);
but the SharpRepository getting started guide doesn't help me with the Autofac --> EF --> SharpRepo glue stuff as it's oriented towards StructureMap. Please advice!
(I'd like to avoid putting stuff in Web.config if possible)
You will need to install the SharpRpository.Ioc.Autofac NuGet package, if you haven't.
Then you will call
in order to tell Autofac how to handle an IRepository.
Then to tell SharpRpository to use Autofac when it needs EF you will need to call
RepositoryDependencyResolver.SetDependencyResolver(new AutofacDependencyResolver(container));
That should do it.

using filters with autofac in webapi2

I have a actionfilter something as below.. The filter basically adds a few attributes to the header of the response..
public class myHeaderAttribute : ActionFilterAttribute
public override void OnActionExecuted(HttpActionExecutedContext actionExecutedContext)
if (actionExecutedContext.Response != null)
//my code goes here
I would normally call this in WebApiConfig.Register as config.Filters.Add(new myHeaderAttribute());
I wish to use Autofac in my project..
There is a page in autofac site ( speaks of implementing IAutofacActionFilter.
But, I'm not very clear as to what I'm supposed to do.
I can create another class which implements IAutofacActionFilter and add the onActionExecuted method.
But do I also keep my present class or remove it along with the line in WebApiConfig.Register.
Also the page speaks of registering the Autofac filter provider as well as the class which implements IAutofacActionFilter. But no complete example exists.
Also, it speaks of using 'service location' in case we need per-request or instance-per-dependency services in our filters.
The whole thing seems a little too confusing to me. I would sincerely appreciate if someone who understands these concepts and has used Autofac in a web api2 project could guide me.
Remove it. It explains exactly in the docs you reference yourself that it uses its own action filter resolver. See section "Provide filters via dependency injection".
First register the filter provider:
var builder = new ContainerBuilder();
Then register your actionfilter like so:
builder.Register(c => new myHeaderAttribute())
.AsWebApiActionFilterFor<YourController>(c => c.YourMethod(default(int)))
So complete code:
var builder = new ContainerBuilder();
builder.Register(c => new myHeaderAttribute())
.AsWebApiActionFilterFor<YourController>(c => c.YourMethod(default(int)))
It's all right there in the docs. If you have any specific question then you can ask seperately. But this is becoming to be too broad.

Performing Explicit Route Mapping based upon Web Api v2 Attributes

I'm upgrading a custom solution where I can dynamically register and unregister Web Api controllers to use the new attribute routing mechanism. However, it seems to recent update to RTM break my solution.
My solution exposes a couple of Web Api controllers for administration purposes. These are registered using the new HttpConfigurationExtensions.MapHttpAttributeRoutes method call.
The solution also allows Web Api controllers to be hosted in third-party assemblies and registered dynamically. At this stage, calling HttpConfigurationExtensions.MapHttAttributeRoutes a second time once the third-party controller is loaded would raise an exception. Therefore, my solution uses reflection to inspect the RoutePrefix and Route attributes and register corresponding routes on the HttpConfiguration object.
Unfortunately, calling the Web Api results in the following error:
"No HTTP resource was found that matches the request URI".
Here is a simple controller that I want to use:
public sealed class ZeController : ApiController
public string GetOne()
return "One";
public string GetTwo()
return "Two";
public string SetOne(string value)
return String.Empty;
Here is the first solution I tried:
configuration.Routes.MapHttpRoute("ZeApi", "api/ze/{action}");
Here is the second solution I tried:
var type = typeof(ZeController);
var routeMembers = type.GetMethods().Where(m => m.IsPublic);
foreach (MethodInfo method in routeMembers)
var routeAttribute = method.GetCustomAttributes(false).OfType<RouteAttribute>().FirstOrDefault();
if (routeAttribute != null)
string controllerName = type.Name.Substring(0, type.Name.LastIndexOf("Controller"));
string routeTemplate = string.Join("/", "api/Ze", routeAttribute.Template);
configuration.Routes.MapHttpRoute(method.Name, routeTemplate);
I also have tried a third solution, whereby I create custom classes that implement IHttpRoute and trying to register them with the configuration to no avail.
Is it possible to use legacy-style route mapping based upon the information contained in the new routing attributes ?
I have installed my controller in a Web Application in order to troubleshoot the routing selection process with the Web Api Route Debugger. Here is the result of the screenshot:
As you can see, the correct action seems to be selected, but I still get a 404 error.
After further analysis, and per Kiran Challa's comment below, it seems that the design of Web Api prevents mixing attribute routing and conventional routing, and that what I want to do is not possible using this approach.
I have created a custom attribute [RouteEx] that serves the same purpose of the Web Api [Route] attribute, and now my code works perfectly.
I guess, since this is not possible using the conventional attribute routing, none of the answers on this question could legitimately be consisered valid. So I'm not nominating an answer just yet.
You shouldn't be required to use reflection and inspect the attribute-routing based attributes yourself. Attribute routing uses existing Web API features to get list of controllers to scan through.
Question: Before the switch to attribute routing, how were you loading these assemblies having the
If you were doing this by IAssembliesResolver service, then this solution should work even with attribute routing and you should not be needing to do anything extra.
Regarding your Update: are you calling MapHttpAttributeRoutes?

Map SignalR Hub after using MEF to load plugin

I'm trying to have signalR hub as part of a plugin using MEF. But after calling ImportMany on a List<> object and then adding the catalog/container/ComposeParts part in the Application_Start() method of the Global.asax file, all I get is :
Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'server' of undefined.
I've got no clue if the problem comes from my interface, the plugin, the global.asax file, or the javascript.
The interface:
public interface IPlugin
the plugin:
public class TestHub : Hub, IPlugin
public string Message()
return "Hello World!";
in the Global.asax file:
[ImportMany(typeof (IPlugin))]
private IEnumerable<IPlugin> _plugins { get; set; }
protected void Application_Start()
var catalog = new AggregateCatalog();
catalog.Catalogs.Add(new DirectoryCatalog(#"./Plugins"));
var container = new CompositionContainer(catalog);
and finally the javascript:
$(document).ready(function () {
$.connection.hub.url = '';
var proxy = $.connection.testHub;
$.connection.hub.start({ transport: ['webSockets', 'serverSentEvents', 'longPolling'] })
.done(function () {
proxy.invoke('Message').done(function(res) {
.fail(function () { alert("Could not Connect!"); });
the only information I've found was this post but I could not make it work. everything works fine when I add the reference manually, but when I have a look at "signalr/hubs" after loading the plugin, then there is not reference to my hub's method.
Thanks a lot for your help.
Your problem is that SignalR caches the generated "signalr/hubs" proxy script the first time it is requested. SignalR provides the cached script in response every subsequent request to "signalr/hubs".
SignalR not only caches the script itself, but it also caches the collection of Hubs it finds at the start of the process.
You can work around the cached proxy script issue by simply not using the proxy script, but that still won't enable you to actually connect to Hubs defined in assemblies that are loaded after the process starts.
If you want to be able to connect to such Hubs, you will need to implement your own IHubDescriptorProvider that is aware of Hubs defined in plugins loaded at runtime.
You can register your provider with SignalR's DependencyResolver which can be passed into SignalR via the Resolver property of the HubConfiguration object you pass into MapSignalR.
That said, it would probably be easier to restart the app pool/server process whenever a plugin is added to the "./Plugins" directory.