GitHub - Remove a indexed file from "Languages" on first page - github

How can I remove this indexed HTML page, that are a documentation to one of the external librarys I use on my GitHub blob?
I have tried alot of diffrent commands, but don't find a way to remove this file from the GitHub Linguist indexer...
Here are the "Languages" that are indexed on the startpage:
[image] Languages on the startpage
The file that I want to exclude:
[image] HTML file that needs to be excluded
Code that I've tried to get it removed via ".attributes"-file in root-folder (the vendored, works... But not getting rid of this HTML-file... from the GitHub-Languages) :
### vendored:
TestProject/wwwroot/lib/* linguist-vendored
### documentations:
TestProject/wwwroot/lib/bootstrap-icons/* linguist-documentation
and tried:
TestProject/wwwroot/lib/bootstrap-icons/* -linguist-documentation
and this:
TestProject/wwwroot/lib/bootstrap-icons/docs/* linguist-documentation
and this:
TestProject/wwwroot/lib/bootstrap-icons/docs/* -linguist-documentation
and this:
TestProject/wwwroot/lib/* linguist-documentation
and this:
TestProject/wwwroot/lib/* -linguist-documentation
But I can't figure it out how to remove this file:
Please help me with the correct syntax to remove the file from being indexed as a Language in my GitHub repository, main branch. 🙂

You've got the right idea and the right Linguist overrides (either will do the trick). The problem is your path matching isn't quite right.
From the .gitattributes docs
The rules by which the pattern matches paths are the same as in .gitignore files (see gitignore[5]), with a few exceptions:
If we look in the .gitignore docs (emphasis is mine):
An asterisk "*" matches anything except a slash. The character "?" matches any one character except "/". The range notation, e.g. [a-zA-Z], can be used to match one of the characters in a range. See fnmatch(3) and the FNM_PATHNAME flag for a more detailed description.
Two consecutive asterisks ("**") in patterns matched against full pathname may have special meaning:
A trailing "/**" matches everything inside. For example, "abc/**" matches all files inside directory "abc", relative to the location of the .gitignore file, with infinite depth.
The files you're trying to ignore are in sub-directories of the paths you've specified so you need to either:
use TestProject/wwwroot/lib/** linguist-vendored to recurse, or
use TestProject/wwwroot/lib/bootstrap-icons/docs/* linguist-vendored to limit to this directory.
We can demonstrate this without even using Linguist thanks to git check-attr:
$ # Create a repo with just the one file
$ git init -q Test-Project
$ cd Test-Project
$ mkdir -p TestProject/wwwroot/lib/bootstrap-icons/docs/
$ echo "<html>" > TestProject/wwwroot/lib/bootstrap-icons/docs/index.html
$ git add -A
$ git commit -m 'Add file'
[main (root-commit) bed71b5] Add file
1 file changed, 1 insertion(+)
create mode 100644 TestProject/wwwroot/lib/bootstrap-icons/docs/index.html
$ # Add your initial override
$ git add -A && git commit -m 'attribs'
[main 7d0a0cf] attribs
1 file changed, 1 insertion(+)
create mode 100644 .gitattributes
$ # Check the attributes
$ git check-attr linguist-vendored TestProject/wwwroot/lib/bootstrap-icons/docs/index.html
TestProject/wwwroot/lib/bootstrap-icons/docs/index.html: linguist-vendored: unspecified
$ # So it doesn't have any effect.
$ # Now lets recurse
$ echo "TestProject/wwwroot/lib/** linguist-vendored" > .gitattributes
$ git add -A && git commit -m 'attribs'
[main 9007c34] attribs
1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-)
$ git check-attr linguist-vendored TestProject/wwwroot/lib/bootstrap-icons/docs/index.html
TestProject/wwwroot/lib/bootstrap-icons/docs/index.html: linguist-vendored: set
$ # Woohoo!!! It's work.
$ # Lets be specific to the docs dir
$ echo "TestProject/wwwroot/lib/bootstrap-icons/docs/* linguist-vendored" > .gitattributes
$ git add -A && git commit -m 'attribs'
[main a46f416] attribs
1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-)
$ git check-attr linguist-vendored TestProject/wwwroot/lib/bootstrap-icons/docs/index.html
TestProject/wwwroot/lib/bootstrap-icons/docs/index.html: linguist-vendored: set
$ # Woohoo!!! It's worked too

Some good troubleshooting from #lildude, shown that:
All the files was ignored correctly.
I had alot of CSHTML-files under my repository that was grouped as HTML+Razor (see this post on GitHub: GitHub linguist discussion ) .
When I clicked the "HTML"-link on startpage under language, it took me to:
But the startpage under language was telling me that I had around 40% html from the HTML+Razor search:


