Authentication for Fantasy Premier League API - Through XCode/Alamofire - swift

I am trying to use the Fantasy Premier League Api's, however for many of them I require a session token.
According to docs, in order to achieve this I need to create a POST request and send my password/login/redirect_uri. If successful I should receive my desired session token in the response headers (which I will later use in the requests needed).
Example of how the request should look
However one thing I have noticed is that the documentation contains examples using python, and I am not sure if I can achieve the same result using the XCode environment. I have no knowledge of Python and would love to know if I can achieve the authentication using only Alamofire/URLSession.
For additional info regarding this type of authentication, you can check out these posts.
Guide 1:
Guide 2:


How to correctly populate Authentication request header for Xbox Live REST APIs?

I want to use the Xbox Services REST APIs, particularly one of the achievement APIs for my very first web application that I'm building. In order to use any of these APIs, I have to include a required Authorization request header in every one of my requests. This request header must be a string populated with the following information:
Authentication credentials for HTTP authentication. Example value: "XBL3.0 x=<userhash>;<token>".
However, I'm unsure of how to properly supply the missing <userhash> and <token> expected here. I found a promising lead in a similar question asked where one of the answers suggested using "authenticate of the xbox-webapi-python to get the Authorization header". I have downloaded this repository and have access to the aforementioned script. However, I'm having trouble figuring out what I specifically need to do with it to get the information I need.
Can anyone provide some guidance here or share another way to collect this header information? I'm new to python and web development, FYI!

How to implement CyberSource REST 3D Secure

I'm trying to implement 3D Secure via CyberSource's REST API. I've got their REST SDK via : Github REST SDK and I've been using their Live Console examples as well: CyberSource Live Console
Now I know you meant to start by setting up Payer Auth via
On this link: Setup Payer API Ref
But want I'm looking for is a guide on how all the parts are put together, all their other older implementations seem to have PDF guides demonstrating the different flows of the API but I can't find anything for REST. I know at the end I should using the example of "Authorization with Payer Auth Validation" via this link Payer Auth API Ref but I need to be able to test everything, and know what properties I need to use on which API call or share between API calls.
For instance like this 3D Secure API guide: Sage Pay API Guide . On this guide they detail the various request and response messages. Different flows, such as Frictionless authentication , Challenge Auth. I'm specifically interest in the Challenge Auth flow whereby you would redirect your customer to the acsUrl received. If anyone has any guides or assistance they can provide to make this process more clear it would be greatly appreciated. We've put in requests for more information from the intermediary party we are using between CyberSource but it's slow going. Thanx all
For anyone else arriving here, there is now a CyberSource 3D-Secure REST guide here.
At this time there is not a guide for the REST API that has the complete picture. Instead you have to use the SOAP API guide here SOAP Guide. See Chapter 2 within that guide. Where that guide references SOAP API calls replace them with the REST API calls. It's not ideal but that is all that is available.

How to get Outlook Access token?

I'm using the outlook calendar rest api from Salesforce. To continuously leverage the calendar API I need to get authorisation code, access and refresh token.
I have been able to get the Authorisation code by hitting the API. How to get the access token using development code to use the outlook calendar rest API.
Please find the list of AAD authentication libraries here:
I found this tutorial in Python very helpful for getting access codes:
This tutorial uses Microsoft Graph (which covers several Microsoft products including Microsoft Outlook) rather than the outlook REST API (which covers just Outlook).
At first, I thought setting up a Django server was overkill. Then I realized that I wanted a way for my Python instance to capture the access code after going through single-sign-on. (I MUST use my browser for single-sign-on because my institution uses multi-factor authentation.) Having a Django server is a natural way to do this.
So I created a new PyCharm Django project (which is straight-forward in PyCharm) and began following the tutorial.
I found it essential to continue following the tutorial all the way through displaying my emails to avoid getting authentication errors -- deviate from the tutorial, and I got error messages (such as this one) that were unpenetrable.

Get published Office 365 calendar JSON without OAuth2 step?

Initially, the question was how to get an Office365 calendar in JSON without authentication; but, what I meant was how to get an Office365 calendar in JSON without requiring the OAuth2 step (so, for example on the server-side other authentication methods are acceptable to retrieve the calendar data).
I would like to use the Office 365 REST API to access this published calendar (i.e. the "read" operation only since the calendar is published), so that I can "style" the calendar the way I prefer. So, I am looking for a public API approach to using one of my calendars. The code examples for the Office 365 REST API that I found use OAuth to authenticate the client. This seems like overkill.
I have come up with some possible solutions, so any suggestions on the best approach is welcome.
I have a published calendar in Office365, which gives me a feed:
and the URL:
How can I do what "calendar.html" is doing, so that I can display a calendar the way I would like it to be displayed (instead of IFraming what Office365 provides)?
Here is an example URL using the REST API:
The browser will bring up a basic authentication dialog, so it looks like OAuth is not the only method required (one possible solution, the request could be proxied from a local server that is calling the REST API using basic authentication).
One issue might be that the calendar "publishing" feature is meant for a limited amount of data (e.g. 1 year prior or in the future at the most) which is what I assume is what the iCalendar (*.ics) file would contain for any request.
Using the REST API with authentication assumes that there isn't a date range restriction (since one can query the calendar using the REST API, I assume you could query further back than a year).
Possible solutions:
Proxy the request from another server by making the REST API calls using basic authentication. Caching might also be needed since it appears the response times could be slow. The calendar could be either JavaScript that consumes a local endpoint, or HTML content generated at the server.
It looks like the Office365 AuthenticationContext.AcquireTokenAsync() will accept a ClientCredential (client id and secret) or also a UserCredential (simple username and password). So, I think I can run a local proxy service that uses the Office365 library by manually passing in credentials to the function that acquires a token. (I still need to test this to make sure that the function will indeed work this way.)
Simply iFrame the "calendar.html" page provide by Office 365. (Cross domain is prevented, unless it's on one of the Microsoft hosted solutions "Something Webs".)
If using the iCalendar (*.ics) feed, then one would need a transformation function for the iCalendar format to JSON (, then JavaScript or a calendar library could be used to design a custom calendar. (This wouldn't be very convenient for viewing a year's worth of calendar events without cashing and providing a querying mechanism, except for displaying one month back and forward. So, some sort of ics2json to use on FullCalendar might work for only a couple months of calendar history.)
Any suggestions on the best approach (or another approach not listed here) is welcome.
The Office 365 APIs require Oauth2 in order to function. If you are using Visual Studio to develop your app, the O365 tools for Visual Studio + OWIN middleware will handle a lot of the oauth work for you.
If oauth is absolutely not an option, I'd consider using the EWS APIs instead, which can use basic authentication (more info on that here on MSDN).

How do i use an API

I've never used an API and was wondering how you use them... I would like to use facebook, twitter and vimeo's api,
Can someone explain the basics of using them, how do i access them and use them etc.
Please and thanks
How to use an API depends on the API. Usually the API creator has documentation on how to use their specific API.
Mostly, things work like the following:
You register to get a developer key. Then, you send requests to the service via HTTP (for example Twitter is using REST, which requires you to send XML or JSON to a specific http-URL providing your key). You get an answer from the service, which you must then parse and react to accordingly (for example filling a list with contacts, etc.).
Most of the time this all comes down to:
Create an XML or JSON document that describes the call parameters
Send the document to an URL using GET, POST or other request methods
Get the server's response
Parse and evaluate the response
The specific ways to use the API, especially performing authentication, can be found on the service's developer pages.
The best way to start if you want to use an API is to read it's documentation, find some tutorials and code examples. This is always/usually published by the one offering an API.
Good luck :)