how delete architecture in flutter apk - flutter

I'm making an app on flutter(i'm a rookie on this language), and i see on the lib folder of the app 6 architectures x86, x86_64, mips, armeabi, armeabi-v7a, arm64_v8a but to upload on the playstore just need 2 armeabi-v7a and arm64_v8a. my question is, how can i compile the app without the other 4 architectures to reduce the size of the app because with the 6 folders it is 140MB?
p/s: English is not my natural lenguaje

Looks like you're only doing flutter build hence, you're getting so many builds.
Here's what you can do,
if you're building for a play store, the recommended way to do is by building an appBundle which you can refer how to here
you can try flutter build apk --split-per-abi which will produce only 3 versions arm64-v8a, armeabi-v7a and x86 so you can extract the two and upload.
Additionally, you can build for only specific platforms by using this command
flutter build apk --target-platform android-arm64,android-arm --split-per-abi
refer this for more information on splitting.

in ../android/app/build.gradle add the lines
android {
defaultConfig {
ndk {
abiFilters "armeabi-v7a", "arm64-v8a"
built for all architectures by default


How to `flutter run` just for my architecture?

My flutter app is of course multiarchitecture and uses Rust code.
Curerently, when I do flutter run, it rebuild the Rust library for x86_64 and aarch64, even though I'm running on a phone with just aarch64 (or couse).
Is there a way to build the native binaries only for the phone target?
Hey if you want to split your output build for architecture wise, then you can use flutter build apk --split-per-abi command.

My apk weighs 150 mb, is there any way to reduce this?

I've been working on my flutter app for about two months now and the size was around and average 0f 30 - 35 mb when compiling an apk, recently I added the flutter jitsi_meet 1.0.0 dependency and now when I compile an my apk size turns out to be 156 mb.
Is it posible that the dependency is that heavy?
and if so, Is it posible to reduce it?
I ran their main.dart example and then compiled it and turn out to be 98 mb on a fat apk.
this plugin uses video handing thing this is why size increased. use split APK run this command
flutter build apk --target-platform android-arm,android-arm64,android-x64 --split-per-abi
First, run this command
flutter clean
Then the build command
Please check your release mode app size for that run below two commands on your terminal.
1. flutter clean
2. flutter build apk
Also, Google Play allows us to upload multiple apks, e.g. one per every architecture.
flutter build appbundle
Follow the instruction here:

How to obfuscate Flutter apps?

