Converting Fields to Ints, Doubles, ect. in Scala in Spark Shell RDD - scala

I have an assignment where I need to load a csv dataset in a spark-shell using, and accomplish the following:
Convert the dataset to RDD
Remove the heading (first record (line) in the dataset)
Convert the first two fields to integers
Convert other fields except the last one to doubles. Questions marks should be NaN. The
last field should be converted to a Boolean.
I was able to do steps 1 and 2 with the following code:
//load the dataset as an RDD
val dataRDD ="block_1.csv").rdd //output is org.apache.spark.rdd.RDD[org.apache.spark.sql.Row] = MapPartitionsRDD[14] at rdd at <console>:23
dataRDD.count() //output 574914
//import Row since RDD is of Row
import org.apache.spark.sql.Row
//function to recognize if a string contains "id_1"
def isHeader(r : Row) = r.toString.contains("id_1")
//filter function will take !isHeader function and apply it to all lines in dataRDD and the //return will form another RDD
val nohead = dataRDD.filter(x => !isHeader(x))
nohead.count() //output is now 574913
nohead.first //output is [37291,53113,0.833333333333333,?,1,?,1,1,1,1,0,TRUE]
nohead //output is org.apache.spark.rdd.RDD[org.apache.spark.sql.Row] = MapPartitionsRDD[15] at filter at <console>:28
I'm trying to convert the fields but every time I use a function like toDouble I get an error stating not a member of:
:25: error: value toDouble is not a member of
if ("?".equals(s)) Double.NaN else s.toDouble
I'm not sure what I'm doing wrong and I've taken a look at the website
but I still don't know what I'm doing wrong.
I'm not sure how to convert something if there isn't a toDouble, toInt, or toBoolean function.
Can someone please guide me in the right direction to figure what I'm doing wrong? Where I can possibly look to answer? I need to convert the first two fields to integers, the other fields except for the last one to doubles. Question marks should be NaN. The last field should be converted to Boolean.

Convert the first two fields to integers
Convert other fields except the last one to doubles. Questions marks should be NaN. The last field should be converted to a Boolean.
You can do both 3 and 4 at once using a parse function.
First create the toDouble function since it is used in the parse function:
def toDouble(s: String) = {
if ("?".equals(s)) Double.NaN else s.toDouble
def parse(line: String) = {
val pieces = line.split(',')
val id1 = pieces(0).toInt
val id2 = pieces(1).toInt
val scores = pieces.slice(2, 11).map(toDouble)
val matched = pieces(11).toBoolean
(id1, id2, scores, matched)
After you do this, you can call parse on each row in your RDD using map; however, you still have the type issue. To fix this, you could convert nohead from an RDD[Row] to an RDD[String]; however its probably easier to just convert the row to a string as you pass it:
val parsed = => parse(line.mkString(",")))
This will give parsed as type: RDD[(Int, Int, Array[Double], Boolean)]


How to convert multidimensional array to dataframe using Spark in Scala?

This is my first time using spark or scala so I am a newbie. I have a 2D array, and I need to convert it to a dataframe. The sample data is a joined table that is in the form of rectangle (double), point (a,b) also doubles, and a boolean of whether or not the point lies within the rectangle. My end goal is to return a dataframe with the name of the rectangle, and how many times it appears where ST_contains is true. Since the query returns all the instances where it is true, I simply am trying to sort by rectangle (they are named as doubles) and count each occurrence. I put that in an array and then try to convert it to a dataset. Here is some of my code and what I have tried:
// Join two datasets (not my code)
spark.udf.register("ST_Contains",(queryRectangle:String, pointString:String)=>(HotzoneUtils.ST_Contains(queryRectangle, pointString)))
val joinDf = spark.sql("select rectangle._c0 as rectangle, point._c5 as point from rectangle,point where ST_Contains(rectangle._c0,point._c5)")
// above join gets a view with rectangle, point, and true. so I need to loop through and count how many for each rectangle
//sort by rectangle asc first
var a = Array.ofDim[String](1, 2)
for (row <- joinDf.rdd.collect){
var count = 1
var previous_r = -1.0
var r = row.mkString(",").split(",")(0).toDouble
var p = row.mkString(",").split(",")(1).toDouble
var c = row.mkString(",").split(",")(2).toDouble
if (previous_r != -1){
if (previous_r == r){
//add another to the count
count = count + 1
//stick the result in an array
a ++= Array(Array(previous_r.toString, count.toString))
previous_r = r
//create dataframe from array and return it
val df = spark.createDataFrame(a).toDF()
But I keep getting this error:
inferred type arguments [Array[String]] do not conform to method createDataFrame's type parameter bounds [A <: Product]
val df = spark.createDataFrame(a).toDF()
I also tried it without the .toDf() portion and still no luck. I tried it without the createDataFrame command and just the .toDf but that did not work either.
A few things here:
createDataFrame has multiple variations and the one you end up trying is probably:
def createDataFrame[A <: Product : TypeTag](data: Seq[A]): DataFrame
Array[String] is no Seq[A <: Product]: String is not a Product.
The fastest approach I can think of is go into a Seq and then a DataFrame:
import spark.implicits._
Array("some string")
or parallelize the Array[String] into a RDD[String] and then create the DataFrame.
That second toDF() has no value, createDataFrame already returns a DataFrame (if it worked).

