How to delete all the kernels in VSCode? - visual-studio-code

I'm always using VSCode and some time ago I uninstalled anaconda. The problem is that when I use the Jupyter notebooks in VSCode if I don't remember of changing it, the kernel that it use as default is "opt/anaconda3/bin/python" that is gone. So, evertime I open VSCode I have to change the kernel.
I want to delete all the other kernels so VSCode hasn't the choice of use the one from anaconda and I can't find the answer anywhere, someone can help me with that?
enter image description here

you can try to remove de kernels inside of the folder changing your user:
rm -r /home/user/.local/share/jupyter/kernels/
you can check your kernels as it was post
remove kernel on jupyter notebook


Missing Jupyter Notebook Kernels in VSCode

I have multiple people working on the same AWS EMR cluster to run some Spark jobs. This is being done through Jupyter Notebooks which are created/modified using the Jupyter extension installed on a SSH Target through vscode. The modules are installed on the base conda environment that is included with the /emr/notebook-env/. Some people can see the correct kernel that is associated with the base conda environment in their vscode window when working on notebooks. However, some don't see this kernel as an option. How do I make sure that everyone's vscode lists the appropriate kernel when they are creating new notebooks or modifying existing notebooks?
Another potential reason this could happen is that the Jupyter exentsion of VSCode is not installed.
To add the Jupyter extension for VSCode, search for it by clicking extensions icon in lefthand toolbar, then searching for Jupyter and installing.
The user having the issue had to update their vscode and that fixed the issue

Neovim error: E492: Not an editor command: PlugInstall

OS: Ubuntu 18.04.3 LTS
I just installed neovim using sudo apt-get install neovim and added the folder and file ~/.config/nvim/vim.init. At this moment the file has no content, but when I open up nvim and type :PlugInstall I get error: E492: Not an editor command: PlugInstall. I am clueless, what is going wrong?
I think you are trying to use vim-plug without previously installing it.
I changed my plug#begin to
call plug#begin('~/.local/share/nvim/site/autoload/plug.vim')
and it worked for me now
I followed this and it worked:
I also wrote call plug#begin('~/.config/nvim/plugged) and made a directory at that location. Then the reload command is also source ~/.config/nvim/init.vim where init.vim is the configuration file. And then I just ran :PlugInstall and it worked :D
I got this error too, but in my case I was typing :pluginstall instead of the case-sensitive :PlugInstall and you have to use the correct case or it won't work. Oddly, :PlugUpdate was able to work before :PlugInstall but that was just because I typed the case correctly.
I see I have the vim.plug correctly installed here
I also created a "plugged" folder here and I see this is where vim-plug put the downloaded files from running :PlugInstall
To be overly pedantic, I typed 'cd' to get to the user directory, then cd .vim to go into my dotted .vim folder, then "mkdir plugged" to create the plugged directory. Not sure if this was 100% necessary or if :PlugInstall would have created it by itself.
I also needed to :source ~/.vimrc between adding addition plug line items and typing :PlugInstall, so make sure you "source" or you can also completely quit and restart your Vim so it will reload your .vimrc file, otherwise it won't know anything about your file edits.
I'm on a Mac. I installed vim-plug for standard vim and this gave me this file
My .vimrc is this:
" add line numbers
set number
call plug#begin()
" The default plugin directory will be as follows:
" - Vim (Linux/macOS): '~/.vim/plugged'
" Make sure you use single quotes
Plug 'tomasiser/vim-code-dark'
Plug 'tpope/vim-sensible'
call plug#end()
I had the same problem and come here for leave my contribution ( I hadn't find this solution in anywhere ). In my case, it's caused by permissions in my linux. I always start my vim for ocults archives with:
sudo vim .vimrc
In this case, the Vim just use the default commands ( I don't know why but I think this is by the security ). If you just run:
vim .vimrc
All the user commands will be able.
In my case, I had multiple terminal windows open. I still had the Vim window open after installing vim-plug in another window. Solution was to close and re-open Vim.
Instead of
call plug#begin()
I did
call plug#begin(has('nvim') ? stdpath('data') . '/plugged' : '~/.vim/plugged')
Worked 100%
If you have followed the steps in, but still didn't work.
Try run ':source ~/.config/nvim/vim.init' in vim (not source ~/.config/nvim/vim.init in shell).
Make sure git is installed.
In my case, I was trying to do :PlugInstall in a docker container and did not have git installed. I installed git, and it worked.

