override the mat file when using "continue" calculation in Dymola - modelica

I tried to use the "continue" calculation in Dymola, but it doesn't generate a new .mat file, which makes it hard to store the data I need.
My question is:
How could I override the .mat file when using continue calculation in Dymola?

You cannot set the file-name when using Continue (which is the same as Continue>Continue).
However, you can:
Import the final values using Continue>Import Initial and selecting dsfinal.txt
Simulating as normal. If you want a different file-name for the result it can be changed in Simulation Setup>General>Result


exe file (simulink model build method rsim) wont update input variables?

i made exe file from simulink model using rsim method. i followed this link
how to import mat file to simulink?
that means i made simulinks input to mat file called "suma", and then comppiled it, "suma" is a mat file I save my variables from GUI.
the problem is that when i change my variables in GUI, and the "suma" varibales in that mat file change, my exe file still uses the old values that i used to compile it.
here is the code
a=get(handles.abroj, 'String');
b=get(handles.bbroj, 'String');
system('file_path_for_exe_file') %this is for starting exe file?
You're mixing up the way that Simulink works when simulating a model, and the way a simulation works when it has been converted to an executable.
A good example of the steps you will need to take can be found here: Using RSim Target for Parameter Survey.

Convert dataset of .mat format to .csv octave/matlab

there are datasets in .mat format in the this site: http://www.cs.nyu.edu/~roweis/data.html
I want to change the format to .csv.
Can someone tell me how to change the format to create the .csv file.
Suppose that the .mat files from the site are available already. In the command window in Matlab, you may write, for example:
to load the .mat file; the result should be a set of matrices test0, test1, ..., train0, train1 ... created in your workspace, which you want saved as CSV files. Because they're different size, you need to save one CSV per variable, e.g. (also in the command window):
csvwrite('C:\Users\YourUserName\Downloads\mnist_test0.csv', test0);
Repeat the command for each variable, and do not forget to change also the name of the output file to avoid overwriting.
Did you tried the csvwrite function in Matlab?
Just load your .mat files with the load function and then write them with csvwrite!
I do not have a Matlab license so I installed GNU Octave 4.2.1 (2017) on Windows 10 (thank you to John W. Eaton and others). I was not fully successful using the csvwrite so I used the following workaround. (BTW, I am totally incompetent in the Octave world. csvwrite worked for simple data structures).
In the Command Window I used the following two commands
load myfile.mat
When the "myfile.mat" is loaded, the variable names for the data vectors loaded are displayed in the workspace window. This is the name(s) to use in the save command. Some .mat files will load several data structures.
The "-text" option is the default, so you may not need to include this option in the command.
The output file lists the .mat file contents in text format as single column (of potentially sequential variables). It should be easy to use you text editor to massage this data into the original matrix structure for use in whatever app you are comfortable with.
Had a similar issue. Needed to convert a series of .mat files that had two columns of numerical data into standard data files (ascii text). Note that I don't really ever use csv, but everything here could be adapted by using csvwrite instead of the standard save.
Using Octave 4.2.1 ....
load myfile.mat
LI = [L, I] ## L and I are column vectors representing my data
save myfile.txt LI
Note that L and I appear to be default variable names chosen by Octave for the two columns vectors in my original data file. Ideally a script that iterated over all files with the .mat extension in my directory would be ideal, but this got the job done. It saves the data as two space separated columns of data.
*** Update
The following script works on Octave 4.2.1 for a series of data files with the .mat extension that are in the same directory. It will iterate over them and write the data out to text files with the same name but with the extension .dat . Note that this is not efficient, so if you have a lot of files or if they are large it can take a while to run. I would suggest that you run it from the command line using octave mat2dat.m so you can actually watch it go.
I make no guarantees that this will work for you, but it did for me. I also am NOT proficient in Octave or Matlab, so I'm sure a better solution exists.
# mat2dat.m
dirlist = glob("*.mat")
for i=1:length(dirlist)
filename = dirlist{i,1}
load(filename, "L", "I")
LI = [L,I]
tmpname = filename(1:length(filename)-3)
txtname = strcat(tmpname, 'dat')
save(txtname, "LI")

is there a way to update workspace or variable editor values during running script without a break point

I would like to update variable editor at a predefined interval during a running script without having to use a break. Is this possible? I have a sim that runs for hours, I would like to be able to come back every hour and grab some values off a matrix in variable editor to play with in excel without interrupting running script. Any ideas would be greatly appreciated.
I think using assignin to copy your matrix to the base workspace should do exactly what you want. You'd need to manually reopen the variable in the editor to reflect the new data if it's changed.
If you wanted to get fancier, I imagine you could script evalin and openvar to do it for you, but I no longer have real Matlab to test with and Octave's fledgling GUI isn't there yet.

Save workspace of unknown workspace in Matlab

Is it possible to save workspace variables from a function that I am calling and cannot explicitly edit without file I/O?
I know I can use the save function to save all of the variable names in a workspace, but what if I wanted to save the workspace variables from a function that I am calling, like a built in function (mean, sum, etc).
I would like to save all of the variables from a function's workspace before it returns back to the function I am writing, and I would like to do it without opening the file each time and adding an extra line of code; is this possible?
In case anyone is interested:
I have yet to find a solution to the exact question I asked, but I found a solution that works well enough with a little extra file tracking.
Using the function onCleanup, you can specify that all the variables be saved right before the function returns to the caller. Using this and a little file parsing, you can open the code in question as a simple text file, and insert the onCleanup code anywhere in the file (easier than inserting save as the last line). Then, you can run the code and track the new .mat file using the previous file name or any naming method you choose.
That will enable you to save all the variables in a workspace just before the function exits, but it does require file parsing, see simple example below:
readFile = fopen('filename.m');
writeFile = fopen(['filename_new.m']);
%Ignore the first line (hopefully the function header, may need extra parsing if not)
functionHeader = fgets(readFile);
%Print the function header
%Print the clean-up code
%NOTE: This can go anywhere in the file
nextLine = fgets(readFile);
while ischar(nextLine)
nextLine = fgets(readFile);
With the above, a new file is created (filename_new.m) which needs to be run, and will create a mat file (filename.mat) with all of the workspace variables in it.
Now, by tracking the .mat file, you can do whatever is necessary after this point. For my purposes, I was interested in the memory used by the said function, which is available by accessing the mat object of the .mat file.
matObj = matfile('filename.mat');
stats = whos(matObj);
fileSize = sum([stats.bytes]);
Try the "save" function.
Add this line in your called function:
Here is my sample code:
a=10; b=6;
And the function is defined as:
function [out]=addition(a,b)

Workspace from a .m file won't import into a simulink model. MATLAB

I'm making a GUI with Matlab that runs an initialization file (full of variables), and then simulates a Simulink file with these variables. However, the Simulink model doesn't import these variables from the workspace into it so I get errors of undefined values, etc. Is there anyway to fix this? I'm not able to specifically tell the Simulink file what variables need to be used since I'm making this GUI for an overall usage of different initialization files/Simulink models, and the amount of variables from the initialization file is in the hundreds.
Here is my code (brief):
It's straight forward, the fullfileXXX is just the string and path to each file. This even works straight from the command line, so there must be something going on with the workspaces not matching up within the GUI.
Thanks in advance.
Sounds like your code is a function, not a script. Is that correct? If so, your function should be a script, otherwise the function has its own workspace and the Simulink model runs in the base workspace.