How to put files directly in the directory? - flutter

Is there a possibility to put a file (specifically a Json list) in the directory during the development of the application, other than through the user interface? I tried to put this file in the assets and then import it into a List in the code (the same list that is used for the directory), however when I deleted it, it would appear again. I wish someone could help me.I don't know if I could explain well...


Dart (Flutter) iterate assets folder file content [duplicate]

I want to know if there is a way (with or without pubspec.yaml asset list) to read a directory where images will be stored, and create an array with all the paths to each image, so I can go through the array (say, with a FOR ) and create a gallery of photos. This with the purpose of being able to change, remove or add images from the directory without worrying about the paths being coded in assets.
I've read that I can use AssetBundle or RootBundle for this but I cant find any example doing so. Any help on this, even pointing me in a different approach, would be greatly appreciated.
EDIT: This got marked as a duplicate, but the question referenced as a duplicate is different in the sense that I need to scan a directory automatically , So I dont need to know any of the names of the files on the directory, I just want a way to read the directory (who's name I can know) and retrieve an array populated with the assets inside the directory.
There is (or at least used to be - beware, it's an implementation detail) an asset called AssetManifest.json. You can load that asset first, and it contains details of the actual assets.

Accessing files in Documents folder via jqtouch in iphone app

I was able to save some files in the Documents folder on my app. How can I access them on the phonegap side of things with jqtouch/javascript/html. I want to do something like:
But, apparently, it's not letting me go up all those directories outside of www.
How can I resolve this?
There is a bundle file reader plugin, but it seems to read the contents, not reference it.
Not sure you can do what you are asking about. Perhaps you could use the PhoneGap File API to save the files somewhere within your www dir instead? Then they would be available via html/js.

download multiple files using SimpleFTPSample

I've been trying to figure out how to download multiple files in a row based on the SimpleFTPSample provided by apple. Basically, I'm filtering what the user can see when they browse an ftp server, but when they select a certain file type, I want it to automatically check for another file of the same name with a different extension and if it exists, download it as well. I can't seem to get this second file to download no matter what I do. It seems strange because if I select two files in a row in my tableview, it downloads both of them just fine. Any ideas?
It's just the SimpleFTPSample from, all I did was create additional NSInputStream and NSOutputStream objects and I created a new _startReceiveFile method that gets called from _startReceive if I'm downloading a file instead of getting a directory listing. _startReceiveFile is the same code for _startReceive in the file download code for the sample project, except if the file to download has a certain extension, it also downloads an additional file with the additional stream objects. Let me know if I need to clarify more or try to put together a clear example.
Well, since there were no takers, I'll just post my solution here. I've abandoned trying to download two files at once. Instead, I just keep the ftp browsing window open and only handle the opening of the file once both files have been downloaded (user has clicked on each one separately). It's not what I wanted, but it will work, at least until I can figure out how to get two files with one request.

Flash Builder 4 import services .as files

I am working on a shared project in Flash Builder 4. Our data is coming through web services. We have put the generated .as files into vss so that we can share them. What I can't figure out is how to import those files. I see the files that others have created under my services directory but I can't figure out how to get them to appear in my Data/Services view. Does anybody know how to do this?
It looks like this information is in a file with an .fml extension. This is located in your project.model directory. Besides the fact that you can't get to that file from within flash builder to check it out, I don't know that it is a good idea to source control a project file. We are looking at what options we have to help everyone maintain these service files.

navigating a .Docset file in iphone app

I want to use a Docset i have created using Doxygen in my iPad app in a tableview, and navigate through the directories. then display the file i click.
How would i go about navigating the Docset? i can unzip it, then navigate the directories in that manner, though i'm certain there must be a way of using the file as is and then being able to run search queries on the database, etc.
Could someone please give me a pointer in the direction i should be looking?
Thank you very much
If you look inside of a docset bundle, there is a compiled .mom file (CoreData) and a couple of plist files (with various extensions). I do not think there is a straightforward way to consume all that data without knowing the schemas.
You should probably create your own core data schema, and index the HTML contents of the docset manually at the first run of your app, and reuse that for searching and such.