Would it be possible to export to C a task defined inside a SystemVerilog class as the following?
class packet_bfm_t;
int id = 0;
export "DPI-C" task send; // Is this possible and legal to call from C code?
function new (int my_id = 0);
id = my_id;
endfunction : new
task send (int data);
$display ("data = %h", data);
endtask : send
endclass : packet_bfm_t
The DPI does not alow exporting a class method. Same problem as calling a C++ class method from C. You would have to define and export a non-class task wrapper that uses an Id or whatever is needed to look up the class object in a table. The you can call the method on that class object.
To understand the behavior of new() and inheritance, I made a simple class and added class child_class:
// Example 1
class parent_class;
logic [31:0] addr;
logic [7:0] data;
bit parity;
function new(logic [31:0] add, logic [7:0] dat);
addr = add;
data = dat;
class child_class extends parent_class;
bit [31:0] data;
static int count;
function new();
data = count;
module inheritence;
initial begin
parent_class p;
p = new(32'h1234, 8'hff);
$display("Value of addr = %0d data = %0d",p.addr,p.data);
p.addr = 10;
p.data = 20;
$display("Value of addr = %0d data = %0d",p.addr,p.data);
But, when I executed it, I got the error message:
class child_class extends parent_class;
xmvlog: *E,FAABP1 (testbench.sv,21|38): Task/function call, or property/sequence instance does not specify all required formal arguments.
function new(logic [31:0] add, logic [7:0] dat);
Q1. Why can't I make the child class? How do I correctly derive the class and use it?
If I remove class child_class in my code above,
class parent_class;
logic [31:0] addr;
logic [7:0] data;
bit parity;
function new(logic [31:0] add, logic [7:0] dat);
addr = add;
data = dat;
module inheritence;
initial begin
parent_class p;
p = new(32'h1234, 8'hff);
$display("Value of addr = %0d data = %0d",p.addr,p.data);
p.addr = 10;
p.data = 20;
$display("Value of addr = %0d data = %0d",p.addr,p.data);
There is no error message for child class. What's the difference between them?
From IEEE Std 1800-2017, section 8.7 Constructors:
The new method of a derived class shall first call its base class
constructor [super.new() as described in 8.15].
From section 8.15 Super:
A super.new call shall be the first statement executed in the
constructor. This is because the superclass shall be initialized
before the current class and, if the user code does not provide an
initialization, the compiler shall insert a call to super.new
The error message is telling you that the new function in the child_class class is implicitly making a call to the new function in the parent_class class, but that new function requires 2 arguments.
One way to fix the error is to explicitly call spuer.new in child_class with 2 arguments. For example, this code fixes the error:
class child_class extends parent_class;
bit [31:0] data;
static int count;
function new();
super.new(0, data);
data = count;
You must decide if this how you want your code to behave.
To answer the 2nd question, since you no longer have the derived class (child_class) which has the syntax error, you no longer get an error. Your module properly calls new from parent_class with the correct number of arguments (2).
I am not from system-verilog and from C C++/shell.
Assume that I created a character variable "testing" and I am not using that variable anywhere inside my program. Due to that, one byte wasted when my program at execution mode.
Assume that I wrote that in a server program inside an infinite loop.
In this case, it will affect the performance of server program since it is using a variable which is not being used.Hence wastage of memory.This may affect other program when that program is waiting for free space at RAM/cache from disk.
Hence better to remove all warnings when we obtain during compilation.
This is applicable to all living beings at each planet/universe handling the space across the planets/universe [if applicable:) ]
You need to learn parent class, constructor, destructor/uploaded functions at parent/child class when performing inheritance.
I'm trying to combine the register block handles into an array so that I can access them using an index.
