Change XML Value of element with specific Attribute in Powershell - powershell

i just can't wrap my head around XML so please help me.
i have following small xml file
<Group Name="OSD">
<Value key="1">1809</Value>
<Value key="2">1909</Value>
<Value key="3">1909.1</Value>
<Value key="4">20H2</Value>
<Group Name="Office">
<Value key="1">Standard</Value>
<Value key="2">Professional</Value>
<Value key="3">Student</Value>
now i want to change the Value of e.g. Group Name=OSD Value key=3 to lets say "1909.2"
but i do not how to tell Powerhsell to set inner text to THAT specific Element.
i have tryed to SelectSingleNode
and i get thet far
and now i don't now how to get further.

You can use the following xPath to get the node with Group Name=OSD Value key=3:
Here is a full example to change the text value:
$xml = [xml]#"
<Group Name="OSD">
<Value key="1">1809</Value>
<Value key="2">1909</Value>
<Value key="3">1909.1</Value>
<Value key="4">20H2</Value>
<Group Name="Office">
<Value key="1">Standard</Value>
<Value key="2">Professional</Value>
<Value key="3">Student</Value>
# find the node to change
$node = $xml.SelectSingleNode("//OSDCollBuild/Group[#Name='OSD']/Value[#key='3']")
# change the value
$node.InnerText = "1909.2"
# dump the xml to verify the change
<Group Name="OSD">
<Value key="1">1809</Value>
<Value key="2">1909</Value>
<Value key="3">1909.2</Value>
<Value key="4">20H2</Value>
<Group Name="Office">
<Value key="1">Standard</Value>
<Value key="2">Professional</Value>
<Value key="3">Student</Value>


xpath extract field name and "column" name from jdo mapping

First time dealing with xpath and XML data. I have below xpath query that I got through some Stack Overflow answers. Below, I want to extract all the column names
with t(x) as (
('<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<package name="mypackage">
<class name="mytable">
<jdbc-class-map type="base" pk-column="id" table="public.mytable" />
<jdbc-version-ind type="version-number" column="version" />
<jdbc-class-ind type="myclass" column="jdoclass" />
<field name="majorVersion">
<jdbc-field-map type="value" column="majorversion" />
<field name="minorVersion">
<jdbc-field-map type="value" column="minorversion" />
<field name="patchVersion">
<jdbc-field-map type="value" column="patchversion" />
<field name="version">
<jdbc-field-map type="value" column="version0" />
<field name="webAddress">
<jdbc-field-map type="value" column="webaddress" />
unnest(xpath('./package/class/field/text()', x)) as "fieldname",
unnest(xpath('./package/class/field/jdbc-field-map/text()', x)) as "columns"
from t
The above query returns fieldname empty and coluns as null. I understand there is some problem with the XML path.
I expect to see field name and column lists
fieldName columns
majorversion majorversion
minorversion minorversion
If you want to turn XML into a "table", this is typically done much easier using xmltable()
select info.*
from t
cross join xmltable('/mapping/package/class/field' passing x
columns fieldname text path '#name',
"column" text path './jdbc-field-map/#column') as info
Online example
I was able to achieve the result by
with myTempTable(myXmlColumn) as (
values ('<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<package name="mypackage">
<class name="mytable">
<jdbc-class-map type="base" pk-column="id" table="public.mytable" />
<jdbc-version-ind type="version-number" column="version" />
<jdbc-class-ind type="myclass" column="jdoclass" />
<field name="majorVersion">
<jdbc-field-map type="value" column="majorversion" />
<field name="minorVersion">
<jdbc-field-map type="value" column="minorversion" />
<field name="patchVersion">
<jdbc-field-map type="value" column="patchversion" />
<field name="version">
<jdbc-field-map type="value" column="version0" />
<field name="webAddress">
<jdbc-field-map type="value" column="webaddress" />
unnest(xpath('//package/class/field/jdbc-field-map/#column', myTempTable.myXmlColumn))::text AS columns,
unnest(xpath('//package/class/field//#name', myTempTable.myXmlColumn))::text AS fieldName
FROM myTempTable
fieldName columns
"majorversion" "majorVersion"
"minorversion" "minorVersion"
"patchversion" "patchVersion"
"version0" "version"
"webaddress" "webAddress"

Error: text index required for $text query

I would like to know how to add text type indexes in my ODM configuration by XML to solve this problem and search by name.
Thanks for everything.
PD: I'm sorry for my English.
<document name="App\Document\Doc" db="db" collection="collection"
<id field-name="id" strategy="INCREMENT" type="int"/>
<field field-name="code" name="code" type="string"/>
<field field-name="name" name="name" type="string"/>
<field field-name="type" name="type" type="string"/>
After digging into some code I found this works:
<document name="App\Document\Doc" db="db" collection="collection"
<id field-name="id" strategy="INCREMENT" type="int"/>
<field field-name="code" name="code" type="string"/>
<field field-name="name" name="name" type="string"/>
<field field-name="type" name="type" type="string"/>
<index name="fts">
<key name="code" order="text" />
<key name="name" order="text" />
<key name="type" order="text" />
However the keyword order seems counterintuitive.