Flutter's wiki mentions obfuscation is an opt-in in release mode.
And yet, the flutter build command has no relevant option - see:
flutter help -v build apk
Am I missing something here?
Did they make obfuscation the default?
Is obfuscation even relevant for flutter?
Any pointers on this would be very appreciated.
Obfuscation is needed - a flutter app knows its function names, which can be shown using Dart's StackTrace class. There's under-tested support for obfuscation. To enable it:
For Android:
Add to the file [ProjectRoot]/android/ :
For iOS:
First, edit [FlutterRoot]/packages/flutter_tools/bin/
Locate the build aot call, and add a flag to it,
defined as:
local extra_gen_snapshot_options_or_none=""
if [[ -n "$EXTRA_GEN_SNAPSHOT_OPTIONS" ]]; then
To apply your changes, in [FlutterRoot], run
git commit -am "Enable obfuscation on iOS"
(Running "flutter" after the commit rebuilds flutter tools.)
Next, in your project, add following to [ProjectRoot]/ios/Flutter/Release.xcconfig file:
PS: Haven't tried the --save-obfuscation-map flag mentioned at
Again, obfuscation isn't very well tested, as mentioned by #mraleph.
AppBundle (recommended):
Without splitting:
flutter build appbundle --obfuscate --split-debug-info=/<directory>
flutter build appbundle --target-platform android-arm,android-arm64,android-x64 --obfuscate --split-debug-info=/<directory>
Without splitting:
flutter build apk --obfuscate --split-debug-info=/<directory>
flutter build apk --target-platform android-arm,android-arm64,android-x64 --split-per-abi --obfuscate --split-debug-info=/<directory>
PS: About Splitting:
By default, fat apk contains arm v7, arm v8 and x64 which increases apk size, which you don't want to. So, when you split it, you have separate binaries which you can upload on the store and thus reducing the size of the apk that a user would need to download.
All the above answers are correct, but no answer tells you that we need to add a relative path or directory path while generating build.
Example using Relative Path:
flutter build apk --obfuscate --split-debug-info=./ProjectFolderName/debug
Example using Folder Path:
flutter build apk --obfuscate --split-debug-info=/Users/apple/Desktop/items/debug
The above command will generate a build inside the given project directory, it will create a new folder called ProjectFolderName or 'debug' on the respective command, and there you can find the release build. this link for more info
Note: Flutter’s code obfuscation, Supported as of Flutter 1.16.2.
For Android the process is pretty clear from the doc at For Example:
export version=1.0.0
flutter build apk --release --shrink --obfuscate --split-debug-info=misc/mapping/${version}
Several files will be created such as misc/mapping/1.0.0/ (which you'll likely want to keep in VCS)
For iOS it's a bit less obvious since you often use the Xcode menu: Product > Archive
make an obfuscated build for iOS
flutter build ios --release --obfuscate --split-debug-info=misc/mapping/${version}
it creates file misc/mapping/1.0.0/app.ios-arm64.symbols
This will also modify ios/Flutter/Generated.xcconfig to include
Use Xcode menu: Product > Archive which will uses Release.xcconfig which includes updated Generated.xcconfig
#include "Generated.xcconfig"
So your uploaded Archive will now be obfuscated (you don't need to make changes to Release.xcconfig)
See also -
At the moment obfuscation is not directly exposed via the flutter CLI.
You can try to explicitly pass arguements to the gen_snapshot like this:
flutter build --extra-gen-snapshot-options=--obfuscate,--save-obfuscation-map=build/symbols.json --release
Note: that obfuscation support is not very well tested and might not work at the moment.
For iOS edit ios/Flutter/Release.xcconfig
This file should contain something like
#include "Pods/Target Support Files/Pods-Runner/Pods-Runner.release.xcconfig"
#include "Generated.xcconfig"
If you check Generated.xcconfig there is a line DART_OBFUSCATION=false
So add opposite to the end of the Release.xcconfig file to override:
#include "Pods/Target Support Files/Pods-Runner/Pods-Runner.release.xcconfig"
#include "Generated.xcconfig"
You can optionally add TREE_SHAKE_ICONS=true here to tree-shake icons as well

How to get .apk and .ipa file from flutter?

