Failed: 09:42:58 Implicit Wait timed out after 30000ms error in Selenium IDE - selenium-ide

I have done automated testing recording my test case using Selenium IDE. I get the following error while testing out my recording in selenium IDE. How do I resolve the error?
It shows Failed:
Implicit Wait timed out after 30000ms
Click here to view the error

Im very new to automated testing and have come across this error quite a few times. I have resolved it in two different ways:
Insert a wait time of say 50000ms OR
Delete the command and set it again
I've found the latter to be more useful as it keeps the test steps down.


Query builds failed because of timeout - Azure DevOps Server

In our dev environment we have lots of repos, lots of builds and lots of buildservers, and most of the time things work just like they should - however, we are seeing an increase in builds that fail because of timeouts.
These timeouts are not happening because we are getting close to the limit, but because something "gets stuck/blocked" in the pipeline and it stays on that step until timeout kills the build.
To better debug why that happens, we need to be able to query what builds fails because of this timeout, so we for instance can see, if it is a particular build server or agent that has this problem.
We can not find anything in the API that would give us the timeout error, but we can see that the UI is able to deduct it somehow:
So far we have narrowed it down to query all builds with completed status (through this API), but we get no completion reason, and buildtimes are never exact the same as the timeout of the build defintion, so "guessing" it from the execution plan will also be a bit shaky.
How can we filter our builds down to only the builds that have timed out?
We can use the below API to get details for a build.
Note: do not add timelineId, we should list all info
If the build is canceled because of the timeout setting, we can get the message: The job running on agent Hosted Agent ran longer than the maximum time of xxx minutes. For more information, see
By the way, we can use the API Builds - List to filter all failed build. if the build is canceled due to a timeout setting. the result is failed instead of cancel.

ibm bpm - Halting of the Service timed out

When halting service in Process Admin console - using Halt service button - I get following message after a while:
Halting of the Service timed out. Most probably, the Process Server failed to halt the Service within short time period.
From what I can see, it happens only when said service has few (say in tenths)steps, when it has more (hundreds) steps, it works well.
Can somebody see cause of this and tell me what to do? Thanks.
If we fail to halt a hung or long running (infinite loop) service within a short duration, process admin console does not allow to halt it.
This is the default behavior of how halt will work. Only way to restart the server to reinstate the BPM env.

Scala Play app always times out on first request

After starting my app for the first time, the first request always times out. If I tail the logs when this request is invoked, Play appears to be doing some kind of required post compilation work- resolving the same list of dependencies that were resolved on startup and initiating the database connection. Is there any way to force this extra work on startup?
When you run in prod mode this will not happen.
Even if your not building yet for production you can
run a test instance
You will need to be sure to set an application secret

Unable to connect to update server when installing

I downloaded the installer and run it, but I get a message telling me to check my internet connection. My connection works fine, but I suspect there might be a proxy problem. Does anybody know how to remedy this?
I had this issue, but today when I started the installer (the same installer I downloaded two days ago) and there was no error message. I think the problem was caused by the server(s).
Thus, when you get this error message while installing smartface:
"Unable to connect to update server. Please check you internet connection and try again. #1"
Just wait for a day or two and start the installer again. The error message will disappear!
I have a code improvement suggestion for
I hope the error message never occurs in the future, but if it does you should correct the spelling: the word "you" in the error message is incorrect. It should be "your".

Junit fails because the Server$StartJob still running

I am running junit test on eclipse, all it does is, trying to start the server in debug mode. However, I am getting the following error:
"Job found still running after platform shutdown. Jobs should be canceled by the plugin that scheduled them during shutdown: org.eclipse.wst.server.core.internal.Server$StartJob "
there is a piece of code that is triggered from a thread and it wont hit unless the junit tests are all complete. but once the tests are done, it closes the workbench and hence server startup job is never completed.
Is there a way to wait for the job to complete and then run junit test ?
Join their family to make the executing thread block until all jobs in the family are done.
See, IProgressMonitor) and