Lightweight way to trigger local build from github repository commit? - github

Our GitHub project builds with a simple "make all", but internally is complex enough to make using CI systems like Travis CI or Jenkins to fail too often to be useful. We have an internal repository and CI system, so all I'm looking for is something like a script that waits for a GitHub master commit, pulls it and rebuilds locally using the same tools and libraries I use in daily development. No containers, no public cloud or CI sites, just really simple. Does anyone know of such a script?


Using Gitlab runners from within GitHub Action, or: mirroring pull requests

In my code hosted on GitHub, we perform some tests and quite a bit of post-processing using GitHub Actions. Now, we would like to (or, actually, have to) use Gitlab runners hosted by a supercomputing center to do some further testing and benchmarking. This cannot be done with self-hosted GitHub runners, because I cannot influence their decision. We do not want to move the whole workflow and community over to some Gitlab instance either. So here's my (general) question: Is there a way to use Gitlab runners from within GitHub Actions?
What I have tried and what kind of works is to mirror the repository over to the Gitlab instance and let the runners do their magic there. Using this neat approach, the GitHub Action will wait for the results of the runners and integrate them into its own results. However, this does not work if contributors fork the repository and make pull requests.
In principle, it looks like this could be doable if the contributors also have accounts and corresponding permissions at the Gitlab instance. This is fine for now, because the community is small and the Gitlab instance is accessible to external contributors. Note that manual action from the maintainers of the code (i.e., me) is required before contributors can execute code with the runners for the first time, so we should be fine concerning security.
However, I cannot get this to work for pull requests, because I fail to mirror them. As said, direct pushes are fine, but nothing else works. This leads me to the more specific questions: How can I mirror a pull request from GitHub to a Gitlab repository? How can I enable this for both pull request and pushes (and do I need even more cases)?
Any help is appreciated! I'm really no expert on GitHub Actions, Gitlab runners or even git itself (beyond the basics). If there's a better way to achieve this, I'm happy to hear about it!
I can think of several workarounds:
1. Change what triggers your pipelines
Since you cannot mirror pull requests, but you can mirror branches, adapt the pipeline triggers in Gitlab so the pipelines are launched whenever there is a new commit, instead of a new PR.
You can always use a staging branch if you want to limit the pipeline executions.
2. Use webhooks
If the Gitlab instance is available on the internet, create a GitHub action that triggers a Gitlab pipeline execution whenever there is a PR on Github, or even open a PR directly in Gitlab. It is well documented:
Trigger a pipeline using curl
API to create merge request

Why choose github action when we can just run bash script in github workflow?

Just completed a GitHub workflow using more of them are actions, but also with one bash script.
When writing the workflow, it seems much quicker use bash script than actions.(since some actions are just do one thing. ) Why are the some reasons that we just need GitHub actions rather than bash script or python script trigger?
Or we are just supposed to use script languages for most part, then use GitHub actions for small portion of the whole workflow?
Interesting but not easy to answer with more information about what your goal is. The right answer might depend on your use case.
I have not used GitHub actions yet. Let me try to explain it anyway, starting pretty high level. Unfortunately, there's no option to add a table of contents ;) Please let me know if this helps.
1. What are GitHub Actions for?
From this "What is GitHub Actions? Benefits and examples" PDF file
GitHub Actions is a CI/CD tool for the GitHub flow. You can use it to integrate and deploy code changes to a third-party cloud application platform as well as test, track, and manage code changes. GitHub Actions also supports third-party CI/CD tools, the container platform Docker, and other automation platforms.
GitHub Actions is a continuous integration and continuous delivery (CI/CD) platform that allows you to automate your build, test, and deployment pipeline. You can create workflows that build and test every pull request to your repository or deploy merged pull requests to production. [...]
GitHub Actions goes beyond just DevOps and lets you run workflows when other events happen in your repository.
2. Continuous Integration/Continuous Deployment (CI/CD)
Usually, people run CI/CD tools to build, deploy, test, and run other tasks while doing that. We use another 3rd party CI/CD pipeline using Rake to build, test, and check links. Our pipeline invokes these small scripts you mention.
3. GitHub actions and scripts
From Essential features of GitHub Actions
If your job generates files that you want to share with another job in the same workflow, or if you want to save the files for later reference, you can store them in GitHub as artifacts. Artifacts are the files created when you build and test your code. For example, artifacts might include binary or package files, test results, screenshots, or log files. Artifacts are associated with the workflow run where they were created and can be used by another job. All actions and workflows called within a run have write access to that run's artifacts.
Here's the key point, I guess. You can really do a lot of crazy stuff within a workflow. All is related/specific to GitHub. Workflows are event-driven, meaning that you can run a series of commands after a specified event has occurred. For example, every time someone creates a pull request, you can automatically run a command that executes a test or other script.
4. GitHub action workflow and scripts
You can include different scripts in your workflow, e.g. using
5. (Complex) Examples
You can check out the repository for for some more complex examples, see action-scripts and workflow folders. GitHub themselves seems to use it pretty heavily.
6. Advantages/Disadvantages of GitHub actions
OR: Differences to other CI tools
It took some time to find something not marketing-ish. Key points are:
beginner-friendly using YAML config files
no need to set up your own CI pipeline
You can check out this SO post from 2019 for a list of what's good and bad about GitHub actions.
In short - for readability and the DRY ("Don't repeat yourself") principle.
It's more or less the same as using functions in programming.
I can agree that some trivial actions are useless.
But "actions/checkout" for example is priceless!