I am new to flutter programming and I've created a demo app, its running fine on both android and iOS devices. I want to see .apk and .ipa file in flutter. Can anyone help me to get these files from Flutter? Where can I see these files in folders or is there any other solution.
For apk (Android) you need to run the command :
flutter build apk --release
If you want to split the apks per abi (Split Apk) then run
flutter build apk --target-platform android-arm,android-arm64,android-x64 --split-per-abi
For ipa (iOS) you need to run the command :
flutter build ios --release
From the console
P.S. --release is optional as it is by default
if you need debug build, just replace --release with --debug
you can find the released APK or IPA files form
For Android an APK is generated every time you build the app, e.g. with flutter run. You will find that in your project folder under <project>/build/app/outputs/apk/debug/app-debug.apk. If you want a release APK, have a look at the docs.
I'm not an iOS person, so I'm not sure an IPA is generated during development as in android. But looking at these docs it seems you can follow the standard steps on xcode to get it, as shown here.
For apk (Android) run the command :
flutter build apk --release
For ipa (iOS) run the command :
flutter build ios --release
Then to get actual .ipa file, open xcode -> Product -> archive -> Distribute App -> Ad Hoc -> Export
You can then save the .ipa(which is inside the Runner folder) file in any location
I also had this question and had a really tough time finding the right solution.
First of all in the terminal of your code editor type:
flutter build apk --release
and after that go to this location:
I do not do development for iOS so I don't know much about that.
For Android, an APK is generated every time you build the app, e.g. with flutter run. You will find that in your project folder under <project>/build/app/outputs/apk/debug/app-debug.apk.
Follow below steps to get .apk and .ipa from flutter app in Mac system
First, Enter below command in your terminal to go your project directory
For android apk build to upload store, Enter below command
sudo $(FLUTTER SDK PATH till bin)/flutter build apk --release
To get ios ipa , Enter below command
sudo $(FLUTTER SDK PATH till bin)/flutter build ios --release
To get an apk, it is simple. Just use :
flutter build apk
To get an ipa, It is more complicated. First use :
flutter build ipa
Be careful to use flutter build ipa, not flutter build ios, because the second one builds a ".app" file instead of ".xcarchives" file.
Once you have the ".xcarchives" file, you can open it in XCode and click on "Distribute the app" to export an ipa file on your computer.
For iOS:
Step 1: open terminal and type cd "your flutter sdk path"
Step 2: cd export PATH=/Users/yourname/Downloads/flutter/bin:$PATH
Step 3: cd your project path
Step 4: flutter build ios --release
run step 1 to 4 in terminal.
After that open android studio and go to iOS folder path and open project.pbxproj file with ios module and in xcode you need to choose generic ios device and select archive, it will generate ipa build for you.
Android(After adding release build type run below command which will generate release apk with below version)
flutter build apk --build-name=1.0.1 --build-number=1
flutter build ios --release
For a detail explanation read the below article.
For apk, you can use flutter build apk --release to get the release version of your apk on either windows/macOS.
For ipa, you have to use flutter build ios --release to get the release version of your apk on macOS.
Note: You can get a ipa on macOS only.
If you want this apk and .ipa with flavour then you can refer below commands for internal and production.
flutter build ios --debug --flavor internal
flutter build ios --release --flavor production
flutter build apk --debug --flavor internal
flutter build apk --release --flavor production
Updated for iOS :-
first you need to go to your current working directory and run the following command;
flutter build ios --release
After successfully completion of build, you can find build on below path;
you can check below screenshots for more details.
You can find your app apk after you run the app at path

how to build apk create old version app in Flutter

I am trying to build my release app in Flutter and when I run:
flutter run
everything works fine in debugging and test mode. But when I was trying to build a release app with:
flutter build apk
it creates an old first-release app of mine. That I created before and I try to reset the computer reset android and everything but not work what can I do to reset it and clear the cache?
I'm trying almost to delete and reset everything but they don't work.
What command that I have to run to fix it and create new version release apk
The solution is easy.
Just run flutter clean and run flutter build apk after that and it generates the updated app apk.
If you want to install it directly just run flutter install after the build command.
To all the beginners If you wish to release an apk of a flutter app just do:
flutter run --release
(and make sure to connect your device to a phone)
steps to ensure your phone is connected:
1. enable usb debugging mode in your phone on version number of your phone in system settings to enter into developer mode
3. change the phone mode to transferring file mode
After you run the command
go to build->apps->output->apk
run these command
flutter clean
and after that
flutter build apk --release
Run this command for making a bundle.
flutter build appbundle --target-platform android-arm,android-arm64,android-x64
If flutter clean and flutter build apk also generates apk with old version code in your pubspec.yaml change the version like this version: 1.0.2+2
Before + it is your version name and after + sign it is your version code
NOTE: Your new version number should be in the place of 2. Or you can use different format such as 1.2+2
You can run flutter clean Then run flutter build apk --split-per-abi to split the apk. It will build three apks and you can find them in build/app/outputs/flutter-apk/
Can be done easily by Android Studio