Get fail constraint name from DataIntegrityViolationException with spring-data-r2dbc and postgresql - spring-data-r2dbc

I have some constraints in a postgresql database (unique, foreign key...).
I use spring data r2dbc repository : ReactiveCrudRepository
I would like to transform the DataIntegrityViolationException throw by the repository to some custom exception based on the constraintName in ErrorDetails field of PostgresqlDataIntegrityViolationException.
But ExceptionFactory class containing the PostgresqlDataIntegrityViolationException is package private. So I can't cast the cause exception of DataIntegrityViolationException to PostgresqlDataIntegrityViolationException.
What is the cleanest way to access to the constraintName when I catch a DataIntegrityViolationException ?
(something better than parsing the exception message ^^)
edit :
I'm ended with this solution :
val DataIntegrityViolationException.pgErrorDetails: ErrorDetails
get() = when(val cause = this.cause) {
null -> error("cause should not be null")
else -> cause.javaClass
.apply { isAccessible = true }
.let { it.get(cause) as ErrorDetails }
} -> {
PostgresqlException pe =(PostgresqlException) cause.getCause();
ErrorDetails ed = pe.getErrorDetails();
Take into account that DataIntegrityViolationException is just a spring boot wrapper for the dbDriver's Exceptions you're using, in this case R2DBC.
Also you may need to change the scope of R2DBC-POSTGRES dependency from "runtime" to "implementation".
Finally notice my code example is on java, I'm sure you won't have efforts translating it to kotlin.


Spring JPA native query to '#IdClass' annotated table and getting "No Dialect mapping for JDBC type: 1111" [duplicate]

