Instance of Eq with and without Typeclass Constraints - purescript

Here is an implementation of Eq for my algebraic data type (ADT)
data Stateful a =
Advancing a
| Stable a
| Finished a
instance statefulEq :: (Eq a) => Eq (Stateful a)
eq (Advancing x) (Advancing y) = eq x y
eq (Stable x) (Stable y) = eq x y
eq (Finished x) (Finished y) = eq x y
eq _ _ = false
What this says (I hope) is that Stateful has an instance of Eq if its element has an instance of Eq
Is there a way I can change this to allow for second/backup implementation as well? In SudoCode pseudocode:
instance statefulEq :: Eq (Stateful a)
eq (Advancing (Eq x)) (Advancing (Eq y)) = eq x y
eq (Advancing x) (Advancing y) = true
A way to say: if the elements have an instance of Eq, use that, otherwise return true.
or if I had some function
isConstrained :: forall a. TypeClass -> a -> Boolean
then perhaps
instance statefulEq :: Eq (Stateful a)
eq (Advancing x) (Advancing y)
| isConstrained Eq x && isConstrained Eq x = eq x y
| otherwise = true

No, you cannot do this, and there is a good reason for it.
You see, the constraints don't exist universally, they have to be "in scope", which basically means imported from a module in which they're defined.
And this means that the Eq constraint for your type can be either in scope or not, and your program behavior will depend on whether the constraint is in scope. In plainer terms, adding a seemingly unrelated module import may change your program behavior without any warning.
This sort of "action at a distance" is a big enough source of bugs in practice that Haskell and PureScript explicitly disallow it.
Also, a side note: your implementation of Eq (Stateful a) is 100% equivalent to the automatically derived one. You could replace the whole thing with:
derive instance statefulEq :: Eq a => Eq (Stateful a)


Writing Functor instance vs. writing Eq instance for NonEmpty in Purescript

I'm currently learning Purescript by reading the Purescript by Example book (so far one of the only resources I've found that covers the language extensively).
I'm trying to implement the exercises in section 6.7 (Instance Dependencies), and I can't get my head around the following compiler error:
I've implemented the Semigroup and Eq instances for a data type data NonEmpty a = NonEmpty a (Array a) as follows:
instance eqNonEmpty :: Eq a => Eq (NonEmpty a) where
eq (NonEmpty h1 t1) (NonEmpty h2 t2) = h1 == h2 && t1 == t2
instance semigroupNonEmpty :: Semigroup (NonEmpty a) where
append (NonEmpty h1 t1) (NonEmpty h2 t2) = NonEmpty h1 (t1 <> [h2] <> t2)
But when I try to implement the Functor instance the same way I get the error above.
What seems to work is this:
instance functorNonEmpty :: Functor NonEmpty where
map f (NonEmpty h t) = NonEmpty (f h) (map f t)
Now, why is that? I can't figure it out.
That's just how the Functor class is defined: it applies to types that take a parameter. So, for example, the Functor class would apply to Maybe and to List, but wouldn't apply to Int or to String, and equally wouldn't apply to Maybe Int or List String.
The type NonEmpty does take a parameter, because that's how it is defined:
data NonEmpty a = ...
But a type NonEmpty a does not take a parameter, regardless of what a might be.
The classes Eq and Semigroup, on the other hand, expect a type without any parameters. So these classes can apply to Int, String, Maybe Boolean, and any other type without parameters, including NonEmpty a, regardless of what a might be.