Github feature like Bitbucket Pipeline

Is there any service / feature of just like Bitbucket Pipeline ?
I'm actually want to push my master branch to FTP server (cpanel, apache) . It's really easy with Bitbucket Pipeline, but any way to do that in Github ?
Github now has a feature called Github Actions, which allows you to execute arbitrary commands and processes triggered by events such as repository writes, pull request merges, and others similar to Bitbucket Pipelines. So your build/test/deploy stages can be run using Github's infrastructure, or you can move your app code to a remote location such as an FTP server, to kick off a code pipeline or update remote artifacts.
GitHub itself doesn't provide this feature, but you can use GitHub apps, such as Travis CI.
Travis CI enables your team to test and ship your apps with confidence. It’s built for everyone and for projects and teams of all sizes, supporting over 20 different languages out of the box, including Javascript and Node.js, Ruby, PHP, Python, Mac/iOS, as well as Docker, while giving you full control over the build environment to customize it to your own needs.
There is also other apps for continuous integration:
Not that I know of. You could however setup an internal build server using jenkins, circle ci, or travis ci. I have used both jenkins and circle ci both integrate well with github(It's fairly straight forward process). Jenkins is open source, where as circle ci is cloud base solution(it has a free tier). Both I believe could help solve your issue.

What are the differences between GitHub Actions and other CI tools like Jenkins?

GitHub announced an upcoming feature, GitHub Actions.
I'm positive on the benefits of CI tools like Jenkins for automatic building or testing, which GitHub Actions is aimed to be used for in the future.
Having a repository on GitHub and using an external CI tool has the huge benefit of allowing to move the repository to another Git repository platform (or even local) without rewriting of the whole CI process. With GitHub Actions, you're more or less tied to the GitHub ecosystem.
I assume the integration of GitHub's Actions will be more fluent in the native environment, but are there any other advantages or disadvantages besides that?
I've been working with GitHub actions full time for a couple of months now.
It's still early days (June 2019), but here's my list:
GitHub actions are just consecutive docker runs. Very easy to reason about and debug.
Reproducing the build environment for container-based Travis is
but more difficult.
On GitHub actions it's just a docker build docker run away.
The individual actions in a workflow are isolated by default.
You can use a completely different computing environment for, say, compilation and testing.
Travis CI (and I think other "traditional" CI) would run all "stages" (~ actions) in the same computing environment.
Again, GitHub actions are much easier to reason about and debug.
The main.workflow spec (a subset of the HCL and really just a directed acyclic graph) is open source.
The whole thing is a pretty thin wrapper around Docker anyway, so platform lock-in is arguably minimal.
There are already open-source reimplementations of GitHub actions, such as act for local testing.
You have ready access to the GitHub API with (somewhat limited) authentication out of the box.
There might be a vibrant community (marketplace?) where people can share actions.
For example, I'm reusing deploy actions build by different people in different ecosystems.
A directed acyclic graph (DAG) and the visual editor for main.workflows is perhaps a good way to model CI/CD in particular and workflows in general.
Takes some getting used to, but generalises well.
GitHub actions can do a whole lot more than just CI! You've got basically the whole API at your fingertips as inputs and outputs.
GitHub actions (still?) has sometimes surprisingly foundational limitations at this point (june 2019).
No native caching.
You get image and layer caching (it's complicated), but nothing else.
For build artefacts, you have to roll your own cache (via AWS, Azure, etc. ...), which can be a lot of work. (You can see a hacky setup here.
Surprisingly, no support for pull requests from forks.
It's again a bit complicated, and understandable from a security standpoint, but it's currently not possible to run actions a) against the secrets of the receiving repo of a fork PR (base), and/or b) against the would-be merge result of a fork PR (that's what travis does).
For a workflow that involves forks, that makes GitHub actions largely unuseable as CI/CD tool.
Single platform, it's just whatever you can run inside docker, so some Linux distro. That seems unlikely to change, but might be an acceptable limitation.
You can always add an action to call other cross-platfrom CI/CD services.
The documentation is still pretty sparse.
Not much in the way of best practices or scaffolding.
The quality and breadth of published GitHub actions (at least on the marketplace) is still pretty low / limited.
We'll see whether that takes off.
No great way to unit-test actions. (I hacked something together, but I'm not too sure about it).
Having a repository on GitHub and using an external CI tool has the huge benefit of allowing to move the repository to another Git repository platform (or even local) without rewriting of the whole CI process.
With GitHub Actions, you're more or less tied to the GitHub ecosystem.
Yes, and starting November 2019, slightly less so:
See Joe Bourne's annoucement "Self-hosted runners for GitHub Actions is now in beta".
You can have self-hosted runners, which means:
Your environment, your tools,
Any size machine or configuration,
Secure access and networking,
Large workload support.
To support using self-hosted runners in your workflows, we’ve expanded the experience of using the runs-on key.
When registering your self-hosted runners, they’re each given a read-only label self-hosted which you can use with runs-on.
Here’s an example:
# Use Any available Self-hosted runners connected to repo
runs-on: self-hosted
See the documentation at "Hosting your own runners".

SonarQube and Github, Travis CI

Is there any way to programmatically check say, using the GitHub API or some API for Travis CI, if a particular project on GitHub or Travis CI uses SonarQube?
Also apart from SonarQube what other program analysis tools do people usually use?
Neither GitHub API nor Travis CI API will be able to provide you with such information - simply because code analysis tools/services are third-party systems that are not built-in features of GitHub or Travis CI.
If you want to "see how many open source projects on GitHub use static program analysis tools", then you would have to browse the source code of each repository to discover some facts that might give you this information (like for instance looking into the .travis.yml file). But because there's no built-in/standard feature on that topic, this would be extremely difficult to correctly achieve this goal IMO.