I'm working on a Spring JPA Application, using MySQL as database. I ensured that all spring-jpa libraries, hibernate and mysql-connector-java is loaded.
I'm running a mysql 5 instance. Here is a excerpt of my file:
When executing an integration test, spring startsup properly but fails on creating the hibernate SessionFactory, with the exception:
org.hibernate.MappingException: No Dialect mapping for JDBC type: 1111
I think my dialects should be Mysql5Dialect, I also tried the one explicitly stating InnoDB, and the two dialect options which don't indicate the version 5. But I always end up with the same 'No Dialect mapping for JDBC type: 1111' message.
My file resides in the test/resources source folder. It is recognized by the JUnit Test runner (I previously got an exception because of an typo in it).
Are the properties I'm setting wrong? I couldn't find some official documentation on these property names but found a hint in this stackoverflow answer:
Looking forward for your answers, thanks!
BTW The application is already using spring boot.
I got the same error because my query returned a UUID column. To fix that I returned the UUID column as varchar type through the query like "cast(columnName as varchar)", then it worked.
public interface StudRepository extends JpaRepository<Mark, UUID> {
#Query(value = "SELECT Cast(stuid as varchar) id, SUM(marks) as marks FROM studs where group by stuid", nativeQuery = true)
List<Student> findMarkGroupByStuid();
public static interface Student(){
private String getId();
private String getMarks();
Here the answer based on the comment from SubOptimal:
The error message actually says that one column type cannot be mapped to a database type by hibernate.
In my case it was the java.util.UUID type I use as primary key in some of my entities. Just apply the annotation #Type(type="uuid-char") (for postgres #Type(type="pg-uuid"))
There is also another common use-case throwing this exception. Calling function which returns void. For more info and solution go here.
I got the same error, the problem here is UUID stored in DB is not converting to object.
I tried applying these annotations #Type(type="uuid-char") (for postgres #Type(type="pg-uuid") but it didn't work for me.
This worked for me. Suppose you want id and name from a table with a native query in JPA. Create one entity class like 'User' with fields id and name and then try converting object[] to entity we want. Here this matched data is list of array of object we are getting from query.
#Query( value = "SELECT CAST(id as varchar) id, name from users ", nativeQuery = true)
public List<Object[]> search();
public class User{
private UUID id;
private String name;
List<User> userList=new ArrayList<>();
for(Object[] data:matchedData){
userList.add(new User(UUID.fromString(String.valueOf(data[0])),
Suppose this is the entity we have
Please Check if some Column return many have unknow Type in Query .
eg : '1' as column_name can have type unknown
and 1 as column_name is Integer is correct One .
This thing worked for me.
Finding the column that triggered the issue
First, you didn't provide the entity mapping so that we could tell what column generated this problem. For instance, it could be a UUID or a JSON column.
Now, you are using a very old Hibernate Dialect. The MySQL5Dialect is meant for MySQL 5. Most likely you are using a newer MySQL version.
So, try to use the MySQL8Dialect instead:
Adding non-standard types
In case you got the issue because you are using a JSON column type, try to provide a custom Hibernate Dialect that supports the non-standard Type:
public class MySQL8JsonDialect
extends MySQL8Dialect{
public MySQL8JsonDialect() {
Types.OTHER, JsonStringType.class.getName()
Ans use the custom Hibernate Dialect:
If you get this exception when executing SQL native queries, then you need to pass the type via addScalar:
JsonNode properties = (JsonNode) entityManager
"SELECT properties " +
"FROM book " +
"WHERE isbn = :isbn")
.setParameter("isbn", "978-9730228236")
.addScalar("properties", JsonStringType.INSTANCE)
"High-Performance Java Persistence",
Sometimes when you call sql procedure/function it might be required to return something. You can try returning void: RETURN; or string (this one worked for me): RETURN 'OK'
If you have native SQL query then fix it by adding a cast to the query.
CAST('yourString' AS varchar(50)) as anyColumnName
In my case it worked for me.
In my case, the issue was Hibernate not knowing how to deal with an UUID column. If you are using Postgres, try adding this to your resources/
Another simple explanation might be that you're fetching a complex Type (Entity/POJO) but do not specify the Entity to map to:
String sql = "select yourentity.* from {h-schema}Yourentity yourentity";
return entityManager.createNativeQuery(sql).getResultList();
simply add the class to map to in the createNativeQuery method:
return entityManager.createNativeQuery(sql, Yourentity.class).getResultList();
In my case the problem was that, I forgot to add resultClasses attribute when I setup my stored procedure in my User class.
#NamedStoredProcedureQuery(name = "find_email",
procedureName = "find_email", resultClasses = User.class, //<--I forgot that.
parameters = {
#StoredProcedureParameter(mode = ParameterMode.IN, name = "param_email", type = String.class)
This also happens when you are using Hibernate and returning a void function. AT least w/ postgres. It doesnt know how to handle the void. I ended up having to change my void to a return int.
If you are using Postgres, check that you don't have a column of type Abstime. Abstime is an internal Postgres datatype not recognized by JPA. In this case, converting to Text using TO_CHAR could help if permitted by your business requirements.
if using Postgres
public class CustomPostgreSqlDialect extends PostgreSQL94Dialect{
public SqlTypeDescriptor remapSqlTypeDescriptor(SqlTypeDescriptor sqlTypeDescriptor)
switch (sqlTypeDescriptor.getSqlType())
case Types.CLOB:
return VarcharTypeDescriptor.INSTANCE;
case Types.BLOB:
return VarcharTypeDescriptor.INSTANCE;
case 1111://1111 should be json of pgsql
return VarcharTypeDescriptor.INSTANCE;
return super.remapSqlTypeDescriptor(sqlTypeDescriptor);
public CustomPostgreSqlDialect() {
registerHibernateType(1111, "string");
and use
<prop key="hibernate.dialect"></prop>
For anybody getting this error with an old hibernate (3.x) version:
do not write the return type in capital letters. hibernate type implementation mapping uses lowercase return types and does not convert them:
CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION do_something(param varchar)
RETURNS integer AS
This is for Hibernate (5.x) version
Calling database function which return JSON string/object
For this use unwrap(org.hibernate.query.NativeQuery.class).addScalar() methods for the same.
Example as below (Spring & Hibernate):
EntityManager em;
public String getJson(String strLayerName) {
String *nativeQuery* = "select fn_layer_attributes(:layername)";
return em.createNativeQuery(*nativeQuery*).setParameter("layername", strLayerName).**unwrap(org.hibernate.query.NativeQuery.class).addScalar**("fn_layer_attributes", **new JsonNodeBinaryType()**) .getSingleResult().toString();
Function or procedure returning void cause some issue with JPA/Hibernate, so changing it with return integer and calling return 1 at the end of procedure may solved the problem.
SQL Type 1111 represents String.
If you are calling EntityManager.createNativeQuery(), be sure to include the resulting java class in the second parameter:
return em.createNativeQuery(sql, MyRecord.class).getResultList()
After trying many proposed solutions, including: which is one of the solutions proposed here
it was finally this one that fixed everything with the least amount of changes:
The trick is to not have #TypeDef on your class, but instead have 2 different #TypeDef in 2 different files. One inside your production code package for your production DB, and one inside your test package for your test H2 DB.

