Is there a Kubernetes rolling upgrade / downgrade finish hook - kubernetes

When you edit a deployment to update the docker image, I need to run a one-time script which changes parts of my application database and sends an email that the rolling upgrade process is complete and the result is passed / failed.
Is there a hook where I can attach this script to?

No, there is no such thing in Kubernetes. Usually this should be done by CI/CD pipeline.

Kubernetes doesn't implement such thing. This can be done by CI/CD pipeline or manually checking rolling update status. As you have said you can write simple script which will check status of rolling update and send it via e-mail and attach it to created pipeline in Jenkins.
To manually check status of rolling update execute command:
$ kubectl rollout status deploy/your-deployment -n your-namespace
If for example you are passing variables using ConfigMap you can use Reloader to perform your rolling updates automatically when a configmap/secret changed.

As far as I know, Kubernetes does not provide anything to support such functionality out of the box but you modify the script to check the status of the rollout using the following command with some sleep:
kubectl rollout status deployment/<deployment-name>


GCP Alerting Policy for failed GKE CronJob

What would be the best way to set up a GCP monitoring alert policy for a Kubernetes CronJob failing? I haven't been able to find any good examples out there.
Right now, I have an OK solution based on monitoring logs in the Pod with ERROR severity. I've found this to be quite flaky, however. Sometimes a job will fail for some ephemeral reason outside my control (e.g., an external server returning a temporary 500) and on the next retry, the job runs successfully.
What I really need is an alert that is only triggered when a CronJob is in a persistent failed state. That is, Kubernetes has tried rerunning the whole thing, multiple times, and it's still failing. Ideally, it could also handle situations where the Pod wasn't able to come up either (e.g., downloading the image failed).
Any ideas here?
First of all, confirm the GKE’s version that you are running. For that, the following commands are going to help you to identify the GKE’s
default version and the available versions too:
Default version.
gcloud container get-server-config --flatten="channels" --filter="" \
Available versions.
gcloud container get-server-config --flatten="channels" --filter="" \
Now that you know your GKE’s version and based on what you want is an alert that is only triggered when a CronJob is in a persistent failed state, GKE Workload Metrics was the GCP’s solution that used to provide a fully managed and highly configurable solution for sending to Cloud Monitoring all Prometheus-compatible metrics emitted by GKE workloads (such as a CronJob or a Deployment for an application). But, as it is right now deprecated in G​K​E 1.24 and was replaced with Google Cloud Managed Service for Prometheus, then this last is the best option you’ve got inside of GCP, as it lets you monitor and alert on your workloads, using Prometheus, without having to manually manage and operate Prometheus at scale.
Plus, you have 2 options from the outside of GCP: Prometheus as well and Ranch’s Prometheus Push Gateway.
Finally and just FYI, it can be done manually by querying for the job and then checking it's start time, and compare that to the current time, this way, with bash:
START_TIME=$(kubectl -n=your-namespace get job your-job-name -o json | jq '.status.startTime')
Or, you are able to get the job’s current status as a JSON blob, as follows:
kubectl -n=your-namespace get job your-job-name -o json | jq '.status'
You can see the following thread for more reference too.
Taking the “Failed” state as the medullary point of your requirement, setting up a bash script with kubectl to send an email if you see a job that is in “Failed” state can be useful. Here I will share some examples with you:
while true; do if `kubectl get jobs myjob -o jsonpath='{.status.conditions[?(#.type=="Failed")].status}' | grep True`; then mail email#address -s jobfailed; else sleep 1 ; fi; done
For newer K8s:
while true; do kubectl wait --for=condition=failed job/myjob; mail#address -s jobfailed; done

Stopping all pods in Kubernetes cluster before running database migration job

I deploy my App into the Kubernetes cluster using Helm. App works with database, so i have to run db migrations before installing new version of the app. I run migrations with Kubernetes Job object using Helm "pre-upgrade" hook.
The problem is when the migration job starts old version pods are still working with database. They can block objects in database and because of that migration job may fail.
So, i want somehow to automatically stop all the pods in cluster before migration job starts. Is there any way to do that using Kubernetes + Helm? Will appreciate all the answers.
There are two ways I can see that you can do this.
First option is to scale down the pods before the deployment (for example, via Jenkins, CircleCI, GitLab CI, etc)
kubectl scale --replicas=0 -n {namespace} {deployment-name}
helm install .....
The second option (which might be easier depending on how you want to maintain this going forward) is to add an additional pre-upgrade hook with a higher priority than the migrations hook so it runs before the upgrade job; and then use that do the kubectl scale down.

