Introducing a new assumption/hypothesis by adding it as subgoal - coq

Let's suppose that I have the following proof state:
1 subgoal
P, Q : Prop
H : P -> Q
and I know a way to prove P, how may I add an "inline proof" of it so that I can have it in my list of assumptions?

Another thing you can use is the pose proof tactic. This lets you actually supply the proof term and name it (pose proof (foo bar baz) as qux basically translates into let qux := foo bar baz in ... in the generated proof).
This can be neat for things like specialized versions of a lemma that you're going to use in multiple branches.

The tactic assert does exactly that.
Using assert (<proposition>) breaks your objective into two subgoals, in the first you have to prove "<proposition>" with your current assumptions, and the second has your original goal as the objective, but with "<proposition>" added to the list of assumptions.
You may also specify its name with assert (<proposition>) as <name> or assert (<name>: <proposition>).
Another option is to use cut (<proposition>).
It also creates two objectives, one of the form <proposition> -> <your objective> (then you can get your hypothesis by using intros, or intros <name> if you want to specify its name), and another one in which you have to prove "<prososition>" with your current assumptions.

If you use the SSRreflect proof language, you can use the have proof_of_P: P. <write your proof here> construct.


Coq for HoTT: proving || P-> X || -> (P-> ||X||)

I need to prove in Coq that for any type X and any proposition P (though I think it should work even if P is a type) there exists
trunc_impl: || P-> X || -> (P-> ||X||)
where ||_|| is the symbol used in HoTT book to indicate propositional truncation.
I demonstrated the statement in type theory: one gets the thesis by using the induction principle of propositional truncation, assuming from an H : || P-> X || and a p: P that H=|H'|, with H': P->X , and then defines trunc_impl(p):= |H'(p)|.
(|-| indicates the constructor for the trucation, i.e. |_| : A -> ||A||).
By the way, I cannot write it in Coq!
Any help would be very appreciated.
I am using the HoTT library available on GitHub.
You need to Require Import Basics. since coq doesn't know Trunc.TruncType can be coerced to Type otherwise. The tactics that you want to be aware of are apply Trunc_ind which will act on a goal like forall (x : Tr _ _), _.
intros x y and revert x will come in handy to get the goal into a form you want to apply trunc_ind to .
You also have the (custom) tactic strip_truncations which will search the context for any terms that are wrapped up with a truncation and try to do induction on them to remove them. This requires the goal to be as truncated but that shouldn't be a problem here.
Finally, the constructor for truncations is tr, so you can use apply there.

What does plus '+' operator mean between two propositions in Coq

I am struggling with the plus operator between two propositions (maybe types) in Coq. I already could figure out this is something like "or" (maybe "xor") and I think it says that something is decidable but I cannot understand the complete meaning of it, and where does this sign come from (in classical mathematics).
P. S. Of course I already googled and researched but couldn't find the complete sophisticated answer I want.
That's the sum datatype, where A + B is basically A or B. The main difference with A \/ B is that it lives in Type, so it has computational content. That is to say, given A \/ B you cannot produce a boolean such that if A then true else false.
Another way to see it is that for A B : Prop, A + B -> A \/ B holds, but not the converse.
Prop is a special, impredicative sort in Coq; I recommend reading the manual about it.

Prove a goal with an assumption in HOL

I state the following goal in HOL4:
set_goal([``A:bool``,``B:bool``], ``B:bool``);
resulting in the proof state
val it =
Proof manager status: 1 proof.
1. Incomplete goalstack:
Initial goal:
0. B
1. A
: proofs
I tried to find a proper tactic for using the assumptions. I came up with ASM_MESON_TAC:
e (mesonLib.ASM_MESON_TAC [])
and it proved the goal:
Meson search level: ..
val it =
Initial goal proved.
[..] ⊢ B: proof
Is this the standard tactic in such a situation? Or, is there a simpler one?
does it.
FIRST_ASSUM applies the argument theorem tactic on assumptions until success.
ACCEPT_TAC simply proves a goal if we supply the same theorem.
ACCEPT_TAC: thm -> tactic
FIRST_ASSUM: (thm -> tactic) -> tactic
(thanks to somebody on #hol)

Lemma cannot be used as a hint

Why doesn't Coq accept this lemma as a hint?
Lemma contr : forall p1 : Prop, False -> p1.
Proof. tauto. Qed.
Hint Resolve contr : Hints.
Or other lemmas that end with a Prop variable?
Looking at the documentation for Hint Resolve ( ):
term cannot be used as a hint
The type of term contains products over variables which do not appear in the conclusion. A typical example is a transitivity axiom. In that case the apply tactic fails, and thus is useless.
However, it does not seem (to me) to be the case here, as the only product is over p1 which does appear in the conclusion.
The problem here seems to be that your conclusion have absolutely no shape at all. auto seems to work by matching the shape of your goal with the shape of the return type of the hint database. Here, it might be upset by the fact that your goal is just a quantified variable. I am not sure whether this is a reasonable thing to trip over, but this particular instance might be the only case where you might have such a shapeless return type (with obviously the same case for Set and Type), so it's not a big deal.
So, you probably don't need this as a hint?... just use tactics such as tauto, intuition or perform any kind of elimination/destruction/inversion on the value of type False in your environment... not very satisfactory but eh :\

Finish proof with false hypothesis in Coq

So I have a false hypothesis in a subgoal. It's an equality between different constructors. How do I finish the subgoal?
H: List.Not_Empty Bit.Bit Bit.Zero (List.Empty Bit.Bit) = List.Empty Bit.Bit
This doesn't look like the Coq List I'm used to from the standard library, so it will be hard to help you without knowing the definitions of List.Not_Empty and List.Empty. If I guess correctly that List.Empty stands for nil and List.Not_empty stands for cons, then it's just a matter of showing that the two constructors are not equal. You can for instance do:
or simply:
inversion H.
However, if it's something more involved, these two might fail. So you'd want to either:
SearchAbout List.Not_Empty.
to see if lemmas exist about it, or to:
unfold List.Not_Empty, List.Empty in H.
to unfold definitions and work out the details (possibly saving this subproof as a lemma if it does not exist, as it seems useful).