Open url and submitted data to app in flutter - flutter

I have a requirement ,in app I need to navigate the user to webview (website) and there will be a form with 5 fields and once the form is submitted a flag to be passed to app and app should work based on the flag .. So how it can be achieved
I have checked that there is a url_launcher or webview_flutter but i don know how to redirect the app once the form is submitted in website

I am not entirely sure if I understood the problem. But here is what can be done.
Open url in webview.
Now you should listen to webview state change. There must be a listener for this. say the listener is webViewStateChanged which will give you the state of webview.
Then you can check like
void webViewStateChanged(WebViewStateChanged newState) async {
if (newState.type != WebViewState.finishLoad ||
newState.url != desiredURL) {
// At this point, you want to return to your app. If you need data from
// website, you can do so by accessing cookies of webview.
// Now you are back to the app, you can pop/replace the webview whatever
// is your requirement.


Flutter Web Firebase Auth's persistence doesn't work on PWA

I have developed a Flutter Web app that uses Firebase Authentication in order to sign in users to the app.
I've declared the Firebase Authentication persistence field so that the app will remember and auto-login the user when he revisits the Flutter Web app's URL, and won't be required to re-login every time he launches the URL.
It all works fine on a regular browser, but when the user generates a PWA (for example, clicking "Add to Home Screen" on iOS devices to save the website as PWA), the persistence feature stops working, and the user is required to re-login every time he opens the PWA.
Is there a way to add Firebase Authentication's persistence feature to a PWA? And if not, is there a way to prevent generating a PWA (and saving the Flutter Web app as a regular browser URL when clicking "Add to Home Screen" button on iOS, for example)?
Thank you!
To solve the persistence problem, add a listener:
FirebaseAuth.instance.idTokenChanges().listen((User? user) async {
if (user == null) {
// Function for user not logged in here. Do not write function to change page here.
} else {
// As it's a Future it will take a while to process the user's information, so it
will call the function after it's done.
context, MaterialPageRoute(builder: (_) => Home()));
This is an example I made and it worked, use controllers to change the status, put some function to wait for the information to be processed.
Hope this helps. Any questions, at your disposal.

How can I handle Media sharing in my PWA app when sharing media from another app into my app?

I am working on a Progressive web app that works on both web version and mobile version. I am sharing media files with others apps but when I share media from another app (Or any other social like Facebook, Messenger, LinkedIn) into my app after selecting my app it just opens up and turns into a black screen. I need help with how I can forward the screen into my share list screen and the data which is shared by another app how can I access them. Any Help?
Double check your method is "POST" and that enctype is present. enctype must be "multipart/form-data", and a files entry must be added in your manifest where you specify your share_target. files is an array that specifies the types of files your app accepts.
more info from:
The foreground page cannot process this data directly. Since the page sees the data as a request, the page passes it to the service worker, where you can intercept it with a fetch event listener. From here, you can pass the data back to the foreground page using postMessage() or pass it on to the server:
self.addEventListener('fetch', event => {
const url = new URL(event.request.url);
// If this is an incoming POST request for the
// registered "action" URL, respond to it.
if (event.request.method === 'POST' &&
url.pathname === '/bookmark') {
event.respondWith((async () => {
const formData = await event.request.formData();
const link = formData.get('link') || '';
const responseUrl = await saveBookmark(link);
return Response.redirect(responseUrl, 303);

flutter_webview_plugin: how to open a link in default browser

I use flutter_webview_plugin and I would like to open a link; not in my webview, but in the browser of the user. When I use StreamSubscription with String, the app listens only to the url from the app, like when I use FlutterWebViewPlugin().reloadUrl or .launchUrl.
You should be able to use the url_launcher package concurrently with the flutter_webview_plugin to get your desired effect.
Basically with the webview, you can use the parameter invalidUrlRegex in either launch or the WebviewScaffold to setup URLs not allowed to be opened inside your webview.
eg: below blocks any links that dont have the host google or stackoverflow.
invalidUrlRegex: r'^(?!https:\/{2}www\.google\.com|https:\/{2}stackoverflow\.com).*$'
Then have an onStateChanged listener on the webview, this will cause any blocked URLs to result in a WebViewState.abortLoad state.
onStateChanged(WebViewStateChanged change) {
if (change.type == WebViewState.abortLoad) {
canLaunch(change.url).then((val) => val ? launch(change.url) : null);
The above will use the url_launcher to launch the URL in the user's preferred browser.
This is by far the best approach that I was able to come up within our application.

Cordova app check if user signed in before closing my app?

i'am trying to made cordova application that need user login to (google + or Facebook)
so i show button for sign in to (google+ or Facebook)
but after i close the app and open it again i need the sign in button hide depending on last signed in account
i need to know how i can check if user signed after closing my application?
ie check if user subscribe with data login to my app or no?
You can check this when your application gets loaded in
function onDeviceReady() {
// Now safe to use device APIs
//Create small function which check for is access toke valid or not
//which returns Boolean true or false
// Else you can use localStorage.isSignInned and once logged in set it as true.
//hide buttons
You can check facebook javascript api here and google javascript api here
It depends upon how you want your application to work.
I am attaching working sample which i created for Facebook for GooglePlus
hope this helps.!

Deeplinking using GWT History Token within a Facebook iFrame Canvas

I would like to deep link directly to a GWT app page within a Facebook iFrame Canvas.
The first part is simple using GWT's History token with URLs like:
which would open page1 within my app.
Facebook Apps use an application url like:
which frames my Canvas Callback URL
Is there a way to specify a canvas callback url (or bookmark url) which will take the user to a specific page rather than the index page?
Why? you may ask. Besides all the benefits of deep links...
I want the "Go To Application" url to take users to an index page w/ marketing material (the canvas callback url)
I want the "Bookmark URL" to take (likely returning) users to a login page and bypass downloading the marketing content (and that huge SWF file).
This may seem to be a hack but here it goes.
Facebook allows the application to tack on parameters to the url ?x=123
So I'm checking the window location to see if it contains my special 'page' parameter and loading that page. Below is my solution given that I'm using GWT + gwt-presenter's PlaceManager class.
The application deep url ends up being
EventBus eventBus = injector.getEventBus();
// Load PlaceManager so it can start listening
PlaceManager placeManager = injector.getPlaceManager();
String currentPlace = History.getToken();
String place = Window.Location.getParameter( "page" );
if (place != null && !place.isEmpty()) {
// send user to the place on the URL line
eventBus.fireEvent( new PlaceRequestEvent( new PlaceRequest( new Place (place) ) ));
} else if ("".equals(currentPlace)) {
// Nothing in URL, load default GWTpage
eventBus.fireEvent( new PlaceRequestEvent(new PlaceRequest( IndexPresenter.PLACE)));
} else {
// fire a body to the Place Manager to activate the requsted Place