activerecord unique constraint on multiple records - postgresql

how should I write the activerecord migration to reflect this :
c1 data_type,
c2 data_type,
c3 data_type,
UNIQUE (c2, c3)
This adds a unique constraint on one column, but what I'm looking for is to create the unique constraint on the combination of 2 columns, like explained in the section Creating a UNIQUE constraint on multiple columns.
More precisely: I have a table account and a table balance_previous_month.
class CreateBalance < ActiveRecord::Migration[6.1]
def change
create_table :balance_previous_month do |t|
t.decimal :amount, :precision => 8, :scale => 2 :value_date
t.belongs_to :account, foreign_key: true
Since we're in January, the value date (i.e. balance at the end of the previous month) is 2020-12-31.
I want to put a constraint on the table balance_previous_month where per account_id, there can be only one value_date with a given amount. The amount can be updated, but a given account can't have 2 identical value_dates.

The link you added to the other post is not exactly equivalent to your request since one answer talks about enforcing uniqueness through the model while the other talks about using an index while in your example you are using a constraint. (Check this for more information on the difference between them).
There are 2 places where you can enforce uniqueness, application and database and it can be done in both places at the same time as well.
So if you want to enforce uniqueness by using an index you can use this:
def change
add_index :table, [:c2, :c3], unique: true
If you want to add a constraint as in your example you will have to run a direct sql query in your migration as there is no built-in way in rails to do that.
def up
execute <<-SQL
ADD UNIQUE (c2, c3)
Check the link above for more info about the difference between them.
Enforcing uniqueness through the model:
validates :c2, uniqueness: { scope: :c3 }

Thanks to Daniel Sindrestean, this code works :
class CreateBalance < ActiveRecord::Migration[6.1]
def change
create_table :balance_previous_month do |t|
t.decimal :amount, :precision => 8, :scale => 2 :value_date
t.belongs_to :account, foreign_key: true
execute <<-SQL
ALTER TABLE balance_previous_month
ADD UNIQUE (account_id, value_date) # ActiveRecord creates account_id


How to config hibernate isolation level for postgres

I have a table ErrorCase in postgres database. This table has one field case_id with datatype text. Its value is generated by format: yymmdd_xxxx. yymmdd is the date when the record insert to DB, xxxx is the number of record in that date.
For example, 3th error case on 2019/08/01 will have the case_id = 190801_0003. On 08/04, if there is one more case, its case_id will be 190804_0001, and go on.
I already using trigger in database to generate value for this field:
total integer;
SELECT (COUNT(*) + 1) INTO total FROM public.ErrorCase WHERE create_at = current_date;
IF (NEW.case_id is null) THEN
NEW.case_id = to_char(current_timestamp, 'YYMMDD_') || trim(to_char(total, '0000'));
And in Spring Project, I config the application properties for jpa/hibernates:
type: com.zaxxer.hikari.HikariDataSource
url: jdbc:postgresql://localhost:5432/table_name
username: postgres
password: postgres
poolName: Hikari
auto-commit: false
database-platform: io.github.jhipster.domain.util.FixedPostgreSQL82Dialect
database: POSTGRESQL
show-sql: true
properties: true
hibernate.connection.provider_disables_autocommit: true
hibernate.cache.use_second_level_cache: true
hibernate.cache.use_query_cache: false
hibernate.generate_statistics: true
Currently, it generates the case_id correctly.
However, when insert many records in nearly same time, it generates the same case_id for two record. I guess the reason is because of the isolation level. When the first transaction not yet committed, the second transaction do the SELECT query to build case_id. So, the result of SELECT query does not include the record from first query (because it has not committed yet). Therefore, the second case_id has the same result as the first one.
Please suggest me any solution for this problems, which isolation level is good for this case???
"yymmdd is the date when the record insert to DB, xxxx is the number of record in that date" - no offense but that is a horrible design.
You should have two separate columns, one date column and one integer column. If you want to increment the counter during an insert, make that date column the primary key and use insert on conflict. You can get rid that horribly inefficient trigger and more importantly that will be safe for concurrent modifications even with read committed.
Something like:
create table error_case
error_date date not null primary key,
counter integer not null default 1
Then use the following to insert rows:
insert into error_case (error_date)
values (date '2019-08-01')
on conflict (error_date) do update
set counter = counter + 1;
No trigger needed and safe for concurrent inserts.
If you really need a text column as a "case ID", create a view that returns that format:
create view v_error_case
select concat(to_char(error_date, 'yymmdd'), '_', to_char(counter, '0000')) as case_id,
... other columns
from error_case;

I'm trying to insert tuples into a table A (from table B) if the primary key of the table B tuple doesn't exist in tuple A

Here is what I have so far:
INSERT INTO Tenants (LeaseStartDate, LeaseExpirationDate, Rent, LeaseTenantSSN, RentOverdue)
SELECT CURRENT_DATE, NULL, NewRentPayments.Rent, NewRentPayments.LeaseTenantSSN, FALSE from NewRentPayments
WHERE NOT EXISTS (SELECT * FROM Tenants, NewRentPayments WHERE NewRentPayments.HouseID = Tenants.HouseID AND
NewRentPayments.ApartmentNumber = Tenants.ApartmentNumber)
So, HouseID and ApartmentNumber together make up the primary key. If there is a tuple in table B (NewRentPayments) that doesn't exist in table A (Tenants) based on the primary key, then it needs to be inserted into Tenants.
The problem is, when I run my query, it doesn't insert anything (I know for a fact there should be 1 tuple inserted). I'm at a loss, because it looks like it should work.
Your subquery was not correlated - It was just a non-correlated join query.
As per description of your problem, you don't need this join.
Try this:
insert into Tenants (LeaseStartDate, LeaseExpirationDate, Rent, LeaseTenantSSN, RentOverdue)
select current_date, null, p.Rent, p.LeaseTenantSSN, FALSE
from NewRentPayments p
where not exists (
select *
from Tenants t
where p.HouseID = t.HouseID
and p.ApartmentNumber = t.ApartmentNumber