compile error ADF-jdeveloper

I have error, when i try compile project
<?xml version = '1.0' encoding = 'UTF-8'?>
<markers xmlns="">
<list n="markers">
<value n="code" v="0"/>
<value n="column" v="33"/>
<value n="description" v="Error(15,33): expecting '}', found ')' # line 15, column 33."/>
<list n="events">
<value n="event-description" v="Rebuild AgreementsTab.jpr"/>
<value n="event-id" v="f873829b-b9ed-43b9-bebd-87b1f37a7b34"/>
<value n="event-timestamp" v="1500964315640"/>
<value n="id" v="682fb1ce-a184-4887-b32c-79af1c9c3453"/>
<value n="lastUpdated" v="1500964325979"/>
<value n="line" v="15"/>
<url n="markableURL" path="../../../JDeveloper/mywork/agreements_tab_rebuild/AgreementsApp.jws"/>
<value n="severity" v="0"/>
<value n="timestamp" v="1500964325870"/>
<value n="type" v="oracle.jdeveloper.compiler.CompilerProblemMarker"/>
.jws file don't have ) and What reason this error?
15 Line: <value n="" v=""/>
How solve this problem?
I encountered a similar kind of error in my application.
Error(17,19): expecting ')', found '=' # line 17, column 19.
But, later I found that there was an syntax error in one of the Groovy expressions.
So, you can check the *.bcs files for the error in your application.
I hope this helps you.

When I run my vxml application I get this syntax error

I get this error when I run my vxml app;
"ECMAScript runtime error: Compilation produced 1 syntax
errors.\n\nWhile evaluating:\n\"var acc_no = [37492414, 94190610,
23228367, 39574988, 64742440];\n\t\t\t\t\tfunction checkAccount(arr,
val) {\n\t\t\t\t\treturn arr.some(arrVal => val ===
arrVal);\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t} \"";
Here's my vxml script where the error arises:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<vxml xmlns:voxeo=""
version="2.1" xml:lang="en-US"
<property name="inputmodes" value="dtmf"/>
<property name="termchar" value="#"/>
<property name="interdigittimeout" value="2s"/>
<property name="bargein" value="false"/>
<var name = "accountNumber"/>
<var name = "pinNumber"/>
<form id="userAuth" scope="document">
<var name="iMaxTries" expr="3"/>
<var name="iTriesAcc" expr="0"/>
<var name="iTriesPin" expr="0"/>
<var name="fatal" expr="'We are having technical difficulties validating your credentials. Try back later.'"/>
<catch event="event.pinNumber.invalid">
<!-- increment the attempt counter; if the count is exceeded, disconnect -->
<assign name="iTriesPin" expr="iTriesPin+1"/>
<if cond="iMaxTries == iTries">
<value expr="fatal"/>
<!-- clear is unnecessary on a nomatch, but we use the same code to handle a bad filled -->
<clear namelist="pinNumber"/>
<catch event="event.accountNumber.invalid">
<!-- increment the attempt counter; if the count is exceeded, disconnect -->
<assign name="iTriesAcc" expr="iTriesAcc+1"/>
<if cond="iMaxTries == iTries">
<value expr="fatal"/>
<!-- clear is unnecessary on a nomatch, but we use the same code to handle a bad filled -->
<clear namelist="accountNumber"/>
<!-- exec this on the first and second noinput/nomatch -->
<!-- each event has its own counter -->
<catch event="noinput">
I'm sorry. I didn't get you.
<reprompt />
<!-- exec this on the third nomatch -->
<catch event="nomatch">
<throw event="event.password.invalid"/>
<!-- silently disconnect on the third noinput -->
<catch event="noinput" count="3">
<field name="accountNumber" type="digits?length=8">
<prompt> Please enter your account number followed by the pound key. </prompt>
<grammar mode="dtmf" version="1.0" root="pin"
<rule id="digit" scope="public" >
<item> 0 </item>
<item> 1 </item>
<item> 2 </item>
<item> 3 </item>
<item> 4 </item>
<item> 5 </item>
<item> 6 </item>
<item> 7 </item>
<item> 8 </item>
<item> 9 </item>
<rule id="pin" scope="public">
<item repeat="8">
<ruleref uri="#digit"/>
<tag>out += rules.latest( );</tag>
<script> <![CDATA[
var acc_no = [37492414, 94190610, 23228367, 39574988, 64742440];
function checkAccount(arr, val) {
return arr.some(arrVal => val === arrVal);
]]> </script>
<var name="chk_acc" expr="checkAccount(acc_no, accountNumber);"/>
<if cond="chk_acc =='true'">
<goto next="#pinNumber"/>
<prompt>Sorry, Account number not recognised. </prompt>
<throw event="event.accountNumber.invalid"/>
<field name="pinNumber" type="digits?length=4">
<prompt> please enter your four digit pin followed by the pound key. </prompt>
<grammar mode="dtmf" version="1.0" root="pin"
<rule id="digit" scope="public" >
<item> 0 </item>
<item> 1 </item>
<item> 2 </item>
<item> 3 </item>
<item> 4 </item>
<item> 5 </item>
<item> 6 </item>
<item> 7 </item>
<item> 8 </item>
<item> 9 </item>
<rule id="pin" scope="public">
<item repeat="4">
<ruleref uri="#digit"/>
<tag>out += rules.latest( );</tag>
<script> <![CDATA[
var pin_no = [2414, 0610,8367, 4988, 2440];
function checkPin(arr, val) {
return arr.some(arrVal => val === arrVal);
]]> </script>
<var name="chk_pin" expr="checkPin(pin_no, pinNumber);"/>
<if cond="chk_pin =='false'">
<prompt>Sorry, you have entered is an invalid pin. Please try again </prompt>
<throw event="event.pinNumber.invalid"/>
<filled mode="all" namelist="accountNumber pinNumber">
<script> <![CDATA[
var accDetails = [
{acc_name: 'Lawrence Burkins', account: 37492414, pin: 2414, acc_type: 'checking', acc_bal: 2372351.74 , acc_br:'Montreal'},
{acc_name: 'Ola Macaulay', account: 94190610, pin: 0610, acc_type: 'checking', acc_bal: 908242.49 , acc_br:'Tisdale'},
{acc_name: 'Judy Cefalu', account: 23228367, pin: 8367, acc_type: 'checking', acc_bal: 15700526.57 , acc_br:'Toronto'},
{acc_name: 'Mellisa Garcia', account: 39574988, pin: 4988, acc_type: 'checking', acc_bal: 568201.26 , acc_br:'Prince Albert'},
{acc_name: '', account: 64742440, pin: 2440, acc_type: 'checking', acc_bal: 1952000.00 , acc_br:'Fort McMurray'},
function accDetails(details) {
return details.account === accountNumber ;
var newDetail = accDetails.find(accDetails);
var myDetail = [newDetail];
var myBal = myDetail.slice(0, 4);
]]> </script>
<var name = "accountBalance" expr = "myBal.toString()"/>
Your Checking account balance is <prosody rate="slow"><say-as type="currency"> $ + <value class="currency" expr="accountBalance"/> </say-as></prosody>
<goto next="after_bal.vxml"/>
I am still new to vxml and ecmascript.
The ECMAScript in question seems to be syntactically correct:
var acc_no = [37492414, 94190610, 23228367, 39574988, 64742440];
function checkAccount(arr, val) {
return arr.some(arrVal => val === arrVal);
I would suggest breaking this piecemeal and reduce the complexity of the VXML code to debug it. Use a very basic VXML file with one simple field, put the above ECMAScript in the filled section and then see if you get the same error. If you do, move the script further up in the code (i.e not in the filled section) and again check if you get the same error.
The error statement is a bit confusing because of the linefeeds etc. Does the error message look like that when you see it the first time?

