Swift - Reducing a Dictionary of Arrays to a single array of same type using map/reduce/flatmap - swift

Given an input like so:
let m = ["one": ["1","2","3"],
how can I use map/reduce to produce the output like:
I'm not very swifty, and trying to learn it but I cant seem to figure out an efficient way to do this simple operation. My verbose approach would be like so:
var d = [String]()
for (key, value) in m {
value.forEach { (s) in
I'm sure this can be a 1 liner, could someone assist?

All you need is a single flatMap:
let result = dict.flatMap { _, values in values }


Swift Realm Results to Editable object or array

OK, I understand that I can not modify the results of a Realm Object.
So what is best way to change the data.
First I get all the Realm data as Results< Month >
let m = Month.getAllEntriesByDateAsc()
Now I need to loop through all the data to modify it. (This is a function to recalculate the entire table data.)
So I want to loop through the data and do something like:
for i in m {
var d = i
// perform calculations like
d.value = 9999
I want to do all the modifying on d.
Is these some sort of mapping I can use to create the new edible object from the Realm data?
Previously I did something like this:
for i in m {
let d = Month()
d.value = i.value
d.status = i.status
But there are now to many variables.
I guest what I need to so change the Realm Object to the Model object?
And the .toArray() stuff will not work inside the loop? Not sure why.
extension Results {
func toArray<T>(ofType: T.Type) -> [T] {
var array = [T]()
for i in 0 ..< count {
if let result = self[i] as? T {
return array
From here

How to extract a subset of a swift 3 Dictionary

I've looked through the methods here but I can't quite find what I'm looking for. I'm new-ish to Swift. I would like to extract a subset from a Dictionary based on a Set of key values, preferably without a loop.
For example, if my key Set is of type Set<String> and I have a Dictionary of type Dictionary<String, CustomObject>, I would like to create a new Dictionary of type Dictionary<String, CustomObject> that contains only the key-value pairs associated with the keys in the Set of Strings.
I can see that I could do this with for loop, by initializing a new Dictionary<String, CustomObj>(), checking if the original Dictionary contains a value at each String in the set, and adding key-value pairs to the new Dictionary. I am wondering if there is a more efficient/elegant way to do this however.
I'd be open to finding the subset with an Array of Strings instead of a Set if there is a better way to do it with an Array of keys.
Many thanks!
Swift 5 - You can do this very simply:
let subsetDict = originalDict.filter({ mySet.contains($0.key)})
The result is a new dictionary with the same type as the original but which only contains the key-value pairs corresponding to the keys in mySet.
Your assumption is correct, there is a more concise/swift-ish way to accomplish what you need.
For example you can do it via reduce, a functional programming concept available in Swift:
let subDict = originalDict.reduce([String: CustomObject]()) {
guard mySet.contains($1.key) else { return $0 }
var d = $0
d[$1.key] = $1.value
return d
Or, in two steps, first filtering the valid elements, and then constructing back the dictionary with the filtered elements:
let filteredDict = originalDict.filter { mySet.contains($0.key) }
.reduce([CustomObject]()){ var d = $0; d[$1.key]=$1.value; return d }
forEach can also be used to construct the filtered dictionary:
var filteredDict = [CustomObject]()
mySet.forEach { filteredDict[$0] = originalDict[$0] }
, however the result would be good it it would be immutable:
let filteredDict: [String:CustomObject] = {
var result = [String:CustomObject]()
mySet.forEach { filteredDict2[$0] = originalDict[$0] }
return result
Dummy type:
struct CustomObject {
let foo: Int
init(_ foo: Int) { self.foo = foo }
In case you'd like to mutate the original dictionary (instead of creating a new one) in an "intersect" manner, based on a given set of keys:
let keySet = Set(["foo", "baz"])
var dict = ["foo": CustomObject(1), "bar": CustomObject(2),
"baz": CustomObject(3), "bax": CustomObject(4)]
Set(dict.keys).subtracting(keySet).forEach { dict.removeValue(forKey: $0) }
print(dict) // ["foo": CustomObject(foo: 1), "baz": CustomObject(foo: 3)]

A better approach to recursion?

I built this code sample in Swift Playgrounds as a proof-of-concept for part of a larger project that I'm working on. What I need to do is pass in a series of options (represented by optionsArray or testArray) where each int is the number of options available. These options will eventually be built into 300+ million separate PDFs and HTML files. The code currently works, and puts out the giant list of possibilities that I want it to.
My question is this: Is there a better approach to handling this kind of situation? Is there something more elegant or efficient? This is not something that will be run live on an app or anything, it will run from a command line and take all the time it needs, but if there is a better approach for performance or stability I'm all ears.
Things I already know: It can't handle a value of 0 coming out of the array. The array is a constant, so it won't happen by accident. The way the code down the line will handle things, 0 is a nonsensical value to use. Each element represents the number of options available, so 2 is essentially a Boolean, 1 would be false only. So if I needed placeholder elements for future expansion, they would be a value of 1 and show up as a 0 in the output.
Also, the final product will not just barf text to the console as output, it will write a file in the permutationEnding() function based on the currentOptions array.
let optionsArray: [Int] = [7,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,3,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2]
let testArray: [Int] = [7,2,3,2]
var currentOptions: [Int] = []
var outputString: String = ""
func buildPermutations(array: Array<Int>) {
permutationRecursion(array: array, index: 0)
func permutationRecursion(array: Array<Int>, index: Int) {
for i in 1 ... array[index] {
if array.count > (index + 1) {
permutationRecursion(array: array, index: index + 1)
} else {
func permutationEnding() {
for i in 1 ... currentOptions.count { // Output Elements
outputString += String(currentOptions[i-1])
outputString += "\n" // Goes after output elements closing bracket.
// buildPermutations(array: optionsArray)
buildPermutations(array: testArray)
I think I've figured out what you're trying to do. You want a string output of every possible integer combination that could map all possible routes on the decision tree.
I got it down to four or five lines.
let n = testArray.count // for readability
let products = ([Int](1...n)).map({testArray[$0..<n].reduce(1, *)})
// products is the cross product of element i + 1 to element n of the array for all i in the array
let zipped = zip(testArray, products)
for i in 0..<testArray.reduce(1, *) { // this reduce is the cross product of the whole array
let treePath = zipped.map(){ String(i / $0.1 % $0.0) }.joined()
outputString += treePath + "\n"
One more edit: I think this might be faster with some fancy matrix operations like NumPy. I wonder if the Accelerate framework could do some magic for you, but I have not worked with it.
edit: I was curious so I timed it with this test array
let testArray: [Int] = [7,2,2,2,2,2,2,3,2]
The recursive function in the question was: 132.56 s
The zip-map here was: 14.44 s
And it appears to be exponential as I add elements to the test array.