Drools get object from map mvel cast exception

I am using jboss EAP 7.2 and Red Hat Decision Central 7.5.0
I have a custom objects like that
public class Model{
private String id;
private Map<String, Object> map;
// ... getters and setters
public class ParameterModel{
private String parameterName;
private BigDecimal maxValue;
private BigDecimal minValue;
private Object value;
// ... getters and setters
I have created new "Model" object that has custom "id" attribute and "map" attribute contains <parameterName, ParameterModel> pairs.
I sent it to decision manager and drools side ı want to achieve ParameterModel attributes but I could not.
My rule is below.
package com.rule.test;
import com.test.Model;
import com.test.ParameterModel;
rule "drools1"
Model(getId().equals("1"), Integer.parseInt(((ParameterModel)getMap().get("param1")).getValue().toString())>10)
System.out.println("Error on " + drools.getRule().getName());
The exception is below.
Caused by: [Error: null pointer:
[Near : {... Integer.parseInt(((ParameterMo ....}] In [Rule "drools1"
in com/rule/test/test.drl]
Caused by: java.lang.NullPointerException
at org.mvel2.DataConversion.convert(
at org.mvel2.ast.TypeCast.getReducedValueAccelerated(
at org.mvel2.compiler.ExecutableAccessor.getValue(
at org.mvel2.ast.Substatement.getReducedValueAccelerated(
at org.mvel2.ast.Union.getReducedValueAccelerated(
at org.mvel2.compiler.ExecutableAccessor.getValue(
at org.mvel2.optimizers.impl.refl.ReflectiveAccessorOptimizer.getMethod(
at org.mvel2.optimizers.impl.refl.ReflectiveAccessorOptimizer.compileGetChain(
Thank you all.
Drools has a lot of built-in null checking, but if you insist on bypassing it you're going to end up with a lot of errors.
The other kind of interesting Drools has is a special syntax for maps -- get("foo") can be written as this["foo"].
rule "drools1"
Model( id == "1", // equivalent to getId().equals("1")
$map: map != null )
// Special syntax for getting stuff from maps:
Map( $param1: this["param1"] != null ) from $map
ParameterModel( $value: value != null ) from $param1
Integer( this > 10 ) from Integer.parseInt($value.toString())
System.out.println("Error on " + drools.getRule().getName());
Why was your version giving a NPE? Not a clue, but it was also just about unreadable in its original form. All that really can be gleaned from the stack trace was that it was occurring at some implicit conversion step.
Of course this version will also fail if value isn't something whose toString() turns into a String representation of an integer.
Note that if value is actually an Integer type, then you don't need to waste time with the parse int and can just do:
Integer(this > 10) from $value

Customising Spring Boot Exception Handling to Prevent Stacktraces Being Returned in Rest Response