For example lets say I have the below register class :
class ral_sys_traffic extends uvm_reg_block;
rand ral_block_traffic_cfg1 cfg_1;
rand ral_block_traffic_cfg2 cfg_2;
function new(string name = "traffic");
function void build();
this.default_map = create_map("", 0, 4, UVM_LITTLE_ENDIAN, 0);
this.cfg1 = ral_block_traffic_cfg1::type_id::create("cfg1",,get_full_name());
this.cfg1.configure(this, "");
this.default_map.add_submap(this.cfg1.default_map, `UVM_REG_ADDR_WIDTH'hF4402000);
this.cfg2 = ral_block_traffic_cfg2::type_id::create("cfg2",,get_full_name());
this.cfg2.configure(this, "");
this.default_map.add_submap(this.cfg2.default_map, `UVM_REG_ADDR_WIDTH'hF4403000);
I will have to access the registers with something like this:
However, I want to keep both the register blocks in an array so that I can do something like :
To accomplish this, I modified my code as follows:
class ral_sys_traffic extends uvm_reg_block;
//rand ral_block_traffic_cfg1 cfg_1;
//rand ral_block_traffic_cfg2 cfg_2;
uvm_reg_block ral_cfg[];
function new(string name = "traffic");
ral_cfg = new[2];
function void build();
this.default_map = create_map("", 0, 4, UVM_LITTLE_ENDIAN, 0);
this.ral_cfg[0] = ral_block_traffic_cfg1::type_id::create("ral_cfg[0]",,get_full_name());
this.ral_cfg[0].configure(this, "");
this.default_map.add_submap(this.ral_cfg[0].default_map, `UVM_REG_ADDR_WIDTH'hF4402000);
this.ral_cfg[1] = ral_block_traffic_cfg2::type_id::create("ral_cfg[1]",,get_full_name());
this.ral_cfg[1].configure(this, "");
this.default_map.add_submap(this.cfg2.default_map, `UVM_REG_ADDR_WIDTH'hF4403000);
ral_block_traffic_cfg1 and ral_block_traffic_cfg2 classes extend from uvm_reg_block class.
The above code is throwing an error at
saying that "build is not a class item" and there is no error at:
this.ral_cfg[0].configure(this, '');
The original source is in the EDA playground here : edaplayground.com/x/4Xab
Is there any way around this issue or any other workarounds?
Any help is appreciated.
EDIT : made modification to the edaplayground link for more accurate representation of the issue
You need to create an array of ral_block_traffic_cfg objects:
rand ral_block_traffic_cfg cfg [2];
You created an array of type uvm_reg_block, named it ral_cfg, but it has nothing to do with the ral_block_traffic_cfg object.
Then, inside the build function, use this:
function void build();
this.default_map = create_map("", 0, 4, UVM_LITTLE_ENDIAN, 0);
this.cfg[0] = ral_block_traffic_cfg::type_id::create("cfg[0]",,get_full_name());
this.cfg[1] = ral_block_traffic_cfg::type_id::create("cfg[1]",,get_full_name());
this.cfg[0].configure(this, null);
this.cfg[1].configure(this, null);
It is because uvm_reg_block class is extended from uvm_object and build is not a function in uvm_reg_block class.
Check details on https://verificationacademy.com/verification-methodology-reference/uvm/docs_1.2/html/files/reg/uvm_reg_block-svh.html
class base;
int a = 15;
class extended extends base;
int b = 2;
module top;
initial begin
base base;
extended extend;
extend = new();
base = new();
$cast(extend, base);
I'm trying to undersatnd $cast method in systemverilog as the above code, But I've got error messages.
ncsim> source /incisiv/15.20/tools/inca/files/ncsimrc
ncsim> run
$cast(extend, base);
ncsim: *E,BCLCST (./testbench.sv,18|8): Invalid cast: a value with the class datatype '$unit_0x4ccdf83b::base' cannot be assigned to a class variable with the datatype '$unit_0x4ccdf83b::extended'.
ncsim: *W,RNQUIE: Simulation is complete.
ncsim> exit
Exit code expected: 0, received: 1
Why does it make a error?
update 2
I've got some more test code for understanding the $cast().
test code.1
class base;
int a = 15;
class extended extends base;
int b = 2;
module top;
initial begin
base b;
extended e;
e = new();
b = new();
$cast(b, e);
test code 2
class base;
int a = 15;
class extended extends base;
int b = 2;
module top;
initial begin
base b;
extended e;
e = new();
b = new();
//$cast(b, e);
When I compiled the both test code.1 and test code.2, the result the same.
So I'm confused that why do we use '$cast()' methods?
Your $cast is failing correctly as specified by the LRM. You have constructed a base class type object and stored its handle in a base class variable. (BTW, a bad idea to use the same name for both as you have now hidden the base type name). Now you are trying to assign the base handle to class variable of class type extend. $cast fails because the object your are tying to assign a handle to extended never constructed an extend object. Had the cast been allowed to succeed, the original handle in extended would have been replaced with a handle to a base object, and the reference to extend.b would be fatal since that variable does not exist.
The purpose of $cast is when you have handle stored in a base class variable, and that handle refers to an extended class object. The $cast allows you to move that handle to an extended class variable by checking the object it refers to first before making the assignment.
