Mongodb atlas dedicated cluster: how to create peering connection with AWS and then access the cluster without whitelisting ips - mongodb

We have a dedicated M10 cluster in Mongodb Atlas, on which I have created a peering connection with AWS to incorporate security using VPC. I have followed this Mongodb document for configuring peering connection between AWS and cluster.
The peering connection is created successfully and is active now. But the thing is, I am unable to connect to cluster without whitelisting my IP. When I try to connect without whitelisting the IP, it gives below error:
Something went wrong MongooseServerSelectionError: Could not connect
to any servers in your MongoDB Atlas cluster. One common reason is
that you're trying to access the database from an IP that isn't
whitelisted. Make sure your current IP address is on your Atlas
cluster's IP whitelist:
While after whitelisting the IP, I am able to connect to cluster successfully from local environment.
What do I need to access a cluster within VPC using application? I can not use the option IP whitelisting as every user's IP can not be whitelisted.
I have already whitelisted CIDR block as mentioned by the above documentation.

IP whitelisting is separate from peering. Peering determines the network, whitelisting determines who on the network is allowed access.
If you want to allow access from anything that has physical connectivity to the database, whitelist the entire world (


Mongodb Atlas Google Cloud peering fails with an ip range in the local network overlaps with an ip range in an active peer

I have a GCP Project "A" where I had previously added VPC peering with MongoDB Atlas:
This way my development GKE cluster (whose VPC range is will support peering when accessing MongoDB. So far everything works as expected.
Now I've provisioned another GKE cluster for preproduction, with its own VPC range on I've also created another database in the same Mongo cluster "app-pre" and wanted to add VPC peering for the new cluster.
I followed the same steps:
Mongo Atlas: add peering connection for GCP project "A", VCP name and CIDR
GCP Create Peering Connection
The problem is I get the following error:
An ip range in the local network ( overlaps with an ip range ( in an active peer of the peer network
Posting this as an answer in order to help other people.
What #john-hanley mentions is correct, basically you can't have 2 or more VPC peerings when they are using overlapping IP ranges, this is because GCP routes would be created with the same "priority" and therefore it would be confusion as to where to send a packet to those routes.
The message you are getting is basically that you are already using one range this way and intend to use this very same range "" again.

Connecting MongoDB Atlas to Kubernetes EKS Cluster on AWS

I'm trying to setup an VPC Peering from my MongoDB Atlas Cluster to my Kubernetes EKS Cluster on AWS. The Peering is established successfully but i get no connection to the cluster on my pod's.
The peering is setup.
The default entry for the whitelist ist added as well. Once the connection works i will replace it with a security Group.
The peering on AWS is accepted and "DNS resolution from requester VPC to private IP" is enabled.
The route as been added to the Public Route Table of the K8S Cluster.
When i connect to a pod and try to establish a connection with the following command:
# mongo "mongodb://,," --ssl --authenticationDatabase admin --username JackBauer
I get "CONNECT_ERROR" for every endpoint.
What am I missing?
I've just created a new paid cluster and the VPC is working perfectly. Might this feature be limited to paid clusters only?
Well... as the documentation states:
You cannot configure Set up a Network Peering Connection on M0 Free
Tier or M2/M5 shared clusters.
Peering is not working on shared Cluster. Which makes, after i think about it, totally sense.

How to reach hosted postgres in GCP from Kubernetes cluster, directly to private IP

So, I created a postgreSQL instance in Google Cloud, and I have a Kubernetes Cluster with containers that I would like to connect to it. I know that the cloud sql proxy sidecar is one method, but the documentation says that I should be able to connect to the private IP as well.
I notice that a VPC peering connection was automatically created for me. It's set for a destination network of, which is where the instance is, with a "Next hop region" of us-central1, where my K8s cluster is.
And yet when I try the private IP via TCP on port 5432, I time out. I see nothing in the documentation about have to modify firewall rules to make this work, but I tried that anyway, finding the firewall interface in GCP rather clumsy and confusing compared with writing my own rules using iptables, but my attempts failed.
Beyond going to the cloud sql sidecar, does anyone have an idea why this would not work?
Does your GKE cluster meet the environment requirements for private IP? It needs to be a VPC enabled cluster on the same VPC and region as your Cloud SQL instance.
In the end, the simplest thing to do was to just use the google cloud sql proxy. As opposed to a sidecar, I have multiple containers needing db access so I put the proxy into my cluster as its own container with a service, and it seems to just work.
If your instance of cloud SQL or compute both in the same VPC then only you can create a VPC peering over private IP.
From cloud SQL compute VM you can choose the VPC and subnet and also setup same for the GKE and you can make the connection from pod to cloud sql.

How can I access external MongoDB server on ec2 instance from an app running inside Kubernetes cluster created with kops?

I am having a situation where my MongoDB in running on a separate ec2 instance and my app is running inside a kubernetes cluster created by kops. Now I want to access the DB from the app running inside k8s.
For this, I tried VPC peering between k8s VPC and ec2 instance' VPC. I tried setting requester VPC as k8s VPC and acceptor VPC as instance' VPC. After that, I've also added an ingress rule in ec2 instance' security group for allowing access from k8s cluster's security group on port 27017.
But, when I ssh'd into the k8s node and tried with telnet, the connection failed.
Is there anything incorrect in the procedure? Is there any better way to handle this?
CIDR blocks:
MongoDB VPC -
What are the CIDR blocks of the two VPCs? They mustn't overlap. In addition, you need to make sure that communication is allowed to travel both ways when modifying the security groups. That is, in addition to modifying your MongoDB VPC to allow inbound traffic from the K8s VPC, you need to make sure the K8s VPC allows inbound traffic from the MongDB VPC.
First , this does not seems to be kubernetes issue.
Make sure you have the proper route from kubernetes to mongodb node and vice versa
Make sure the required ports are open in security groups of VPCs
Allow inbound traffic from kubernetes vpc to monogdb vpc
Allow inbound traffic from mongodb vpc to kubernetes vpc
Make sure the namespace security allows the inbound and bound traffic

How do I Allow Fargate cluster to access external mongodb database instance

I have built a Fargate cluster which is running my website. The service starts the task for the website properly but stops when it gets to trying to connect to my database instance.
MongoError: failed to connect to server [123.456.789.0:27017] on first connect [MongoError: connection 0 to 123.456.789.0:27017 timed out]
How do I add the Fargate cluster to the security group on my database instance. I don't have a public ip address for the fargate cluster that I can find or a range. I can't find any proper guides on the aws documentation that go over this.
If mongo is running outside your vpc
If you are running fargate inside private subnet of VPC. The ip
address will be NAT ip address found here NAT GATEWAY
If it's running inside public subnet. You can assign public ip address to your fargate task using network interfaces.
Late to the party (2022) but the way to to this is not using IP addresses but, instead, by adding the ECS SecurityGroup to the inbound rules of whatever we're trying to access (ex: RDS). So, in the RDS inbound SecurityGroup rules, instead of using IP addresses, you'd enter the ECS SecurityGroup identified (example: sg-asdkmh778e7tugfkjhb).