Add force to object by rotation - unity3d

I want to add force to an object, by using its own rotation. For example, if I turn my object 90 degrees to the left. How can I add force towards, but consider the 90 degrees and not the local rotation?

I am not sure what exactly you want to do. What do you want to add force towards? Did you mean forwards?
Another question is also when do you add the force and 90° to left from what?
I assume this:
the object you want to add force to is at some angle in the world
the object rotates to 90° to the world's left
at some time after the rotation you want to add force to it based on the rotation
If that is what you want then you need to:
specify first what do you measure the angle change from (the original angle) and save it in a variable
have a vector in the direction you want to add the force when the object has the above-mentioned angle
when you want to add the force, you need to calculate the difference between the current angle and the saved angle
rotate the vector based on the angle difference
add the force in the direction of the vector


Get Angle from a rotation

I have a Cube in Unity. I'm moving and rotating the cube and I want to track the rotation around a special axis.
The Application is a Holo Lens 2 Application and I'm grabbing an Object with my hand. I then want to rotate the Object in my Hand around one of its local axis. I need that rotation around that axis, meaning a float, to rotate another object around its oft local axis by the same amount.
Any Idea how to achive this?

Which rotation is shown in the Inspector?

The chest bone of my player can be rotated while aiming.
Now I wanted to evaluate how much (minimum and maximum rotation) I should let the chest be rotatable.
To do that, I allowed all degrees of rotation and took a look at the Inspector.
For example, the minimum value that the chest should be rotatable to the left should be Y=-15.
At Y=-15 (seen in the Inspector), it still looked natural.
Now I wanted to code this.
To my surprise, chest.localRotation.Y was a completely different value than what the Inspector is showing.
I have then taken a look at the chest variable and extended the view.
I just can't see the rotation value that the Inspector is showing.
How should I go on in this case, please?
I'm using this to rotate the bone:
Chest.rotation = Chest.rotation * Quaternion.Euler(Offset);
Thank you!
The reason why it doesn't work:
Quaternion is not a human readable value.
One Quaternion is allways unique but can have multiple (infinite?) different representations in Euler space! The other way round one Euler represents allways exactly one Quaternion value.
If you look at the docs it explicitly says
Don't modify this directly unless you know quaternions inside out.
Than as said what you see in the inspector is the localRotation in relation to the parent Transform.
Better said it is one of the many possible Euler inputs that result in the Quaternion. What you see in the debug at localEulerAngles is another possible Euler representation. Unity usually in localEulerAngles also gives you only values > 0.
It seems that the chest anyway will only rotate around the Y axis, right?
If this is the case you can simply get the Angle between the chest's original forward vector and the target. It is way easier to handle Vector3 values than Quaternions ;)
It seems to be the same use case as in this post
// get the target direction
Vector3 targetDir = ChestLookTarget.position - Chest.position;
// Reset any difference in the Y axis
// since it would change the angle as well if there was a difference I the height
// between the two objects
targetDir.y = 0;
// however you currently rotate
// instead rotate only the Vector3 variable without applying it to the transform yet
Vector3 newDir = Vector3.RotateTowards(Chest.forward, targetDir, RotationSpeed * Time.deltaTime, 0.0f);
// Compare the target direction to the parents forward vector
float newAngle = Vector3.Angle(Chest.parent.transform.forward, newDir);
if (newAngle > MaxRotationAngle)
// What should happen if angle gets bigger?
// If angle still okey set the new direction
Chest.rotation = Quaternion.LookRotation(newDir);