Please see my seminar on SystemVerilog OOP as well as short post on class terminology.
I suggest the following example for studying. the last 'printer()' statement will fail because you cannot cast non descendant of ext to 'ext' int he function
class base;
local string a;
function new();
a = "I am a";
function print();
class ext extends base;
local string b;
function new();
b = "i am b";
function print();
function printer(base p);
ext e;
$cast(e, p);
program P;
base b = new();
ext e = new();
initial begin
printer(b); // << this will fail
I have the following transaction:
typedef enum {READ = 0, WRITE = 1} direction_enum;
class axi_transaction extends uvm_sequence_item();
bit id = 0; //const
bit [31:0] addr;
bit [2:0] size = 0'b100;//const
direction_enum rw;
bit [31:0] transfers [$];
//factory registration
`uvm_field_int(id, UVM_ALL_ON)
`uvm_field_int(addr, UVM_ALL_ON)
`uvm_field_int(size, UVM_ALL_ON)
`uvm_field_enum(rw, UVM_ALL_ON)
`uvm_field_int(transfers, UVM_ALL_ON)
function new(string name = "axi_transaction");
endfunction: new
endclass: axi_transaction
I want to extend the new function, so I can initializes the transaction in the sequence with arguments which initialize some of the transaction members (like addr, transfers) by:
ax_trx = axi_transaction::type_id::create();
How to write the constructor of the transaction and how do I initialize the transaction from the sequencer?
You cannot add arguments to the class constructor when using the UVM factory. In general this is not good OOP programing practice for re-use because if you do add arguments to either the base class or extended class, you have to modify every place where the class gets constructed.
A better option is to use the uvm_config_db or set the individual fields you need to after constructing the object.
ax_trx = axi_transaction::type_id::create();
ax_trx.addr = some_address
ax_trx.transfers = '{word1,word2,word3};
You can use uvm_config_db class for initialisation.
You can set the value using following syntax. And then you can get that value inside the constructor of that class.
uvm_config_db#(int)::get(this,“”, “max_cycles”,max_cycles)
For more information of "uvm_config_db", you can refer to the following paper.
Now I'm trying to study about clss of systemverilog.
From many class of example, I found the 'new' in 2 types.
The case of the 'new' is existed in class.
The case of the 'new' is existed in initial.
Is there any difference between those implementation of constructor?
One more, what is in the function new()?
I'm not sure what purpose is in the function new()
For example 1 is.
Class xxx
Function new();
Example2 is
class xxxx
Initial begin
xxxx x = new;
update 2
Thanks for let me know.
I've got a question. What Is the difference between
Class xxx
Function new();
(Variable initialization)
Class xxx
Function new();
(Nothing variable initialization)
But in this case to pass the value in the intial statement or tasks.
What is in the function new() endfunction? I'm not sure should I have to initialize the variables?
class packet;
//class properties
bit [31:0] addr;
bit [31:0] data;
bit write;
string pkt_type;
function new(bit [31:0] addr,data,bit write,string pkt_type);
addr = addr;
data = data;
write = write;
pkt_type = pkt_type;
//method to display class prperties
function void display();
$display("\t addr = %0h",addr);
$display("\t data = %0h",data);
$display("\t write = %0h",write);
$display("\t pkt_type = %0s",pkt_type);
module sv_constructor;
packet pkt;
initial begin
pkt = new(32'h10,32'hFF,1,"GOOD_PKT");
This is what I've a code.
you can see that,
two types declare of function block.
1. is with new
function new(bit [31:0] addr,data,bit write,string pkt_type);
addr = addr;
data = data;
write = write;
pkt_type = pkt_type;
2. is without new.
//method to display class prperties
function void display();
$display("\t addr = %0h",addr);
$display("\t data = %0h",data);
$display("\t write = %0h",write);
$display("\t pkt_type = %0s",pkt_type);
Calling the new() method of a class is the only way to construct a class object. There are a few reasons you might want to define a class and never call the new() method on it, but you should ask that question later when you have a better understanding of SystemVerilog.
I think you may be asking what is the difference between a class with declared function new() inside the class
class xxxx;
int x;
function new;
versus a class without it
class xxxx;
int x;
If you do not declare a function new() inside your class, SystemVerilog defines an implicit one for you. The reason you might want to declare a function new inside your class is if you want to pass in arguments to the constructor, or you have something that requires more complex procedural code to initialize.