Is there a way to optimize tail calls in Scala? - scala

I am aware that Scala has optimizations for tail-recursive functions (i.e. those functions in which the recursive call is the last thing executed by the function). What I am asking here is whether there is a way to optimize tail calls to different functions. Consider the following Scala code:
def doA(): Unit = {
def doB(): Unit = {
If we let this execute long enough it will give a stack overflow error which one can mitigate by allocating more stack space. Nonetheless, it will eventually exceed the allocated space and once again cause a stack overflow error. One way to mitigate this could be:
case class C(f: () => C)
def run(): Unit = {
var c: C = C(() => doA())
c = c.f.apply()
def doA(): C = {
C(() => doB())
def doB(): C = {
C(() => doA())
However, this proved to be quite slow. Is there a better way to optimize this?

Here's one way achieve an infinite progression of method calls, without consuming stack, where each method decides which method goes next.
def doA(): () => Any = {
doB _
def doB(): () => Any = {
doC _
def doC(): () => Any = {
if (util.Random.nextBoolean()) doA _
else doB _
Iterator.iterate(doA())(_.asInstanceOf[() => () => Any]())


scala - cache and reload a future which will become invalid later

private class FutMemorizer[T](valid: T => Boolean)(f: () => Future[T]) {
private val ref = new AtomicReference[Promise[T]]
final def get(): Future[T] = {
val nullableRef = ref.get()
val valid = checkPromise(ref.get())
if(valid) {
} else {
val p = Promise[T]
val success = ref.compareAndSet(nullableRef, p)
if(success) {
} else {
private def checkPromise(nullable: Promise[T]) = {
nullable != null && {
nullable.future.value match {
case None => true // future is not complete all caller should wait
case Some(Success(v)) => valid(v)
case _ => false
I am implementing an Future memorizer that only cache a valid future value.
It must meet following requirements
Futures created by f never executed paralleled
get never return a invalid value (once invalid recall f() to reload)
Is my implementation correct ?
Is there a more functional or simpler way to do this (because I hardly prove correntness of mime)?
As far as I understand this is wrong:
The caller gets a future the value of which is (or will be sometimes) that of the future returned by f(), but it's not checked anywhere that this value satisfies or will satisfy valid(...); same for other callers that came while the resulting future returned by f() is in progress if it takes time. It's only when result of f() completes will the next caller probably start "fixing" it.
I would probably go about fixing this problem the following way (see the fixed method), with some stylistic changes:
class FutMemorizer[T](valid: T => Boolean)(f: () => Future[T]) {
private val ref = new AtomicReference[Future[T]]
final def get: Future[T] = {
val current = ref.get
if (current != null && isValid(current)) current
else {
val p = Promise[T]
val pf = p.future
if (ref.compareAndSet(current, pf)) {
} else get
private def fixed(f: () => Future[T]): Future[T] =
f() flatMap { t =>
if (valid(t)) Future.successful(t) else fixed(f)
private def isValid(future: Future[T]) =
future.value match {
case None => true // future is not complete all caller should wait
case Some(Success(v)) => valid(v)
case _ => false
As for your question about a more functional way of doing it I guess f and valid having effects on the external state and basing their computations on it (which I guess is the point of having a memorizer with invalidation) would seriously hinder it.
Just find spray-cache already have this feature

surrounding function for adding context

I am trying to write a function which can add a context to those functions given in parameters.
The idea is here
object example {
def withOne(f : => T) = {
val a = 1 //some context
def foo() = withOne {
I think the context could be passed in implicit.
The idea is to not have the content of f constraint by the surrounding function f should be able to use the context or not.
For now the only way i seen to do that is like that
object example {
def withOne(f : => Int => T) = {
val a = 1 //some context
def foo() = withOne { a =>
But this forces to declare a 'a' witch is not obvious for others devs :x
I'm afraid you cannot work around this, since you cannot inject an implicit into a function.
There's a proposal to add this feature in the typelevel/scala fork, but it seems hard to achieve as of today.
My suggestion here is to use proper naming, so that you won't surprise your users. For instance if you provide a method like:
def withConnection[A](f: Connection => A): A = {
try {
val conn = ???
} finally {
it won't surprise me to do:
withConnection { implicit c =>
// db stuff

Running future n times

I'd like to run my future call n times, for example 5. Future "execution" will take some time and I want to call new one only when previous was completed. Something like:
def fun(times: Int): Future[AnyRef] = {
def _fun(times: Int) = {
(1 to times).foldLeft(_fun)((a,b) => {
println(s"Fun: $b of $times")
a.flatMap(_ => _fun)
So I want to call "_fun" function n times one by one. "createFuture()" will take some time, so "_fun" shouldn't be called again before previous future was completed. Also, I want to create a non-blocking solution. Currently, this code executes without waiting for previous future to end.
Any ideas how to make it work?
Thanks for your answers!
Without understanding what exactly you want the final future to return (I'm going to just return the result of the last completed future), you could try something like this:
def fun(times: Int): Future[AnyRef] = {
val prom = Promise[AnyRef]()
def _fun(t: Int) {
val fut = createFuture()
fut onComplete {
case Failure(ex) => prom.failure(ex)
case Success(result) if t >= times => prom.success(result)
case Success(result) => _fun(t + 1)
This is a sort of recursive solution that will chain the futures together on completion, stopping the chaining when the max number of times has been reached. This code is not perfect, but certainly conveys one possible solution for making sure the successive futures do not fire until the previous future completed successfully.
I think it will be nicer if you make it recursive using flatMap.
Let's imagine you have your createFuture defined as:
def createFuture() = Future( println("Create future"))
We can create a function to compose the result of createFuture with:
def compose(f: () => Future[Unit])(b: Future[Unit]) = b.flatMap(_ => f())
And then you can define fun as:
def fun(n : Int) = {
def nTimes(n : Int, f : Future[Unit] => Future[Unit], acc : Future[Unit]) = if (n == 0) acc else nTimes(n-1,f,f(acc))

