unable to convert null value to 0 - pyspark

I'm working with databricks and I don't understand why I'm not able to convert null value to 0 in what it seems like a regular integer column.
I've tried these two options:
def null_to_zero(x):
Helper function to transform Null values to zeros
return 0 if x == 'null' else x
and later:
.withColumn("col_test", null_to_zero(col("col")))
and everything is returned as null.
and the second option simply doesn't have any impact .na.fill(value=0,subset=["col"])
What do I'm missing here? Is this a specific behavior of null values with databricks?

The nulls are represented as None, not as a string null. For your case it's better to use coalesce function instead, like this (example based on docs):
from pyspark.sql.functions import coalesce, lit
cDf = spark.createDataFrame([(None, None), (1, None), (None, 2)], ("a", "b"))
cDf.withColumn("col_test", coalesce(cDf["a"], lit(0.0))).show()
will give you desired behavior:
| a| b|col_test|
|null|null| 0.0|
| 1|null| 1.0|
|null| 2| 0.0|
If you need more complex logic, then you can use when/otherwise, with condition on null:
cDf.withColumn("col_test", when(cDf["a"].isNull(), lit(0.0)).otherwise(cDf["a"])).show()


Scala/Spark: Checking for null elements in an array column but IntelliJ suggests not to use null?

I have a column called responseTimes which is of arrayType:
I'm trying to add another column to count the number of null or not-set values in this array:
val contains_null = udf((xs: Seq[Integer]) => xs.contains(null))
df.withColumn("totalNulls", when(contains_null(col("responseTimes")),
Although this gives me the right output, IntelliJ keeps telling me to avoid the use of null in my UDF which makes me think this is bad. Is there any other way to do it? Also, is it possible without using UDFs?
The reason is very simple , it is because of the rules of spark udf, well spark deals with null in a different distributed way, I don't know if you know the array_contains built-in function in spark sql.
If UDFs are needed, follow these rules:
Scala code should deal with null values gracefully and shouldn’t error out if there are null values.
Scala code should return None (or null) for values that are unknown, missing, or irrelevant. DataFrames should also use null for for values that are unknown, missing, or irrelevant.
Use Option in Scala code and fall back on null if Option becomes a performance bottleneck.
Please refer to this link if you like tp read more: https://mungingdata.com/apache-spark/dealing-with-null/
You can rewrite your UDF to use Option. In scala, Option(null) gives None, so you can do :
val contains_null = udf((xs: Seq[Integer]) => xs.exists(e => Option(e).isEmpty))
However, if you are using Spark 2.4+, it is more suitable to use Spark built-in functions for this. To check if an array column contains null elements, use exists as suggested by #mck's answer.
If you want to get the count of nulls in array you can combine filter and size function :
df.withColumn("totalNulls", size(expr("filter(responseTimes, x -> x is null)")))
A better way is probably to use higher order function exists to check isnull for each array element:
// sample dataframe
val df = spark.sql("select array(1,null,2) responseTimes union all select array(3,4)")
| [1,, 2]|
| [3, 4]|
// check whether there exists null elements in the array
val df2 = df.withColumn("totalNulls", expr("int(exists(responseTimes, x -> isnull(x)))"))
| [1,, 2]| 1|
| [3, 4]| 0|
You can also use array_max together with transform:
val df2 = df.withColumn("totalNulls", expr("int(array_max(transform(responseTimes, x -> isnull(x))))"))
| [1,, 2]| 1|
| [3, 4]| 0|