DGML - Add weight to link

How do I add weight or value to the Edges or Link in a DGML file?
<?xml version='1.0' encoding='utf-8'?>
<DirectedGraph xmlns="">
<Node Id="a" Label="a" Size="10" />
<Node Id="b" Background="#FF008080" Label="b" />
<Node Id="c" Label="c" Start="2010-06-10" />
<Link Source="a" Target="b" />
<Link Source="a" Target="c" />
<Property Id="Background" Label="Background" DataType="Brush" />
<Property Id="Label" Label="Label" DataType="String" />
<Property Id="Size" DataType="String" />
<Property Id="Start" DataType="DateTime" />
I would like to be able to assign a weight or value to the lines between each node to designate the strength between the nodes.
You can add weights to each link by adding a label field with a value to each of the Link Sources. The numbers will appear beside the arrows on your graph.
<Link Source="a" Target="b" Label="5" />
<Link Source="a" Target="c" Label="6" />
Additionally, the background color of each node can be changed by creating Category groups and assigning that group to each node.
<Category Id="Orange" Background="Orange" />
<Category Id="Yellow" Background="Yellow" />
<Node Id="a" Category="Orange" />
<Node Id="b" Category="Yellow" />
Here's an example that uses a link Weight Style to do it:
<DirectedGraph xmlns="">
<Node Id="Banana" UseManualLocation="True" />
<Node Id="Test" UseManualLocation="True" />
<Link Source="Test" Target="Banana" Priority="10"/>
<Link Source="Test" Target="Green" />
<Property Id="Bounds" DataType="System.Windows.Rect" />
<Property Id="UseManualLocation" DataType="System.Boolean" />
<Style TargetType="Link">
<Setter Property="Weight" Expression="Priority" />