XLConnect disabling vlookup - xlconnect

I am using XLConnect to copy monthly data to a template. The template has vlookups and I can get the new data to the new template file no problem. THe problem is in excel the new template now with the new data the vlookups don't recognize the data until I manually click each cell and the formula bar then it recognizes the data.
I have tried changing the formula to automatic but that still doesn't work. Anyone seen this problem?

I finally figured it out
setForceFormulaRecalculation(wb, sheet = 1, TRUE)
here is an example


Error during model startup root: Could not setup the parameter: because of: java.lang.NoSuchFieldException:

Currently I am running a model that's read values from Excel spread sheet. The delay value in second linked to parameter which obtain the value from excel sheet 1.
The link between the excel and parameters are working. Moreover, running the model without parameter seems to be working. Can anyone point out what is the error and how can I solve it?
Extra variables was introduced in excel sheet which code trying to assign it to blocks. I have deleted the unwanted variables from Excel sheet and it worked.

Powershell Studio 2018 - How to retrieve textbox values properly?

I am having an issue with retrieving values from objects in Powershell Studio 2018 but my main issue is with the TextBox object. I have a wizard form that contains a textbox on step one. I would like to retrieve the output of that textbox in step two of the wizard. However, when I try to retrieve it by using:
I receive the following output instead of the entered value:
System.Windows.Forms.Text. Text:
I have checked all of the documentation but cannot figure out what I am doing wrong. I have also tried to use the .ToString property without any luck. Any help would be greatly appreciated!
It is not clear in your question but are you saving content of the textbox to a variable?
As an example this snippet works perfectly
#TODO: Place custom script here
The above is copying to clipboard but similarly you can do that with a variable.
On the other hand if you're trying to read the value of textbox1 from a child form, assuming a multi form project, that won't work.
Let me know if this helps or if you can give us some more details I can try to reproduce the issue on my side but having a snippet of the code is not working for your would be beneficial.

ZK Charts, clearing the chart

I am using ZK charts in my project. I am having line type charts. And using addSeries on my chats. But when I want refresh charts as in when user if fetching new Data, I am not sure how to clear the graph. Please help.
For example, if you are using series to add points on the chart (in my example I am using Float values) you can empty data displayed by setting an empty list to the series, like this:
chart.getSeries().setData(new ArrayList<Float>());
this one worked for me,
just write this line before populating your chart
To do that just call the method

Cannot add a third content field

I'm kinda new to typo, so maybe I am just missing something.
I'm trying to add a third content field to Typo3 4.5.
What I've done so far.
Edit my template and added a new block
Added the block via TemplatVoila > Update Mapping > Modify DS / TO with Element Preset "Page-Content Elements [Pos.: 0]
Mapped it to the new block in the template
But I am missing something as the new field isn't showing up in the Page edit screen.
EDIT: I've found the Block in the "Edit page properties" but how to show it on standard edit screen?
Any added content area will appear automatically in your TV-View-module. So if you dont see it in there, then
you may have duplicate fields names
wrong column positions
or the existing template is using a »beLayout«-section, which shows only the first two content areas (see example in reference http://docs.typo3.org/typo3cms/extensions/templavoila/ExtTemplavoila/StaticDataStructures/ExampleForBelayout/Index.html)
The TemplaVoila template is split into TS (TemplaVoilà Template Object) and DS (TemplaVoilà Data Structure) records, may you paste the content of the field „Data Structure XML“ of the DS record here? In there are all necessary information.
The two template files should be located in your general storage folder, your TypoScript root file should be there as well.

How to update a PowerPoint slide with an Excel Chart

I have one Excel file that has a Chart (Bar Chart). I also have a Powerpoint presentation with 3 slides. Please note that there is no chart "Title" either on the Excel sheet ot on the Powerpoint slides. I need to update the chart in slide #2 with the the chart in the excel file.
Please note that I have searched this forum and what I found was ways to create a new slide as well as updating a chart using the tittle.
Any help will be greatly appreciated. Thanks for your time
EDIT: Your solution is good but does not help me with how to replace a chart in a particular slide. In my question I have stated that there are 3 slides. I want to specifically update the chart in Slide 2. There is no chart title so I will need to find the Chart to replace based on the Slide number. How is this done ? Thanks again.
This can be done by following these steps: (Note: the powerpoint is the target, and the excel is the source)
Open the target and locate the ChartPart you want to replace. Keep a reference to the parent SlidePart where the ChartPart is and copy the ChartPart's RelationshipId to the SlidePart and then delete the ChartPart from the target.
Save the source and leave the file open.
foreach (var slidePart in targetPPT.PresentationPart.SlideParts)
if (slidePart.ChartParts.Any())
slidePartBookMark = slidePart;
var chartPart = slidePart.ChartParts.First();
chartPartIdBookMark = slidePart.GetIdOfPart(chartPart);
Open the source and locate the ChartPart that you want to copy to the target. It will be in a DrawingsPart of a WorksheetPart somewhere in your source. Keep a reference to the ChartPart and leave the file open.
foreach (var worksheetPart in sourceXls.WorkbookPart.WorksheetParts)
if (worksheetPart.DrawingsPart != null)
if (worksheetPart.DrawingsPart.ChartParts.Any())
saveXlsChart = worksheetPart.DrawingsPart.ChartParts.First();
In the SlidePart reference from step 1, create a new ChartPart with the AddNewPart call using the RelationshipId
var newChartPart = slidePartBookMark.AddNewPart<ChartPart>(chartPartIdBookMark);
Copy the contents of the source chart to the new chartpart you created in step 4 with a FeedData/GetStream idea found here. Save the Slide, and close your files.
I was able to get it to work with a simple source/target that only contained one chart each. If your files are more complex, your locate logic will be more than a First().
Hope this helps.