Filter results on the Firestore console by timestamp field - google-cloud-firestore

How can I filter the results on the Firestore Console by a timestamp field?
On the collection users, we have a field createdOn of type timestamp. If I want to filter the collection by field, I get the following dialog
I have tried entering the date as string
I have also tried using a timestamp as number in millis and seconds
When looking at the requests sent to Firestore, the structured query uses a field filter with a value of corresponding to either stringValue or integerValue, but I think the timestampValue would be the right thing.
I do not want to adapt the query in the console and build my own requests. I know that there is always the option to sort the documents in the collection and then scroll to where it's interesting, but this will load all documents that are not relevant.
Is there a simple way to do what I want?

There is a new query builder tab in the console (I do not know when this was introduced, but I assume during the Firebase Summit 2022). For the query above, this would look like this
It even has a timestamp type in the select list.


How to sort firestore document id date wise firebase flutter

I am importing csv data to firestore by parsing it. The csv is making documents randomly without following the date's chronological order e.g 2019's data first and 2022 or latest data at last. I want to show the data chronological wise on the app side or even if possible on the javascript side of firebase while parsing I'm ready to make changes.
Format is dd-mm-yyyy I've tried orderBy but it didn't worked.
Note that there's Date field as well in my every document and I can't use Timestamp cause data is coming from csv.
I'm attaching image of my app and firestore document id and collection to get an better idea of what I want to achieve.
Document IDs are strings, so they use lexicographical sort order. If you want them to also be sorted chronologically, you should use a date format that fits those needs. For example ISO-8601: 2022-09-15. In this format, ordering by document ID will put the documents in the order of the date.

MongoDB Compass display fields in doc by order

Looking for a way to view the results of a query where the displayed fields in the doc are ordered (lexicographically in my case).
I'm getting back from a query one document, which is what I need. This document has 30 fields and I'm looking to see the value in one of them. My issue is that the order of the fields is, well, kinda random. Not sorted in any way I'm aware of.

How to Write query as like as mysql select and where in Mongodb

How can I find data by multiple data as like as sql,Like I need to grab something Between date range where deliveryman===man,marchent===marchent,productStatus===status,Suppose I havent manId now so my query will return only data belongs to date range and matched with other conditions like marchent, productStatus, if i dont pass anything my query will return all data between selected date range. Date range will be available always, Thank you.
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So I need All value if I do not pass any extra filter keyword except Date Range, But If I send filter keyword like Product Status "Delivered" Only Delivered Product will be shown by the given date range, If I send Merchent id then all products belongs to this Merchent will be given, If I send Deliveryman Id then product status and deliveryman filter will be work. Final think my search query will be work depends on my filter query, my filter query might be null. If it is null then this filter should not be work but the rest of filter will work

Append value to FireStore document

I am building a chat app. When adding messages to document container in Firestore, it somehow adds in the middle or somewhere else. Since I get them all and display in chat, messages are not sorted according to chronology ( last sent message appears at the beginning). So the question is how to append data in a document?
If you are not using an OrderBy clause on the query, the messages will be sorted by their Document IDs, which I am guessing in your case is the Firestore generated values. If you would like to order them by most recent, you can add a Date field to your messages and do something like
messagesCollection.orderBy("date", "desc")
See the Firestore Documentation on ordering and limiting data for more info.
Have you tried OrderBy ?
It seems with this to your firestore queries you can order according to chronology

Firestore order by time but sort by ID

I have been trying to figure out a way to query a list of documents where I have a range filter on one field and order by another field which of course isn't possible, see my other question: Order by timestamp with range filter on different field Swift Firestore
But is it possible to save documents with the timestamp as id and then it would sort by default? Or maybe hardcode an ID, then retrieve the last created document id and increase id by one for the next post to be uploaded?
This shows how the documents is ordered in the collection
Any ideas how to store documents so they are ordered by created at in the collection?
It will order by document ID (ascending) by default in Swift.
You can use .order(by: '__id__') but the better/documented way is with FieldPath documentID() I don't really know Swift but I assume that it's something like...
.order(by: FirebaseFirestore.FieldPath.documentID())
JavaScript too has an internal variable which simply returns __id__.
Interestingly enough __name__ also works, but that sorts the whole path, including the collection name (and also the id of course).
If I correctly understood your need, by doing the following you should get the correct order:
For each document, add a specific field of type number, called for example sortNbr and assign as value a timestamp you calculate (e.g. the epoch time, see Get Unix Epoch Time in Swift)
Then build a query sorted on this field value, like:
let docRef = db.collection("xxxx")
docRef.order(by: "sortNbr")
See the doc here:
Yes, you can do this.
By default, a query retrieves all documents that satisfy the query in
ascending order by document ID.
See the docs here:
So if you find a way to use a timestamp or other primary key value where the ascending lexicographical ordering is what you want, you can filter by any fields and still have the results sorted by the primary key, ascending.
Be careful to zero-pad your numbers to the maximum precision if using a numeric key like seconds since epoch or an integer sequence. 10 is lexicographical less than 2, but 10 is greater than 02.
Using ISO formatted YYYY-mm-ddTHH:MM:SS date-time strings would work, because they sort naturally in ascending order.
The order of the documents shown in the Firebase console is mostly irrelevant to the functioning of your code that uses Firestore. The console is just for browsing data, and that sorting scheme makes it relatively intuitive to find a document you might be looking for, if you know its ID. You can't change this sort order in the console.
Your code is obviously going to have other requirements, and those requirements should be coded into your queries, without regarding any sort order you see in the dashboard. If you want time-based ordering of your documents, you'll have to store some sort of timestamp field in the document, and use that for ordering. I don't recommend using the timestamp as the ID of a document, as that could cause problems for you in the future.