How do you find a maximum value in a Swift dictionary?

So, say I have a dictionary that looks like this:
var data : [Float:Float] = [0:0,1:1,2:1.414,3:2.732,4:2,5:5.236,6:3.469,7:2.693,8:5.828,9:3.201]
How would I programmatically find the highest value in the dictionary? Is there a "data.max" command or something?
let maximum = data.reduce(0.0) { max($0, $1.1) }
Just a quick way using reduce.
print(maximum) // 5.828
A Swift Dictionary provides the max(by:) method. The Example from Apple is as follows:
let hues = ["Heliotrope": 296, "Coral": 16, "Aquamarine": 156]
let greatestHue = hues.max { a, b in a.value < b.value }
// Prints "Optional(("Heliotrope", 296))"
Exist a function in the API, named maxElement you can use it very easy , that returns the maximum element in self or nil if the sequence is empty and that requires a strict weak ordering as closure in your case as you use a Dictionary. You can use like in the following example:
var data : [Float:Float] = [0:0,1:1,2:1.414,3:2.732,4:2,5:5.236,6:3.469,7:2.693,8:5.828,9:3.201]
let element = data.maxElement { $0.1 < $1.1} // (.0 8, .1 5.828)
And get the maximum value by the values, but you can change as you like to use it over the keys, it's up to you.
I hope this help you.
Honestly the solutions mentioned above - work, but they seem to be somewhat unclear to me as a newbie, so here is my solution to finding the max value in a Dictionary using SWIFT 5.3 in Xcode 12.0.1:
var someDictionary = ["One": 41, "Two": 17, "Three": 23]
func maxValue() {
let maxValueOfSomeDictionary = someDictionary.max { a, b in a.value < b.value }
After the dot notation (meaning the ".") put max and the code inside {} (curly braces) to compare the components of your Dictionary.
There are two methods to find max value in the dictionary.
First approach:
Second approach:
data.max { $0.value < $1.value}?.value
If you want to find max key:
data.max { $0.key < $1.key}?.key

How do you join two arrays in Swift combing and preserving the order of each array? (Interleaving arrays in swift)

I have two arrays and I need to preserve the order
let a = ["Icon1", "Icon2", "Icon3",]
let b = ["icon1.png", "icon2.png", "icon3.png",]
If I combine the two I get
let c = a + b
// [Icon1, Icon2, Icon3, icon1.png, icon2.png, icon3.png]
How do I get the result below?
[Icon1, icon1.png, Icon2, icon2.png, Icon3, icon3.png]
UPDATE 12/16/2015: Not sure why I didn't recognize that flatMap was a good candidate here. Perhaps it wasn't in the core library at the time? Anyway the map/reduce can be replaced with one call to flatMap. Also Zip2 has been renamed. The new solution is
let c = Zip2Sequence(a,b).flatMap{[$0, $1]}
And if you run this in the swift repl environment:
> let c = Zip2Sequence(a,b).flatMap{[$0, $1]}
c: [String] = 6 values {
[0] = "Icon1"
[1] = "icon1.png"
[2] = "Icon2"
[3] = "icon2.png"
[4] = "Icon3"
[5] = "icon3.png"
Original answer below:
Here's one way I whipped together for fun
let c = map(Zip2(a,b), { t in
[t.0, t.1]
let d = c.reduce([], +)
or inlining
let c = map(Zip2(a,b), { t in
[t.0, t.1]
}).reduce([], +)
The zipping seems unnecessary. I imagine there's a better way of doing that. But basically, I'm zipping them together, then converting each tuple into an array, and then flattening the array of arrays.
Finally, a little shorter:
let c = map(Zip2(a,b)){ [$0.0, $0.1] }.reduce([], +)
If both arrays are related to each other and both have the same size you just have append one at a time in a single loop:
let a = ["Icon1", "Icon2", "Icon3"]
let b = ["icon1.png", "icon2.png", "icon3.png"]
var result:[String] = []
for index in 0..<a.count {
println(result) // "[Icon1, icon1.png, Icon2, icon2.png, Icon3, icon3.png]"
and just for the fun this is how it would look like as a function:
func interleaveArrays<T>(array1:[T], _ array2:[T]) -> Array<T> {
var result:[T] = []
for index in 0..<array1.count {
return result
interleaveArrays(a, b) // ["Icon1", "icon1.png", "Icon2", "icon2.png", "Icon3", "icon3.png"]
May be it can help you.
let aPlusB = ["Icon1" : "icon1.png" , "Icon2" : "icon2.png" , "Icon3" : "icon3.png"]
for (aPlusBcode, aplusBName) in aPlusB {