Implementing an interface for a plain old recursive data type

I'm fighting with Idris syntax, it seems.
module Test
data Nat = Z | S Nat
Eq Nat where
Z == Z = True
S n1 == S n2 = n1 == n2
_ == _ = False
This complains with the following error (v1.1.1):
.\.\Test.idr:5:8: error: expected: "#",
"with", argument expression,
constraint argument,
function right hand side,
implicit function argument,
with pattern
Eq Nat where
Type checking .\.\Test.idr
I don't understand why, I basically used the same syntax as the docs.
When I write an Eq implementation for a custom, non-recursive type, such as Bool, it compiles just fine.
You need to wrap S n patterns in parenthesis. After doing that, your will get compiler errors because Nat is already defined in Prelude. So to compile your code just replace Nat with Natural (or anything else). Though, Z and S constructors are also defined in Prelude so you either need to rename everything to be able to test in REPL easily or use %hide directive.
But at least this code compiles:
module Test
data Natural = Z | S Natural
Eq Natural where
Z == Z = True
(S n1) == (S n2) = n1 == n2
_ == _ = False

Use of the forall construct in Stainless

I'm trying to proof in Stainless that if two lists have the same contents and one list is bounded by x then the other list is also bounded by x. For doing so, I'm told to use the construct:
forall(x => list.content.contains(x) ==> p(x))
The lemma would be written (in a verbose way) as:
def lowerBoundLemma(l1: List[BigInt],l2: List[BigInt],x:BigInt) : Boolean = {
require(l1.content == l2.content && forall(y => l1.content.contains(y) ==> y <= x))
forall(z => l2.content.contains(z) ==> z <= x) because{
forall(z => l2.content.contains(z) ==> z <= x) ==| l1.content == l2.content |
forall(z => l1.content.contains(z) ==> z <= x) ==| trivial |
forall(y => l1.content.contains(z) ==> y <= x)
The problem is that I get the following errors:
exercise.scala:12:48: error: missing parameter type
require(l1.content == l2.content && forall(y => l1.content.contains(y) ==> y <= x))
Once I add the type to y I get this error (pointing to the left brace of the contains parentheses):
exercise.scala:12:81: error: ')' expected but '(' found.
require(l1.content == l2.content && forall(y : BigInt => l1.content.contains(y) ==> y <= x))
Any idea why this is happening?
I also tried the syntax l.forall(_ <= x) but I get errors when combining with constructs like because and ==| of the type: because is not a member of Boolean.
The issues you are facing are coming from the Scala compiler frontend to Stainless. In Scala, the syntax for a closure (with specified parameter type) is (x: Type) => body (note the extra parentheses!)
If you want to use because and ==|, you'll have to add import stainless.proof._ at the beginning of your source file.

Make [StackExp] instance of Expr class

I make class Expr for arithmetic operations
class Expr a where
mul :: a -> a -> a
add :: a -> a -> a
lit :: Integer -> a
i want to "parse" something like this: mul ( add (lit 3) (lit 2)) (lit 4) = (3+2)*4
and i have data type:
data StackExp = PushI Integer
| PushB Bool
| Add
| Mul
| And
| Or
deriving Show
type Program = [StackExp] --i use this type for function of stack calculator later
my task is: i need to make instance of Expr for type Program
more concrete - i want to make this transformation:
mul ( add (lit 3) (lit 2)) (lit 4) ->>> [PushI 2, PushI 3, Add, PushI 4, Mul]
i have problems because i receive [[StackExp]] at the output of my instance declaration.
my try:
instance Expr Program where
lit n = (PushI n):[]
add exp1 exp2 = exp1:(exp2:[Add])
mul exp1 exp2 = exp1:(exp2:[Mul])
i don't know how to concatenate all sub-expressions into list
---------------- compiler error looks like this------------------------
Couldn't match type `[StackExp]' with `StackExp'
Expected type: StackExp
Actual type: Program
So, what you basically want to do is you want to compile from the abstract syntax of your expression language (the type class Expr) to code for a simple stack machine (a list of elements of type StackExpr).
One problem that you immediately run into then is that, in just Haskell 98 or Haskell 2010, you cannot declare [StackExpr] an instance of a class. For example, GHC will complain with
Illegal instance declaration for `Expr [StackExp]'
(All instance types must be of the form (T a1 ... an)
where a1 ... an are *distinct type variables*,
and each type variable appears at most once in the instance head.
Use -XFlexibleInstances if you want to disable this.)
In the instance declaration for `Expr [StackExp]'
To work your way around this, you could define Program as a type isomorphism (rather than as a mere type synonym as you have now):
newtype Program = P [StackExp] deriving Show
and then make Program an instance of the class Expr. (Alternatively, you could enable FlexibleInstances as suggested by the error message above.)
Now we can write the required instance declaration:
instance Expr Program where
mul (P x) (P y) = P (x ++ y ++ [Mul])
add (P x) (P y) = P (x ++ y ++ [Add])
lit n = P [PushI n]
That is, for multiplication and addition, we first compile the operands and then produce, respectively, the Mul or Add instruction; for literals we produce the corresponding push instruction.
With this declaration, we get, for your example:
> mul (add (lit 3) (lit 2)) (lit 4) :: Program
P [PushI 3,PushI 2,Add,PushI 4,Mul]
(Not quite as in your example. You swap the order of the operands to Add. As addition is commutative, I will assume that this version is acceptable as well.)
Of course it is more fun to also write a small evaluator for stack programs:
eval :: Program -> [Integer]
eval (P es) = go es []
go [] s = s
go (PushI n : es) s = go es (n : s)
go (Add : es) (m : n : s) = go es ((m + n) : s)
go (Mul : es) (m : n : s) = go es ((m * n) : s)
(Note that I am ignoring instructions that deal with Booleans here as you only seem to deal with integer expressions anyway.)
Now we have, for your example,
> eval (mul (add (lit 3) (lit 2)) (lit 4))
which seems about right.