Mercurial - how to see the history for a specific line of code

I have a CSS file with thousands of lines of code. I want to see when a specific line/chunk of code was changed, without going back and reviewing each revision that changed this file (that will take a looooong time!)
Is there a way, using either TortoiseHg, Eclipse with a Mercurial plugin, or command-line, to view the history of a specific piece of code?
The correct answer is hg grep (Mercurial grep page).
More deep:
hg grep --all "PATTERN" FILENAME
Sample output:
>hg grep --all "textdomain" functions.php
functions.php:2:-:load_theme_textdomain('fiver', get_template_directory() . '/translation');
functions.php:2:+:load_theme_textdomain('fiver', get_template_directory() . '/languages');
functions.php:1:+:load_theme_textdomain('fiver', get_template_directory() . '/translation');
(in order - filename, revision, action, string in this revision)
You can use:
hg annotate <file>
to find out in which revision line was changed and then use same command with -r <revision> at the end to go backwards through revisions.
I don't think there is an option to view a specific part of a file. But to see the differences of the total file over several revisions you can use hg diff:
hg diff -r firstrevisionnumber:otherrevnumber filename
For example, hg diff -r 0:8 screen.css
Or the command hg log screen.css.
Use hg histgrep --all PATTERN FILENAME (used to be hg grep in the older versions, and that doesn't work anymore)

diff for patching without renaming target file

how do i create a standard patch using diff -u without using a different name for the "new" file?
when i submitted a patch for an Apache project, the committer advised that i don't need to rename the file when submitting patches. i can somewhat understand how this breaks patching since the name of the "new" file should somehow match the name of the patch target - however they can't be in the same directory with the same name.
is it okay (for ease of patching) to rename the "old" file, such that i should have used:
diff -u
instead of:
diff -u
Given an existing project 'a', copy whole project to 'b', make changes in 'b'. Generate diff between original directory and your copied directory.
E.g., checkout or download project to directory 'a', copy to 'b':
$ tree a
`-- dir
$ cp -r a b
$ tree b
`-- dir
Make changes to 'b' (and only 'b'):
$ diff -r -s a b
Files a/dir/ and b/dir/ are identical
Files a/dir/ and b/dir/ are identical
$ sed -i 's/Foo.*$/& \/* Change...*\//' b/dir/
$ diff -ruN a b | tee a.patch
diff -ruN a/dir/ b/dir/
--- a/dir/ 2012-08-02 18:41:39.444720785 -0700
+++ b/dir/ 2012-08-02 18:46:45.319932802 -0700
## -1,2 +1,2 ##
package dir;
-public class Foo {}
+public class Foo {} /* Change...*/
$ gzip a.patch
Another alternative is to store the original source in a temporary, local git repository, then use git's built-in diff to generate the patch. Or, better, if the original source is using git, then just clone the repo and work directly in the source tree itself, and (still) using git to generate the patch.

Mercurial: Converting existing folders into sub-repos

I have a Mercurial repository that looks like this:
...where SWCommon is a a library common to the other two projects. Now, I want to convert SWCommon into a sub-repository of SWClients, so I followed the instructions here and here. However, in contrast to the example in the first link I want my sub-repository to have the same name as the folder had at the beginning. In detail, this is what I have done:
Create a file map.txt as follows
include SWCommon
rename SWCommon .
Create a file .hgsub as follows
SWCommon = SWCommon
Then run
$ hg --config extensions.hgext.convert= convert --filemap map.txt . SWCommon-temp
...lots of stuff happens...
$ cd SWCommon-temp
$ hg update
101 files updated, 0 files merged, 0 files removed, 0 files unresolved
$ cd ..
$ mv SWCommon SWCommon-old
$ mv SWCommon-temp SWCommon
$ hg status
abort: path 'SWCommon/SWCommon.xcodeproj/xcuserdata/malte.xcuserdatad/xcschemes/SWCommon.xcscheme' is inside nested repo 'SWCommon'
...which is indeed the case, but why is that a reason to abort? The other strange thing is that if I do not do that last 'mv' above and I execute an 'hg status' then, I end up with lots of 'missing' files in SWCommon as you would expect. The example in the link never makes it this far and basically stops on the hg update above? How do you make it work in practice?
Not currently possible. You could create a new repo converting the original one like:
$ hg --filemap excludemap.txt SWClients SWClients-without-SWCommon
With a excludemap.txt like:
exclude "SWCommon"
And then add the subrepo there.
$ hg --filemap map.txt SWCommon SWClients-without-SWCommon/SWCommon
$ cd SWClients-without-SWCommon
$ hg add SWCommon
$ hg ci -m "Created subrepo"
See the mailing list thread that discusses this problem.