Spark: format of an rdd to convert to dataframe

Assuming I am having the following rdd:
val rdd = sc.parallelize(Seq(('a'.toString,1.1,Array(1.1,2.2),0),
>>>rdd: org.apache.spark.rdd.RDD[(String,Double,Array[Double],Int)]
And I want to write the output to csv format by using .write.format("com.databricks.spark.csv") which takes a dataframe.
So firstly i need to convert the current schema to -> rdd[(String, String, String, String, String)] and after convert it to df. I tried the following: { case((a,b,c,d)) => (a,b,c.mkString(","),d)}
but this outputs:
Any idea how to do it?
To work with Tuples, you have to know how many elements you're going to put in them and define the use case yourself. Hence, to work with variable number of elements, you'll probably need to work with some collection.
For your use case, something like this can work: { case((a,b,c,d)) => a +: (b +: c) :+ d}.map(_.mkString(","))
This will result in an RDD[String] corresponding to each line of the csv file.
You're prepending and appending the other elements to the Array "c" to result in a single Array.

converting all elements of an RDD[string] to float in scala

I'm trying to convert all the values of RDD[string] to float
The RDD contains data similar to this
an so on
RDD is in RDD[string] format.
I need to calculate the sum of all these values and hence need to convert them into float.
I found a code for this problem in python, but I need it in scala
python code :
val massData1 = [map(float,i) for i in massData]
massData is the RDD[string]
Can anyone please tell me how I can add all the values in the RDD [string] by converting them into float.
Suppose you have an strRDD which contains string, do transform as below:
val doubleRDD =
Then add them up:
val result = doubleRDD.reduce(_ + _)

Spark DataFrame zipWithIndex

I am using a DataFrame to read in a .parquet files but than turning them into an rdd to do my normal processing I wanted to do on them.
So I have my file:
val dataSplit = sqlContext.parquetFile("input.parquet")
val convRDD = dataSplit.rdd
val columnIndex = convRDD.flatMap(r => r.zipWithIndex)
I get the following error even when I convert from a dataframe to RDD:
:26: error: value zipWithIndex is not a member of
Anyone know how to do what I am trying to do, essentially trying to get the value and the column index.
I was thinking something like:
val dataSplit = sqlContext.parquetFile(inputVal.toString)
val schema = dataSplit.schema
val columnIndex = dataSplit.flatMap(r => 0 until schema.length
but getting stuck on the last part as not sure how to do the same of zipWithIndex.
You can simply convert Row to Seq:
convRDD.flatMap(r => r.toSeq.zipWithIndex)
Important thing to note here is that extracting type information becomes tricky. Row.toSeq returns Seq[Any] and resulting RDD is RDD[(Any, Int)].

How to transform Array[(Double, Double)] into Array[Double] in Scala?

I'm using MLlib of Spark (v1.1.0) and Scala to do k-means clustering applied to a file with points (longitude and latitude).
My file contains 4 fields separated by comma (the last two are the longitude and latitude).
Here, it's an example of k-means clustering using Spark:
What I want to do is to read the last two fields of my files that are in a specific directory in HDFS, transform them into an RDD<Vector> o use this method in KMeans class:
train(RDD<Vector> data, int k, int maxIterations)
This is my code:
val data = sc.textFile("/user/test/location/*")
val parsedData = => Vectors.dense(s.split(',').map(fields => (fields(2).toDouble,fields(3).toDouble))))
But when I run it in spark-shell I get the following error:
error: overloaded method value dense with alternatives: (values:
Array[Double])org.apache.spark.mllib.linalg.Vector (firstValue:
Double,otherValues: Double*)org.apache.spark.mllib.linalg.Vector
cannot be applied to (Array[(Double, Double)])
So, I don't know how to transform my Array[(Double, Double)] into Array[Double]. Maybe there is another way to read the two fields and convert them into RDD<Vector>, any suggestion?
Previous suggestion using flatMap was based on the assumption that you wanted to map over the elements of the array given by the .split(",") - and offered to satisfy the types, by using Array instead of Tuple2.
The argument received by the .map/.flatMap functions is an element of the original collection, so should be named 'field' (singluar) for clarity. Calling fields(2) selects the 3rd character of each of the elements of the split - hence the source of confusion.
If what you're after is the 3rd and 4th elements of the .split(",") array, converted to Double:
or if you want all BUT the first to fields converted to Double (if there may be more than 2):
There're two 'factory' methods for dense Vectors:
def dense(values: Array[Double]): Vector
def dense(firstValue: Double, otherValues: Double*): Vector
While the provided type above is Array[Tuple2[Double,Double]] and hence does not type-match:
(Extracting the logic above:)
val parseLineToTuple: String => Array[(Double,Double)] = s => s=> s.split(',').map(fields => (fields(2).toDouble,fields(3).toDouble))
What is needed here is to create a new Array out of the input String, like this: (again focusing only on the specific parsing logic)
val parseLineToArray: String => Array[Double] = s=> s.split(",").flatMap(fields => Array(fields(2).toDouble,fields(3).toDouble)))
Integrating that in the original code should solve the issue:
val data = sc.textFile("/user/test/location/*")
val vectors = => Vectors.dense(parseLineToArray(s))
(You can of course inline that code, I separated it here to focus on the issue at hand)
val parsedData = => Vectors.dense(s.split(',').flatMap(fields => Array(fields(2).toDouble,fields(3).toDouble))))