Twitter's "effective scala" broker example and tail recursion

In the document "Effective Scala" published by twitter, I see a code example:
class Pool(conns: Seq[Conn]) {
private[this] val waiters = new Broker[Conn]
private[this] val returnConn = new Broker[Conn]
val get: Offer[Conn] = waiters.recv
def put(c: Conn) { returnConn ! c }
private[this] def loop(connq: Queue[Conn]) {
if (connq.isEmpty) Offer.never else {
val (head, rest) = connq.dequeue
waiters.send(head) { _ => loop(rest) }
returnConn.recv { c => loop(connq enqueue c) }
loop(Queue.empty ++ conns)
The code doesn't appear to be tail recursive, and isn't annotated as such. Since this is a connection pool that would presumably be left running for the life of the program, what would prevent a pool like this from eventually blowing up the stack, and generating a StackOverflowException?
The code is not recursive at all! loop does not call itself. It passes closures { _ => loop(rest) } and { c => loop(connq enqueue c) } to waiters.send and returnConn.recv respectively which call loop again. No recursion hence no stack overflow.

Implementing yield (yield return) using Scala continuations

How might one implement C# yield return using Scala continuations? I'd like to be able to write Scala Iterators in the same style. A stab is in the comments on this Scala news post, but it doesn't work (tried using the Scala 2.8.0 beta). Answers in a related question suggest this is possible, but although I've been playing with delimited continuations for a while, I can't seem to exactly wrap my head around how to do this.
Before we introduce continuations we need to build some infrastructure.
Below is a trampoline that operates on Iteration objects.
An iteration is a computation that can either Yield a new value or it can be Done.
sealed trait Iteration[+R]
case class Yield[+R](result: R, next: () => Iteration[R]) extends Iteration[R]
case object Done extends Iteration[Nothing]
def trampoline[R](body: => Iteration[R]): Iterator[R] = {
def loop(thunk: () => Iteration[R]): Stream[R] = {
thunk.apply match {
case Yield(result, next) => Stream.cons(result, loop(next))
case Done => Stream.empty
loop(() => body).iterator
The trampoline uses an internal loop that turns the sequence of Iteration objects into a Stream.
We then get an Iterator by calling iterator on the resulting stream object.
By using a Stream our evaluation is lazy; we don't evaluate our next iteration until it is needed.
The trampoline can be used to build an iterator directly.
val itr1 = trampoline {
Yield(1, () => Yield(2, () => Yield(3, () => Done)))
for (i <- itr1) { println(i) }
That's pretty horrible to write, so let's use delimited continuations to create our Iteration objects automatically.
We use the shift and reset operators to break the computation up into Iterations,
then use trampoline to turn the Iterations into an Iterator.
import scala.continuations._
import scala.continuations.ControlContext.{shift,reset}
def iterator[R](body: => Unit #cps[Iteration[R],Iteration[R]]): Iterator[R] =
trampoline {
reset[Iteration[R],Iteration[R]] { body ; Done }
def yld[R](result: R): Unit #cps[Iteration[R],Iteration[R]] =
shift((k: Unit => Iteration[R]) => Yield(result, () => k(())))
Now we can rewrite our example.
val itr2 = iterator[Int] {
for (i <- itr2) { println(i) }
Much better!
Now here's an example from the C# reference page for yield that shows some more advanced usage.
The types can be a bit tricky to get used to, but it all works.
def power(number: Int, exponent: Int): Iterator[Int] = iterator[Int] {
def loop(result: Int, counter: Int): Unit #cps[Iteration[Int],Iteration[Int]] = {
if (counter < exponent) {
loop(result * number, counter + 1)
loop(number, 0)
for (i <- power(2, 8)) { println(i) }
I managed to discover a way to do this, after a few more hours of playing around. I thought this was simpler to wrap my head around than all the other solutions I've seen thus far, though I did afterward very much appreciate Rich's and Miles' solutions.
def loopWhile(cond: =>Boolean)(body: =>(Unit #suspendable)): Unit #suspendable = {
if (cond) {
class Gen {
var prodCont: Unit => Unit = { x: Unit => prod }
var nextVal = 0
def yld(i: Int) = shift { k: (Unit => Unit) => nextVal = i; prodCont = k }
def next = { prodCont(); nextVal }
def prod = {
reset {
// following is generator logic; can be refactored out generically
var i = 0
i += 1
i += 1
// scala continuations plugin can't handle while loops, so need own construct
loopWhile (true) {
i += 1
val it = new Gen