Unity3D manipulate object orientation with respect to original orientation

I encountered another issue with hand-object interaction using a Leap Motion device. In particular, I use the LM to perform orientation manipulations on virtual objects.
I want to use the difference between the current and last orientation of the hand to manipulate the object:
Quaternion relativeOrientationHands = Quaternion.Inverse(currentHandOrientation) * updatedHand;
transform.rotation = transform.rotation * relativeOrientationHands;
It works fine, however the problem is that, let's say I rotate the object 180 degrees around the x axis (after that, y is pointing downwards). If I release the object afterwards, and grasp it again, the orientation changes get from then on applied to the new orientation of the object which is super confusing to use. (Original: turn hand to the left - object turns counter-clockwise; After: turn hand to the left - object turns clockwise)
Unfortunately, I don't know the math to fix it, but maybe someone can help me out. How can I apply the orientation changes of the hand to my virtual object, with respect to the default object orientation using Quaternions. Maybe, something with normal vectors?
The 3 figures illustrate my problem. The first figure shows the object in its original orientation (x-right, y-upwards). I turn the cube 180 degrees by rotating my hand 180 degrees clockwise around z (blue axis), after I release it, x is pointing to the left and y is pointing downwards (figure 2). If I grasp the object (figure 3) in its current orientation, and let's say I would want to perform a 90 degrees clockwise rotation around the y-axis. In figure one, I could do that by moving my hand 90 degrees clockwise. However, I changed the orientation of the cube with my previous manipulation. Therefore, I would have to perform a 90 degrees counter-clockwise rotation with my hand to move the object in clockwise direction, because the y-axis is flipped (figure 2-3). I always want that turning your hand 90 degrees clockwise results in a 90 degrees clockwise rotation of the object regardless of its current orientation.
Thank you very much

Final position of a Sprite in cocos 2d based on swipe angle and speed

How to get final position of a Sprite in cocos 2d When it swiped at a certain speed and angle ?
Are you looking to 'fling' the sprite across the screen? I ask since you are mentioning angle and speed.
If so, you can probably ignore the angle and concentrate more on the length and direction of the swipe since this will give you a vector that you can apply to the sprite.
In ccTouchBegan you need to store the initial point coordinate of the touch.
In ccTouchEnded you will have the final touch point, so you can use a little pythagoras to calculate the distance between those two points. You now have the length of the swipe.
To calculate the speed you will need to calculate the time between the touch and release and use this to calculate how many units the touch moved per timestamp.
Where the resting point of the sprite will be will depend on how you are applying this force to your sprite. If you are applying the swipe vector to the sprite, I imagine you are updating the sprites position based on its velocity during update? To check where the position will be you need to apply the same formula you use there but pass in an arbitrary timestamp to take the place of delta time. This will let you see where the object would end up in T seconds.
Call it multiple times with increasing values of T until the sprite's position is stationary and you have the resting point.

iphone cocoa : how to drag an image along a path

I am trying to figure out how can you drag an image while constraining its movement along a certain path.
I tried several tricks including animation along a path, but couldn't get the animation to play and pause and play backwards - so that seems out of the question.
Any ideas ? anyone ?
What you're basically trying to do is match finger movement to a 'translation' transition.
As the user touches down and starts to move their finger you want to use the current touch point value to create a translation transform which you apply to your UIImageView. Here's how you would do it:
On touch down, save the imageview's starting x,y position.
On move, calculate the delta from old point to new one. This is where you can clamp the values. So you can ignore, say, the y change and only use the x deltas. This means that the image will only move left to right. If you ignore the x and use y, then it only moves up and down.
Once you have the 'new' calculated/clamped x,y values, use it to create a new transform using CGAffineTransformMakeTranslation(x, y). Assign this transform to the UIImageView. The image moves to that place.
Once the finger lifts, figure out the delta from the original starting x,y, point and the lift-off point, then adjust the ImageView's bounds and reset the transform to CGAffineTransformIdentity. This doesn't move the object, but it sets it so subsequent accesses to the ImageView use the actual position and don't have to keep adjusting for transforms.
Moving along on a grid is easy too. Just round out the x,y values in step 2 so they're a multiple of the grid size (i.e. round out to every 10 pixel) before you pass it on to make the translation transform.
If you want to make it extra smooth, surround the code where you assign the transition with UIView animation blocks. Mess around with the easing and timing settings. The image should drag behind a bit but smoothly 'rubber-band' from one touch point to the next.
See this Sample Code : Move Me