How to find out what commit a checked out file came from

When I check out a file with git checkout $commit $filename and I forget $commit but still remember $filename, how do I find out what $commit was?
First a non-git answer. Check your shell command history. Well, if you didn't use a shell with command history then you don't...
The git answer. You generally cannot find THE $commit. Generally the same contents might have been part of many commits and I don't think git keeps a log of what single file you have checked out (it keeps a log of previous values of HEAD)
Here is a brute force script git-find-by-contents. Call it with your $filename as parameter, and it will show you all commits where this file was included. As the name says
it searches by contents. So it will find files with any name, as long as the contents matches.
#! /bin/sh
tmpdir=/tmp/$(basename $0)
mkdir $tmpdir 2>/dev/null
rm $tmpdir/* 2>/dev/null
hash=$(git hash-object $1)
echo "finding $hash"
allrevs=$(git rev-list --all)
# well, nearly all revs, we could still check the log if we have
# dangling commits and we could include the index to be perfect...
for rev in $allrevs
git ls-tree --full-tree -r $rev >$tmpdir/$rev
cd $tmpdir
grep $hash *
rm -r $tmpdir
I would not be surprised if there is a more elegant way, but this has worked for me a couple of times in similar situations.
EDIT: a more techy version of the same problem appears here: Which commit has this blob?
I don't think you can. Git just loads that version of the file into the index and your working dir. There is no reference keeping track of what version it loaded
If this is something that you do often, you could write up a script that could do it using git diff --cached and march through all the commits that changed that file.
You can use
git log <filename>
to find out which commit you want to checkout
If you're lucky, you could maybe try a non-git way:
history | grep "git checkout.*filename"
Try this (untested ;):
$ for commit in $(git log --format=%h $filename); do
> if diff <(git show $commit:$filename) $filename >/dev/null; then
> echo $commit
> fi
> done
Simple and elegant:
$ git log -S"$(cat /path/to/file)"
Only works if the content is unique, then again that's the same for the hash-comparison answers that came before.
It also displays only the first version that matches, rather than all.
Here are the details of a script I polished up as the answer to a similar question, and here you can see it in action:

How do I get a list of commit comments from CVS since last tagged version?

I have made a bunch of changes to a number of files in a project. Every commit (usually at the file level) was accompanied by a comment of what was changed.
Is there a way to get a list from CVS of these comments on changes since the last tagged version?
Bonus if I can do this via the eclipse CVS plugin.
UPDATE: I'd love to accept an answer here, but unfortunately none of the answers are what I am looking for. Frankly I don' think it is actually possible, which is a pity really as this could be a great way to create a change list between versions (Assuming all commits are made at a sensible granularity and contain meaningful comments).
I think
cvs -q log -SN -rtag1:::tag2
cvs -q log -SN -dfromdate<todate
will do what you want. This lists all the versions and comments for all changes made between the two tags or dates, only for files that have changed. In the tag case, the three colons exclude the comments for the first tag. See cvs -H log for more information.
The options for the cvs log command are available here. Specifically, to get all the commits since a specific tag (lets call it VERSION_1_0)
cvs log -rVERSION_1_0:
If your goal is to have a command that works without having to know the name of the last tag I believe you will need to write a script that grabs the log for the current branch, parses through to find the tag, then issues the log command against that tag, but I migrated everything off of CVS quite a while ago, so my memory might be a bit rusty.
If you want to get a quick result on a single file, the cvs log command is good. If you want something more comprehensive, the best tool I've found for this is a perl script called This can generate a change list in several different formats. It has many different options, but I've used the tag-to-tag options like this: --delta dev_release_1_2_3:dev_release_1_6_8
or --delta dev_release_1_2_3:HEAD
I have also done comparisons using dates with the same tool.
I know you have already "solved" your problem, but I had the same problem and here is how I quickly got all of the comments out of cvs from a given revision until the latest:
$ mkdir ~/repo
$ cd ~/repo
$ mkdir cvs
$ cd cvs
$ scp -pr .
$ mkdir -p my/favorite
$ cd my/favorite
$ scp -pr .
$ cd ~/repo
$ mkdir -p ~/repo/svn/my/favorite/project
$ cvs2svn -s ~/repo/svn/my/favorite/project/src ~/repo/cvs/my/favorite/project/src
$ mkdir ~/work
$ cd ~/work
$ svn checkout file:///home/geek/repo/svn/my/favorite/project/src/trunk ./src
$ cd src
$ # get the comments made from revision 5 until today
$ svn log -r 5:HEAD
$ # get the comments made from 2010-07-03 until today
$ svn log -r {2010-07-03}:HEAD
The basic idea is to just use svn or git instead of cvs :-)
And that can be done by converting the cvs repo to svn or git using cvs2svn or cvs2git, which we should be doing anyway. It got my my answer within about three minutes because I had a small repository.
Hope that helps.
Something like this
cvs -q log -NS -rVERSION_3_0::HEAD
Where you probably want to pipe the output into egrep to filter out the stuff you don't want to see. I've used this:
cvs -q log -NS -rVERSION_3_0::HEAD | egrep -v "RCS file: |revision |date:|Working file:|head:|branch:|locks:|access list:|keyword substitution:|total revisions: |============|-------------"