add hide_code to jupyter notebook

I am trying to add the hide_code option to my ipython notebook (jupyter, version 4, python 2.7). It is supposed to add a button or an option to the cell pull-down menu that allows me to hide the code in my ipython notebooks. I have successfully run the 'pip install hide_code' command from the terminal (MacOS X El Capitan). I have restarted the notebook and expected to see a new I have tried to restart the notebook program but nothing happens. I am not computer savvy enough to know what to do from here. Did I miss something?
Here is the github repository for the code:
OK I found a way to do it.
Install hide_code... It will not work, though.
Try to install it with (with dir="~/.ipython" or whatever)
import hide_code.hide_code as hc;
dir = "<full path to Jupyter config directory>";
It will still not work, but it will copy a javascript file (hide_code.js) into that directory. We will use it in a bit.
Let's find where those nbextensions are. Find one of them. For example, keyboard_shortcut_editor:
cd ~
find -name keyboard_shortcut_editor
Mine finds it ./.local/share/jupyter/nbextensions/keyboard_shortcut_editor
Yours should be there too.
Go to that directory
cd ./.local/share/jupyter/nbextensions/
You see full list of various extensions. Let's copy one of them into hide_copy:
cp -r hide_input hide_code
cd hide_code
The important file there is main.js. Replace it with that hide_code.js from ~./ipython
cp ~./ipython/hide_code.js ./main.js
Rename hide-input.yaml with hide-code.yaml and edit the content accordingly. Mainly, replace all Hide_Input references to Hide_Code. You can edit as well, but that doesn't matter. Because, the main thing, you created a new extension.
Now, if you launch your jupyter and go to http://localhost:8888/nbextensions, you will see Hide Code. And if click on that checkbox, it's on. Here are snapshots:
It is a weird sequence. But it worked for me. And the main thing, it puts it right where it needs to be. Hide_code actually needs to be a part of Nbextensions. I don't know why it is not. That way it's easy to turn it on and off any way you like it.
As described in the documentation:, you can troubleshoot by running the following code with appropriate Jupyter config directory location:
import hide_code.hide_code as hc
dir = "<full path to Jupyter config directory>"

How to change IPython Notebook home directory?

I know that this question has already been asked but I didn't really achieve what I was looking for with the suggestions in the answers.
I'd like to change the default directory that IPython notebook uses when you open it from the terminal, since it shows hundreds of folders and it's impossible to choose the right one from there.
You need to change to the desired directory before you start the IPython Notebook. On the terminal:
cd path/to/dir
and then:
ipython notebook

How to autosave ipython notebook

Does anyone know if there's an option (or a suggested hack) to make IPython notebooks save automatically before executing a cell?
Many times I've been working on something without saving for quite some time, then I execute a stupid command that prints so much crap to the console that my browser becomes unresponsive, leading to me losing all my work.
A timed autosave might also do the trick.
The development version has that feature fully implemented. Install it by following the instructions on the ipython github.
Instructions form the repo:
If you want to hack on certain parts, e.g. the IPython notebook, in a
clean environment (such as a virtualenv) you can use pip to grab the
necessary dependencies quickly:
$ git clone --recursive
$ cd ipython
$ pip install -e ".[notebook]"
This installs the necessary
packages and symlinks IPython into your current environment so that
you can work on your local repo copy and run it from anywhere:
$ ipython notebook
Updating iPython Notebook solved several problems I had with iPython Notebook; for instance, it autosaves, or auto-correction is disabled, or %matplotlib inline works now (before updating, I had to use --pylab inline in the command line when I was running $ipython notebook).
As I use coda on my mac, I updated iPython Notebook via conda:
$conda update ipython
You could simply set a lower interval for autosave feature using the following magic command:
%autosave 60
in order to save automatically your notebook every 60 seconds.