I wanted to fetch "Custom Search Style" dimension from Google Adsense - adsense

In the dimension and metrics link:
I couldn't.find anything related to Style ID or Style name.
Can someone help?

The documentation page you linked has all of the available API dimensions. Unfortunately, Style ID and Style Name are not available.


Facebook meta / share - change provider ("By website.com" text)

Is it possible to change the provider text for a website article when it gets shared on facebook?
Right now, when someone shares something off one of our websites, there will be the following provider text below the title and description in the sharing dialogue:
I am wondering if we can somehow either remove the "BY COMPANYDOMAIN.COM" or change it to something else (for instance "BY BLOG AUTHOR").
Thank you in advance
Should be the og:site_name meta tag that’s responsible for that, https://developers.facebook.com/docs/sharing/opengraph/object-properties#standard
Also, depending on which object type you choose, an author/publisher can be explicitly specified as well (although those must point to a Facebook user profile or page), for example for the article type, https://developers.facebook.com/docs/reference/opengraph/object-type/article/#properties

Facebook URL Graph Search - Page Queries

I am looking to generate a list of URLS or FB ID's for a set of existing Facebook Pages. Ultimately the initial query I am looking to run is simple: Find all NEW facebook pages created in City XYZ.
The term NEW, is open to interpretation. It could mean "Created this month" Or newer relative others in a set (these details are not important at the moment) . Also, "Pages" refers to fan pages (not user profiles).
I have identified 3 possible approaches. Both of which I am hoping to get some input on. Regarding feasibility and process.
Option 1) Somehow leverage Facebook's Graph API and develop some time of web application to generate a list of all Pages, then filter by city, then filter by date created.
Option 2 (Best Case)) Write or generate a custom Graph Search URL with embedded search criteria and leverage FBs existing search feature to get results. A great example of this approach is used by the tool searchisback.com. Only this tool is used to do advanced searches on People, but I need advanced searches on Pages.
Option 3) Locate a tool that already does this that I can use.
I again hoping to get some input and possible some direction/recommendations.
I should also mention that I actually know very little about Facebook APIs and Facebook Development. My position right now is of some who knows what they want to do, but no idea how to do it.
Option 1: Not possible, you can only search for Pages by name, the Graph Search is not available with the API. Those are all the options: https://developers.facebook.com/docs/graph-api/using-graph-api#search
Option 2: See answer to option 1.
Option 3: There are tools that list Pages, but they all have to add them manually. So there is not really a tool that does what you want to achieve.
In short: What you want to do is not possible.

Grouping for website pages on google search

I have a website slateone.com, When I search slateone.com on google it gives me a search result with a group of links together as a single search. Whereas when I search for slateone it gives me the same links separately without any grouping.
I tried testing the same kind of search for popular websites like facebook and google shows same group search result for both facebook.com and facebook.
Please guide me on this issue.
Thanks in Advance!!
You are actually referring to sitelinks, they are completely automated and not editable.
Now your website first of all needs to have the title attribute in the tags defined, this will surely help the algorithm of Google to find them, but note that does not mean that this is the solution.
The exact algorithm is known only to Google, the fix i mentioned will make the links more readable for the bots, this will surely help.
The official information can be found here: https://support.google.com/webmasters/answer/47334?hl=en

Open Graph product schema enum property values

I would like to know what are the allowed values for the Open Graph og:product type, og:availability property. It is defined as an enum property (see http://graph.facebook.com/schema/og/product#availability).
I have struggled for a while trying to make Open Graph product tags work according to Pinterest Rich Pins specification without any success. (see http://developers.pinterest.com/rich_pins/ -> Open Graph -> availability). The example there works fine, both Facebook and Pinterest debuggers parse it correctly.
<meta property="og:availability" content="instock" />
But if this value is changed by any of the ones which are described in the Rich Pins documentation (in stock", "preorder", "backorder", "out of stock", "discontinued"). Both Facebook and Pinterest debuggers fail to parse the content of this og:availability property.
Also the documented value documented in Rich Pins for the meta tag property looks wrong to me but og:availability and product:availability are valid ones
The latest version of the Facebook documentation lists the following as valid values for the og:availability property: instock, oos, pending.
The correct answer for "instock" is "in stock" with space. After many tries, and consulting the product Schema, this works.

Google Custom Search Element: Styling Ads

I added a Google Custom Search Element to my website. I already modified the look and feel of the CSE to my website, but I can't modify the look of the ads element since it is inside an Iframe.
Does anybody know how to set-up the style of the ads Iframe? I want do put in a background color and change the font.
This feature seems to be available only for Google Site Search customers. If you are one, you'll be able to recieve your search results as an XML feed, and apply a presentation layer on the raw data. All the details on how to do this are available at the official Google Custom Search site.
You can try this api for AdSence search - https://developers.google.com/custom-search-ads/docs/implementation-guide?hl=en , but you can't make ads view like search results.