How do I configure my spring boot service so that errors such as 500 don't potentially leak implementation details such as stacktraces.
"timestamp": "2019/05/01 15:06:17",
"status": 500,
"error": "Internal Server Error",
"message": "Type definition error: [simple type, class net.i2p.crypto.eddsa.math.ed25519.Ed25519LittleEndianEncoding]; nested exception is com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.exc.InvalidDefinitionException: No serializer found for class net.i2p.crypto.eddsa.math.ed25519.Ed25519LittleEndianEncoding and no properties discovered to create BeanSerializer (to avoid exception, disable SerializationFeature.FAIL_ON_EMPTY_BEANS) (through reference chain: java.util.Collections$UnmodifiableRandomAccessList[0]->........)",
"path": "/api/test"
Note: here the stacktrace is in the message and not the exception part of the json.
As you can see I am already formatting the timestamp with:
public class CustomErrorAttributes extends DefaultErrorAttributes {
private static final DateFormat dateFormat = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy/MM/dd HH:mm:ss");
private static final String TIMESTAMP = "timestamp";
public Map<String, Object> getErrorAttributes(WebRequest webRequest, boolean includeStackTrace) {
//Let Spring handle the error first
Map<String, Object> errorAttributes = super.getErrorAttributes(webRequest, includeStackTrace);
//Format & update timestamp
Object timestamp = errorAttributes.get(TIMESTAMP);
if(timestamp == null) {
errorAttributes.put(TIMESTAMP, dateFormat.format(new Date()));
} else {
errorAttributes.put(TIMESTAMP, dateFormat.format((Date)timestamp));
return errorAttributes;
But I need to handle the message too.
If this 500 was the only error I could just do:
errorAttributes.put("message", "Server error. Contact support.");
However, all the errors go through here and that would override all the messages.
I could check if the status is 500 and only modify it then. However, there are other errors that can be generated that also might leak stacktraces.
Using #RestControllerAdvice seems to require knowing every exception that is generated and having an #ExceptionHandler for each and knowing which status code to respond with.
Is there a cleaner way to handle this?
It may not be the "cleanest" approach, but with projects I've been on we had a "standard format" for our Error Responses across projects, so we had a custom object with the fields that matched our orgs standard (HttpStatus, Reason, ect.) that extended RuntimeException. Then in our controllers, services, repos, ect we would catch exceptions and create this object accordingly and throw the custom one up instead. Based upon where it happened in the app (repo, service, controller, ect.) we could give our own custom verbage to it, but still log out the full exception in our server logs so we could investigate later
For example if we caught an error in our repository we would create our custom error object, set the Reason to DB unavailable (really all the consumer needs to know), set the status to HttpStatus.SERVICE_UNAVAILABLE (we tracked these with reasons and httpstatus with enums to keep status the same across modules), and throw the custom object up to the controller to be returned.
Sorry if this was a longwinded answer that may not give you what you want, I'm not too familiar with how you're trying to do it so figured I'd just give an example of other methods. I'll put some sample code as well
Custom Exception:
data class MyException(
val reason: String,
val httpStatus: HttpStatus? = null
) : RuntimeException(reason)
Method for creation:
fun createApiException(errorCode: ErrorCodeEnum) = MyException(
reason = errorCode.reason,
httpStatus = errorCode.httpStatus,
Spring-boot provides us with a standard method to handle exceptions using spring aop concept. You can use the #ControllerAdvice and #Exceptionhandled annotations to handle exceptions from a spring-boot rest endpoint so that a custom exception is always thrown from a rest endpoint with proper error code and error response.
The #ResponseStatus() annotation can be used to customize the response code being thrown.
For example consider the custom exception :
public class DataNotFoundException extends RuntimeException {
public DataNotFoundException(String exception) {
We can throw this error from a rest GET mapping when a data is not found like :
public Resource<Student> retrieveTrains(#PathVariable long id) {
Optional<Trains> trains = trainRepository.findById(id);
if (!train.isPresent())
throw new DataNotFoundException("id-" + id);
Resource<Trains> resource = new Resource<Trains>(train.get());
ControllerLinkBuilder linkTo = linkTo(methodOn(this.getClass()).retrieveAllTrains());
return resource;
Default error response provided by Spring Boot contains all the details that are typically needed.
However, you might want to create a framework independent response structure for your organization. In that case, you can define a specific error response structure.
For example :
public class ErrorDetails {
private Date timestamp;
private String message;
private String details;
public ErrorDetails(Date timestamp, String message, String details) {
this.timestamp = timestamp;
this.message = message;
this.details = details;
To use this error node we use :
public class CustomizedResponseEntityExceptionHandler extends ResponseEntityExceptionHandler {
public final ResponseEntity<ErrorDetails> handleUserNotFoundException(DataNotFoundException ex, WebRequest request) {
ErrorDetails errorDetails = new ErrorDetails(new Date(), ex.getMessage(),
return new ResponseEntity<>(errorDetails, HttpStatus.NOT_FOUND);
#ExceptionHandler(DataNotFoundException.class) indicates that this
method would handle exceptions of the specific type.
new ResponseEntity<>(errorDetails, HttpStatus.NOT_FOUND) - Create an
error response object and return it with a specific Http Status.
For a more generalized exception handler you can define a method that handles exception of the type Exception.class, that way you don't have to know every exception.
Like :
public final ResponseEntity<ErrorDetails> handleAllExceptions(Exception ex, WebRequest request) {
ErrorDetails errorDetails = new ErrorDetails(new Date(), ex.getMessage(),
return new ResponseEntity<>(errorDetails, HttpStatus.INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR);
Reference from :