Defining multiple-type container classes in haskell, trouble binding variables

I'm having trouble with classes in haskell.
Basically, I have an algorithm (a weird sort of graph-traversal algorithm) that takes as input, among other things, a container to store the already-seen nodes (I'm keen on avoiding monads, so let's move on. :)). The thing is, the function takes the container as a parameter, and calls just one function: "set_contains", which asks if the container... contains node v. (If you're curious, another function passed in as a parameter does the actual node-adding).
Basically, I want to try a variety of data structures as parameters. Yet, as there is no overloading, I cannot have more than one data structure work with the all-important contains function!
So, I wanted to make a "Set" class (I shouldn't roll my own, I know). I already have a pretty nifty Red-Black tree set up, thanks to Chris Okasaki's book, and now all that's left is simply making the Set class and declaring RBT, among others, as instances of it.
Here is the following code:
(Note: code heavily updated -- e.g., contains now does not call a helper function, but is the class function itself!)
data Color = Red | Black
data (Ord a) => RBT a = Leaf | Tree Color (RBT a) a (RBT a)
instance Show Color where
show Red = "r"
show Black = "b"
class Set t where
contains :: (Ord a) => t-> a-> Bool
-- I know this is nonesense, just showing it can compile.
instance (Ord a) => Eq (RBT a) where
Leaf == Leaf = True
(Tree _ _ x _) == (Tree _ _ y _) = x == y
instance (Ord a) => Set (RBT a) where
contains Leaf b = False
contains t#(Tree c l x r) b
| b == x = True
| b < x = contains l b
| otherwise = contains r b
Note how I have a pretty stupidly-defined Eq instance of RBT. That is intentional --- I copied it (but cut corners) from the gentle tutorial.
Basically, my question boils down to this: If I comment out the instantiation statement for Set (RBT a), everything compiles. If I add it back in, I get the following error:
Couldn't match expected type `a' against inferred type `a1'
`a' is a rigid type variable bound by
the type signature for `contains' at RBTree.hs:11:21
`a1' is a rigid type variable bound by
the instance declaration at RBTree.hs:18:14
In the second argument of `(==)', namely `x'
In a pattern guard for
the definition of `contains':
b == x
In the definition of `contains':
contains (t#(Tree c l x r)) b
| b == x = True
| b < x = contains l b
| otherwise = contains r b
And I simply cannot, for the life of me, figure out why that isn't working. (As a side note, the "contains" function is defined elsewhere, and basically has the actual set_contains logic for the RBT data type.)
Thanks! - Agor
Third edit: removed the previous edits, consolidated above.
You could also use higher-kinded polyphormism. The way your class is defined it sort of expects a type t which has kind *. What you probably want is that your Set class takes a container type, like your RBT which has kind * -> *.
You can easily modify your class to give your type t a kind * -> * by applying t to a type variable, like this:
class Set t where
contains :: (Ord a) => t a -> a -> Bool
and then modify your instance declaration to remove the type variable a:
instance Set RBT where
contains Leaf b = False
contains t#(Tree c l x r) b
| b == x = True
| b < x = contains l b
| otherwise = contains r b
So, here is the full modified code with a small example at the end:
data Color = Red | Black