Spark: Applying UDF to Dataframe Generating new Columns based on Values in DF

I am having problems transposing values in a DataFrame in Scala. My initial DataFramelooks like this:
| A| X| 6|null|
| B| Z|null| 5|
| C| Y| 4|null|
col1 and col2 are type String and col3 and col4 are Int.
And the result should look like this:
| A| X| 6|null| 6| null| null|
| B| Z|null| 5| null| 5| null|
| C| Y| 4| 4| null| null| 4|
That means that the three new columns should be named after col1, col2 and the column the value is extracted. The extracted value comes from the column col2, col3 or col5 depending which value is not null.
So how to achieve that? I first thought of a UDF like this:
def myFunc (col1:String, col2:String, col3:Long, col4:Long) : (newColumn:String, rowValue:Long) = {
if col3 == null{
val rowValue=col4;
val newColumn=col1+col2+"col4";
} else{
val rowValue=col3;
val newColumn=col1+col2+"col3";
return (newColumn, rowValue);
val udfMyFunc = udf(myFunc _ ) //needed to treat it as partially applied function
But how can I call it from the dataframe in the right way?
Of course, all code above is rubbish and there could be a much better way. Since I am just juggling the first code snippets let me know... Comparing the Int value to null is already not working.
Any help is appreciated! Thanks!
There is a simpler way:
val df3 = df2.withColumn("newCol", concat($"col1", $"col2")) //Step 1
.withColumn("value",when($"col3".isNotNull, $"col3").otherwise($"col4")) //Step 2
.groupBy($"col1",$"col2",$"col3",$"col4",$"newCol") //Step 3
.pivot("newCol") // Step 4
.agg(max($"value")) // Step 5
.orderBy($"newCol") // Step 6
.drop($"newCol") // Step 7
The steps work as follows:
Add a new column which contains the contents of col1 concatenated with col2
// add a new column, "value" which contains the non-null contents of either col3 or col4
GroupBy the columns you want
pivot on newCol, which contains the values which are now to be column headings
Aggregate by the max of value, which will be the value itself if the groupBy is single-valued per group; or alternatively .agg(first($"value")) if value happens to be a string rather than a numeric type - max function can only be applied to a numeric type
order by newCol so DF is in ascending order
drop this column as you no longer need it, or skip this step if you want a column of values without nulls
Credit due to #user8371915 who helped me answer my own pivot question in the first place.
Result is as follows:
|col1|col2|col3|col4| AX| BZ| CY|
| A| X| 6|null| 6|null|null|
| B| Z|null| 5|null| 5|null|
| C| Y| 4| 4|null|null| 4|
You might have to play around with the column header strings concatenation to get the right result.
Okay, I have a workaround to achieve what I want. I do the following:
(1) I generate a new column containing a tuple with [newColumnName,rowValue] following this advice Derive multiple columns from a single column in a Spark DataFrame
case class toTuple(newColumnName: String, rowValue: String)
def createTuple (input1:String, input2:String) : toTuple = {
//do something fancy here
var column:String= input1 + input2
var value:String= input1
return toTuple(column, value)
val UdfCreateTuple = udf(createTuple _)
(2) Apply function to DataFrame
dfNew= df.select($"*", UdfCreateTuple($"col1",$"col2").alias("tmpCol")
(3) Create array with distinct values of newColumnName
val dfDistinct = dfNew.select($"tmpCol.newColumnName").distinct
(4) Create an array with distinct values
var a = dfDistinct.select($"newCol").rdd.map(r => r(0).asInstanceOf[String])
var arrDistinct = a.map(a => a).collect()
(5) Create a key value mapping
var seqMapping:Seq[(String,String)]=Seq()
for (i <- arrDistinct){
seqMapping :+= (i,i)
(6) Apply mapping to original dataframe, cf. Mapping a value into a specific column based on annother column
val exprsDistinct = seqMapping.map { case (key, target) =>
when($"tmpCol.newColumnName" === key, $"tmpCol.rowValue").alias(target) }
val dfFinal = dfNew.select($"*" +: exprsDistinct: _*)
Well, that is a bit cumbersome but I can derive a set of new columns without knowing how many there are and at the same time transfer the value into that new column.

