How to implement a PUT request in Vue 3 - rest

I am trying to implement a PUT request to the REST API.
I have a list of users and when I click an update button, I would like to show a modal and allow the user to update any of the fields (name, email, image URL). The main concern is that I am struggling with how to format the PUT request.
This is my current solution
// template (UserCrud.vue)
<button #click="update(user._id)">Update</button>
// script
components: { Create },
setup() {
const state = reactive({
users: [],
onMounted(async () => {
const { data } = await axios.get(`/users`)
state.users = data
async function update(id) {
await axios.put(`/users/${id}`)
state.users = ???
return { state, destroy, addUser }
Here is some sample data:
"_id": "6012303e37711c03e87363b7",
"name": "Tyler Morales",
"email": "",
"avatar": "HTTP://
For reference, this is how I create a new user using the POST method:
export default {
components: { Modal },
emits: ['new-user-added'],
setup(_, { emit }) {
const isModalOpen = ref(false)
const state = reactive({
form: {
name: '',
email: '',
avatar: '',
async function submit() {
const { data } = await'/users', state.form)
emit('new-user-added', data) = '' = ''
state.form.avatar = ''
isModalOpen.value = false
return { isModalOpen, submit, state }
Check this repo for the complete repo: the files are UserCrud.vue & Create.vue

You should pass the user object as parameter then send it as body for the put request by setting the id as param :
<button #click="update(user)">Update</button>
async function update(user) {
let _user={...user,name:'Malik'};//example
await axios.put(`/users/${user._id}`,_user);
const { data } = await axios.get(`/users`)
state.users = data
You could use the same code of adding new user for the update by defining a property called editMode which has true in update mode and based on this property you could perform the right request
export default {
components: { Modal },
emits: ['new-user-added','user-edited'],
setup(props, { emit }) {
const isModalOpen = ref(false)
const state = reactive({
form: {
name: '',
email: '',
avatar: '',
state.form=props.user;//user to edit
async function submit() {
const { data } = await axios.put('/users/'+props.user._id, state.form)
emit('user-edited', data)
const { data } = await'/users', state.form)
emit('new-user-added', data) = '' = ''
state.form.avatar = ''
isModalOpen.value = false
return { isModalOpen, submit, state }


Can't access Pinia changed state in Prisma API call in a Nuxt 3 app

Somehow I when I make an API call using Prisma I can access only the default state:
import dbClient from '~/server/utils';
import { useTextStore } from '~/pinia/text'
export default defineEventHandler(async (event) => {
const { id } = event.context.params
const text = useTextStore()
const updatedText = await dbClient.opus.update({
where: {
id: parseInt(id),
data: {
content: text.content
return {
statusCode: 200,
body: text.content
Here's the Pinia store code:
import { defineStore } from 'pinia'
export const useTextStore = defineStore({
id: 'text',
state: () => {
return {
editor:'Введите текст',
actions: {
updateText(newContent) {
this.editor = newContent
getters: {
content: state => state.editor,
The state changes are shared across components and pages but can't get through to the eventHandler. Is it Nuxt 3 or some other mistake I should look into?

Next-Auth CredentialsProvider really slow

The following works fine, but I have noticed that it is really slow login in a client. How can I make it faster?
import NextAuth from "next-auth"
import CredentialsProvider from "next-auth/providers/credentials"
import { ObjectId } from 'mongodb'
import { MongoDBAdapter } from "#next-auth/mongodb-adapter"
import clientPromise from "../../../lib/mongodb";
import { v4 as uuidv4 } from 'uuid';
var CryptoJS = require("crypto-js");
const sFinder = async (task, token) => {
const client = await clientPromise;
const database = client.db('DRN1');
const ses = await database.collection('sessions');
switch (task) {
case 1:
const result = await ses.find({
"userId": ObjectId(token.uuid)
if (!result) {
return 202;
return result[0].sessionToken
case 2:
const insertResult = await ses.insertOne({"userId":token.uuid, "sessionToken":token.accessToken});
if (!insertResult) {
return 203;
return insertResult
case 3:
var expdate = new Date(token.exp * 1000);
const UpdateResult = await ses.updateOne({"userId":ObjectId(token.uuid), "sessionToken":token.accessToken},
{ $set: {"expires": expdate}}, { upsert: true });
if (!UpdateResult) {
return 203;
return UpdateResult
} catch(e){
export default NextAuth({
adapter: MongoDBAdapter(clientPromise),
session: {
strategy: 'jwt',
jwt: true,
providers: [
name: 'DRN1',
credentials: {
username: { label: "Username", type: "text"},
password: { label: "Password", type: "password" }
async authorize(credentials, req) {
const client = await clientPromise;
const database = client.db('DRN1');
const users = await database.collection('users');
const result = await users.findOne({
username: credentials.username,
if (!result) {
throw new Error('No user found with the username');
var bytes = CryptoJS.AES.decrypt(result.password, process.env.PASS_ENC);
var decryptedData = bytes.toString(CryptoJS.enc.Utf8);
//Check hased password with DB password
if(decryptedData != credentials.password){
throw new Error('Password doesnt match');
return {uuid:result._id, username: result.username, email:, type:result.type, "sessionID":uuidv4()};
} catch(e){
callbacks: {
signIn: async ({ user, account, profile, email, credentials }) => {
account.accessToken = user.sessionID
account.uuid = user.uuid
const test = await sFinder(2,account)
return true
jwt: async ({ token, account }) => {
if (account) {
token.uuid = account.uuid
token.accessToken = account.accessToken
const lastUsedToken = await sFinder(1,token)
const updateTokenExpire = await sFinder(3,token)
if(lastUsedToken != token.accessToken){
// console.log("I have made it an error")
token.error = 555;
return token
session: async ({ session, token, user }) => {
session.uuid = token.uuid
//OAUTH Accounts
session.accessToken = uuidv4()
session.accessToken = token.accessToken
if(token.error == 555){
session.error = 555
return session
error: 'signin'
theme: {
colorScheme: "dark", // "auto" | "dark" | "light"
brandColor: "", // Hex color code
logo: "" // Absolute URL to image
I believe what is slowing it down is the following
callbacks: {
signIn: async ({ user, account, profile, email, credentials }) => {
account.accessToken = user.sessionID
account.uuid = user.uuid
const test = await sFinder(2,account)
return true
jwt: async ({ token, account }) => {
if (account) {
token.uuid = account.uuid
token.accessToken = account.accessToken
const lastUsedToken = await sFinder(1,token)
const updateTokenExpire = await sFinder(3,token)
if(lastUsedToken != token.accessToken){
// console.log("I have made it an error")
token.error = 555;
return token
session: async ({ session, token, user }) => {
session.uuid = token.uuid
//OAUTH Accounts
session.accessToken = uuidv4()
session.accessToken = token.accessToken
if(token.error == 555){
session.error = 555
return session
Mainly all the awaits, but the await functions are to make sure the user is not login on another device. As we log the old devices out automatically.