data (Ord a) => RBT a = Leaf | Tree Color (RBT a) a (RBT a)
instance Show Color where
show Red = "r"
show Black = "b"
class Set t where
contains :: (Ord a) => t a -> a -> Bool
-- I know this is nonesense, just showing it can compile.
instance (Ord a) => Eq (RBT a) where
Leaf == Leaf = True
(Tree _ _ x _) == (Tree _ _ y _) = x == y
instance Set RBT where
contains Leaf b = False
contains t#(Tree c l x r) b
| b == x = True
| b < x = contains l b
| otherwise = contains r b
tree = Tree Black (Tree Red Leaf 3 Leaf) 5 (Tree Red Leaf 8 (Tree Black Leaf 12 Leaf))
main =
putStrLn ("tree contains 3: " ++ test1) >>
putStrLn ("tree contains 12: " ++ test2) >>
putStrLn ("tree contains 7: " ++ test3)
where test1 = f 3
test2 = f 12
test3 = f 7
f = show . contains tree
If you compile this, the output is
tree contains 3: True
tree contains 12: True
tree contains 7: False
You need a multi-parameter type class. Your current definition of Set t doesn't mention the contained type in the class definition, so the member contains has to work for any a. Try this:
class Set t a | t -> a where
contains :: (Ord a) => t-> a-> Bool
instance (Ord a) => Set (RBT a) a where
contains Leaf b = False
contains t#(Tree c l x r) b
| b == x = True
| b < x = contains l b
| otherwise = contains r b
The | t -> a bit of the definition is a functional dependency, saying that for any given t there is only one possible a. It's useful to have (when it makes sense) since it helps the compiler figure out types and reduces the number of ambiguous type problems you often otherwise get with multi-parameter type classes.
You'll also need to enable the language extensions MultiParamTypeClasses and FunctionalDependencies at the top of your source file:
{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses, FunctionalDependencies #-}
The error means that the types don't match. What is the type of contains? (If its type is not something like t -> a -> Bool as set_contains is, something is wrong.)
Why do you think you shouldn't roll your own classes?
When you write the instance for Set (RBT a), you define contains for the specific type a only. I.e. RBT Int is a set of Ints, RBT Bool is a set of Bools, etc.
But your definition of Set t requires that t be a set of all ordered a's at the same time!
That is, this should typecheck, given the type of contains:
tree :: RBT Bool
tree = ...
foo = contains tree 1
and it obviously won't.
There are three solutions:
Make t a type constructor variable:
class Set t where
contains :: (Ord a) => t a -> a-> Bool
instance Set RBT where
This will work for RBT, but not for many other cases (for example, you may want to use a bitset as a set of Ints.
Functional dependency:
class (Ord a) => Set t a | t -> a where
contains :: t -> a -> Bool
instance (Ord a) => Set (RBT a) a where
See GHC User's Guide for details.
Associated types:
class Set t where
type Element t :: *
contains :: t -> Element t -> Bool
instance (Ord a) => Set (RBT a) where
type Element (RBT a) = a
See GHC User's Guide for details.
To expand on Ganesh's answer, you can use Type Families instead of Functional Dependencies. Imho they are nicer. And they also change your code less.
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts, TypeFamilies #-}
class Set t where
type Elem t
contains :: (Ord (Elem t)) => t -> Elem t -> Bool
instance (Ord a) => Set (RBT a) where
type Elem (RBT a) = a
contains Leaf b = False
contains (Tree c l x r) b
| b == x = True
| b < x = contains l b
| otherwise = contains r b