add custom markers on klokantech/tileserver-gl - openstreetmap

From ( i am able to run docker run --rm -it -v $(pwd):/data -p 8080:80 klokantech/tileserver-gl successfully and serve the map on localhost. However, I want to add custom markers when I click on the map itself. How can I achieve that?

The best way is to add markers on a separate page then embed the tileserver-gl as a base map.
This works fine as added markers can be customized as per requirement.


Kubernetespodoperator - how do I map an existing directory to one inside the image

When I run the docker image locally I run this, how can I do the equivalent volume mapping with Kubernetespodoperator?
docker run -v /Users/sharonst/PycharmProjects/gcp_datawarehouse/Privacy_Manager:/usr/src/app/Privacy_Manager
What I want to map in airflow would be
-v /home/airflow/gcs/dags/Privacy_Manager:/usr/src/app/Privacy_Manager
What will you do after mounting? Just chill

jboss/business-central-workbench-showcase docker image problem

I use business-central-workbench-showcase 7.43.0 docker image, when I create a project(for example one of the sample projects of business central), it sticks in indexing. and when I press deploy button it sticks in building phase.I add two images of these problems.
I use this guide:
to config heap size and run the docker with this instruction:
sudo docker run -p 8080:8080 -p 8001:8001 -e JAVA_OPTS='-Xms4G -Xmx16G -XX:MetaspaceSize=4G -XX:MaxMetaspaceSize=16G -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8' -d --name jbpm-workbench jboss/business-central-workbench-showcase:latest
but it doesn't work.
Is there any problem with docker images?

Displaying planet in OpenMapTiles not working, but Spain works

I'm setting up an OpenMapTiles-server-dev to work in Docker container and as a map source i downloaded and configured planet. The map is not showing up in view and also in main UI.
My source of OMT-Server, also tried other servers:
docker pull klokantech/openmaptiles-server
I grant all permissions, give more resoursces to Docker, installed Node.js etc. The best part is that i run another map source like Spain or Switzeland and it works like a charm.
PowerShell commands:
docker run -it -v D:\spain:/data -p 8080:80 klokantech/tileserver-gl
docker run -it -v D:\planet:/data -p 8080:80 klokantech/tileserver-gl
Output of both maps are identical after executing ^commands
So the both maps(planet, Spain) was configured succesfuly, but only Spain works properly. Also using another PC with normal Windows 10 I was able to display properly planet map.
I just installed Windows 10 edu for testing and it works fine. So if you have similar problem just have in mind that Windows 2019 server is not compatible to run larger maps.

Openmaptiles - Created own map server integrate with leaflet library

I am new to openmaptiles. Actually, I want to buy a package and create my own map tile server where I could fetch and display the map from my own server. But before that, I want to understand that how to create my own map server and display the map by using leaflet library.
So I followed the 'Docker' way to download the map free version and deployed it. But I do not know how to integrate with leaflet library. I read the documentation, But I was not able to understand.
Question 1: Can someone explain to me how to integrate created tile server with leaflet library?
Question 2: How to run docker command with explicitly specify which mbtiles to use?
'docker run --rm -it -v $(pwd):/data -p 8080:80 klokantech/openmaptiles-server openmaptiles-2017-07-03_planet_z0_z14.mbtiles'.
I tried above command. But it is not working.
Simple answer to run the command is, install docker first: Docker
As docker will help to run the example and see everything working together on your pc, the real understanding of your question is that you want to have a server that can serve .mbtiles to your remote application, for that I have setup php server which are cheaper then nodejs hosts: .mbtiles Server PHP

How to store data in external drive with Docker Postgres:9.3 image?

I want to setup my database inside a container using the Postgres:9.3 docker image, however I want to store my data in external drive.
I attempted it using the command
`docker run -dit -p 5432:5432 -v /mnt/external/docker_volume:/var/lib/postgresql/data --name mydatabase postgres:9.3`
Container got created as it echoes the container id, but it is not shown as running from docker ps. The above command works for other images. So my gut feeling is that there is a conflict as this images has VOLUME defined in its dockerfile but I haven't figure out a way to get around it. Any help will be appreciated!
Apparently, the problem is my /mnt/external/docker_volume was not empty and the Postgres init script didn't like it. I found this out after running with -it option and see the output in terminal.
I answered my own question. I hope somebody in the future will find this helpful. :)