Count the number of non-null values in a Spark DataFrame

I have a data frame with some columns, and before doing analysis, I'd like to understand how complete the data frame is. So I want to filter the data frame and count for each column the number of non-null values, possibly returning a dataframe back.
Basically, I am trying to achieve the same result as expressed in this question but using Scala instead of Python.
Say you have:
val row = Row("x", "y", "z")
val df = sc.parallelize(Seq(row(0, 4, 3), row(None, 3, 4), row(None, None, 5))).toDF()
How can you summarize the number of non-null values for each column and return a dataframe with the same number of columns and just a single row with the answer?
One straight forward option is to use .describe() function to get a summary of your data frame, where the count row includes a count of non-null values:
df.describe().filter($"summary" === "count").show
|summary| x| y| z|
| count| 1| 2| 3|
Although I like Psidoms answer, often I'm more interested in the fraction of null-values, because just the number of non-null values doesn't tell much...
You can do something like:
import org.apache.spark.sql.functions.{sum,when, count}
(sum(when($"x".isNotNull,0).otherwise(1))/count("*")).as("x : fraction null"),
(sum(when($"y".isNotNull,0).otherwise(1))/count("*")).as("y : fraction null"),
(sum(when($"z".isNotNull,0).otherwise(1))/count("*")).as("z : fraction null")
EDIT: sum(when($"x".isNotNull,0).otherwise(1)) can also just be replaced by count($"x") which only counts non-null values. As I find this not obvious, I tend to use the sum notation which is more clear
Here's how I did it in Scala 2.11, Spark 2.3.1:
import org.apache.spark.sql.functions._
import org.apache.spark.sql.types._
.as("x: percent non-null")
// ...copy paste that for columns y and z
count(*) counts non-null rows, count(1) runs on every row.
If you instead want to count percent null in population, find the complement of our count-based equation:
.as("x: percent null")
It's also worth knowing that you can cast nullness to an integer, then sum it.
But it's probably less performant:
// cast null-ness to an integer
.as("x: percent null")
Here is the simplest query:
d.filter($"x" !== null ).count
df.select(df.columns map count: _*)
df.select(df.columns map count: _*).toDF(df.columns: _*)
Spark 2.3+
(for string and numeric type columns)
|summary| x| y| z|
| count| 1| 2| 3|

How to handle the null/empty values on a dataframe Spark/Scala

I have a CSV file and I am processing its data.
I am working with data frames, and I calculate average, min, max, mean, sum of each column based on some conditions. The data of each column could be empty or null.
I have noticed that in some cases I got as max, or sum a null value instead of a number. Or I got in max() a number which is less that the output that the min() returns.
I do not want to replace the null/empty values with other.
The only thing I have done is to use these 2 options in CSV:
.option("nullValue", "null")
.option("treatEmptyValuesAsNulls", "true")
Is there any way to handle this issue? Have everyone faced this problem before? Is it a problem of data types?
I run something like this:
data.agg(mean("col_name"), stddev("col_name"),count("col_name"),
min("col_name"), max("col_name"))
Otherwise I can consider that it is a problem in my code.
I have done some research on this question, and the result shows that mean, max, min functions ignore null values. Below is the experiment code and results.
Environment: Scala, Spark 1.6.1 Hadoop 2.6.0
import org.apache.spark.sql.{Row}
import org.apache.spark.sql.types.{DoubleType, IntegerType, StringType, StructField, StructType}
import org.apache.spark.sql.types._
import org.apache.spark.{SparkConf, SparkContext}
val row1 =Row("1", 2.4, "2016-12-21")
val row2 = Row("1", None, "2016-12-22")
val row3 = Row("2", None, "2016-12-23")
val row4 = Row("2", None, "2016-12-23")
val row5 = Row("3", 3.0, "2016-12-22")
val row6 = Row("3", 2.0, "2016-12-22")
val theRdd = sc.makeRDD(Array(row1, row2, row3, row4, row5, row6))
val schema = StructType(StructField("key", StringType, false) ::
StructField("value", DoubleType, true) ::
StructField("d", StringType, false) :: Nil)
val df = sqlContext.createDataFrame(theRdd, schema)
df.agg(mean($"value"), max($"value"), min($"value")).show()
df.groupBy("key").agg(mean($"value"), max($"value"), min($"value")).show()
|key|value| d|
| 1| 2.4|2016-12-21|
| 1| null|2016-12-22|
| 2| null|2016-12-23|
| 2| null|2016-12-23|
| 3| 3.0|2016-12-22|
| 3| 2.0|2016-12-22|
| avg(value)|max(value)|min(value)|
|2.466666666666667| 3.0| 2.0|
| 1| 2.4| 2.4| 2.4|
| 2| null| null| null|
| 3| 2.5| 3.0| 2.0|
From the output you can see that the mean, max, min functions on column 'value' of group key='1' returns '2.4' instead of null which shows that the null values were ignored in these functions. However, if the column contains only null values then these functions will return null values.
Contrary to one of the comments it is not true that nulls are ignored. Here is an approach:
This will still have an issue if there were only null values: you will need to convert Min/MaxValue to null or whatever you want to use to represent "no valid/non-null entries".
To add to other answers:
Remember the null and NaN are different things to spark:
NaN is not a number and numeric aggregations on a column with NaN in it result in NaN
null is a missing value and numeric aggregations on a column with null ignore it as if the row wasn't even there
df_=spark.createDataFrame([(1, np.nan), (None, 2.0),(3,4.0)], ("a", "b"))
| a| b|
| 1|NaN|
| 3|4.0|
[Row(avg(a)=2.0, avg(b)=nan)]