Using Ecto for Postgres fulltext search on GIN indexes

I have a simple model:
schema "torrents" do
field :name, :string
field :magnet, :string
field :leechers, :integer
field :seeders, :integer
field :source, :string
field :filesize, :string
And I want to search based on the name. I added the relevant extensions and indexes to my database and table.
def change do
create table(:torrents) do
add :name, :string
add :magnet, :text
add :leechers, :integer
add :seeders, :integer
add :source, :string
add :filesize, :string
execute "CREATE EXTENSION pg_trgm;"
execute "CREATE INDEX torrents_name_trgm_index ON torrents USING gin (name gin_trgm_ops);"
create index(:torrents, [:magnet], unique: true)
I'm trying to search using the search term, but I always get zero results.
def search(query, search_term) do
from(u in query,
where: fragment("? % ?",, ^search_term),
order_by: fragment("similarity(?, ?) DESC",, ^search_term))
SELECT t0."id", t0."name", t0."magnet", t0."leechers", t0."seeders", t0."source",
t0."filesize", t0."inserted_at", t0."updated_at" FROM "torrents"
AS t0 WHERE (t0."name" % $1) ORDER BY similarity(t0."name", $2) DESC ["a", "a"]
Is something wrong with my search function?
My initial guess is that because you're using the % operator, the minimum limit to match is too high for your queries. This limit defaults to 0.3 (meaning that the strings' trigrams are 30% similar). If this threshold isn't met, no results will be returned.
If that is the issue, this threshold is configurable in a couple of ways. You can either use set_limit (docs here), or set the limit on a per query basis.
The set_limit option can be a bit of a hassle, as it needs to be set per connection every time. Ecto (through db_connection) has an option to set a callback function for after_connect (docs here).
To change the limit per query, you can use the similarity function in the where clause, like this:
def search(query, search_term, limit = 0.3) do
from(u in query,
where: fragment("similarity(?, ?) > ?",, ^search_term, ^limit),
order_by: fragment("similarity(?, ?) DESC",, ^search_term))
To start, I would try that with a limit of zero to see if you get any results.

How do I add a migration for uniqueness on two columns where I lowercase one column?

I have two columns that store strings, :column_a, and :column_b.
I know that I can do:
add_index :table, [:column_a, :column_b], unique: true
But, I need to achieve the following:
add_index :table, [:column_a, 'lower(column_b)'], unique: true
This of course errors out when I try to migrate.
I get an error that lower(column_b) is not a column.
I am using PostgreSQL.
Honestly, at this point, I'm thinking of just having a column called column_b_lowercase that I index on.
I decided to just use SQL. Here is the code.
class AddUniqueIndexingForLowercaseColumn < ActiveRecord::Migration
def self.up
execute "CREATE UNIQUE INDEX table_column_a_lowercase_column_b_index ON table(column_a, lower(column_b))"
def self.down
remove_index :table, :table_column_a_lowercase_column_b_index

an empty row with null-like values in not-null field

I'm using postgresql 9.0 beta 4.
After inserting a lot of data into a partitioned table, i found a weird thing. When I query the table, i can see an empty row with null-like values in 'not-null' fields.
That weird query result is like below.
689th row is empty. The first 3 fields, (stid, d, ticker), are composing primary key. So they should not be null. The query i used is this.
select * from st_daily2 where stid=267408 order by d
I can even do the group by on this data.
select stid, date_trunc('month', d) ym, count(*) from st_daily2
where stid=267408 group by stid, date_trunc('month', d)
The 'group by' results still has the empty row.
The 1st row is empty.
But if i query where 'stid' or 'd' is null, then it returns nothing.
Is this a bug of postgresql 9b4? Or some data corruption?
I added my table definition.
stid integer NOT NULL,
d date NOT NULL,
ticker character varying(15) NOT NULL,
mp integer NOT NULL,
settlep double precision NOT NULL,
prft integer NOT NULL,
atr20 double precision NOT NULL,
upd timestamp with time zone,
ntrds double precision
CREATE TABLE st_daily2
CONSTRAINT st_daily2_pk PRIMARY KEY (stid, d, ticker),
CONSTRAINT st_daily2_strgs_fk FOREIGN KEY (stid)
CONSTRAINT st_daily2_ck CHECK (stid >= 200000 AND stid < 300000)
INHERITS (st_daily)
The data in this table is simulation results. Multithreaded multiple simulation engines written in c# insert data into the database using Npgsql.
psql also shows the empty row.
You'd better leave a posting at
Some questions:
Could you show use the table
definitions and constraints for the
How did you load your data?
You get the same result when using
another tool, like psql?
The answer to your problem may very well lie in your first sentence:
I'm using postgresql 9.0 beta 4.
Why would you do that? Upgrade to a stable release. Preferably the latest point-release of the current version.
This is 9.1.4 as of today.
I got to the same point: "what in the heck is that blank value?"
No, it's not a NULL, it's a -infinity.
To filter for such a row use:
case when mytestcolumn = '-infinity'::timestamp or
mytestcolumn = 'infinity'::timestamp
then NULL else mytestcolumn end IS NULL
instead of:
WHERE mytestcolumn IS NULL