ApiRTC issue with ionic 1 - ionic-framework

we have a consultation app and below are the issues we are facing
-iPhone to android
android to android
When the call is ended during the running session, and when the caller tries to call again Application hanged and the screen turned to black when trying to call again the caller side is giving a ringing tone but the callee is not receiving the call
The caller had to close the application and reopen it again then the call will go through
On android 10
When the call is ended during the running session, and when the caller tries to call again Application hanged and Chat is erased.

There were some improvements made recently around webrtc support by different OS web-browsers you are mentioning. Theses shall fix the issues you are describing.
Also the most recent versions of Ionic, with usage of capacitor, have fixed a few issues we were facing.
We have a blog post on the subject (https://apirtc.com/building-a-webrtc-mobile-app-with-ionic/) that does not show issues you are mentioning, please give it a try !


Flutter app on mobile restarts/aborts on minimize and then made active

I'm on the latest (3.0) flutter version. I'm using VS-Code, in debug mode.
App installs on Android Mobile and runs well.
Issue is that if I minimize and then bring back the app, the app restarts from the beginning (most times, not always) - when this happens, I see this message (not sure if this is related to the issue):
W/Looper (16953): Slow Looper main: Activity com.example.tuotr_main_app/.MainActivity is 343ms late (wall=1ms running=1ms ClientTransaction{ callbacks=[android.app.servertransaction.TopResumedActivityChangeItem] }) because of 1 msg, msg 1 took 343ms (seq=2988 running=259ms runnable=4ms io=25ms h=android.app.ActivityThread$H w=159)
Sometimes the app terminates with this message:
F/OpenGLRenderer(30682): drawRenderNode called on a context with no surface!
Any ideas where I should be looking?
I installed Crashlytics but the error was not caught and reported.
Found the potential issue here:
Turns out, in my case, it is related to the video_player package - since if I remove the widgets using this there is no more issue.
If you have this error, I suggest you remove one widget at a time to isolate the issue, and report this to the developer of those package(s)

My ionic app keeps restarting instead of resuming from last active page

I am creating an android app built with angualar/ionic 5. and currently testing with android studio via enabled debugger on an android device.
The apps works well except for one issue.
The app, when minimized or drawn from the active apps lists restarts instead of resuming to the last active page. I am using angular/ionic 5 and I don't believe this is an issue angular/ionic router since this works fine in pwa/browser versions of the app.
I may be wrong but seems to think this may be due to some missing config for android platforms in config.xml . In my search I came across this
1. <preference name="AndroidLaunchMode" value="singleTask"/> //adding this to config.xml but it did'nt work.
some comments suggested memory leaks may be causing android to shut the app down when it's not in the foreground but tracking the apps memory usage in android studio, it seems to be within acceptable range
My conclusion is that perhaps a problem with ionic/capacitor/cordova core or some bug
This is driving me nuts!
If any one has had this problem, how did you solve it please?. and for those experienced ionic developers . what and where would you be looking at if you this issue. Thank you
I tried a different device on the emulator and it worked also tried a different physical device and it worked. this means that the problem is with my particular device. that leaves a lot of questions since a lot of people use my android brand with similar specifications. will the app exhibit same behaviour when downloaded from the playstore? or this is just an android testing and debugging problem.. i will inform you all of what will come later . thank you
In this case I would suggest you to check your device setting you might have mistakenly added this application in battery optimization mode.
Please check your setting I belive this is the culprits. Not your code

Facebook session data not recovering

I'm on Unity 5.1.1, Facebook 7.0.2 beta and testing on Android 5.1 and iOS 8.4 devices.
I'm doing FB.Init(); with "status = true" to recover the session and "autologin". But my problem is that it doesn't work. When I call Init in onInitComplete callback FB.IsLoggedIn returns always false.
I have tried in my project and in a blank project with the example scene. In the example scene I click on FB.Init, FB.Login, I log in then I close the app and open again and I have to login again.
Is it a bug?
We're having the same issue. It is a bug on Facebook's part. The result of the Init call doesn't seem to include any information about the player at all. In fact, it includes different type of useless data depending on the current platform.
Facebook has acknowledged the bug and they said it's fixed in the next build which hasn't been released yet. You can see the bug and that acknowledgment here.

cordova/phonegap 1.6 crash at second launch

i use xcode 4.3.2 with phonegap 1.6. my app runs well the first time, but if i close the app in the ios simulator and i launch it for the second time, it crashes. Why?
This is probably only in the simulator. I have had it a couple of times in the simulator but it never happened to me on-device.
I am currently having this issue, except in Android. This is with the release flag. More info can be found here: https://forum.ionicframework.com/t/v2-android-second-app-start-doesnt-work-for-release-version/125583
but here is a copy pasta in case the link goes down:
My app has a canvas on it on the page html. On second start of initial install, app start doesn’t show canvas. I know because the body tag has a background and the canvas has a different background. The page does not have a module defined for it. This is only when built with --release
Ionic: 3.20
Cordova: 7.1.0
Angular: 5.2.9
Android: 6.1.2 (I think build target 25)
jdk: 1.8
Additional Info:
I am sort of doing bleeding edge stuff, but I am now out of the realm of being able to solve this on my own. I am using pixi.js, specifically from an additional interface library called angular2pixi. A2p doesn’t support --aot building.
Before I go on, let me reiterate everything works, even on multiple app restarts for everything other than --release.
The top level architecture is fairly simple:
a2p provides a service that has an instance of pixi. My app uses that service and has a page with a canvas awaiting Pixi’s rendering. When the app initializes, it starts up the pixi service, passing it the canvas reference and voila: html5ified angular.
I have offloaded the actual initialization of the rendering to a user clicked button to make sure it’s not something to do with life cycles but that didn’t work either. Even more interestingly, the button I made didn’t show when the app didn’t load. So likely, this means the ion-content itself isn’t showing!
Most interestingly, if I go into app info and delete storage (not cache) then it works on next app start! I am using localstorage but I attempted removing all mentions of it and no luck. ALSO On second install, or rather what would more technically be an update, the app works on every start after that.
This happens on android and I can’t seem to replicate it in iOS other than the first time I tried. Because it is a release build, it’s difficult to debug. I attempted using Ionic Pro Monitoring to no avail.
So far, my leanings are:
some type of caching causing a bug with the canvas itself
an error that is causing cordova or ionic to terminate
problem with my build process
a2p’s architecture (how could I go about debugging this given I have little knowledge of the underlying mechanics of cordova/ng2 -> native compilation?)
a cordova plugin (perhaps causing one of the above)
So as you can probably tell from my formatting, I’m somewhere between nerd heaven and hell. Such a fascinating problem… but plis halp

server did not accept client registration 68

I have an app currently deployed on the app store. Just a few days ago, it stopped working all of a sudden. I am receiving the following error within xcode when testing my application.
server did not accept client registration 68
I am using xcode 4.1. I have read about this error online and seen the workarounds. My issue is that my application was running fine. No issues whatsoever. It literally just ceased to load data all of a sudden a few days ago. No updates were pushed, no code was modified. How is it possible for it to jus stop working all of a sudden? Could it be an update with Apple?
There is not enough info to go on in your question, but by doing a search on the error message, it might be related to CoreLocation.
Has your App for whatever reason be set to not use location services (within the Settings app), real device or simulator? If so, see this SO on how to handle it nicely in code using didFailWithError