Testrigor - Logs for developers - testrigor

Could you please let us know if we have Browser Logs in TestRigor so that developers could find where and what is wrong in the code. If we have it, could you please give us details as to how to get to it.

To access console logs for each step click on "More details..." and click on "console.log" link.


No product to add in Facebook App's "Add a Product" page

I've been trying to do the tutorial here: https://developers.facebook.com/docs/instagram-basic-display-api/getting-started but I immediately get stuck on Step 2 because there's no product under "Add a Product" list as seen on the screenshot below.
Facebook App Dashboard - Add a Product
I've done the following but still no luck:
Search SO but wasn't able to find an issue like this
Disabled adblocker
Created a new account solely to use in Facebook Developers site
Anyone can point me to the right direction? I'd really appreciate it. Thank you!
Edit: Someone's having the same issue so to anyone else in the same boat, might be best to follow this: https://developers.facebook.com/community/threads/2598338917071430/

Paypal Developer - Cant view my REST Apps

Getting the following error when clicking on an app.
"We’re sorry, but something went wrong while displaying view/edit page for application. Please try again."
Anyone have this issue?
they are working on this right now
please be patient
i hope this issue is resolved until tomorrow
(source: hmtk.com)

Tableau Public, error message {"error":{"message":"No author found!"}}

I published something onto Tableau Public and it isn't working for some reason. This just started happening and I am not sure why. I tried uploading different workbooks none of them are working. Here is a sample:
This is the error I receive when I log onto it:
{"error":{"message":"No author found!"}}
Any idea on what I might be doing wrong? Thank you!
Follow the methods given in the tableau help section. After the account is made a window with all the story board will come up. Select the story or dashboard (as per the case) and then click on share button .
click on Done and then go to "open in browser window" . It will open in the browser. Copy the address in the address bar of the browser. This is the link to be published

Heroku - Created a facebook app with Node.js which gives type error

I am trying to create a facebook application and this is my first time. I read several articles on how to create one and I created an application from this page https://developers.facebook.com/apps. When I clicked on Go to App from facebook right after I created it. It is showing this error
I have tried to look on Heroku dev center for same type of problem to resolve problem on my own I couldn't find any solution. When I do curl -v https://tranquil-oasis-2533.herokuapp.com it says HTTP/1.1 500 Internal Server Error. This is the output from heroku logs http://pastebin.com/0qdueiZE. Somebody please help me.
This appears to be an issue with the faceplate module. It is described here: https://github.com/heroku/faceplate/pull/20
You have two options to get around the issue:
Propose a fix to faceplate that works within the constraints of the Facebook application security here: https://developers.facebook.com/docs/ApplicationSecurity/
Take your Facebook app out of sandbox mode.
This seems to be issue with sandbox mode. Disable sandbox mode. Here is the steps how you can do it.
Go to https://developers.facebook.com/apps.
click "Edit Settings"
and selected radio button "disabled" for the "Sanbox Mode" under "basic info".
Hope this helps.
The error message points to what needs to be known
Cannot read property 'name' of undefined
<title><%= app.name %></title>
app is undefined. Probably want to check your web.js file to see what app is up to.
And ensure you have the latest node template for Heroku.
My guess is that you aren't passing app as a local to the index.ejs template. If you're using Express, console.log(res.locals) before you res.render index.ejs. Is app in the logged output?

Joomla 2.5.9 Wrong redirect after Read more -> Login

I´ve a strange Joomla 2.5.9 problem where I do not know if it´s a bug or a setting issue.
Anyway my problem is I ´ve created a menu item kind "Blog List", choosed a category and set the "access" of the articles to "registered" and "show unauthorized access links" to yes. Now the user can see the articles, but is redirected to the login if he clicks "read more".
steps can be seen here (-> http://tinyurl.com/bldbvx4)
So far so good. Unfortunately the return URL for the article is not created correctly.
I ´ve created a demo installation which illustrates my problem.
If I click "Koala" and log-in in the next step, Joomla tries to redirect me to:
correct would be:
To solve this issue I tried to cut the wrong part with htaccess (failed)
Any clue how to fix this?
Thankful for any help,
Okay, got it. For everyone else having this problem. I did a template override of:
and cutted the urlencode in line 149.
//$link->setVar('return', base64_encode(urlencode($returnURL)));
$link->setVar('return', base64_encode($returnURL));
with this hack it works ...
This is because you have given Access level to register so normal users are not allowed to read this article. So you kindly change access level registered to public.