Prisma: how to write transaction where results from one query are used by another query

I'm working on a project with Next.js and Prisma. In one of my API routes, I have a three queries. The results of the first and second queries are used in the third query. I'd like to do all three operations as a transaction and then return the data from the first query in the response.
I'm familiar with using prisma.$transaction but I don't know how to write it in this case where results #1 and #2 are used by query #3. Here are the queries as they are written now. Thanks in advance!
const { boardId } = req.body
const { description, status, title } = req.body.task
const createTask = await prisma.task.create({
data: {
board: boardId,
const statusArray = await prisma.board.findUnique({
where: {
id: boardId
select: {
[status]: true
const updateBoardStatusArray = await prisma.board.update({
where: {
id: boardId
data: {
[status]: {
set: [...statusArray[status],]
// return data from first query
res.status(201).json({task: createTask})
Here you go:
const { boardId } = req.body;
const { description, status, title } = req.body.task;
const [createTask] = await prisma.$transaction(async (prisma) => {
const createTask = await prisma.task.create({
data: {
board: boardId,
const statusArray = await prisma.board.findUnique({
where: {
id: boardId,
select: {
[status]: true,
const updateBoardStatusArray = await prisma.board.update({
where: {
id: boardId,
data: {
[status]: {
set: [...statusArray[status],],
return [createTask, statusArray, updateBoardStatusArray];
// return data from first query
res.status(201).json({ task: createTask });
You can learn more about Interactive Transaction here

Adding multiple items to mongodb

I have this schema with
const userSchema = new mongoose.Schema(
skills: [{ name: { type: String, unique: true }, level: { type: Number } }],
and I am trying, after getting an array of objects from the client, to add all of them at once under a user in MongoDB
my old implementation when it was only an array is this one below. I have no idea how to go about it now tho. Could anyone help me?
const { email } = session;
const { skill } = req.body;
if (req.method === 'POST') {
try {
const user = await User.findOne({ email });
const updatedUser = await User.findOneAndUpdate(
{ email },
{ skills: [...user.skills, { name: skill }] }
const { email } = session;
// object from the client
const { skills } = req.body;
if (req.method === 'POST') {
try {
const updatedUser = await User.findOneAndUpdate(
{ email },
{ $set: {skills} }
the best is getting the array correctly formatted from front-end, if not use a map before call findOneAndUpdate

(intermediate value).sendEmail(...).promise is not a function

I'm using aws-sdk in my service to send emails. I'm getting below exception to a code which was working fine before.
const aws = require('aws-sdk');
var params = {
Destination: {
ToAddresses: [
Message: {
Body: {
Html: {
Charset: "UTF-8",
Text: {
Charset: "UTF-8",
Data: "this is sample"
Subject: {
Charset: 'UTF-8',
Data: 'Test email'
Source: 'AWS Services<>'
ReplyToAddresses: [
// Create the promise and SES service object
var emailPromise = new aws.SES({apiVersion: '2010-12-01'}).sendEmail(params).promise();
// Handle promise's fulfilled/rejected states
function(data) {
//my logic on success goes here
function(err) {
//my logic on error goes here
I have tried using different API calls for email from AWS but all returns the same error.
Avoid require ALL aws-sdk if it's just to use a single service. For using SES, you can yarn add #aws-sdk/client-ses and then use it const { SESClient, SendEmailCommand } = require("#aws-sdk/client-ses");
I show you here a full exemple of sending email with SES in a nodeJS lambda function:
const {
} = require("#aws-sdk/client-ses");
const REGION = "eu-west-3"; // Use you AWS region
const ses = new SESClient({ region: REGION });
exports.handler = async function (event) {
const path = event.path;
if (path === "/send-email") {
const peopleAmount = 12;
const params = {
Source: "John Wick <>",
Destination: {
ToAddresses: [""],
Message: {
Body: {
Html: {
Data: `<span>This email is about <b>${peopleAmount}</b> people.</span>`,
Subject: {
Data: "Email Title",
try {
const data = await ses.send(new SendEmailCommand(params));
return {
statusCode: 200,
body: peopleAmount,
} catch (e) {
console.error(e, e.stack);
return {
statusCode: 400,
body: "Sending failed",
I hope it helps, here is documentation to use SES email template.