Handling NULL values in Spark StringIndexer

I have a dataset with some categorical string columns and I want to represent them in double type. I used StringIndexer for this convertion and It works but when I tried it in another dataset that has NULL values it gave java.lang.NullPointerException error and did not work.
For better understanding here is my code:
for(col <- cols){
out_name = col ++ "_"
var indexer = new StringIndexer().setInputCol(col).setOutputCol(out_name)
var indexed = indexer.fit(df).transform(df)
df = (indexed.withColumn(col, indexed(out_name))).drop(out_name)
So how can I solve this NULL data problem with StringIndexer?
Or is there any better solution for converting string typed categorical data with NULL values to double?
Spark >= 2.2
Since Spark 2.2 NULL values can be handled with standard handleInvalid Param:
import org.apache.spark.ml.feature.StringIndexer
val df = Seq((0, "foo"), (1, "bar"), (2, null)).toDF("id", "label")
val indexer = new StringIndexer().setInputCol("label")
By default (error) it will throw an exception:
org.apache.spark.SparkException: Failed to execute user defined function($anonfun$9: (string) => double)
at org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.expressions.ScalaUDF.eval(ScalaUDF.scala:1066)
Caused by: org.apache.spark.SparkException: StringIndexer encountered NULL value. To handle or skip NULLS, try setting StringIndexer.handleInvalid.
at org.apache.spark.ml.feature.StringIndexerModel$$anonfun$9.apply(StringIndexer.scala:251)
but configured to skip
| id|label|strIdx_46a78166054c__output|
| 0| a| 0.0|
| 1| b| 1.0|
or to keep
| id|label|strIdx_46a78166054c__output|
| 0| a| 0.0|
| 1| b| 1.0|
| 3| null| 2.0|
Spark < 2.2
As for now (Spark 1.6.1) this problem hasn't been resolved but there is an opened JIRA (SPARK-11569). Unfortunately it is not easy to find an acceptable behavior. SQL NULL represents a missing / unknown value so any indexing is kind of meaningless.
Probably the best thing you can do is to use NA actions and either drop:
df.na.drop("column_to_be_indexed" :: Nil)
or fill:
df2.na.fill("__HEREBE_DRAGONS__", "column_to_be_indexed" :: Nil)
before you use indexer.