How to check if k8s deployment is passed/failed manually?

I'm trying to understand what does kubectl rollout status <deployment name> do.
I'm using k8s-node-api, and from this thread (, the maintainer suggest using k8s-watch api to watch for changes in the deployment, but I'm not sure what to check.
How to make sure the new deployment succeed?
How to make the the new deployment failed?
Is it safe to assume that if the spec/containers/0/image changes to something different than what I'm expecting, it means there is a new deployment and I should stop watching?
My questions are probably ambiguous because I'm new to k8s.
Any guidance will be great!
I can't use Kubectl - I'm writing a code that does that based on what kubectl does.
As we have discussed in comment section I have mentioned that to check any object and processes in Kubernetes you have to use kubectl - see:
Take a look how to execute proper command to gain required information - kubectl-rollout.
If you want to check how rollout process looks from backgroud look at the source code - src-code-rollout-kubernetes.
Pay attention on that if you are using node-api:
The node-api group was migrated to a built-in API in the > repo with the v1.14
release. This repo is no longer maintained, and no longer synced
with core kubernetes as of the v1.18 release.
I often use 2 following command for check out deployment status
kubectl describe deployment <your-deployment-name>
kubectl get deployment <your-deployment-name> -oyaml
The first will show you some events about process of schedule a deployment.
The second is more detailed. It contains all of your deployment's resource info as yaml format.
Is that enough for your need ?
After digging through k8s source code, I was able to implement this logic by my self in Node.js:
How to make sure the new deployment succeed?
How to make the the new deployment failed?
Basically, I'm subscribing to events about a specific deplyoment (AFTER chancing something in it, for example, the image).
Is it safe to assume that if the spec/containers/0/image changes to something different than what I'm expecting, it means there is a new deployment and I should stop watching?
Yes. But will help also to idenfity that there is a new deployment going on and the yours is no longer the "latest-deployment".
For More Info
I wrote an answer about how deployment works under the hood:

Openshift deployment validation - QA

wanted to know if there's any tool that can validate an openshift deployment. Let's say you have a deploy configuration file with different features (secrets, routes, services, environment variables, etc) and I want to validate after the deployment has finished and the POD/s is/are created in Openshift, that all those things are there as requested on the file. Like a tool for QA.
Readiness probe are there which can execute http requests on the pod to confirm its availability. Also it can execute commands to confirm desired resources are available within the container.
Readiness probe
There is a particular flag --dry-run in Kubernetes for resource creation which performs basic syntax verification and template object schema validation without real object implementation, therefore you can do the test for all underlying objects defined in the deployment manifest file.
I think it is also feasible to achieve through OpenShift client:
$ oc create -f deployment-app.yaml --dry-run
$ oc apply -f deployment-app.yaml --dry-run
You can find some useful OpenShift client commands in Developer CLI Operations documentation page.
For one time validation, you can create a Job (OpenShift) with Init Container (OpenShift) that ensures that all deployment process is done, and then run test/shell script with sequence of kubectl/curl/other commands to ensure that every piece of deployment are in place and in desired state.
For continuous validation, you can create a CronJob (OpenShift) that will periodically create a test Job and report the result somewhere.
This answer can help you to create all that stuff.

Run a container on a pod failure Kubernetes

I have a cronjob that runs and does things regularly. I want to send a slack message with the technosophos/slack-notify container when that cronjob fails.
Is it possible to have a container run when a pod fails?
There is nothing built in for this that i am aware of. You could use a web hook to get notified when a pod changes and look for state stuff in there. But you would have to build the plumbing yourself or look for an existing third party tool.
Pods and Jobs are different things. If you want to wait for a job that has failed and send an email after it has, you can do something like this in bash:
while true
kubectl wait --for=condition=failed job/myjob
kubectl run --image=technosophos/slack-notify --env=""
To the question: Is it possible to have a container run when a pod fails?
Yes , although there is nothing out of the box right now , but you can define a health check.
Then you can write a cron job , or a Jenkins job , or a custom kubernetes cluster service/controller that checks/probes that health check regularly and if the health check fails then you can run a container based on that.