JPA : Parallel Thread : Inserting same record : SQLIntegrityConstraintViolationException

Using JPARepository, we are trying to persist department and student details if not already exists. It works fine in single threaded environment.
But, it's failing with multiple threads.
Caused by: java.sql.SQLIntegrityConstraintViolationException: Duplicate entry 'DEP12' for key 'departmentId'
Code Snippet :
public void persistDetails(String departmentName, String studentName)
Department dep= departmentRepository.findByDepartmentName(departmentName);
if (dep== null) {
dep= createDepartmentObject(departmentName);;
How to achieve this in multi-threaded environment. We don't have to fail, instead use existing record and perform other operations.
Also, tried to catch exception and make select query inside it. But, in that case it fetches from cache object, not from DB.
Catching Exception : Code Snippet :
public void persistDetails(String departmentName, String studentName)
Department dep= departmentRepository.findByDepartmentName(departmentName);
if (dep== null) {
dep= createDepartmentObject(departmentName);;
catch(Exception e)
dep= departmentRepository.findByDepartmentName(departmentName);
Implement your in such way that it uses saveOrUpdate (if you are using Hibernate directly) or merge (if you are using JPA API).
You are catching exception on a wrong place. The kind of catch you show here should be done outside of the transaction. Only then you can be sure you have consistent entities in the session.

Accessing dynamic databases via spring-data-mongodb

I am trying to access data from different databases based on a runtime variable. For this purpose, I have a custom implementation of MongoOperations. My implementation is same as MongoTemplate except my getDb() method looks like below:
public DB getDb() {
return mongoDbFactory.getDb(PropertyManager.getCurrentTenant().getCode());
While reading data in a transaction, I am getting below error:
[TransactionSynchronizationUtils] - TransactionSynchronization.beforeCompletion threw exception
java.lang.IllegalStateException: No value for key [Mongo: localhost/] bound to thread
It appears harmless as this exception is only logged:
public static void triggerBeforeCompletion() {
for (TransactionSynchronization synchronization : TransactionSynchronizationManager.getSynchronizations()) {
try {
catch (Throwable tsex) {
logger.error("TransactionSynchronization.beforeCompletion threw exception", tsex);
But I am having a hard time figuring out why this is happening. Any clues?
spring-data-mongodb: 1.2.3.RELEASE
spring-tx: 4.0.5.RELEASE
There was a bug raised for similar issue which was fixed in 1.1 GA release.
It worked by extending
SimpleMongoDbFactory: returning custom DB in DB getDb(String dbName).
MongoTemplate: Supplying above factory.